cultural formulation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cultural and contextual factors affect communication and how psychiatric symptoms are presented, therefore psychiatric assessments need to include awareness of the patients\' culture and context. The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in DSM-5 is a person-centred tool developed to support the exploration of cultural and contextual factors in an individualized and non-stereotypic way.
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this qualitative study was to find out what information the DSM-5 CFI revealed when used with native Swedish-speaking patients as part of routine clinical psychiatric assessment at an outpatient clinic. An additional aim was to enhance understanding of what kind of information the questions about background and identity yielded. The CFI was added to the psychiatric assessment of 62 native Swedish-speaking patients at an outpatient psychiatric clinic in Stockholm.
    UNASSIGNED: From the thematic analysis of the documented CFI answers, six central themes were found; Descriptions of distress and dysfunction, Managing problems and distress, Current life conditions affecting the person, Perceived failure in meeting social expectations, Making sense of the problem, and Experiences of, and wishes for, help. The CFI questions about identity yielded much information, mainly related to social position and feelings of social failure.
    UNASSIGNED: For further refinement of the CFI, we see a need for re-framing the questions about cultural identity and its impact on health so that they are better understood. This is needed for majority population patients as direct questions about culture may be difficult to understand when cultural norms are implicit and often unexamined. For clinical implications, our findings suggest that for cultural majority patients the DSM-5 CFI can be a useful person-centred tool for exploring cultural and, in particular, social factors and patients\' perception and understanding of distress.






  • 情感障碍患者的治疗依从性在世界范围内仍然低于标准。影响这种情况的社会文化因素仍然知之甚少。当前的研究旨在探索和概念化。
    UNASSIGNED: Treatment adherence rates among patients of affective disorders remain sub-par across the world. Sociocultural factors affecting the same remain poorly understood. The current study aimed to explore and conceptualize the same.
    UNASSIGNED: The study utilized a qualitative grounded and phenomenological approach study design. The patients who fulfilled the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fifth edition (DSM-5) criteria of unipolar depression or bipolar affective disorder, and were presently under our treatment for at least three months and currently in remission, aged 18-60 years, and were able to understand Hindi or English, scored less than 6 on the Medication Adherence Rating Scale were included. Furthermore, key caregivers were also included in the study. Using purposive sampling and data saturation, a total of 30 participants were recruited. In-depth interviews were conducted using the cultural formulation interview as given in DSM-5, which was used as the interview tool. Thematic analysis of data was performed using Atlas.ti version 8.4.3.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 14 themes (deductive and inductive) emerging from 171 codes were identified. Some of the important inductive themes included cultural and societal attitude toward illness and treatment-seeking, trust, experience, and expectations from available health care, faith healing-related practices and beliefs. The implicit themes such as cultural understanding of the problem and cultural factors affecting help-seeking, also showed prudent findings.
    UNASSIGNED: The study findings demonstrate the various features of the sociocultural milieu and identity of an individual and family that have an influence on treatment-seeking behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cultural variety in expressed symptom presentations of mental health problems creates difficulties in transcultural diagnostic assessments. This emphasizes the need of culturally sensitive diagnostic tools like the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI). Although the CFI is being implemented worldwide there is a lack of studies analyzing what kind of information it provides when used with new patients in routine psychiatric assessments, and how CFI information contributes to diagnostic evaluations. This study aimed to find out what information the CFI questions revealed when used with non-native Swedish speaking patients. We also wanted to understand how the CFI may facilitate identification of psychiatric diagnoses among these patients.
    UNASSIGNED: The CFI was used as part of a routine clinical psychiatric assessment in an outpatient clinic in Sweden. Interpreters were used in the consultations when needed. A qualitative thematic analysis was used to analyze the documented CFI answers from non-native speaking patients.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that the CFI information contained contextualized descriptions of dysfunction and current life conditions, as well as expressions of emotions, often described along with somatic terms.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results indicate that the narrative approach of the CFI, giving contextualized information about distress and functioning, can facilitate clinicians\' identification of psychiatric symptoms when language, psychiatric terms and understandings are not shared between patient and clinician.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To explore the experiences of acculturation into secular Swedish society of former members of cults, with particular focus on mental health, needs and resources.
    UNASSIGNED: Qualitative method using the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) from the DSM-5 as an interview guide. Analysis of participants\' experiences of acculturation through systematic text condensation.
    UNASSIGNED: Eleven Swedish former members of ideological or religion-based cults.
    UNASSIGNED: Swedish mainstream, secular society.
    UNASSIGNED: Former cult members experience an \'in-between time\' in the period after leaving the cult and find themselves in a confusing, chaotic state. They describe having lived in an honor culture where acts of violence were normalized. In the cult, they felt disconnected from themselves, and post-cult they try to regain access to their own values and feelings as well as create new bonds with family members and friends outside the cult. They find it hard to talk about their cult background and find relief in communicating with other former cult members. In their post-cult life, they eventually start seeing the world in a brighter, more hopeful way than before. However, they are also at risk of re-experiencing cult-related traumatic events and of new traumatic experiences within the post-cult acculturation process, and of persistent psychological distress.
    UNASSIGNED: Former cult members face a challenging acculturation process, having lost a functioning worldview upon leaving the cult but not yet gained another to take its place. While the in-between time is often transient, they may need support from the healthcare system, especially regarding mental health concerns, while establishing themselves into mainstream society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Despite a high prevalence of mental disorders among asylum seekers, many barriers to mental healthcare exist. Cultural and contextual factors strongly influence the experience and expression of psychological distress, putting asylum seekers at greater risk of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) is a useful tool to map out cultural and contextual factors of mental disorders; however, to the best of our knowledge, it has not yet been investigated in asylum seekers specifically. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the value of the CFI in the psychiatric assessment of asylum seekers. Second, we will describe the themes relevant to psychiatric distress in asylum seekers that are identified by the CFI. In addition, asylum seekers\' experience of the CFI will be evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: This cross-sectional, mixed-method clinical study aims to recruit a group of 60-80 asylum seekers (age 15-29) with mental health symptoms. Data will be collected using structured (MINI, PCL-5, HDRS-17, WHOQoL-BREF & BSI) and semi-structured (CFI & CFI-debriefing) questionnaires to assess cultural background, contextual factors, and illness severity. Multidisciplinary case discussions will be held after the completion of interviews, following a methodological stepped approach. Combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques, this study aims to generate reliable knowledge on working with the CFI in asylum seekers. Based on the findings, recommendations for clinicians will be developed.
    UNASSIGNED: This study addresses the knowledge gap on using the CFI in asylum seekers. Compared to prior studies, it will provide new insights into the use of the CFI in the specific context of working with asylum seekers.
    UNASSIGNED: Prior research on the CFI in asylum seekers is limited, partly because of their high vulnerability and low access to care. The study protocol has been tailored in close collaboration with several stakeholders and validated after piloting. Ethical approval has already been obtained. Together with the stakeholders, the results will be translated into guidelines and training materials. Recommendations to policymakers will also be provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic psychiatrists have called for greater attention to cultural and racial topics in assessing examinees. While suggestions for new methods are welcome, they can ignore the extent of scientific progress if existing assessments are not accurately appraised. This article analyzes the arguments of two recent publications in The Journal that mischaracterize the cultural formulation approach. Contrary to the idea that forensic psychiatrists have received little guidance on assessing an examinee\'s racial identity, the article shows that forensic psychiatrists have contributed to scholarship on assessing racial identifications through cultural formulations that elicit how minoritized ethnoracial examinees interpret their illness experiences and legal involvements. The article also seeks to dispel misunderstandings about the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), which clinicians have used to complete person-centered cultural assessments, including in forensic settings. Conducting research, practice, and educational activities on the cultural formulation can be ways for forensic psychiatrists to combat systemic racism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: As recognition of the importance of social determinants of mental health has increased, the limitations of clinical competence-enhancing interventions that do not emphasize this approach have emerged. The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) is a cultural competence intervention that emerges from a confluence of social medicine and medical anthropology traditions. Limited research has examined how patients respond to CFI questions on social-structural aspects of illness and care to assess whether the CFI adequately elicits information on social determinants of mental health.
    UNASSIGNED: Patients\' responses during a first intake appointment to three CFI questions on social stressors, supports, or barriers to care from 27 patient-clinician dyads are analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The data come from a hyper-diverse clinical setting in Queens, New York, where no ethnoracial group has a majority and all patient-clinician dyads reflect cross-cultural interactions.
    UNASSIGNED: At least one social determinant was coded in 89 of all cases, and nearly 44% included themes related to multiple determinants of health. The most-commonly coded theme was social relationships (n = 21), followed by financial instability (n = 7), stigma (n = 5), housing instability (n = 2), and poor access to healthcare, involvement in the criminal justice system, employment instability, area-level poverty, and immigration policies (n = 1 each).
    UNASSIGNED: Our work shows that social determinants of mental health can be elicited through the CFI. Future work should examine how this information is included in clinicians\' formulations and whether the cultural formulation approach would benefit from additional revision to facilitate assessment of socio-structural factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For thirty years, psychiatrists and anthropologists have collaborated to improve the validity of psychiatric diagnosis. This collaboration has produced the DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation (OCF) and the DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI). Nonetheless, some anthropologists have critiqued the concept of culture in DSM-5 as too focused on patient meanings and not on clinician practices. This article traces the evolution of the culture concept from DSM-IV through DSM-5-TR by analyzing publications from the American Psychiatric Association on the OCF and CFI alongside scholarship in psychiatry and anthropology. DSM-IV relied on a culture concept of coherent ethnic communities sharing coherent cultures, primarily for minoritized ethnoracial individuals in the United States. Changing demographics and newer immigration patterns around the world deminoritized the culture concept for DSM-5. After George Floyd\'s death and demands for social justice, the culture concept in DSM-5-TR emphasized social structures. The article proposes an intersubjective model of culture through which patients and clinicians work through similarities and differences. It recommends a revised formulation that attends to clinician practices such as communicating, diagnosing, recommending treatments, and documenting, beyond collecting patient meanings. It also raises the question of whether an intersubjective model of culture prompts reconsiderations of culture-related text in other sections of the DSM. The social sciences can redirect attention to the clinician\'s culture of biomedicine to close patient health disparities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Culture and social context affect the expression and interpretation of symptoms of distress, raising challenges for transcultural psychiatric diagnostics. This increases the risk that mental disorders among migrants and ethnic minorities are undetected, diagnosed late or misdiagnosed. We investigated whether adding a culturally sensitive tool, the DSM-5 core Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), to routine diagnostic procedures impacts the psychiatric diagnostic process.
    We compared the outcome of a diagnostic procedure that included the CFI with routine diagnostic procedures used at Swedish psychiatric clinics. New patients (n = 256) admitted to a psychiatric outpatient clinic were randomized to a control (n = 122) or CFI-enhanced diagnostic procedure (n = 134) group. An intention-to-treat analysis was conducted and the prevalence ratio and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated across arms for depressive and anxiety disorder diagnoses, multiple diagnoses, and delayed diagnosis.
    The prevalence ratio (PR) of a depressive disorder diagnosis across arms was 1.21 (95% CI = 0.83-1.75), 33.6% of intervention-arm participants vs. 27.9% of controls. The prevalence ratio was higher among patients whose native language was not Swedish (PR =1.61, 95% CI = 0.91-2.86). The prevalence ratio of receiving multiple diagnoses was higher for the CFI group among non-native speaking patients, and lower to a statistically significant degree among native Swedish speakers (PR = .39, 95% CI = 0.18-0.82).
    The results suggest that the implementation of the DSM-5 CFI in routine psychiatric diagnostic practice may facilitate identification of symptoms of certain psychiatric disorders, like depression, among non-native speaking patients in a migration context. The CFI did not result in a reduction of patients with a non-definite diagnosis.
    ISRCTN51527289 , 30/07/2019. The trial was retrospectively registered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is a person-centered instrument for systematically appraising the impact of cultural factors in psychiatric assessment. A number of key areas in the future development of the CFI have been identified in order to ensure further clinical uptake. In this paper, we suggest that applying a Therapeutic Assessment (TA) approach in using the CFI-i.e., framing the interview in a way that gives primacy to its self-transformative potential by explicitly focusing on those issues that are seen as the most urgent, relevant, and meaningful by the patient-could prove helpful in alleviating patients\' suffering beyond what is achieved by merely collecting relevant cultural information that may inform diagnosis and subsequent treatment interventions. The TA methodology has been designed as a collaborative approach to psychological assessment in which the assessment procedure itself is meant to induce therapeutic change. This is achieved by explicitly focusing on the particular questions and queries that patients have about themselves with respect to their mental health problems or psychosocial well-being; these questions are then allowed to guide the assessment process and the interpretation of the findings. We suggest a number of potential modifications to the related Outline for Cultural Formulation and to the CFI content that could strengthen a TA-inspired focus. With this paper, we do not claim to offer a definitive integration of the TA approach in using the CFI but hope to further the discussion of a therapeutic potential of the instrument.





