csf pressure

CSF 压力
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lumbar puncture opening pressure (LPOP) exceeding 250mmH2O is key in diagnosing idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), per revised Friedman\'s criteria. Some patients do not meet LPOP criteria (with or without papilledema), despite having IIH-related symptoms and neuroimaging findings. This study aimed to investigate the radiological findings and clinical symptoms in patients suspected of having IIH without meeting the LPOP criteria. We retrospectively evaluated cerebral venous sinus stenosis using the conduit Farb score (CFS) and other radiological findings suggestive of IIH by computed tomography venography and magnetic resonance venography in females ≥ 18 years-old with chronic headaches, suspected IIH, and LPOP < 250 mm. Eighty-eight women (56 with LPOP < 200 mm H2O and 32 with LPOP ranging between 200 and 250mmH2O) were included. Among patients with LPOP 200-250mmH2O, 40% (12) exhibited three or more radiological findings supporting IIH, compared to 17% (8) in the LPOP < 200 mmH2O group (p = 0.048). Cerebral venous stenosis (CFS ≤ 5) was observed in 80% (24) of those with LPOP 200-250 mmH2O, contrasting with 40% (19) of those with LPOP < 200 mmH2O (p < 0.001). Cerebral venous stenosis was significantly more common in patients with LPOP 200-250 mmH2O than < 200 mmH2O, suggesting that they may benefit from IIH treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a rare condition characterized by increased intracranial pressure, with an unknown cause. However, the pathophysiology of antibiotic-induced IIH remains unclear. The clinical symptoms include headache, visual disturbances, and vomiting. The diagnosis is confirmed by an elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) with normal CSF study and cerebral imaging. Management includes discontinuing the offending antibiotic and reducing ICP with medications such as acetazolamide or diuretics. Therefore, surgical intervention may be necessary in severe cases. In this article, we report the case of a 19-year-old patient, admitted with symptoms of intracranial hypertension syndrome, occurring three days after receiving antibiotics (gentamicin, penicillin). Physical examination revealed bilateral optic disc edema. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed indirect signs of intracranial hypertension. The CSF pressure measurement was approximately 290 mmHg, while CSF and other laboratory blood tests were normal. The patient received methylprednisolone bolus and topiramate (50 mg/day). A month later, the clinical outcome showed regression of headaches and regression of the papilledema.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Determining the cause of visual deterioration in idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) patients is of clinical necessity. This study aimed to study the effect of chronic increased ICP on the retina and optic nerve through objective electrophysiological measures in chronic IIH patients.
    METHODS: Thirty patients with chronic IIH and thirty age and sex-matched healthy controls were included in this study. Papilledema grade and CSF pressure were evaluated in the patients\' group. Both groups were submitted to visual evoked potentials (VEP) and multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG).
    RESULTS: The mean value of P100 latencies of the right and left on two check sizes, 1 deg and 15ṁ in chronic IIH patients, was significantly delayed than controls (P-value < 0.001 for each). Chronic IIH patients showed a significantly lower amplitude of the right and left R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 compared to controls (P-value < 0.001, < 0.001) (P-value < 0.001, < 0.001) (P-value < 0.001, < 0.001) (P-value < 0.001, = 0.001) (P-value = 0.002, < 0.001), respectively. Also, patients showed a significantly delayed peak time of the right and left R1 and R2 compared to controls (P-value < 0.001, < 0.001) (P-value = 0.001, = 0.009), respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between each of CSF pressure and papilledema grade with right and left PVEP latencies. In contrast, there was no statistically significant correlation between either CSF pressure or papilledema grade and PVEP amplitudes in both eyes.
    CONCLUSIONS: In chronic IIH patients, both optic nerve dysfunction and central retinal changes were identified, supported by VEP and the mfERG findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Childhood hydrocephalus patients treated by ventriculo-peritoneal (v.-p.) shunting are sometimes referred years after this therapy for evaluation of suspicious pituitary enlargement. Since pituitary size has been shown to depend on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure, we assume this phenomenon to be caused by shunt overdrainage. Therefore, we studied pituitary size and morphology in shunted hydrocephalus patients with radiological signs of high CSF drainage.
    METHODS: Retrospective study of pituitary size and morphology in 15 shunted patients with non-tumoral hydrocephalus and 7 shunted hydrocephalus patients due to childhood brain tumor compared to a population mean. In five brain tumor patients also pre- and postsurgical comparisons were performed.
    RESULTS: Pituitary mid-sagittal size and pituitary volume were significantly higher in both hydrocephalus groups, compared to the population mean (midsagittal size t = 5.91; p < 0.001; pituitary volume, t = 3.03; p = 0.006). In patients available for pre- and postoperative comparison, there was also a significant increase in pituitary size and volume postoperatively (mean preoperative midsagittal height 2.54 ± 1.0 mm vs. 6.6 ± 0.7 mm post-surgery; mean pre-operative pituitary volume 120.5 ± 69.2 mm3 vs. 368.9 ± 57.9 mm3 post-surgery).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed a significant increase in pituitary size and volume, mimicking pituitary pathology, after v.-p. shunt insertion. This phenomenon can be explained by the Monro-Kellie doctrine, stating that intracranial depletion of CSF-as caused by v.p. shunting-leads to compensatory intracranial hyperemia, especially in the venous system, with the consequence of engorged venous sinuses, most likely responsible for enlargement of the pituitary gland.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cryptococcal meningitis is a common fungal infection of the central nervous system with high mortality and disability rates. A prominent clinical manifestation is persistent and severe cranial hypertension, which is one of the most critical outcome determinants in patients with cryptococcal meningoencephalitis. Herein, we report and discuss a case of cryptococcal meningitis treated by an inadequate course of medical therapy and placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in a patient who survived for more than 10 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interpersonal differences can be observed in the human cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSFP) in the cranium in an upright body position, varying from positive to subatmospheric values. So far, these changes have been explained by the Monroe-Kellie doctrine according to which CSFP should increase or decrease if a change in at least one of the three intracranial volumes (brain, blood, and CSF) occurs. According to our hypothesis, changes in intracranial CSFP can occur without a change in the volume of intracranial fluids. To test this hypothesis, we alternately added and removed 100 or 200 μl of fluid from the spinal CSF space of four anesthetized cats and from a phantom which, by its dimensions and biophysical characteristics, imitates the cat cerebrospinal system, subsequently comparing CSFP changes in the cranium and spinal space in both horizontal and vertical positions. The phantom was made from a rigid \"cranial\" part with unchangeable volume, while the \"spinal\" part was made of elastic material whose modulus of elasticity was in the same order of magnitude as those of spinal dura. When a fluid volume (CSF or artificial CSF) was removed from the spinal space, both lumbar and cranial CSFP pressures decreased by 2.0-2.5 cm H2O for every extracted 100 μL. On the other hand, adding fluid volume to spinal space causes an increase in both lumbar and cranial CSFP pressures of 2.6-3.0 cm H2O for every added 100 μL. Results observed in cats and phantoms did not differ significantly. The presented results on cats and a phantom suggest that changes in the spinal CSF volume significantly affect the intracranial CSFP, but regardless of whether we added or removed the CSF volume, the hydrostatic pressure difference between the measuring sites (lateral ventricle and lumbar subarachnoid space) was always constant. These results suggest that intracranial CSFP can be increased or decreased without significant changes in the volume of intracranial fluids and that intracranial CSFP changes in accordance with the law of fluid mechanics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate clinical data and Magnetic Resonance Venography (MRV) findings together in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH).
    In this retrospective study between January 2009 and February 2021, conventional MRI and MRV examinations were performed on 30 patients who were admitted to the neurology service of Erciyes University Medical Faculty with the pre-diagnosis of IIH, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure was measured in these patients to confirm the diagnosis of IIH. Transverse Sinus Stenosis Ratio (TS SR), Superior Sagittal Sinus (SSS) diameter, Sinus Rectus (SR) diameter, Stenosis Segment Length (SSL) were studied.
    High CSF pressure was detected in 22 of 30 patients with IIH pre-diagnosis. CSF pressure was normal in 8 cases. TS SR was compared in all groups, right TS SR 0.63 ± 0.16, Left TS SR 0.55 ± 0.16 in the patient group with IIH, right TS SR 0.55 ±0.16 in the CSF pressure normal patient group, Right TS SR 0.28 ± 0.07 Left TS SR 0.31 ± 0.07 in the control group Right TS SR It was 0.28 ± 0.09, Sol TS SR was 0.30 ± 0.07.
    Before LP, the cranial venous system must be monitored. TS SR and CSF pressure are directly proportional. The stenosis rate is important for IIH rather than SSL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To investigate the effect of applying negative pressure (vacuum) to the periocular space on intraocular pressure (IOP) and retrobulbar pressure (RBP) by use of the Multi-Pressure Dial (MPD) system (Equinox Ophthalmic, Inc.).
    METHODS: Two eyes of two full body cadavers were studied. In each subject, the retrobulbar space, posterior segment and intra-goggle space were cannulated to provide direct IOP, RBP and intra-goggle pressure measurements via a pressure transducer data acquisition system. The goggles of the MPD system were placed over the eyes of each subject, and multiple test runs were performed, with negative pressure settings programmed to 5, 10 and 20 mmHg. IOP and RBP measurements were continuously obtained during each run and plotted against time for analysis.
    RESULTS: For both subjects, the mean reduction (± standard deviation) in IOP was 1.6 ± 0.9 (10%), 3.5 ± 1.8 (23%) and 5.6 ± 2.0 (37%) mmHg at programmed negative pressure levels of - 5, - 10 and - 20 mmHg, respectively. The overall mean change in RBP (mmHg) during negative pressure application was 0.02 ± 0.14 at - 5 mmHg, 0.03 ± 0.19 at - 10 mmHg and - 0.01 ± 0.18 at - 20 mmHg. In both subjects, the magnitude of RBP change during application of negative pressure fell below the uncertainty of the measurement system.
    CONCLUSIONS: The application of negative pressure to the periocular space with the MPD decreases IOP but does not affect RBP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of dural puncture, indicated by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) outflow, in cats receiving neuraxial anesthesia through a lumbosacral injection guided by a pop sensation method.
    This was an observational, retrospective study. Cats that were scheduled for lumbosacral neuraxial anesthesia were included. Medical records were analyzed to investigate: (1) demographic data; (2) neuraxial anesthesia performed (epidural/spinal); (3) type of needle used, including gauge and length; (4) presence of CSF (yes/no) and/or blood (yes/no) in the hub of the needle; and (5) flicking of the tail during needle advancement (yes/no).
    A total of 94 medical records were analyzed. A 22 G 50 mm Tuohy needle was used in all cats scheduled for an epidural injection (n = 60), whereas a 22 G 40 mm Quincke needle was used in all cats scheduled for an intrathecal injection (n = 34). CSF outflow was detected in 55/60 (91.7%) cats in which a Tuohy needle was used, and 34/34 (100%) of the cats in which a Quincke needle was used (P = 0.15). Flicking of the tail was detected in 41/60 (68.3%) and in 24/34 (70.6%) injections with Tuohy and Quincke needles, respectively (P >0.99). Traces of blood, but not active blood outflow, were detected via staining of the first drops of CSF in 2/34 cats in which Quincke needles were used and in none of the cats in which Tuohy needles were used (P = 0.12).
    This study shows that the lumbosacral approach for neuraxial anesthesia in cats may result in a dural sac puncture when 22 G Quincke or Tuohy needles are used. The pop sensation method should be deemed effective in predicting intrathecal but not epidural needle placement.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering effect of a multi-pressure dial (MPD) at targeted negative pressure settings.
    Prospective, intrasubject controlled study of 65 healthy subjects randomized to receive no negative pressure for 60 minutes or negative pressure application at designated levels of 25%, 50%, and 75% of baseline IOP for 20 minutes each. The main outcome measure was mean IOP with application of negative pressure.
    In the study eye group, from a baseline IOP of 15.8 ± 3.6 mm Hg, the mean IOP was 13.5 ± 3.4, 11.5 ± 3.1, and 10.2 ± 2.7 mm Hg with negative pressure settings of 25%, 50% and 75%, respectively. In the control eye group, from a baseline IOP of 15.5 ± 3.0 mm Hg, the mean IOP values at the same time points, without negative pressure, were 15.6 ± 3.0, 15.5 ± 2.5 and 15.3 ± 2.4 mm Hg. The difference between the mean IOPs of the two groups was significantly different at all negative pressure settings (P < 0.001) in comparison with baseline. There was one minor adverse event, a corneal abrasion, that was unrelated to device wear.
    Negative pressure application to the periocular space with a multi-pressure dial can produce titratable IOP reduction while the device is worn with active negative pressure. To our knowledge, this technology represents the first nonpharmacologic, nonlaser, nonsurgical method for IOP reduction.
    This represents the first study demonstrating the IOP-lowering ability of the multi-pressure dial, a device that uses a novel IOP-lowering strategy by delivering negative pressure to the periocular region.






