cryo electron microscopy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CALHM proteins constitute a family of large pore channels that contains six closely related paralogs in humans. Two family members, CALHM1 and 3, have been associated with the release of ATP during taste sensation. Both proteins form heteromeric channels that activate at positive potential and decreased extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Although the structures of several family members displayed large oligomeric organizations of different size, their function has in most cases remained elusive. Our previous study has identified the paralogs CALHM2, 4 and, 6 to be highly expressed in the placenta and defined their structural properties as membrane proteins exhibiting features of large pore channels with unknown activation properties (Drożdżyk et al., 2020). Here, we investigated whether these placental paralogs would form heteromers and characterized heteromeric complexes consisting of CALHM2 and CALHM4 subunits using specific binders as fiducial markers. Both proteins assemble with different stoichiometries with the largest population containing CALHM2 as the predominant component. In these oligomers, the subunits segregate and reside in their preferred conformation found in homomeric channels. Our study has thus revealed the properties that govern the formation of CALHM heteromers in a process of potential relevance in a cellular context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterotrimeric G proteins can be regulated by posttranslational modifications, including ubiquitylation. KCTD5, a pentameric substrate receptor protein consisting of an N-terminal BTB domain and a C-terminal domain, engages CUL3 to form the central scaffold of a cullin-RING E3 ligase complex (CRL3KCTD5) that ubiquitylates Gβγ and reduces Gβγ protein levels in cells. The cryo-EM structure of a 5:5:5 KCTD5/CUL3NTD/Gβ1γ2 assembly reveals a highly dynamic complex with rotations of over 60° between the KCTD5BTB/CUL3NTD and KCTD5CTD/Gβγ moieties of the structure. CRL3KCTD5 engages the E3 ligase ARIH1 to ubiquitylate Gβγ in an E3-E3 superassembly, and extension of the structure to include full-length CUL3 with RBX1 and an ARIH1~ubiquitin conjugate reveals that some conformational states position the ARIH1~ubiquitin thioester bond to within 10 Å of lysine-23 of Gβ and likely represent priming complexes. Most previously described CRL/substrate structures have consisted of monovalent complexes and have involved flexible peptide substrates. The structure of the KCTD5/CUL3NTD/Gβγ complex shows that the oligomerization of a substrate receptor can generate a polyvalent E3 ligase complex and that the internal dynamics of the substrate receptor can position a structured target for ubiquitylation in a CRL3 complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) instrumentation allows obtaining 3D reconstruction of the structure of biomolecular complexes in vitro (purified complexes studied by single particle analysis) and in situ (complexes studied in cells by cryo electron tomography). Standard cryo-EM approaches allow high-resolution reconstruction of only a few conformational states of a molecular complex, as they rely on data classification into a given number of classes to increase the resolution of the reconstruction from the most populated classes while discarding all other classes. Such discrete classification approaches result in a partial picture of the full conformational variability of the complex, due to continuous conformational transitions with many, uncountable intermediate states. In this article, we present the software with a user-friendly graphical interface for running two recently introduced methods, namely, MDSPACE and MDTOMO, to obtain continuous conformational landscapes of biomolecules by analyzing in vitro and in situ cryo-EM data (single particle images and subtomograms) based on molecular dynamics simulations of an available atomic model of one of the conformations. The MDSPACE and MDTOMO software is part of the open-source ContinuousFlex software package (starting from version 3.4.2 of ContinuousFlex), which can be run as a plugin of the Scipion software package (version 3.1 and later), broadly used in the cryo-EM field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The calcium-selective TRPV5 channel activated by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] is involved in calcium homeostasis. Recently, cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) provided molecular details of TRPV5 modulation by exogenous and endogenous molecules. However, the details of TRPV5 inhibition by the antifungal agent econazole (ECN) remain elusive due to the low resolution of the currently available structure. In this study, we employ cryo-EM to comprehensively examine how the ECN inhibits TRPV5. By combining our structural findings with site-directed mutagenesis, calcium measurements, electrophysiology, and molecular dynamics simulations, we determined that residues F472 and L475 on the S4 helix, along with residue W495 on the S5 helix, collectively constitute the ECN-binding site. Additionally, the structure of TRPV5 in the presence of ECN and PI(4,5)P2, which does not show the bound activator, reveals a potential inhibition mechanism in which ECN competes with PI(4,5)P2, preventing the latter from binding, and ultimately pore closure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural biology continues to benefit from an expanding toolkit, which is helping to gain unprecedented insight into the assembly and organization of multi-protein machineries, enzyme mechanisms and ligand/inhibitor binding. During the last ten years, cryoEM has become widely available and has provided a major boost to structure determination of membrane proteins and large multi-protein complexes. Many of the structures have now been made available at resolutions around 2 Å, where fundamental questions regarding enzyme mechanisms can be addressed. Over the years, the abbreviation cryoEM has been understood to stand for different things. We wish the wider community to engage and clarify the definition of cryoEM so that the expanding literature involving cryoEM is unified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and image processing provide new opportunities to analyse drug targets at high resolution. However, structural heterogeneity limits resolution in many practical cases, hence restricting the level at which structural details can be analysed and drug design be performed. As structural disorder is not spread throughout the entire structure of a given macromolecular complex but instead is found in certain regions that move with respect to others and covering molecular scales from domain conformational changes up to the level of side chain conformations in ligand binding pockets, it is possible to focus the attention on those regions and the associated relative movements. Here we show how the usage of focused classifications and refinements provide insights into global conformational arrangements, exemplified on the human ribosome and on the cannabinoid G protein coupled receptor (GPCR), and how they can improve the local map resolution from an essentially disordered region to the 3-4 Å and finally to the 2 Å resolution range. A systematic analysis with variable spherical masks during focused refinement is presented showing that the choice of an optimal mask size helps refining to high resolution. This study covers several practical approaches on 4 examples illustrating how important mask size & shape and including neighbouring structural elements are for a focused analysis of a macromolecular complex. Such methods will be crucial for cryo-EM structure-based drug design of various medical targets and are applicable to single particle cryo-EM and electron tomography data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the SLC26 family constitute a conserved class of anion transport proteins, which encompasses uncoupled transporters with channel-like properties, coupled exchangers and motor proteins. Among the 10 functional paralogs in humans, several participate in the secretion of bicarbonate in exchange with chloride and thus play an important role in maintaining pH homeostasis. Previously, we have elucidated the structure of murine SLC26A9 and defined its function as an uncoupled chloride transporter (Walter et al., 2019). Here we have determined the structure of the closely related human transporter SLC26A6 and characterized it as a coupled exchanger of chloride with bicarbonate and presumably also oxalate. The structure defines an inward-facing conformation of the protein that generally resembles known structures of SLC26A9. The altered anion selectivity between both paralogs is a consequence of a remodeled ion binding site located in the center of a mobile unit of the membrane-inserted domain, which also accounts for differences in the coupling mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is constantly developing and growing as a major technique for structure determination of protein complexes. Here, we detail the first steps of any cryo-EM project: specimen preparation and data collection. Step by step, a list of material needed is provided and the sequence of actions to carry out is given. We hope that these protocols will be useful to all people getting started with cryo-EM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent work in structural biology is shedding light on how many of the enzymes of intermediary metabolism are self- and co-assembling into large, filamentous polymers or agglomerates to organize and regulate the complex and essential biochemical pathways in cells. Filament assembly provides an additional layer of regulation by modulating the intrinsic allostery of the enzyme protomers which tunes activity in response to a variety of environmental cues. Enzyme filaments dynamically assemble and disassemble in response to changes in metabolite levels and environmental cues, shifting metabolic flux on a more rapid timescale than transcriptional or translational reprogramming. Here we present recent examples of high-resolution structures of filaments from proteins in intermediary metabolism and we discuss how filament assembly modulates the activities of these and other proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C) modulates cardiac contraction via direct interactions with cardiac thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments (cTFs). While its C-terminal domains (e.g. C8-C10) anchor cMyBP-C to the backbone of the thick filament, its N-terminal domains (NTDs) (e.g. C0, C1, M, and C2) bind to both myosin and actin to accomplish its dual roles of inhibiting thick filaments and activating cTFs. While the positions of C0, C1 and C2 on cTF have been reported, the binding site of the M-domain on the surface of the cTF is unknown. Here, we used cryo-EM to reveal that the M-domain interacts with actin via helix 3 of its ordered tri-helix bundle region, while the unstructured part of the M-domain does not maintain extensive interactions with actin. We combined the recently obtained structure of the cTF with the positions of all the four NTDs on its surface to propose a complete model of the NTD binding to the cTF. The model predicts that the interactions of the NTDs with the cTF depend on the activation state of the cTF. At the peak of systole, when bound to the extensively activated cTF, NTDs would inhibit actomyosin interactions. In contrast, at falling Ca2+ levels, NTDs would not compete with the myosin heads for binding to the cTF, but would rather promote formation of active cross-bridges at the adjacent regulatory units located at the opposite cTF strand. Our structural data provides a testable model of the cTF regulation by the cMyBP-C.





