crown gall

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokinins, a class of phytohormones, play crucial roles in regulating plant growth and stress responses through finely tuned feedback loops involving metabolic and signaling cascades. Cytokinin metabolism modulates the abundance of these biologically active molecules. Over the past 25 years, studies have identified key genes involved in cytokinin biosynthesis and inactivation pathways. Nevertheless, several gaps remain in our understanding, particularly regarding the movement of intermediate metabolites between subcellular compartments and the discrepancy between the product of adenosine phosphate-isopentenyltransferase (IPT) and the substrate preferences of subsequent reactions. In addition, recent gene discoveries related to lonely guy (LOG)-independent pathways suggest a spatial extension of cytokinin biosynthesis into the apoplast. Other intriguing issues remain to be addressed, i.e., elucidating the synthetic pathway for cis-zeatin and unraveling the molecular mechanisms governing selective substrate use by the cytokinin biosynthetic enzyme tumor morphology root (Tmr) derived from the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens during crown gall formation. Further studies are needed to reveal a fully comprehensive picture of cytokinin metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Crown gall disease caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a very destructive affliction that affects grapevines. Endophytic bacteria have been discovered to control plant diseases via the use of several mechanisms. This research examined the potential for controlling crown gall by three endophytic bacteria that were previously isolated from healthy cultivated and wild grapevines including Pseudomonas kilonensis Ba35, Pseudomonas chlororaphis Ba47, and Serratia liquefaciens Ou55.
    RESULTS: At various degrees, three endophytic bacteria suppressed the populations of A. tumefaciens Gh1 and greatly decreased the symptoms of crown gall. Furthermore, biofilm production and motility behaviors of A. tumefaciens Gh1were greatly inhibited by the Cell-free Culture Supernatant (CFCS) of endophytic bacteria. According to our findings, CFCS may reduce the adhesion of A. tumefaciens Gh1 cells to grapevine cv. Rashe root tissues as well as their chemotaxis motility toward the extract of the roots. When compared to the untreated control, statistical analysis showed that CFCS significantly reduced the swimming, twitching, and swarming motility of A. tumefaciens Gh1. The findings demonstrated that the endophytic bacteria effectively stimulated the production of plant defensive enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), and total soluble phenols at different time intervals in grapevine inoculated with A. tumefaciens Gh1. The Ba47 strain markedly increased the expression levels of defense genes associated with plant resistance. The up-regulation of PR1, PR2, VvACO1, and GAD1 genes in grapevine leaves indicates the activation of SA and JA pathways, which play a role in enhancing resistance to pathogen invasion. The results showed that treating grapevine with Ba47 increased antioxidant defense activities and defense-related gene expression, which reduced oxidative damage caused by A. tumefaciens and decreased the incidence of crown gall disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study on how A. tumefaciens, the grapevine crown gall agent, is affected by CFCS generated by endophytic bacteria in terms of growth and virulence features. To create safer plant disease management techniques, knowledge of the biocontrol processes mediated by CFCS during microbial interactions is crucial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pea (Pisum sativum) is an agriculturally important leguminous crop cultivated worldwide. It is also the plant from which phytoalexin was isolated for the first time. Several studies have investigated gene functions using pea hairy root culture systems. However, the procedures for producing hairy roots are relatively complicated and only a few pea cultivars and Rhizobium strains have been used. In this study, we established a simple method for generating transgenic hairy roots using a pea cultivar and a Rhizobium strain available in Japan. The transformation efficiency for the transgenic hairy roots (approximately 14%) was calculated on the basis of GFP fluorescence because the binary vector used in this study carried a GFP cassette as a marker. Furthermore, we confirmed that the production of the phytoalexin (+)-pisatin was induced by a copper dichloride treatment, indicating that this system can be used to characterize the biosynthesis of (+)-pisatin, which is a compound with a unique pterocarpan structure. Interestingly, some of the hairy roots turned into crown galls during the culture period. In summary, our simple method enables the production of transgenic pea hairy roots using biological materials accessible in Japan. The generated hairy roots can be used to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying (+)-pisatin biosynthesis as well as hairy root/crown gall formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crown gall disease of grapevines caused by Allorhizobium vitis causes significant damage to vineyards in cold-climate viticulture areas such as Canada and the northern United States. Introduction of the disease into vineyards occurs mainly through planting of infected but asymptomatic nursery material. Because A. vitis is not a regulated pest for import into Canada, no information on the health status of nursery material destined for import into Canada has previously been collected. This study evaluated the health status of ready-to-plant nursery material from domestic and international nurseries in regard to crown gall by determining the abundance of A. vitis in different plant sections via Droplet Digital PCR technology. In addition, different rootstocks from one nursery were compared. Results showed that A. vitis was present in planting material from all nurseries tested. The bacteria were nonuniformly distributed in dormant nursery material, and there was no difference in abundance between the rootstocks tested. In addition, the first A. vitis strain OP-G1 isolated from galls in British Columbia is described. Results showed that a minimum of 5,000 bacterial OP-G1 cells were needed for symptom expression, suggesting that the initiation of symptom development is not based on presence of bacteria in nursery material alone; a minimum threshold is needed, and environmental conditions need to be met.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathogenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhodococcus fascians are phytobacteria that induce crown gall and leafy gall disease, respectively, resulting in undesirable growth abnormalities. When present in nurseries, plants infected by either bacterium are destroyed, resulting in substantial losses for growers, especially those producing plants valued for their ornamental attributes. There are many unanswered questions regarding pathogen transmission on tools used to take cuttings for propagation and whether products used for bacterial disease control are effective. We investigated the ability to transmit pathogenic A. tumefaciens and R. fascians on secateurs and the efficacy of registered control products against both bacteria in vitro and in vivo. Experimental plants used were Rosa × hybrida, Leucanthemum × superbum, and Chrysanthemum × grandiflorum for A. tumefaciens and Petunia × hybrida and Oenothera \'Siskiyou\' with R. fascians. In separate experiments, we found secateurs could convey both bacteria in numbers sufficient to initiate disease in a host-dependent manner and that bacteria could be recovered from secateurs after a single cut through an infected stem. In in vivo assays, none of six products tested against A. tumefaciens prevented crown gall disease, although several products appeared promising in in vitro trials. Likewise, four compounds trialed against R. fascians failed to prevent disease. Sanitation and clean planting material remain the primary means of disease management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumorigenic members of the family Rhizobiaceae, known as agrobacteria, are responsible for crown and cane gall diseases of various crops worldwide. Tumorigenic agrobacteria are commonly found in the genera Agrobacterium, Allorhizobium, and Rhizobium. In this study, we analyzed a distinct \"tumorigenes\" clade of the genus Rhizobium, which includes the tumorigenic species Rhizobium tumorigenes, as well as strains causing crown gall disease on rhododendron. Here, high-quality, closed genomes of representatives of the \"tumorigenes\" clade were generated, followed by comparative genomic and phylogenomic analyses. Additionally, the phenotypic characteristics of representatives of the \"tumorigenes\" clade were analyzed. Our results showed that the tumorigenic strains isolated from rhododendron represent a novel species of the genus Rhizobium for which the name Rhizobium rhododendri sp. nov. is proposed. This species also includes additional strains originating from blueberry and Himalayan blackberry in the United States, whose genome sequences were retrieved from GenBank. Both R. tumorigenes and R. rhododendri contain multipartite genomes, including a chromosome, putative chromids, and megaplasmids. Synteny and phylogenetic analyses indicated that a large putative chromid of R. rhododendri resulted from the cointegration of an ancestral megaplasmid and two putative chromids, following its divergence from R. tumorigenes. Moreover, gene clusters specific for both species of the \"tumorigenes\" clade were identified, and their biological functions and roles in the ecological diversification of R. rhododendri and R. tumorigenes were predicted and discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rose crown gall caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a major disease that damages the production of cut-roses in Korea. The effective prevention methods for this disease include the use of resistant varieties. This study was conducted to evaluate the resistance of 58 Korean cultivars and six foreign cultivars to crown gall disease with nodal explants in vitro. Among 180 A. tumefaciens strains, pathogenic strain RC12 was selected as an inoculant strain. The strain RC12 was identified based on characteristics of some selective media, pathogenicity test, and polymerase chain reaction analysis. Forty rose cultivars formed tumors on explants inoculated with A. tumefaciens RC12. However, 24 cultivars, including 22 Korean cultivars and 2 foreign cultivars, showed resistance to A. tumefaciens RC12 without forming any tumors. Six cultivars with tumor formation rates of over 30% formed initial tumors within 23 days after inoculation. Six cultivars with low tumor formation rates of around 5% formed initial tumors after 28 days of inoculation. It was found that gall formation rate was highly correlated with the initial gall formation period. Thus, the relationship between the period of gall formation and the rate of gall formation could be useful for assessing resistance to crown gall disease. In vitro inoculation methods could be used to evaluate resistance of cut-rose cultivars to crown gall diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agrobacterium tumefaciens incites the formation of readily visible macroscopic structures known as crown galls on plant tissues that it infects. Records from biologists as early as the 17th century noted these unusual plant growths and began examining the basis for their formation. These studies eventually led to isolation of the infectious agent, A. tumefaciens, and decades of study revealed the remarkable mechanisms by which A. tumefaciens causes crown gall through stable horizontal genetic transfer to plants. This fundamental discovery generated a barrage of applications in the genetic manipulation of plants that is still under way. As a consequence of the intense study of A. tumefaciens and its role in plant disease, this pathogen was developed as a model for the study of critical processes that are shared by many bacteria, including host perception during pathogenesis, DNA transfer and toxin secretion, bacterial cell-cell communication, plasmid biology, and more recently, asymmetric cell biology and composite genome coordination and evolution. As such, studies of A. tumefaciens have had an outsized impact on diverse areas within microbiology and plant biology that extend far beyond its remarkable agricultural applications. In this review, we attempt to highlight the colorful history of A. tumefaciens as a study system, as well as current areas that are actively demonstrating its value and utility as a model microorganism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is deployed by many proteobacteria to secrete effector proteins into bacterial competitors for competition or eukaryotic cells for pathogenesis. Agrobacteria, a group of soilborne phytopathogens causing crown gall disease on various plant species, deploy the T6SS to attack closely and distantly related bacterial species in vitro and in planta. Current evidence suggests that the T6SS is not essential for pathogenesis under direct inoculation, but it remains unknown whether the T6SS influences natural disease incidence or the microbial community within crown galls (i.e., the gallobiome). To address these two key questions, we established a soil inoculation method on wounded tomato seedlings that mimics natural infections and developed a bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicon enrichment sequencing platform. By comparing the Agrobacterium wild-type strain C58 with two T6SS mutants, we demonstrate that the T6SS influences both disease occurrence and gallobiome composition. Based on multiple inoculation trials across seasons, all three strains induced tumors, but the mutants had significantly lower disease incidences. The season of inoculation played a more important role than the T6SS in shaping the gallobiome. The influence of the T6SS was evident in summer, during which two Sphingomonadaceae species and the family Burkholderiaceae were enriched in the gallobiome induced by the mutants. Further in vitro competition and colonization assays demonstrated the T6SS-mediated antagonism to a Sphingomonas sp. R1 strain isolated from tomato rhizosphere in this study. In conclusion, this work demonstrates that the Agrobacterium T6SS promotes tumorigenesis in infection processes and provides competitive advantages in gall-associated microbiota. IMPORTANCE The T6SS is widespread among proteobacteria and used for interbacterial competition by agrobacteria, which are soil inhabitants and opportunistic bacterial pathogens causing crown gall disease in a wide range of plants. Current evidence indicates that the T6SS is not required for gall formation when agrobacteria are inoculated directly on plant wounding sites. However, in natural settings, agrobacteria may need to compete with other bacteria in bulk soil to gain access to plant wounds and influence the microbial community inside crown galls. The role of the T6SS in these critical aspects of disease ecology have remained largely unknown. In this study, we successfully developed a soil inoculation method coupled with blocker-mediated enrichment of bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, named SI-BBacSeq, to address these two important questions. We provided evidence that the T6SS promotes disease occurrence and influences crown gall microbiota composition by interbacterial competition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Xanthomonas contains a set of diverse bacterial strains, most of which are known for their pathogenicity on annual crops and fruit trees causing economically important plant diseases. Recently, five Xanthomonas strains were isolated from Agrobacterium-induced crown gall tissues of amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) plants in Iran. Phenotypic characteristics (i.e. biochemical tests and pathogenicity features) and whole genome sequence-based core-genome phylogeny followed by average nucleotide identity and digital DNA-DNA hybridization calculations suggested that these gall-associated strains belong to two new species within the genus Xanthomonas. In this study, we provide a formal species description for these new species where Xanthomonas bonasiae sp. nov. is proposed for the strains isolated from weeping fig with FX4T (=CFBP 8703T=DSM 112530T) as type strain. The name Xanthomonas youngii sp. nov. is proposed for the strains isolated from amaranth with AmX2T (=CFBP 8902T=DSM 112529T) as type strain.





