cross infection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unsafe patient care in hospitals, especially in low- and middle-income countries, is often caused by poor infection prevention and control (IPC) practices; insufficient support for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and inadequate waste management. We looked at the intersection of IPC, WASH, and the global initiative of improving health care quality, specifically around maternal and newborn care in Bangladesh health facilities. We identified 8 primary quality improvement and IPC/WASH policy and guideline documents in Bangladesh and analyzed their incorporation of 30 subconditions under 5 critical conditions: water; sanitation; hygiene; waste management/cleaning; and IPC supplies, guidelines, training, surveillance, and monitoring. To determine how Bangladesh health care workers implemented the policies, we interviewed 33 informants from 16 public and private facilities and the national level. Bangladesh\'s 8 primary guidance documents covered 55% of the 30 subconditions. Interviews showed that Bangladesh health facility staff generally rely on eight tools related to quality improvement (five); IPC (two); and supportive supervision (one) plus a robust supervision mechanism. The stakeholders identified a lack of human resources and environmental hygiene infrastructure and supplies as the main gaps in providing IPC/WASH services. We concluded that the Bangladesh government had produced substantial guidance on using quality improvement methods to improve health services. Our recommendations can help identify strategies to better integrate IPC/WASH in resources including standardizing guidelines and tools within one toolkit. Strategizing with stakeholders working on initiatives such as universal health coverage and patient safety to integrate IPC/WASH into quality improvement documents is a mutually reinforcing approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Measles remains a major public health burden worldwide. Parents often hesitate to vaccinate children with chronic diseases. We investigated the association between the percentage of vaccination and chronic diseases and explore hospital infections\' role in the 2017-2019 measles outbreak across northern Vietnam provinces.
    METHODS: A total of 2,064 children aged 0-15 years old admitted for measles to the National Children\'s Hospital during the outbreak were included in the study. Demographic information, clinical characteristics, vaccination statuses and laboratory examination were extracted from electronic medical records, vaccination records, or interviews with parents when other sources were unavailable.
    RESULTS: The incidence rate that provincial hospitals sent to the National Children\'s Hospital was proportional to the population density of their provinces of residence. Early nosocomial transmission of measles was observed before community-acquired cases emerged in many provinces. Among patients aged over 18 months, those with chronic diseases had a proportion of vaccination of 9.4%, lower than patients without chronic diseases at 32.4%. Unvaccinated patients had a higher proportion of hospital-acquired infections with aOR = 2.42 (1.65-3.65), p < 0.001 relative to vaccinated patients. The proportion of hospital-acquired infections was higher among children with chronic diseases compared to those without, with aOR = 3.81 (2.90-5.02), p < 0.001.
    CONCLUSIONS: Measles spread in healthcare settings prior to community cases that occurred in several provinces. We recommend enhancing hospital infection control by increasing staff training and improving early detection and isolation during non-outbreak periods. Measles patients with chronic diseases exhibited lower proportions of vaccination and faced a higher risk of hospital-acquired infections. It is crucial to establish comprehensive vaccination guidelines and enhance parental awareness regarding the significance and safety of measles vaccination to protect these vulnerable individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) represent a major global health burden, which necessitate effective frameworks to identify potential risk factors and estimate the corresponding direct economic disease burden. In this article, we proposed a framework designed to address these needs through a case study conducted in a Tuberculosis (TB) hospital in Hubei Province, China, using data from 2018 to 2019. A comprehensive multistep procedure was developed, including ethical application, participant inclusion, risk factor identification, and direct economic disease burden estimation. In the case study, ethical approval was obtained, and patient data were anonymized to ensure privacy. All TB hospitalized patients over the study period were included and classified into groups with and without HAIs after screening the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Key risk factors, including gender, age, and invasive procedure were identified through univariate and multivariate analyses. Then, propensity score matching was employed to select the balanced groups with similar characteristics. Comparisons of medical expenditures (total medical expenditure, medicine expenditure, and antibiotics expenditure) and hospitalization days between the balanced groups were calculated as the additional direct economic disease burden measures caused by HAIs. This framework can serve as a tool for not only hospital management and policy-making, but also implementation of targeted infection prevention and control measures. Moreover, it has the potential to be applied in various healthcare settings at local, regional, national, and international levels to identify high-risk areas, optimize resource allocation, and improve hospital management and governance, as well as inter-organizational learning. Challenges to implement the framework are also raised, such as data quality, regulatory compliance, considerations on unique nature of communicable diseases and other diseases, and training need for professionals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the interdisciplinary S2k guideline \"Acute infectious gastroenteritis in infants, children and adolescents\" is to summarise the current state of knowledge on the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and hygiene of acute infectious gastroenteritis, including nosocomial gastrointestinal infections, in infants, children and adolescents on the basis of scientific evidence, to evaluate it by expert consensus and to derive practice-relevant recommendations from it. The guideline provides a corridor for action for frequent decisions. It also serves the purpose of evidence-based further education and training and is thus intended to improve the medical care of children with acute gastroenteritis. In particular, the guideline aims to avoid unnecessary hospitalisation of children with AGE and to take preventive measures to avoid and spread infection.
    Das Ziel der interdisziplinären S2k-Leitlinie „Akute infektiöse Gastroenteritis im Säuglings-, Kindes- und Jugendalter“ ist es, den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zu klinischem Bild, Diagnostik, Therapie, Prävention und Hygiene der akuten infektiösen Gastroenteritis, einschließlich der nosokomialen gastrointestinalen Infektionen, bei Säuglingen, Kindern und Jugendlichen auf Basis der wissenschaftlichen Evidenz zusammenzufassen, im Expertenkonsens zu bewerten und daraus praxisrelevante Empfehlungen abzuleiten. Die Leitlinie liefert einen Handlungskorridor für häufige Entscheidungen. Sie dient zudem der evidenzbasierten Fort- und Weiterbildung und soll damit eine Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung von Kindern mit akuter Gastroenteritis erreichen. Insbesondere sollen durch die Leitlinie unnötige stationäre Aufnahmen von Kindern mit AGE vermieden und präventive Maßnahmen zur Infektionsvermeidung und -ausbreitung ergriffen werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epidemiological studies show that the care of patients in rooms with a previous stay by a person with evidence of multi-resistant pathogens (MRP) is associated with an increased risk of these pathogens occurring. The question therefore regularly arises as to whether MRP also exhibit resistance to the disinfectants used. To date, there are no standardised definitions for \"resistance\" to disinfectants. However, disinfectants authorised on the market are also effective against multi-resistant pathogens and the failure of efficient disinfection is mainly caused by application errors (insufficient cleaning, incomplete wetting, incorrect application concentration or exposure time etc.). The effectiveness of disinfectants depends on a variety of environmental factors (especially accompanying contamination). A reduced sensitivity to disinfectants can occur in individual isolates due to selection under sub-inhibitory concentrations of disinfectants. Resistance mechanisms to antibiotics do not mediate cross-resistance to disinfectants, but a change in the permeability of bacterial cells can influence sensitivity to disinfectants and antibiotics. In general, the success of routine disinfection can be improved by suitable process controls and contribute to reducing the transmission of MRP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) frequently causes both healthcare-associated infections and nosocomial outbreaks in burn medicine/plastic surgery and beyond. Owing to the high antibiotic resistance, infections are difficult to treat, and patient outcomes are often compromised. The environmental persistence capability of CRAB favors its transmission in hospitals. A comprehensive analysis and understanding of CRAB epidemiology and microbiology are essential for guiding management.
    METHODS: A three-year retrospective cohort study (2020-2022) was conducted in a German tertiary burn and plastic surgery center. In addition to epidemiological analyses, microbiological and molecular techniques, including whole-genome sequencing, were applied for the comprehensive examination of isolates from CRAB-positive patients.
    RESULTS: During the study period, eight CRAB cases were found, corresponding to an overall incidence of 0.2 CRAB cases per 100 cases and an incidence density of 0.35 CRAB cases per 1000 patient-days. Six cases (75%) were treated in the burn intensive care unit, and four cases (50%) acquired CRAB in the hospital. Molecular analyses comprising 74 isolates supported the epidemiologic assumption that hospital acquisitions occurred within two separate clusters. In one of these clusters, environmental CRAB contamination of anesthesia equipment may have enabled transmission. Furthermore, molecular diversity of CRAB isolates within patients was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: CRAB can pose a challenge in terms of infection prevention and control, especially if cases are clustered in time and space on a ward. Our study demonstrates that high-resolution phylogenetic analysis of several bacterial isolates from single patients can greatly aid in understanding transmission chains and helps to take precision control measures.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility and safety of integrating the geriatric intensive care unit (GICU) into the friendly management model of the elderly critically ill patients.
    METHODS: A prospective controlled study was conducted. Patients with elderly critically ill admitted to the GICU and the general intensive care unit (ICU) of Jintan First People\'s Hospital of Changzhou from December 2021 to May 2023 were enrolled. Patients in the ICU group received the traditional intensive care and nursing mode. In addition to the ICU group basic medical care measures, the patients in the GICU group were treated with friendly management models such as flexible visitation, diagnosis and treatment environment optimization, caring diagnosis and treatment, and family participation in hospice care according to their condition assessment. The gender, age, main diagnosis, and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II (APACHE II) at admission were recorded and compared between the two groups. During the treatment period, the incidence of nosocomial infection, unplanned extubation, falling out of bed/fall, unexpected readmission to ICU/GICU, and ICU/GICU mortality, the incidence of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), the satisfaction rate of patients/families with medical care, and the satisfaction rate of patients/families with diagnosis and treatment environment were recorded and compared between the two groups.
    RESULTS: According to the admission criteria for ICU and GICU, as well as the willingness of the patients and/or their families, a total of 59 patients were finally included in the ICU group, and 48 patients were enrolled in the GICU group. There were no significantly differences in gender, age, main diagnosis and APACHE II score between the two groups, and there were comparability. There were no significantly differences in the incidence of adverse events such as nosocomial infection [13.6% (8/59) vs. 12.5% (6/48)], unplanned extubation [5.1% (3/59) vs. 6.2% (3/48)], falling out of bed/fall [3.4% (2/59) vs. 0% (0/48)], unexpected readmission to ICU/GICU [8.5% (5/59) vs. 10.4% (5/48)], and ICU/GICU mortality [6.8% (4/59) vs. 6.2 (3/48)] between the ICU group and GICU group (all P > 0.05). Compared with the ICU group, the incidence of PICS in GICU group was significantly lower [8.3% (4/48) vs. 25.4% (15/59), P < 0.05], the satisfaction rate of patients/families with medical care [89.6% (43/48) vs. 74.6% (44/59)] and satisfaction rate of patients/families with diagnosis and treatment environment [87.5% (42/48) vs. 67.8% (40/59)] were significantly increased (both P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The use GICU as a friendly management model for elderly critically ill patients is feasible and safe, and it is worthy of further exploration and research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hospital-acquired urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common complications in patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN), leading to increased mortality and increased medical resource utilisation. This study investigated hospital-acquired UTIs in patients with DN, focusing on prevalent pathogens and drug resistance to inform clinical management.
    METHODS: This retrospective study analysed 141 patients with hospital-acquired UTIs admitted to The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2022, using the Yidu Cloud database. Among them, 109 had DN, and 32 had nondiabetic nephropathy (NDN). Patient demographics, pathogen distribution, and antibiotic resistance were statistically evaluated.
    RESULTS: The incidence of hospital-acquired UTIs was significantly higher in patients with DN compared to those with NDN (p < 0.0001), with a higher prevalence in women (p = 0.004). Gram-negative bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Klebsiella pneumoniae, were the primary pathogens in patients with DN and NDN. E. coli infections were more common in the DN group (p = 0.017). These pathogens exhibited high susceptibility to carbapenems, β-lactamase inhibitors, amikacin, nitrofurantoin, and minocycline; However, they showed significant resistance to quinolones, cephalosporin, and penicillins.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preventing hospital-acquired UTIs in patients with DN is crucial. Effective treatment requires selecting antibacterial drugs based on pathogen resistance profiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hand hygiene is known to reduce healthcare-associated infections. However, it remains suboptimal among healthcare providers. In this study, we used the Behaviour-centered Design approach to explore the facilitators and deterrents to hand hygiene among healthcare providers in the Kampala Metropolitan area, Uganda.
    METHODS: We conducted a formative qualitative study as part of a cluster randomised trial in 19 healthcare facilities (HCFs). The study used 19 semi-structured and 18 key informant interviews to collect data on hand hygiene status and facilitators and deterrents of hand hygiene. Research assistants transcribed verbatim and used a thematic framework aided by Nvivo 14.0. to undertake analysis. We used thick descriptions and illustrative quotes to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of our findings.
    RESULTS: About 47.4% of the HCFs had sufficient hand hygiene infrastructure, and 57.9% did not report total compliance with hand hygiene during patient care. The physical facilitator for hand hygiene was the presence of constant reminders such as nudges, while the biological included the frequency of patient contact and the nature of clinical work. The only biological deterrent was the heavy workload in HCFs. The executive brain facilitators included knowledge of workplace health risks, infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines, and a positive attitude. A negative attitude was the executive brain deterrent to hand hygiene. Recognition, rewards, and fear of infections were the only motivated brain facilitators. Behavioural setting facilitators included proximity to functional hand hygiene infrastructure, the existence of active IPC committees, good leadership, and the availability of a budget for hand hygiene supplies. Behavioural setting deterrents included the non-functionality and non-proximity to hand hygiene infrastructure and inadequate supplies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed low compliance with hand hygiene during the critical moments of patient care and inadequacy of hand hygiene infrastructure. The deterrents to hand hygiene included a heavy workload, negative attitude, inadequate supplies, non-functionality, and long distance to hand washing stations. Facilitators included constant reminders, fear of infections, frequency of patient contact and nature of clinical work, positive attitude, knowledge of IPC guidelines, recognition and reward, good leadership, availability of budgets for hand hygiene supplies, availability and proximity to hand hygiene supplies and infrastructure and active IPC committees.
    BACKGROUND: ISRCTN Registry with number ISRCTN98148144. The trial was registered on 23/11/2020.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nosocomial infections are a global problem in hospitals all around the world. It is considered a major health problem, especially in developing countries. The increase in the patient\'s stay in hospitals has increased the mortality rate, and consequently, the costs drastically increase. The main purpose of using disinfectants in the hospital environment is to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections. Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) causes lysis and increases susceptibility to antimicrobial agents in the planktonic form of bacteria. This substance affects the permeability of the outer membrane of bacteria. It also prevents the formation of biofilms by bacteria.
    METHODS: In the current study, 120 isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) were confirmed by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Antibiogram was performed and then the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of isolates against 5% sodium hypochlorite, ethanol %70, sayasept-HP 2%, chlorhexidine 2%, dettol 4/8% were evaluated. In addition, the disinfectant effect was re-evaluated with the mixture of EDTA solution. All isolates were examined for biofilm presence by crystal violet staining method in triplicates and repeated three times for each strain. Also for all isolates detection of efflux pump genes (Qac-E, qacE-Δ1, SUG-E) by PCR technique was done.
    RESULTS: Antibiogram results of A. baumannii showed that 6.7% were Multi-drug-resistant (MDR), and 89.2% were Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) isolates. The highest effect of disinfectants was related to 5% sodium hypochlorite, and the least effect was 70% ethanol. EDTA increases the efficacy of selected disinfectants significantly. The highest prevalence of the efflux pump genes was related to SUG-E (95%) and Qac-E (91.7%), and, the qacE-Δ1 gene with 12.5%. The biofilm production rate was 91.3% among all isolates.
    CONCLUSIONS: The best and safest way to disinfect hospital floors and surfaces is to choose the right disinfectants, and learn how to use them properly. In this study, a mixture of disinfectants and EDTA had a significant effect on bactericidal activity. it was found that improper use of disinfectants, especially the use of sub-inhibitory dilutions, increases the resistance of bacteria to disinfectants.





