crime scene

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of protein stains to enhance fingermark ridge detail in blood is a common technique used by forensic practitioners around the world. Amido Black is one of the most favoured protein stains due to its strong staining ability. The most common formulation of Amido Black is methanol based, with an ability to simultaneously fix and stain the blood impression, however methanol is toxic and can disrupt some surfaces, potentially compromising fingermark detail. If the surface is suspected of being a material that is impacted by methanol, there is an alternative aqueous formulation, which requires a fixative step to set the blood prior to staining so as not to wash away potential ridge detail. The multi-step process of aqueous protein stains is tedious and numerous studies have been conducted to improve the formula to achieve a combined fixing/staining solution that performs like the methanolic reagent. A combined fixative and stain formulation of aqueous based Amido Black was compared to a multi-step formulation with a separate sulfosalicylic acid fixative. Of the 243 split fingermark impressions analysed the majority (63.5 %) showed no preference to either treatment, with a marginally greater proportion of the remaining marks slightly favouring the combined fixative and stain formulation. Given that the new combined formulation performed broadly similarly to the existing multi step formulation, the potential time savings of this simpler approach may be beneficial to implement into operational use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Crime scenes are possible scenario of accidents for operators, despite those risks the are no operative protocols in literature. However, COVID-19 pandemic has affected in a positive manner the management of infectious risk, encouraging use of Personal protective equipment (PPE). The aim of the study is to deepen and examine the occupational risk of all health professionals involved in the analysis of the crime scene and biological material collection to develop an operational protocol that explains in detail all the strategies applicable to reduce it.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a review of the literature researching among the main databases, such as: PUBMED, EMBASE, COCHRANE introducing as keywords: crime scene, medico-legal investigations, occupational risk, infections. Subsequently, we developed an operational protocol that is currently applied during the activity of the Institute of Forensic Medicine \"Magna Graecia\" of Catanzaro.
    UNASSIGNED: The crime scene can show numerous dangers for operators, due to the presence of syringes, contaminated biological material or sharps or access to areas with poor hygienic and sanitary conditions. This paper shows various strategies that may be implemented to reduce the risk. The aim of this work is to focus on the occupational risk for operators by proposing an operative protocol showing in detail how to manage a crime scene by reducing the infectious risk for operators until the transfer of the body and the collected evidence to the morgue and to the laboratory.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) is a forensic scientific discipline used to resolve criminal events. By studying the size, shape, and distribution of the bloodstains that constitute one or more bloodstain patterns, it is possible to determine the physical events responsible for their creation, as well as the positions and movements of the victim and, in cases of homicide, the perpetrator during the act.
    UNASSIGNED: BPA analysis was applied as a support in the reconstruction of the event dynamics in four forensic cases, in addition to the data collected during on-site inspections and instrumental investigations including PMCT, autopsies, histological, and toxicological analyses. Particularly laborious was its application in a case involving a decomposed body. In all cases, a thorough photographic analysis of the bloodstains found on the clothing worn as well as in the areas surrounding the location of the corpse was conducted.
    UNASSIGNED: The combination of investigations, together with the data derived from the application of BPA, allowed events to be attributed to: homicide by blunt force trauma; homicide-suicide using a bladed weapon; homicide using firearms; unplanned complex suicide. The analysis of the cases presented highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach through the use of additional instrumental and specialist investigations such as the study of bloodstains present at the crime scene for the reconstruction of criminal events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In forensic investigation, determining the time and cause of death becomes challenging, especially in cases where the remains are found in advanced decomposition, rendering traditional toxicological samples unavailable or unreliable. Entomotoxicology, an emerging methodology within forensic science, leverages insect specimens collected from cadavers as alternative toxicological samples. Several laboratory and field research studies have highlighted the efficacy in detecting various drugs, toxins, and elements absorbed by insects feeding on cadaveric tissues, even at low concentrations. However, correlation studies between drug concentrations in conventional matrices and insects remain controversial due to unknown factors influencing drug metabolism and larval feeding activity. This paper presents four real cases in which human cadavers were discovered in advanced stages of decomposition, and toxicological analyses were performed on both insect samples and available matrices. The results presented complement the scant literature currently available on the application of entomotoxicology in real cases, providing insights into the correlation between larvae and human specimen results. Furthermore, guidelines to collect and preserve entomological evidence at the crime scene and during the autopsy for use in entomotoxicological analyses are provided. This advancement holds promise in aiding forensic investigations, particularly in cases where traditional methods cannot be applied or require supporting data for further validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Climate change causes great impact on ambient temperatures. In forensic pathology, temperature has always been an important variable to determine numerous thanatodiagnostic and thanatochronological parameters, as crucial elements to make scientifically valid forensic conclusions. The aim of this work is to describe the impact that climate change is having on the forensic science and crime scene analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: A literature review was carried out on the search engines Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar. The keywords \"climate change\" AND \"forensic\" were used.
    UNASSIGNED: Climate change is having a significant impact on forensic science in several areas. Among these it is necessary to consider: 1) global warming and crime scenes: high temperature of the planet causes frequent extreme meteorological events in multiple periods of the year; 2) Relationship between climate and PMI (Post Mortem Interval): Temperature influences the rapidity of putrefaction; 3) Relationship between climate and fauna: global warming is influencing the geographical distribution of animal species, with real migrations of species. Fauna has a decisive impact in the forensic field (as in the case of entomology) creating new models of animal-cadaver interaction; 4) Relationship between climate and forensic botany: Climate change influences the flowering and fruiting times of plants, impacting knowledge on botany used in the forensic field. It is essential to adopt prevention measures to address the emerging challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In forensic casework, time since death (TSD) estimations may play a crucial role to establish chains of events as well as for alibi assessment in homicide cases. Classical TSD estimation relies on reasonably stable ambient temperatures and a correct documentation of ambient and rectal temperatures. This constancy is in some cases disturbed by post-discovery alterations of the crime scene, e.g. opening a window. In order to develop a better understanding of this alteration-based detrimental impact on TSD estimation as well as to identify feasible recommendations for casework, the present pilot study examined ambient temperature effects of different window opening scenarios regarding various time intervals (5 to 360 min) in a furnished 10 m2 apartment during winter. In this context, in addition to the ambient temperature and thus the cooling rate of the room, re-approximation to initial room temperature, potential influences on a nomogram-based time since death estimation using a fictitious case, and the impact of the measurement height above the ground were investigated. Our data indicate a significant reduction of the mean temperature decrease rate after 15 min regardless of the remaining opening time and a correlation with the size of the respective opening surfaces. Re-approximation to initial room temperatures was observed with up to three times longer than the initial opening time. There was no evidence of a substantial advantage of temperature measurements above the level of the corpse (> 0.1 m). The limitations of the study and its applicability for forensic casework are critically reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are numerous crime scene investigation applications of 3D scanning that have been previously documented. This paper documents the application of a 3D point cloud in the presentation of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis evidence to mock jurors. 150 mock jurors viewed a presentation of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis evidence from a murder trial in the UK. After viewing the evidence, the participants were tested on their knowledge of the evidence and repeated the test again 2 weeks later; to simulate criminal trial conditions; whereby there is a time lapse between the initial viewing of evidential material and deliberation. This paper found that the mock jurors who additionally viewed a 3D flythrough of a point cloud of the crime scene, better retained knowledge of the evidence over time, reported a greater ability to visualise the crime scene and had higher levels of interest in the evidence. Crucially, the 3D flythrough group did not report different levels of confidence in the accuracy of their memories of the evidence, nor different levels of emotional arousal to the group that viewed the evidence without the 3D presentation. Together, these findings suggest that 3D scanning of crime scenes, and the resultant point cloud\'s presentation to jurors, could add further value to the justice system when spatial information, such as Bloodstain Pattern Analysis evidence, is presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age estimation is a critical aspect of reconstructing a biological profile in forensic sciences. Diverse biochemical processes have been studied in their correlation with age, and the results have driven DNA methylation to the forefront as a promising biomarker. DNA methylation, an epigenetic modification, has been extensively studied in recent years for developing age estimation models in criminalistics and forensic anthropology. Epigenetic clocks, which analyze DNA sites undergoing hypermethylation or hypomethylation as individuals age, have paved the way for improved prediction models. A wide range of biomarkers and methods for DNA methylation analysis have been proposed, achieving different accuracies across samples and cell types. This review extensively explores literature from the past 5 years, showing scientific efforts toward the ultimate goal: applying age prediction models to assist in human identification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, we present a compact LIBS sensor developed for characterization of samples on a crime scene following requirements of law enforcement agencies involved in the project. The sensor operates both in a tabletop mode, for aside measurements of swabbed materials or taken fragments, and in handheld mode where the sensor head is pointed directly on targets at the scene. The sensor head is connected via an umbilical to an instrument box that could be battery-powered and contains also a color camera for sample visualization, illumination LEDs, and pointing system for placing the target in focus. Here we describe the sensor\'s architecture and functionalities, the optimization of the acquisition parameters, and the results of some LIBS measurements. On nano-plotted traces at silica wafer and in optimized conditions, for most of the elements the detection limits, in term of the absolute element masses, were found to be below 10 picograms. We also show results obtained on some representative materials, like fingerprints, swabbed soil and gunshot residue, varnishes on metal, and coated plastics. The last, solid samples were used to evaluate the depth profiling capabilities of the instrument, where the recognition of all four car paint layers was achieved.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In India, the majority of postmortem examinations are conducted by medical professionals who lack expertise in the field of forensic medicine. Medicolegal autopsy services that are done by forensic experts are primarily confined to tertiary care centers, although a significant portion of medicolegal postmortem examinations occurs in non-tertiary healthcare setups. In this context, postmortem examination reports occasionally fail to encompass essential medicolegal features, resulting in dissatisfaction among both crime investigators and the deceased\'s relatives. As the doctors managing these postmortem examinations are not experts in the field of forensic medicine, if a case involves an unusual pattern of injury, the situation becomes further complicated. The absence of proper forensic assessments heightens the risk of the crime investigation heading in the wrong direction. Firearm injuries are well known for their varied pattern of injury. The present case reports one of the unusual patterns of firearm injury where a gunshot injury with close contact on the head resulted in the bursting of the skull, which is commonly referred to as a Kronlein shot. Such injuries involve extreme skull mutilation. Unlike typical contact gunshot injuries, in cases of extensive facial and cranial destruction, locating the entry wound and detecting other typical features of firearm injury become challenging. This complexity confused the autopsy surgeons of this case who were not experts in forensic medicine and mis-framed the opinion regarding the causative weapon which in turn confused the police official in the crime investigation. The case was later on referred to our institute for forensic medicine expert opinion and opinion was given after consideration of postmortem examination findings mentioned in the postmortem report, photographs of the deceased, circumstantial evidence gathered by police, and correlating all these facts with standard published literature. The case underscores the essential role of forensic experts in decoding complex medicolegal mysteries and ensuring accurate justice delivery. The case also highlights the importance of the need for comprehensive forensic examinations and considering circumstantial evidence in drawing various conclusions in a medicolegal autopsy.





