
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Systems thinking approaches are increasingly being used by communities to address complex chronic disease. This paper reports on the VicHealth Local Government Partnership (VLGP) which sought to co-create improvements in the health and well-being of children and young people by working with local government in Victoria, Australia.
    METHODS: The VLGP included a series of health promotion modules, aimed at creating policy, programme and practice changes across local government. One of these modules, Connecting the Dots - creating solutions for lasting change, aimed to build capacity for systems thinking in municipal public health and well-being planning across 13 councils. The approach was adapted and data were collected on the stimuli for, and results of, adaptation.
    RESULTS: The council adapted the systems thinking approach to meet geographic characteristics, priority health issue/s and participant target group needs. Adaptions applied to workshop materials, training delivery, existing and new resources, and to align with other community-based approaches. Stimuli for adaptation included the COVID-19 pandemic, needs of children and young people, capacity of council to deliver the workshop series, and time available within the project or for the participant group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Systems thinking was used and adapted by councils to improve the health and well-being of children and young people and increase the voices of children and young people in decision-making. Flexible delivery is critical to ensure communities can adapt the approach to meet local needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Mental health institutions and community organizations have had difficulty recruiting patients and caregivers onto their Patient, Family, and Community Advisory Committees (PFACs). Previous research has focused on barriers and enablers of engaging patients and caregivers who have advisory experience. This study acknowledges the experiential difference between patients and caregivers by focusing only on caregivers; further, we compare the barriers and enablers between advising versus non-advising caregivers of loved ones with mental illness.
    UNASSIGNED: Data from a cross-sectional survey codesigned by researchers, staff, clients, and caregiver affiliated with a tertiary mental health center were completed by n = 84 caregivers (n = 40 past/current PFAC advising caregivers; n = 44 non-advising caregivers).
    UNASSIGNED: Caregivers were disproportionately female and late middle-aged. Advising and non-advising caregivers differed on employment status. There were no differences of the demographics of their care-recipients. More non-advising caregivers reported being hindered from PFAC engagement by family-related duties and interpersonal demands. Finally, more advising caregivers considered being publicly acknowledged as important.
    UNASSIGNED: Advising and non-advising caregivers of loved ones with mental illness were similar in demographics and in reporting the enablers and hindrances that impact PFAC engagement. Nevertheless, our data highlights specific considerations that institutions/organizations should consider when recruiting and retaining caregivers on PFACs.
    UNASSIGNED: This project was led by a caregiver advisor to address a need she saw in the community. The surveys were codesigned by a team of two caregivers, one patient, and one researcher. The surveys were reviewed by a group of five caregivers external to the project. The results of the surveys were discussed with two caregivers involved directly with the project.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to enhance understanding of the collaboration between chairs of nurse councils (CNCs) and members of executive hospital boards (BM) from a relational leadership perspective.
    The authors used a qualitative and interpretive methodology. The authors study the daily interactions of BM and CNCs of seven Dutch hospitals through a relational leadership lens. The authors used a combination of observations, interviews and document analysis. The author\'s qualitative analysis was used to grasp the process of collaborating between BM and CNCs.
    Knowing each other, relating with and relating to are distinct but intertwined processes that influence the collaboration between BM and CNC. The absence of conflict is also regarded as a finding in this paper. Combined together, they show the importance of a relational process perspective to understand the complexity of collaboration in hospitals.
    Collaboration between professional groups in hospitals is becoming more important due to increasing interdependence. This is a consequence of the complexity in organizing qualitative care. Nevertheless, research on the process of collaborating between nurse councils (NCs) and executive hospital boards is scarce. Furthermore, the understanding of the workings of boards, in general, is limited. The relational process perspective and the combination of observations, interviewing and document analysis proved valuable in this study and is underrepresented in leadership research. This process perspective is a valuable addition to skills- and competencies-focused leadership literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine acute effects of stress-reduction guided imagery delivered in group format on stress biomarkers salivary cortisol and salivary amylase, and on self-reported stress mood, in healthy, predominantly Latino adolescents.
    METHODS: 111 adolescent participants (94% Latino), a subset from a large, randomized controlled lifestyle intervention to improve obesity-related health behaviors, received either 4 weekly lifestyle education sessions (Lifestyle group; LS) or the same weekly lifestyle education sessions plus an additional weekly stress-reduction guided imagery session delivered in group format (Guided imagery group; GI). Salivary cortisol, salivary amylase, and self-reported stress moods were assessed before and after sessions on intervention weeks 3 and 4. Statistics: Linear mixed effects models examined within- and between-session and group differences in pre- to post-session changes.
    RESULTS: Both groups showed decreases in salivary cortisol, 5% decrease in LS group and 32% in GI group (within-group differences all P < .05), with between-group difference in salivary cortisol of moderate size (P = .05; Cohen\'s d = .44). Within the GI group alone, salivary cortisol decrease was similar following either the lifestyle or GI sessions (P = .64). There were no statistically significant amylase changes within or between groups. All 5 individual stress moods declined by 27% to 46% in the GI group (all P < .05), while only 1 of the 5 declined in LS group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Group stress-reduction guided imagery reduces the stress biomarker salivary cortisol, as well as reducing subjective stress mood states, making it a viable modality for large scale stress-reduction interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The inclusion of stakeholders throughout the research process has been gaining recognition as an approach that can improve the quality and impact of research. Stakeholder engagement for dementia care research has been identified as a national priority, though evaluation of engagement strategies and their impact has been limited. In dementia care research, stakeholders can include individuals living with dementia, family care partners, and health and social care professionals in dementia care. A Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC) was established to identify priorities for dementia care research that are most important to stakeholders. Strategies to build capacity for research and facilitate engagement among the SAC were used to identify the research priorities. This study describes the experiences of SAC members engaged in the research process.
    METHODS: To evaluate stakeholder engagement, semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of the SAC to understand their experiences and perspectives on the strategies used to facilitate engagement and build capacity for research. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and thematically analyzed using a mixed inductive and deductive approach. Findings were presented to members of the SAC to determine whether they felt their perspectives and experiences were accurately represented. Final domains and themes presented here were approved by the SAC.
    RESULTS: Interviews (N = 11) were conducted with members of the SAC representing each stakeholder group; persons living with dementia (n = 2); family care partners (n = 4), and health and social care professionals in dementia care (n = 5). Ten themes were categorized into four overarching domains: accessibility, council infrastructure, values and environment, and benefits of involvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this qualitative study are a resource for researchers seeking to collaborate with diverse stakeholder groups to represent their perspectives in research, including individuals living with dementia. The domains and themes identified here support the inclusion of diverse stakeholders in the research process, centering engagement and capacity building strategies around individuals living with dementia.
    Involving stakeholders in research about dementia care is recognized as an important approach to develop findings that are relevant to individuals living with dementia, family care partners, and health and social professionals in dementia care. Still, this approach is not often used and there is a need for more information about how researchers can engage stakeholders in the research process and the impact of engagement from the perspectives of stakeholders. In this paper, we describe how a mixed group of stakeholders was engaged for a project to identify priorities for dementia care research and their perspectives of the experience.A Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC) worked together to develop their skills in research and connected with their communities to determine what is most important to be studied in the field of dementia care research. To understand the perspectives of the stakeholders involved in this project, we conducted individual interviews with members of the SAC.This study will help researchers understand how they can collaborate with stakeholders in dementia care and the benefits of including individuals living with dementia, family care partners, and professional stakeholders in the research process.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local governments have integral roles in contributing to public health. One recent focus has been on how local governments can impact community nutrition by engaging food service outlets to improve their food offer. The Healthier Catering Commitment (HCC) is an initiative where London local governments support takeaways and restaurants to meet centrally defined nutrition criteria on their food options. Using the case of HCC, the current study aims to provide (1) practical learnings of how local governments could facilitate and overcome barriers associated with implementing healthy food service initiatives in general, and (2) specific recommendations for enhancements for HCC.
    Key informant, semi-structured interviews were conducted with local government staff involved in HCC, exploring barriers and facilitators to HCC implementation in food businesses. A thematic analysis approach was used, with results presented according to a logic pathway of ideal implementation in order to provide practical, focused insights.
    Local governments implementing HCC.
    Twenty-two individuals supporting HCC implementation.
    Facilitators to implementation included flexible approaches, shared resourcing and strategically engaging businesses with practical demonstrations. Barriers were limited resources, businesses fearing negative customer responses and low uptake in disadvantaged areas. Key suggestions to enhance implementation and impact included offering additional incentives, increasing HCC awareness and encouraging recruited businesses to make healthy changes beyond initiative requirements.
    In order to facilitate the implementation of healthy food initiatives in food outlets, local governments would benefit from involving their environmental health team, employing community-tailored approaches and focusing on supporting businesses in disadvantaged areas.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study is to describe council structure, its benefits, supportive and obstructive factors and developmental needs as a part of shared governance in a university hospital.
    This is a descriptive study, where semi-structured interviews with 12 nurses was conducted in 2014 and documents from 75 council meetings from 2009 to 2014 were gathered and analyzed. Qualitative content analysis method was used on the data.
    The study hospital has been developing nursing shared governance with unique structure and processes of councils. Professors and university researchers act as chair and members are voluntary nursing staff. The factors supporting the councils are nurse managers\' support, enthusiastic personnel and neighboring university. The factors obstructing the councils are lack of time, understanding and skills. The work of the councils benefits the organization by improving patient care, harmonizing nursing practices and informing decision-making. The council\'s developmental needs were more visibility, concentration into everyday problems and interprofessionality.
    Applying nursing shared governance structures into an organization improves the professional practice environment of nursing personnel.
    The study hospital has its own, unique council structure. It did not cover the whole hospital or all of the nursing personnel, but it is already producing promising results. It should be given an official status and more support from nurse managers, and it should be developed into an inter-professional discussion. The results presented here indicate that shared governance, even, in its early stage, contributes positively to the quality of care, harmonizes nursing practices and informs decision-making. Applying shared governance structures into an organization improves the professional practice environment of nursing personnel. The study showed concrete supporting and obstructing factors that should be notified in nursing leadership.
    Despite the extensive empirical studies on nursing shared governance, there is very little research on councils in the Scandinavian countries.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The combination of higher stress and higher obesity rates suggests that Latino youth in the United States may be a population at particular risk for obesity-related adverse health outcomes. The objective of this article is to describe the feasibility, acceptability, and quantitative stress-related outcomes of a 6-week pilot lifestyle intervention using guided imagery (GI) council in order to reduce risk factors for obesity-related disease.
    METHODS: Seventeen urban, adolescents (12 females/5 males, 16 Latino, age 17 ± 1 years, grades 9-12, body mass index 22 ± 4) participated in the 6-week, after-school pilot intervention. The intervention consisted of three, 75-minute after-school sessions delivered weekly for 6 weeks. The 3 weekly sessions included 1 session each of nutrition education, physical activity education and practice, and GI delivered in council, a facilitated group process based on indigenous practices. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed by attendance and qualitative exit interview. Stress outcomes included salivary cortisol and perceived stress.
    RESULTS: The pilot intervention was found to be feasible to deliver in an after-school setting. The GI and council group format were well liked. A 31% reduction in salivary cortisol was observed following the stress-reduction GI sessions. Diurnal cortisol patterns did not change across the intervention, but change in perceived stress was correlated with change in cortisol awakening response.
    CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was feasible to deliver and highly acceptable. Acute reduction in salivary cortisol was seen following group GI, while no change was seen in daily cortisol patterns. These results support the development of a full 12-week intervention using GI council to reduce obesity-related disease risk.






