coordinative abilities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present work focuses on the tapping test, which is a method that is commonly used in the literature to assess dexterity, speed, and motor coordination by repeatedly moving fingers, performing a tapping action on a flat surface. During the test, the activation of specific brain regions enhances fine motor abilities, improving motor control. The research also explores neuromuscular and biomechanical factors related to finger dexterity, revealing neuroplastic adaptation to repetitive movements. To give an objective evaluation of all cited physiological aspects, this work proposes a measurement architecture consisting of the following: (i) a novel measurement protocol to assess the coordinative and conditional capabilities of a population of participants; (ii) a suitable measurement platform, consisting of synchronized and non-invasive inertial sensors to be worn at finger level; (iii) a data analysis processing stage, able to provide the final user (medical doctor or training coach) with a plethora of useful information about the carried-out tests, going far beyond state-of-the-art results from classical tapping test examinations. Particularly, the proposed study underscores the importance interdigital autonomy for complex finger motions, despite the challenges posed by anatomical connections; this deepens our understanding of upper limb coordination and the impact of neuroplasticity, holding significance for motor abilities assessment, improvement, and therapeutic strategies to enhance finger precision. The proof-of-concept test is performed by considering a population of college students. The obtained results allow us to consider the proposed architecture to be valuable for many application scenarios, such as the ones related to neurodegenerative disease evolution monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the reviewed literature, the selection system in handball is quite complex and requires new approaches from trainers based on the current and modern requirements of this game. This paper investigated the importance of coordinative ability development in handball in the selection process for young Romanian children (10-12 years old). The results were obtained from a sociological questionnaire survey, for which 109 handball coaches, 34 female and 75 male, were questioned. The mean age was 40.71 years (SD = ±5.32) with a range of 31-51 years for female coaches and 40.3 years (SD = ±7.53) with a range of 30-62 years for male coaches. Their experience in handball coaching varied from 10 to 30 years, with 19.88 (SD = ±5.05) years of experience on average for female coaches and 19.09 (SD = ±5.26) years of experience on average for male coaches. The answers delivered depended on the experience and knowledge the coaches had and difficulties they had encountered over the years. Data are presented using a variety of appropriate descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, and mean and standard variation. Obtained data were modeled using a one-way analysis of variation (ANOVA). The questionnaire format was three-to-five-point Likert scale. As a general overview, in the opinion of the surveyed specialists, the Romania selection process for handball does not meet their expectations, and the development level of coordinative abilities in 10-12 year-old children is medium to weak. A total of 61.76% female and 58.66% male coaches stressed the importance of developing coordination abilities to optimize the selection process of children for handball games, opening up a new approach in modern training methods for performance achievement. The obtained results from this paper questionnaire can be used by coaches as a different approach to the handball training process, considering that handball is a game mainly based on coordination.





