contextual fear

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Generalization allows for experience to flexibly guide behavior when conditions change. A basic physical unit of memory storage and expression in the brain are sparse, distributed groups of neurons known as ensembles (i.e., the engram). The infralimbic (IL) subregion of the ventral medial prefrontal cortex plays a key role in modulating conditioned defensive responses. How IL neuronal ensembles established during learning contribute to generalized responses is unknown. In this set of experiments, generalization was tested in male and female mice by presenting a novel, ambiguous, tone generalization stimulus following Pavlovian defensive (fear) conditioning. The first experiment was designed to test a role for IL in generalization using chemogenetic manipulations. Results show IL bidirectionally regulates defensive behavior. IL silencing promotes a switch in defensive state from vigilant scanning to generalized freezing, while IL stimulation reduces freezing in favor of scanning. Leveraging activity-dependent tagging technology (ArcCreERT2 x eYFP system), a neuronal ensemble, preferentially located in IL superficial layer 2/3, was associated with the generalization stimulus. Remarkably, in the identical discrete location, fewer reactivated neurons were associated with the generalization stimulus at the remote timepoint (30 days) following learning. When an IL neuronal ensemble established during learning was selectively chemogenetically silenced, generalization increased. Conversely, IL neuronal ensemble stimulation reduced generalization. Overall, these data identify a crucial role for IL in suppressing generalized responses. Further, we uncover an IL neuronal ensemble, formed during learning, functions to later attenuate the expression of generalization in the presence of ambiguous threat stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has anxiolytic-like effects and facilitates the extinction of cued and contextual fear in rodents. We have previously shown that intracerebroventricular administration of NPY reduces the expression of social fear via simultaneous activation of Y1 and Y2 receptors in a mouse model of social fear conditioning (SFC). In the present study, we investigated whether the anteroventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTav) mediates these effects of NPY, given the important role of BNSTav in regulating anxiety- and fear-related behaviors. We show that while NPY (0.1 nmol/0.2 μl/side) did not reduce the expression of SFC-induced social fear in male CD1 mice, it reduced the expression of both cued and contextual fear by acting on Y2 but not on Y1 receptors within the BNSTav. Prior administration of the Y2 receptor antagonist BIIE0246 (0.2 nmol/0.2 μl/side) but not of the Y1 receptor antagonist BIBO3304 trifluoroacetate (0.2 nmol/0.2 μl/side) blocked the effects of NPY on the expression of cued and contextual fear. Similarly, NPY exerted non-social anxiolytic-like effects in the elevated plus maze test but not social anxiolytic-like effects in the social approach avoidance test by acting on Y2 receptors and not on Y1 receptors within the BNSTav. These results suggest that administration of NPY within the BNSTav exerts robust Y2 receptor-mediated fear-reducing and anxiolytic-like effects specifically in non-social contexts and add a novel piece of evidence regarding the neural underpinnings underlying the effects of NPY on conditioned fear and anxiety-like behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The parabrachial nucleus (PBN) interfaces between taste and feeding systems and is also an important hub for relaying distress information and threats. Despite that the PBN sends projections to the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a heterogeneous brain region that regulates motivational behaviors, the function of the PBN-to-VTA connection remains elusive. Here, by using male mice in several behavioral paradigms, we discover that VTA-projecting PBN neurons are significantly engaged in contextual fear, restraint or mild stress but not palatable feeding, visceral malaise, or thermal pain. These results suggest that the PBN-to-VTA input may relay negative emotions under threat. Consistent with this notion, optogenetic activation of PBN-to-VTA glutamatergic input results in aversion, which is sufficient to override palatable feeding. Moreover, in a palatable food-reinforced operant task, we demonstrate that transient optogenetic activation of PBN-to-VTA input during food reward retrieval disengages instrumental food-seeking behaviors but spares learned action-outcome association. By using an activity-dependent targeting approach, we show that VTA DA neurons are disengaged by the PBN afferent activation, implicating that VTA non-DA neurons may mediate PBN afferent regulation. We further show that optogenetic activation of VTA neurons functionally recruited by the PBN input results in aversion, dampens palatable feeding, and disengages palatable food self-administration behavior. Finally, we demonstrate that transient activation of VTA glutamatergic, but not GABAergic, neurons recapitulates the negative regulation of the PBN input on food self-administration behavior. Together, we reveal that the PBN-to-VTA input conveys negative affect, likely through VTA glutamatergic neurons, to disengage instrumental food-seeking behaviors.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The PBN receives multiple inputs and thus is well positioned to route information of various modalities to engage different downstream circuits to attend or respond accordingly. We demonstrate that the PBN-to-VTA input conveys negative affect and then triggers adaptive prioritized responses to address pertinent needs by withholding ongoing behaviors, such as palatable food seeking or intake shown in the present study. It has evolutionary significance because preparing to cope with stressful situations or threats takes priority over food seeking to promote survival. Knowing how appropriate adaptive responses are generated will provide new insights into circuitry mechanisms of various coping behaviors to changing environmental stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious global risk factor leading to the onset of cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases. Cognitive and memory impairment following a TBI is associated with the dysregulation of cholinergic neurotransmission in the brains of subjects. The extent of memory impairment following a TBI is linked with the sex of the subject. This study aimed to identify the sex-dimorphic role of muscarinic cholinergic modulation in neurological functioning and episodic memory retrieval in a mouse model of TBI. Balb/c mice were divided into four groups of males and four groups of females (i.e., Sham, TBI, TBI + Scopolamine 1 mg/kg, and TBI + Donepezil 1 mg/kg). After training with the Morris water maze test and fear conditioning, all groups were subjected to brain injury (7.84 × 10-5 J impact force) except for the Sham mice. Following brain injury, scopolamine or donepezil was administered to the respective groups for 5 days. Acute scopolamine immediately after brain trauma showed a neuroprotective effect in the males only, while subchronic donepezil significantly impaired neurological functioning in both sexes. Subchronic scopolamine and donepezil treatment reversed the TBI-induced retrograde amnesia for spatial memory in male mice. Contextual fear memory retrieval was not affected by the TBI and treatments in both sexes. Thus, we concluded that the sex-dimorphic response of the muscarinic receptors in TBI-induced memory impairment depends on the type of memory. This study highlights the potential for therapeutic modalities in TBI subjects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cuneiform nucleus (CUN) is a midbrain structure located lateral to the caudal part of the periaqueductal gray. In the present investigation, we first performed a systematic analysis of the afferent and efferent projections of the CUN using FluoroGold and Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin as retrograde and anterograde neuronal tracers, respectively. Next, we examined the behavioral responses to optogenetic activation of the CUN and evaluated the impact of pharmacological inactivation of the CUN in both innate and contextual fear responses to a predatory threat (i.e., a live cat). The present hodologic evidence indicates that the CUN might be viewed as a caudal component of the periaqueductal gray. The CUN has strong bidirectional links with the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (PAGdl). Our hodological findings revealed that the CUN and PAGdl share a similar source of inputs involved in integrating information related to life-threatening events and that the CUN provides particularly strong projections to brain sites influencing antipredatory defensive behaviors. Our functional studies revealed that the CUN mediates innate freezing and flight antipredatory responses but does not seem to influence the acquisition and expression of learned fear responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-reactivation amnesia of contextual fear memories by blockade of noradrenergic signaling has been shown to have limited replicability in rodents. This is usually attributed to several boundary conditions that gate the destabilization of memory during its retrieval. How these boundary conditions can be overcome, and what neural mechanisms underlie post-reactivation changes in contextual fear memories remain largely unknown. Here, we report a series of experiments in a contextual fear-conditioning paradigm in mice, that were aimed at solving these issues. We first attempted to obtain a training paradigm that would consistently result in contextual fear memory that could be destabilized upon reactivation, enabling post-retrieval amnesia by the administration of propranolol. Unexpectedly, our attempts were unsuccessful to this end. Specifically, over a series of experiments in which we varied different parameters of the fear acquisition procedure, at best small and inconsistent effects were observed. Additionally, we found that propranolol did not alter retrieval-induced neural activity, as measured by the number of c-Fos+ cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. To determine whether propranolol was perhaps ineffective in interfering with reactivated contextual fear memories, we also included anisomycin (i.e., a potent and well-known amnesic drug) in several experiments, and measures of synaptic glutamate receptor subunit GluA2 (i.e., a marker of memory destabilization). No post-retrieval amnesia by anisomycin and no altered GluA2 expression by reactivation was observed, suggesting that the memories did not undergo destabilization. The null findings are surprising, given that the training paradigms we implemented were previously shown to result in memories that could be modified upon reactivation. Together, our observations illustrate the elusive nature of reactivation-dependent changes in non-human fear memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphine withdrawal can trigger disruptions in neuronal pathways involved in the modulation and expression of anxiety and fear-related behaviors, particularly those involved in associative learning. When it comes to contextual fear, specific subdivisions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) regulate the expression of defensive behaviors through projections to specific amygdala (AM) nuclei, such as the prelimbic cortex (PrL). The basolateral nucleus (BLA) of the AM has been shown to be involved in the modulation and expression of associative memories of fear, including those associated with opiate withdrawal-related aversive events. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of GABA mechanisms in the PrL and BLA in startle potentiation and freezing behavior caused by morphine-precipitated withdrawal. Our findings show that morphine withdrawal promotes the emergence of contextual conditioned fear in animals when they are exposed to the same environment where the withdrawal sessions were performed. This suggests that the neural circuits underlying the organism\'s response to conditioned stressors and the circuits modulating the negative affective states induced by drug withdrawal may overlap. The pharmacological manipulation of GABAergic neurotransmission in the PrL and BLA can reverse contextual fear in morphine-withdrawn rats, an effect that appears to be mediated, at least in part, by GABAA receptors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) regulates a variety of physiological processes and plays an important role in emotional behavior. The role of ASM in fear-related behavior has not been investigated so far. Using transgenic mice overexpressing ASM (ASMtg) and ASM deficient mice, we studied whether ASM regulates fear learning and expression of cued and contextual fear in a classical fear conditioning paradigm, a model used to investigate specific attributes of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We show that ASM does not affect fear learning as both ASMtg and ASM deficient mice display unaltered fear conditioning when compared to wild-type littermates. However, ASM regulates the expression of contextual fear in a sex-specific manner. While ASM overexpression enhances the expression of contextual fear in both male and female mice, ASM deficiency reduces the expression of contextual fear specifically in male mice. The expression of cued fear, however, is not regulated by ASM as ASMtg and ASM deficient mice display similar tone-elicited freezing levels. This study shows that ASM modulates the expression of contextual fear but not of cued fear in a sex-specific manner and adds a novel piece of information regarding the involvement of ASM in hippocampal-dependent aversive memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dorsal periaqueductal grey (PAG) is an important site for integrating predatory threats. However, it remains unclear whether predator-related activation in PAG primarily reflects threat itself and thus can distinguish between various degrees of threat, or rather reflects threat-oriented behaviours, with the PAG potentially orchestrating different types of defensive repertoire. To address this issue, we performed extracellular recording of dorsal PAG neurons in freely behaving rats and examined neuronal and behavioural responses to stimulus conditions with distinct levels of predatory threat. Animals were sequentially exposed to a nonthreatening stimulus familiar environment (exposure to habituated environment) and to a novel nonthreatening stimulus (i.e., a toy animal-plush) and to conditions with high (exposure to a live cat), intermediate (exposure to the environment just visited by the cat, with remnant predator scent), and low (exposure on the following day to the predatory context) levels of predatory threat. To test for contributions of both threat stimuli and behaviour to changes in firing rate, we applied a Poisson generalized linear model regression, using the different predator stimulus conditions and defensive repertoires as predictor variables. Analysis revealed that the different predator stimulus conditions were more predictive of changes in firing rate (primarily threat-induced increases) than the different defensive repertoires. Thus, the dorsal PAG may code for different levels of predatory threat, more than it directly orchestrates distinct threat-oriented behaviours. The present results open interesting perspectives to investigate the role of the dorsal PAG in mediating primal emotional and cognitive responses to fear-inducing stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fear extinction (FExt) is used to treat patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, fear related to traumatic events can be persistent and return even after successful extinction. The neurochemical control of extinction seems to be performed by several neurotransmitters, including dopamine (DA), through D1 and D2 receptors. Recently, we showed that intranasally applied DA (IN-DA) facilitated the FExt, but the mechanisms by which it promoted this effect are still unknown. This study focused on investigating whether these effects are mediated by the action of DA on D2-like receptors since these receptors seem to be related to neurochemical and molecular changes underlying extinction. Also, we investigated whether IN-DA treatment would affect conditioned fear-induced antinociception (Fear-IA). Rats treated with IN-DA (1 mg/kg) twenty-five minutes after sulpiride (SUL; 40 mg/kg, i.p., D2-antagonist) were subjected to the extinction of contextual fear. IN-DA applied before the extinction session induced the FExt and prevented Fear-IA. These effects were impaired by pre-treatment with SUL, suggesting that the IN-DA effects are mediated by DA on D2-like receptors. SUL per se also facilitated the FExt but did not affect Fear-IA. These data suggest IN-DA as a promising pharmacological tool to supplement the psychotherapy of patients suffering from PTSD.





