condomless anal sex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of new HIV infections in the US occur among sexual minority men (SMM) with older adolescent and emerging adult SMM at the highest risk. Those in relationships face unique HIV prevention challenges. Existing sexual HIV transmission risk interventions for male couples often encounter implementation challenges and engaging younger SMM early in relationships may be particularly difficult. This pilot randomized controlled trial evaluated the acceptibility and feasibility of We Test HIV testing - a behavioral health intervention tailored for younger SMM in realtionships - and generated preliminary estimates of effect size. The intervention comprises two adjunct moduls - video-based communication skills training as well as communication goal setting and planning - delivered in conjunction with routine HIV testing and counseling in individual or dyadic formats. A sample of 69 SMM aged 17 to 24 were recruited online. Following baseline assessment, youth were randomized to receive either the experimental, We Test, intervention or routine HIV testing (the control condition). Follow-up assessments were completed 3 and 6 months post-baseline. Results suggested the study was feasible and the individually delivered format was acceptible. We Test HIV testing was associated with significant improvements in communication skills. In addition, youth who remained in a relationship experienced an increase in communal coping to reduce HIV infection risk and relationship power. While groups did not differ with respect to condomless anal sex with casual partners, these psycho-social constructs (communication, communal coping with HIV prevention, and relationship power) may serve as mediators of intervention effects on sexual risk reduction in a larger study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the United States, HIV prevalence is increasing in rural areas, specifically among rural adolescent sexual minority males (ASMM). However, it is unclear what HIV sexual risk behaviors rural ASMM engage in and what HIV preventative services they utilize. This study aimed to (1) document the lifetime HIV sexual risk behaviors and service utilization of rural ASMM and (2) compare rural-urban differences in the prevalence of HIV sexual risk behaviors and service utilization. We analyzed data collected from 1615 ASMM who participated in a baseline survey for an online HIV prevention program from April 2018 to June 2020. We compared the prevalence of lifetime HIV sexual risk behaviors and HIV healthcare utilization among rural and urban participants via descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, linear and logistic regressions, and zero-inflated Poisson regressions. These analyses indicated that rural ASMM were more likely than urban ASMM to engage in condomless sex when they had anal sex. Rural ASMM could benefit from offline and online evidence-based HIV prevention interventions, especially interventions that increase condom use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among men who have sex with men (MSM), those who also engage in the exchange of sex for money, drugs, shelter or other material goods (i.e., male sex workers-MSWs) have been found to have higher rates of condomless anal sex (CAS), HIV, and STIs than MSM who do not engage in exchange sex. To gain a better understanding of the factors that influence MSWs\' engagement in CAS with male clients, we analyzed qualitative interview data from a diverse sample of 141 MSWs from 8 U.S. cities who met clients primarily through hookup or dating apps/websites and who reported having condomless anal sex with at least one of their exchange sex partners in the prior three months. While high client demand and financial incentives were the most frequently mentioned reasons for engaging in CAS with clients, other factors including drug and alcohol use, attraction to the client, the heat of the moment, concerns about sexual performance, and reliance on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) were also important. Participants who engaged in CAS generally felt that due to client characteristics or mitigating steps they had taken themselves, their chance of acquiring HIV/STIs was acceptably low. Hookup or dating apps/websites have provided an additional and increasingly popular venue for exchange sex to be arranged. These platforms also offer an opportunity for HIV/STI prevention through interventions and tailored messages delivered through these venues that address the motivations, misconceptions and/or situational factors that may lead to CAS.
    RESULTS: Entre los hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres (HSH), se ha encontrado que aquellos que también participan en el intercambio de sexo por dinero, drogas, vivienda u otros bienes materiales (es decir, hombres trabajadores sexuales-HTS) tienen tasas más altas de sexo anal sin condón (SASC), VIH y ETS que los HSH que no participan en relaciones sexuales de intercambio. Para obtener una mejor comprensión de los factores que influyen en la participación de los HTS en SASC con clientes masculinos, analizamos los datos de entrevistas cualitativas de una muestra diversa de 141 HTS de 8 ciudades de EE. UU. que conocieron a los clientes principalmente a través de aplicaciones/sitios web de conexión o citas y que informaron haber tenido sexo anal sin condón con al menos una de sus parejas sexuales de intercambio en los tres meses anteriores. Mientras la alta demanda de los clientes y los incentivos financieros fueron las razones mencionadas con mayor frecuencia para participar en SASC con los clientes, otros factores como el uso de drogas y alcohol, la atracción hacia el cliente, la seducción del momento, las preocupaciones sobre el desempeño sexual y la dependencia de la profilaxis preexposición (PrEP) también fueron importantes. Los participantes que tomaron parte en SASC generalmente sintieron que debido a las características del cliente o a los pasos de mitigación que habían tomado ellos mismos, su probabilidad de contraer VIH / ETS era aceptablemente baja. Las aplicaciones/sitios web de conexión o citas han proporcionado un lugar adicional y cada vez más popular para organizar el intercambio de sexo. Estas plataformas también ofrecen una oportunidad para la prevención del VIH/ETS a través de intervenciones y mensajes personalizados que se transmiten a través de estos lugares y que abordan las motivaciones, los conceptos erróneos y/o los factores situacionales que pueden conducir a SASC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among the many effective prevention strategies, frequent HIV testing continues to be promoted to reduce the risk of HIV transmission among sexual minority men (SMM). Testing negative for HIV can result in varied reactions that influence subsequent HIV transmission behaviors, yet the extant research has primarily been conducted in English. The current study examined measurement invariance of a Spanish-translated Inventory of Reactions to Testing HIV Negative (IRTHN). The study also examined whether the IRTHN was associated with subsequent condomless anal sex. Data were drawn from 2,170 Latinx SMM subsample of the UNITE Cohort Study. We conducted a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis to test for measurement invariance between participants who opted to take the survey in English (n = 2,024) and those who opted to take it in Spanish (n = 128). We also examined if the IRTHN is associated with subsequent CAS. The results were suggestive of partial invariance. The subscales of Luck and Invulernability were associated with CAS at the 12-month follow-up. Practice and research-based implications are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately impacted by HIV in the United States, and substance use and compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) are contributors to HIV risk behavior. This study sought to examine the direct and interactive effects of concurrent substance use and CSB on condomless anal sex (CAS) in a community sample of MSM (N = 200) utilizing a 90-day timeline follow-back assessment. Results indicated CSB did not directly increase risk for CAS when controlling for substance use and age. There was limited evidence for a direct effect of concurrent alcohol use on CAS, and no evidence for an interaction effect with CSB. The relationship between concurrent drug use and CAS was moderated by CSB, such that concurrent drug use was positively associated with CAS for those who screened positive for CSB, while the association was non-significant for those who screened negative. Implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.
    RESULTS: En los Estados Unidos, los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) se ven afectados de manera desproporcionada, por el VIH, el uso de sustancias y el comportamiento sexual compulsivo (CSB), lo que contribuye al comportamiento de riesgo del VIH. Este estudio buscó examinar los efectos directos e interactivos del uso simultáneo de sustancias y el CSB sobre el sexo anal sin condón (CAS) en una muestra comunitaria de HSH (N = 200) utilizando una evaluación de retrospectiva de 90 días. Los resultados indicaron que CSB no aumentó directamente el riesgo de CAS al controlar el uso de sustancias y la edad. Se encontró evidencia limitada de un efecto directo del consumo concurrente de alcohol sobre CAS y no se encontró evidencia de efecto de interacción con la CSB. La relación entre el uso concurrente de drogas y CAS fue moderada por CSB, de modo que el uso concurrente de drogas se asoció positivamente con CAS para aquellos que dieron positivo para CSB, mientras que la asociación no fue significativa para aquellos que dieron negativo. Se discuten las implicaciones y limitaciones de estos hallazgos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prior research has shown that men who have sex with men (MSM) who use drugs are at increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Often, MSM who use drugs use multiple substances at once and research has indicated that certain substances are used in combination more frequently. As a vulnerable population, it is important to understand the various ways in which this population uses drugs in order to structure prevention, harm reduction, and treatment programs to their needs.
    Data for this analysis were taken from a cohort of geographically diverse U.S. national sample of cisgender men who have sex with men (n = 6111). After assessing prevalence of drug use in the sample, we used iterative latent class analysis to determine substance use classes for 10 substances. After a model was selected, class assignments were examined for association with mean number of insertive and receptive condomless anal sex (CAS) partners in the past three months.
    The final model indicated six latent classes: class 1 = \"cannabis use\" (n = 1,996), class 2 = \"diverse use\" (n = 299), class 3 = \"cocaine and inhalant use\" (n = 421), class 4 = \"methamphetamine, GHB, and inhalant use\" (n = 345), class 5 = \"no use\" (n = 2431), class 6 = \"sedative use\" (n = 619). Age, race, annual income, residence in EHE jurisdictions, past history of houselessness, and past history of incarceration was significantly associated with membership in some classes. In outcome modeling, participants best assigned to Class 4 had the highest mean number of insertive (Mean = 9.70, 95% CI: 5.92 - 13.47) and receptive (Mean = 8.71, 95% CI: 6.75 - 10.66) condomless anal sex (CAS) partners in the prior three months.
    The six heterogenous classes may indicate discrete typologies of use behavior corresponding to different settings or activities, which may themselves differ by regional HIV incidence trends and participant demographics. Programs seeking to address substance use among MSM may be well served to tailor toward these divergent clusters of substance use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies examining the association between psychosocial problems and condomless anal sex (CAS) among transgender women (TGW) are rare. In this study, close attention was paid to the effect of co-occurring psychosocial problems on sexual risk behaviors. A cross-sectional study, including 247 TGW, was conducted in Kunming and Shenyang, China. The prevalence of condomless anal sex among TGW in the previous 6 months was 30.8%. Most of the psychosocial factors were associated with one another in bivariate logistic regression models. Low self-esteem (ORm = 2.99, 95% CI = 1.25-7.18), sexual compulsivity (ORm = 2.13, 95% CI = 1.13-4.00), and intimate partner violence (ORm = 2.21, 95% CI = 1.19-4.11) were discovered to be related to condomless anal sex in the multivariate regression model. No significant interactive effects of the syndemic factors on condomless anal sex were detected. More programmatic and effective HIV prevention interventions targeting psychosocial problems are required to reduce HIV infection within the population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted sexual health services among those most vulnerable to HIV acquisition, such as adolescent men who have sex with men (AMSM). We sought to characterize the changes in sexual-risk behaviors, HIV and other STI testing, and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use among a longitudinal cohort of AMSM aged 13 to 18 years before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We observed a significant decline in HIV testing and a marginal decrease in other STI testing since the pandemic began in March 2020. Outreach efforts and innovative remote delivery of sexual health services are needed to support access to healthcare services among AMSM as the pandemic persists.
    RESULTS: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado la prestación de servicios de salud sexual para los más vulnerables, tales como los hombres adolescentes que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres (AMSM; por sus siglas en ingles). En una cohorte longitudinal de AMSM de 13 a 18 años, examinamos los cambios en comportamientos sexuales de alto riesgo, la prueba de VIH, las pruebas de otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual, y el uso de Profilaxis Preexposición (PrEP) para el VIH antes y durante la pandemia. Desde el inicio de la pandemia en marzo de 2020, observamos una disminución significativa en la frecuencia de pruebas de VIH y una disminución marginal en la frecuencia de pruebas de otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Mientras persista la pandemia, serán necesarios más esfuerzos de divulgación e innovaciones en la prestación remota de servicios de salud sexual para apoyar el acceso a dichos servicios por parte de AMSM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual minority men (SMM) remain disproportionately burdened by sexually transmitted infections. Although gay community involvement has been theorized to be protective against many negative health outcomes, research examining the association between community involvement and condomless anal sex (CAS) has yielded conflicting results. The current study, conducted between 2018-2020, examined whether the importance one places on various aspects of community involvement was associated with CAS among a sample of young adult SMM aged 18-34 years with body image concerns (N = 180). Gay community involvement was measured using the Importance of Gay Community Scale, and the results of an exploratory factor analysis indicated the presence of two factors: \"social activism\" and \"going out/nightlife.\" A zero-inflated Poisson regression was conducted to examine the association between gay \"social activism,\" \"going out/nightlife,\" and their interaction with the number of CAS partners. Upon examining a significant interaction, \"social activism\" had a protective effect against CAS at low levels of \"going out/nightlife,\" but this effect was non-significant at higher levels. These results suggest that encouraging gay community involvement through activism could be effective at reducing CAS and addressing the health disparity that exists within this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Travelers may adapt HIV risk-reduction practices based on perceived destination-specific norms. We examined the association between perceived condom norms and condomless anal sex (CAS) during international and domestic travel and in the home environment among men who have sex with men. Men who traveled internationally in the past 12 months were recruited by respondent-driven sampling (N = 501). Not knowing destination-specific condom norms was significantly associated with less CAS during international travel and in the home environment but not during domestic travel. Perceiving home environment condom norms to expect use of condoms was significantly associated with less CAS during domestic but not international travel. Men were less likely to engage in CAS during international travel when destination-specific condom norms were unknown. Unfamiliarity with the environment and culture may influence some men to refrain from higher-risk behaviors. During domestic travel, some men appeared to apply home environment condom norms, which may be erroneous in some situations and pose an HIV risk.





