computed tomography scanner

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a modular and cost-effective gamma ray computed tomography system for multiphase flow investigations in industrial apparatuses. It mainly comprises a 137Cs isotopic source and an in-house-assembled detector arc, with a total of 16 scintillation detectors, offering a quantum efficiency of approximately 75% and an active area of 10 × 10 mm2 each. The detectors are operated in pulse mode to exclude scattered gamma photons from counting by using a dual-energy discrimination stage. Flexible application of the computed tomography system, i.e., for various object sizes and densities, is provided by an elaborated detector arc design, in combination with a scanning procedure that allows for simultaneous parallel beam projection acquisition. This allows the scan time to be scaled down with the number of individual detectors. Eventually, the developed scanner successfully upgrades the existing tomography setup in the industry. Here, single pencil beam gamma ray computed tomography is already used to study hydraulics in gas-liquid contactors, with inner diameters of up to 440 mm. We demonstrate the functionality of the new system for radiographic and computed tomographic scans of DN110 and DN440 columns that are operated at varying iso-hexane/nitrogen liquid-gas flow rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patient data in current computed tomography scanner machines are transferred through several communication channels, such as WiFi, to the mobile channel platform. Therefore, patient information is an important security concern. Medical imaging must be protected using various methods.
    OBJECTIVE: The current hardware-dependent method for generating random bits exhibits predictable or inconvenient physical characteristics. Therefore, a more flexible random-bit generation technique is to be devised.
    METHODS: We propose a deterministic random bit generation algorithm that uses a mathematical periodic function.
    RESULTS: After randomizing the image using the proposed random bit, the performance is analyzed and compared with that of the processed image.
    CONCLUSIONS: The random bit generation method using a mathematical algorithm shows higher entropy than the random bit generated by hardware.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tuberculosis (TB) is still a major worldwide health problem and models using non-human primates (NHP) provide the most relevant approach for vaccine testing. In this study, we analysed CT images collected from cynomolgus and rhesus macaques following exposure to ultra-low dose Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) aerosols, and monitored them for 16 weeks to evaluate the impact of prior intradermal or inhaled BCG vaccination on the progression of lung disease. All lesions found (2553) were classified according to their size and we subclassified small micronodules (<4.4 mm) as \'isolated\', or as \'daughter\', when they were in contact with consolidation (described as lesions ≥ 4.5 mm). Our data link the higher capacity to contain Mtb infection in cynomolgus with the reduced incidence of daughter micronodules, thus avoiding the development of consolidated lesions and their consequent enlargement and evolution to cavitation. In the case of rhesus, intradermal vaccination has a higher capacity to reduce the formation of daughter micronodules. This study supports the \'Bubble Model\' defined with the C3HBe/FeJ mice and proposes a new method to evaluate outcomes in experimental models of TB in NHP based on CT images, which would fit a future machine learning approach to evaluate new vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction  Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a rare inherited disease that results in a malfunction of mucociliary clearance and sinonasal complaints. Aplasia/hypoplasia of the frontal and sphenoid sinuses has been described as more frequent in this population. However, to date, no studies have provided a detailed description of computed tomography findings in adult patients with a diagnosis of this condition. Objective  To describe the computed tomography (CT) findings of adult patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Methods  Retrospective observational study of adult patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia who underwent CT. Results  Twenty-one adults were included in the study. Aplasia occurred in 38.1% of frontal sinuses and in 14.3% of sphenoid sinuses. Likewise, hypoplasia occurred in 47.6% of the frontal sinuses, in 54.8% of the sphenoid sinuses and in 40.5% of the maxillary sinuses. Furthermore, trabecular loss was identified in 61.9% ethmoidal sinuses. The mean Lund-Mackay score was 13.5. In addition, 9.5% of the patients had concha bullosa, 47.6% had marked bilateral inferior turbinate hypertrophy, 38.1% had marked middle turbinate hypertrophy, and 47.6% had marked septal deviation. Finally, we identified images suggestive of fungus ball, mucocele, osteoma, a possible antrochoanal polyp, and frontal bone erosions. Conclusion  The present study provides a detailed description of CT findings in patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia. We also describe abnormalities that must be identified for safer surgical planning and that suggest a diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia if found in patients with a consistent clinical picture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Establishing the underlying cause in a child with chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) allows for targeted treatment and screening for associated complications. One cause of CSLD is primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). Testing for PCD requires specialist expertise which is not widely available. Computed tomography (CT) scans are commonly performed when assessing CSLD. Identifying PCD-specific signs on CT would help clinicians in deciding when to refer for specialist testing. One potential PCD-specific sign we have observed is fissure adjacent partial lobe atelectasis (FAPLA). We aimed to assess if FAPLA is commonly found in CT of PCD patients.
    METHODS: Fifty-eight CT scans from 42 adult and child PCD patients were analysed. The presence and distribution of FAPLA were noted, and its association to sputum culture and other signs commonly seen in CSLD (bronchiectasis, bronchial wall thickening, air trapping and mucus plugging).
    RESULTS: FAPLA was found in 13 of 40 participants in their earliest CT scan. The prevalence of FAPLA was similar in children and adults. FAPLA involved the right middle lobe in all 13 cases and was systematically associated with ≥1 other structural change. There was no association between FAPLA and bacterial isolation from sputum.
    CONCLUSIONS: FAPLA was found in 32.5% PCD scans, without difference between children and adults in terms of frequency. Future work will determine if it is a PCD-specific sign by assessing whether it is also found in other CSLD processes and analysing more scans from children with PCD to determine how early this sign develops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been ferociously destroying global health and economics. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), until May 2021, more than one hundred million infected cases and 3.2 million deaths have been reported in over 200 countries. Unfortunately, the numbers are still on the rise. Therefore, scientists are making a significant effort in researching accurate, efficient diagnoses. Several studies advocating artificial intelligence proposed COVID diagnosis methods on lung images with high accuracy. Furthermore, some affected areas in the lung images can be detected accurately by segmentation methods. This work has considered state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network architectures, combined with the Unet family and Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) for COVID segmentation tasks on Computed Tomography (CT) scanner samples from the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology dataset. The experiments show that the decoder-based Unet family has reached the best (a mean Intersection Over Union (mIoU) of 0.9234, 0.9032 in dice score, and a recall of 0.9349) with a combination between SE ResNeXt and Unet++. The decoder with the Unet family obtained better COVID segmentation performance in comparison with Feature Pyramid Network. Furthermore, the proposed method outperforms recent segmentation state-of-the-art approaches such as the SegNet-based network, ADID-UNET, and A-SegNet + FTL. Therefore, it is expected to provide good segmentation visualizations of medical images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In Luxembourg, the frequency of CT and MRI examinations per inhabitant is among the highest in Europe. A national audit was conducted to evaluate the appropriateness of CT and MRI examinations according to the national referral guidelines for medical imaging.
    METHODS: Three hundred and eighty-eight CT and 330 MRI requests corresponding to already performed examinations were provided by all radiology departments in Luxembourg. Four external radiologists evaluated the clinical elements for justification present in each request. They consensually assessed the appropriateness of each requested examination with regard to the national referral guidelines and their clinical experience.
    RESULTS: The appropriateness rate (AR) was higher for MRI requests than for CT requests (79% vs. 61%; p < 0.001). AR was higher for requests referred by medical specialists rather than by general practitioners, both for CT requests (70% vs. 37%; p < 0.001) and MRI requests (83% vs. 64%; p = 0.002). For CT, AR was higher when the requests concerned paediatric rather than adult patients (82% vs. 58%; p < 0.001), when the radiology departments were equipped with both CT and MRI units rather than with only CT units (65% vs. 47%, p = 0.004) and when the requests concerned head-neck (79%), chest (77%) and chest-abdominal-pelvic (81%) areas rather than spinal (28%), extremity (51%) and abdominal-pelvic (63%) areas (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The appropriateness of CT and MRI in Luxembourg is not satisfactory and collective efforts to improve should be continued. The focus should be on general practitioners and on spinal CT examinations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subtraction computed tomography (SCT) is a technique that uses software-based motion correction between an unenhanced and an enhanced CT scan for obtaining the iodine distribution in the pulmonary parenchyma. This technique has been implemented in clinical practice for the evaluation of lung perfusion in CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) in patients with suspicion of acute and chronic pulmonary embolism, with acceptable radiation dose. This paper discusses the technical principles, clinical interpretation, benefits and limitations of arterial subtraction CTPA. KEY POINTS: • SCT uses motion correction and image subtraction between an unenhanced and an enhanced CT scan to obtain iodine distribution in the pulmonary parenchyma. • SCT could have an added value in detection of pulmonary embolism. • SCT requires only software implementation, making it potentially more widely available for patient care than dual-energy CT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in the management of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) have improved diagnostic accuracy and made management algorithms safer, easier to use, and well standardized. These diagnostic algorithms are mainly based on the assessment of clinical pretest probability, D-dimer measurement, and imaging tests-predominantly computed tomography pulmonary angiography. These diagnostic algorithms allow safe and cost-effective diagnosis for most patients with suspected PE. In this review, we summarize signs and symptoms of PE, current existing evidence for PE diagnosis, and focus on the challenge of diagnosing PE in special patient populations, such as pregnant women, or patients with a prior VTE. We also discuss novel imaging tests for PE diagnosis and highlight some of the additional challenges that might require adjustments to current diagnostic strategies, such as the reduced clinical suspicion threshold, resulting in a lower proportion of PE among suspected patients as well as the overdiagnosis of subsegmental PE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the accuracy and efficiency of the computed tomographic (CT)-based navigation system on upper cervical instrumentation, particularly C1 lateral mass and C2 pedicle screw fixation compared to previous reports.
    METHODS: Between May 2005 and March 2014, 25 patients underwent upper cervical instrumentation via a CT-based navigation system. Seven patients were excluded, while 18 patients were involved. There were 13 males and five females; resulting in four degenerative cervical diseases and 14 trauma cases. A CT-based navigation system and lateral fluoroscopy were used during the screw instrumentation procedure. Among the 58 screws inserted as C1-2 screws fixation, their precise positions were evaluated by postoperative CT scans and classified into three categories : in-pedicle, non-critical breach, and critical breach.
    RESULTS: Postoperatively, the precise positions of the C1-2 screws fixation were 81.1% (47/58), and 8.6% (5/58) were of non-critical breach, while 10.3% (6/58) were of critical breach. Most (5/6, 83.3%) of the critical breaches and all of non-critical breaches were observed in the C2 pedicle screws and there was only one case of a critical breach among the C1 lateral mass screws. There were three complications (two vertebral artery occlusions and a deep wound infection), but no postoperative instrument-related neurological deteriorations were seen, even in the critical breach cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although CT-based navigation systems can result in a more precise procedure, there are still some problems at the upper cervical spine levels, where the anatomy is highly variable. Even though there were no catastrophic complications, more experience are needed for safer procedure.





