complete coding sequence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Group A rotavirus (RVA) is a common causative agent of acute gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide. RVA P genotypes, determined by VP4 sequences, have been confirmed to infect humans and animals. However, their codon usage patterns that are essential to obtain insights into the viral evolution, host adaptability, and genetic characterization remained unclear, especially across animal hosts.
    RESULTS: We performed a comprehensive codon usage analysis of eight host-specific RVA P genotypes, including human RVA (P[4] and P[8]), porcine RVA (P[13] and P[23]), and zoonotic RVA (P[1], P[6], P[7] and P[19]), based on 233 VP4 complete coding sequences. Nucleotide composition, relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU), and effective number of codons (ENC) were calculated. Principal component analysis (PCA) based on RSCU values was used to explore the codon usage patterns of different RVA P genotypes. In addition, mutation pressure and natural selection were identified by using ENC-plot, parity rule 2 plot, and neutrality plot analyses. All VP4 sequences preferred using A/U nucleotides (A: 0.354-0.377, U: 0.267-0.314) than G/C nucleotides across genotypes. Similarly, majority of commonly used synonymous codons were likely to end with A/U nucleotides (A: 9/18-12/18, U: 6/18-9/18). In PCA, human, porcine, and zoonotic genotypes clustered separately in terms of RSCU values, indicating the host-specific codon usage patterns; however, porcine and zoonotic genotypes were partly overlapped. Human genotypes, P[4] and P[8], had stronger codon usage bias, as indicated by more over-represented codons and lower ENC, compared to porcine and zoonotic genotypes. Moreover, natural selection was determined to be a predominant driver in shaping the codon usage bias across the eight P genotypes. In addition, mutation pressure contributed to the codon usage bias of human genotypes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified a strong codon usage bias of human RVA P genotypes attributable to both natural selection and mutation pressure, whereas similar codon usage bias between porcine and zoonotic genotypes predominantly attributable to natural selection. It further suggests possible cross-species transmission. Therefore, it warrants further surveillance of RVA P genotypes for early identification of zoonotic infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The merozoite surface protein 9 (MSP9) of malarial parasite forms co-ligand complex with the 19 kDa fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) prior to erythrocyte invasion. Interruption of this process could hamper subsequent asexual erythrocytic development of malaria parasites; therefore, these proteins are considered potential vaccine candidates. In Plasmodium vivax, MSP9 (PvMSP9) contains both conserved and polymorphic repetitive domains that were immunogenic upon natural malaria exposure and conferred protection in vaccination studies in animal models. To investigate the extent of sequence diversity at this locus, 104 P. vivax isolates from 4 major malaria endemic areas of Thailand were analyzed. Results revealed that pvmsp9 contained 3 repeat domains (R1-R3) flanked by conserved domains. Repeat domains exhibit extensive sequence and length variation, in which 14, 39 and 16 haplotypes for domains R1-R3, respectively, circulated in this country. Sequence diversity in pvmsp9 among P. vivax isolates from each endemic area displayed population structure. The extent of sequence diversity in pvmsp9 isolates from the provinces of Tak, Chanthaburi, Ubon Ratchathani and Prachuap Khiri Khan in northwestern, eastern, northeastern and southwestern areas, respectively, was almost comparable and was remarkably higher than that from Yala/Narathiwat population in southern Thailand. Evidence for intragenic recombination in this locus was observed within each P. vivax population except among isolates from Yala and Narathiwat. Synonymous nucleotide diversity significantly exceeded nonsynonymous nucleotide diversity in domains R2 and R3, indicating purifying selection. However, micro-scale signatures of positive and negative selections occurred in both conserved and repeat domains, implying two opposing forces, probably from functional or structural constraint and host immune pressure, could have influenced diversity at this locus. The immunodominant T and B cell epitopes so far identified were invariant or highly conserved across isolates. Further analysis of global isolates is warranted for vaccine design based on this protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dengue diseases are a group of infectious diseases that have been widespread throughout the world for several decades. Dengue outbreaks have occurred in many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia. The outbreak and the severity of the diseases depend on many factors including dengue genotype. Data on the genetic variation of dengue virus is highly informative for dengue protection plans and vaccine development. In this study, we focused on the analyses of genetic variation and amino acid changes of the whole coding sequences in two dengue strains isolated from Aedes mosquitoes in Bangkok, Thailand, an endemic area. The strains were identified as belonging to dengue virus serotype 1 (DENV-1) genotype I, and have unique nucleotide sequences. In the recombinant analysis, these strains were identified as recombinants derived from Chinese counterparts for both the major (DENV-1 genotype I) and the minor (DENV-1 genotype IV) parental strains. The recombination event occurred within the prM and E genes. This corresponded with the result of multiple alignments where several amino acid residues between the recombination breakpoints in the strains were identical to those in DENV-1 genotype IV. Several of the amino acid substitutions also have changed the amino acid properties, which might affect viral infection and antigenicity. These results provide insight into the genetic variation of DENV in this endemic area, which might have been involved in the dengue outbreak and high numbers of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome cases in Thailand in 2015.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium vivax, the chronic relapsing human malaria parasite with the most widespread distribution, possesses proteins associated with the merozoite surface that could be targets for host immune responses and potential vaccine candidates. Of these, the merozoite surface protein 3 of P. vivax (PvMSP3) is an attractive vaccine target as well as a genetic marker for epidemiological surveillance. PvMSP3 comprises a group of protein members encoded by a multigene family. Although some protein members, i.e. PvMSP3α and PvMSP3β, have been targets for molecular and immunological investigations, the most abundantly expressed protein member during late asexual erythrocytic stages, PvMSP3F2 (PVX_97710), remains unexplored. To address domain organization and evolution of this locus, the complete coding sequences of 31 P. vivax isolates from diverse malaria endemic areas of Thailand were analyzed and compared with 10 previously reported sequences. Results revealed that all PvMSP3F2 sequences differed but could be divided into 5 repeat-containing domains flanked by 6 non-repeat domains. Repeat domains II and IV at the 5\' portion and domain X at the 3\' portion exhibited extensive sequence and length variation whereas repeat domains VI and VIII located at the central region were relatively conserved. Despite a repertoire of PvMSP3F2 variants, predicted coiled-coil tertiary structure and predicted B-cell epitopes seem to be maintained. Evidence of intragenic recombination has been detected among field isolates in Thailand that could enhance sequence diversity at this locus. Non-repeat domains I and IX located at the 5\' end and at the 3\' portion, respectively, seem to have evolved under purifying selection. Evidence of positive selection was found in non-repeat domains III, V and VII where a number of predicted HLA class I epitopes were identified. Amino acid substitutions in these predicted epitopes could alter predicted peptide binding affinity or abolish peptide epitope property, suggesting that polymorphism in these epitopes conferred host immune evasion. Further studies on PvMSP3F2 are warranted, particularly on interaction with host immune system and the potential role of this PvMSP3 protein member as a vaccine target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is widespread in the global pig population. Although clinically inapparent in pigs, HEV infection is the cause of Hepatitis E in humans and transmission via the food chain has been established. Following a 2013 study that investigated prevalence of HEV infection in UK slaughter-age pigs samples indicating highest viral load were selected for further characterisation. High throughput sequencing was used to obtain the complete coding sequence from five samples. An in-frame insertion was observed within the HEV hypervariable region in two samples. To interrogate whether this mutation may be the cause of high-level viraemia and faecal shedding as observed in the sampled pigs virus isolation and culture was conducted. Based on viral growth kinetics there was no evidence that these insertions affected replication efficiency in vitro, suggesting as yet undetermined host factors may affect the course of infection and consequently the risk of foodborne transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human parechoviruses (HPeVs) (family Picornaviridae), are common pathogens in young children. Despite their high prevalence, research on their genetic identity, diversity and evolution have remained scarce.
    Complete coding regions of three previously reported HPeV-4 isolates from Finnish children with sepsis-like disease were sequenced in order to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships and potential recombination events during the evolution of these isolates.
    The isolated viruses were sequenced and aligned with all HPeV complete genome sequences available in GenBank. Phylogenetic trees were constructed and similarity plot and bootscanning methods were used for recombination analysis.
    The three HPeV-4 isolates had 99.8% nucleotide sequence similarity. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that capsid-encoding sequences of these HPeV-4 isolates were closely related to other HPeV-4 strains (80.7-94.7% nucleotide similarity), whereas their non-structural region genes 2A to 3C clustered together with several HPeV-1 and HPeV-3 strains, in addition to the HPeV-4 strain K251176-02 (isolated 2002 in the Netherlands), but not with other HPeV-4 strains. However, in 3D-encoding sequence the Finnish HPeV-4 isolates did not cluster with the strain HPeV-4/K251176-02, but instead, formed a distinct group together with several HPeV-1 and HPeV-3 strains. Similarity plot and Bootscan analyses further confirmed intertypic recombination events in the evolution of the Finnish HPeV-4 isolates.
    Intertypic recombination event(s) have occurred during the evolution of HPeV-4 isolates from children with sepsis-like disease. However, due to the low number of parechovirus complete genomes available, the precise recombination partners could not be detected. The results suggest frequent intratypic recombination among parechoviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene, a member of the dopamine receptors gene family, has been studied as a candidate gene for broodiness due to its special effects on avian prolactin secretion. Here, the genomic DNA and cDNA sequences of goose (Anser cygnoides) DRD2 gene were cloned and characterized for the first time. The goose DRD2 cDNA is 1353bp in length and encodes a protein of 450 amino acids. The length of goose DRD2 genomic DNA is 8350bp, including seven exons and six introns. We identified four goose DRD2 variants, which were generated due to alternative splicing. Bioinformatics analysis indicates that all the deduced DRD2 amino acid sequences contain seven putative transmembrane domains and four potential N-glycosylation sites. A phylogenetic tree based on amino acid sequences displays that the goose DRD2 protein is closely related to those of avian species. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrates that the DRD2-1, DRD2-2 and DRD2-4 transcripts are differentially expressed in the pituitary, ovary, hypothalamus, as well as in the kidney, whereas the DRD2-3 transcript is widely expressed in all the examined tissues at different levels. Meanwhile, 54 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 4 insert-deletion (indel) variations were identified in the coding region and partial intron region of the goose DRD2 gene. Those findings will help us gain insight into the functions of the DRD2 gene in geese.





