complementary filter

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hand-intensive work is strongly associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of the hand/wrist and other upper body regions across diverse occupations, including office work, manufacturing, services, and healthcare. Addressing the prevalence of WMSDs requires reliable and practical exposure measurements. Traditional methods like electrogoniometry and optical motion capture, while reliable, are expensive and impractical for field use. In contrast, small inertial measurement units (IMUs) may provide a cost-effective, time-efficient, and user-friendly alternative for measuring hand/wrist posture during real work. This study compared six orientation algorithms for estimating wrist angles with an electrogoniometer, the current gold standard in field settings. Six participants performed five simulated hand-intensive work tasks (involving considerable wrist velocity and/or hand force) and one standardised hand movement. Three multiplicative Kalman filter algorithms with different smoothers and constraints showed the highest agreement with the goniometer. These algorithms exhibited median correlation coefficients of 0.75-0.78 for flexion/extension and 0.64 for radial/ulnar deviation across the six subjects and five tasks. They also ranked in the top three for the lowest mean absolute differences from the goniometer at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of wrist flexion/extension (9.3°, 2.9°, and 7.4°, respectively). Although the results of this study are not fully acceptable for practical field use, especially for some work tasks, they indicate that IMU-based wrist angle estimation may be useful in occupational risk assessments after further improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Robust and accurate attitude and heading estimation using Micro-Electromechanical System (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) is the most crucial technique that determines the accuracy of various downstream applications, especially pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR), human motion tracking, and Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). However, the accuracy of the Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) is often compromised by the noisy nature of low-cost MEMS-IMUs, dynamic motion-induced large external acceleration, and ubiquitous magnetic disturbance. To address these challenges, we propose a novel data-driven IMU calibration model that employs Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs) to model random errors and disturbance terms, providing denoised sensor data. For sensor fusion, we use an open-loop and decoupled version of the Extended Complementary Filter (ECF) to provide accurate and robust attitude estimation. Our proposed method is systematically evaluated using three public datasets, TUM VI, EuRoC MAV, and OxIOD, with different IMU devices, hardware platforms, motion modes, and environmental conditions; and it outperforms the advanced baseline data-driven methods and complementary filter on two metrics, namely absolute attitude error and absolute yaw error, by more than 23.4% and 23.9%. The generalization experiment results demonstrate the robustness of our model on different devices and using patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attitude estimation methods provide modern consumer, industrial, and space systems with an estimate of a body orientation based on noisy sensor measurements. The gradient descent algorithm is one of the most recent methods for optimal attitude estimation, whose iterative nature demands adequate adjustment of the algorithm parameters, which is often overlooked in the literature. Here, we present the effects of the step size, the maximum number of iterations, and the initial quaternion, as well as different propagation methods on the quality of the estimation in noiseless and noisy conditions. A novel figure of merit and termination criterion that defines the algorithm\'s accuracy is proposed. Furthermore, the guidelines for selecting the optimal set of parameters in order to achieve the highest accuracy of the estimate using the fewest iterations are proposed and verified in simulations and experimentally based on the measurements acquired from an in-house developed model of a satellite attitude determination and control system. The proposed attitude estimation method based on the gradient descent algorithm and complementary filter automatically adjusts the number of iterations with the average below 0.5, reducing the demand on the processing power and energy consumption and causing it to be suitable for low-power applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems technology have led to the emergence of compact attitude measurement sensor products that integrate acceleration, magnetometer, and gyroscope sensors on a single chip, making them important devices in the field of three-dimensional (3D) attitude measurement for unmanned aerial vehicles, smartphones, and other devices. Sensor fusion algorithms for posture measurement have become an indispensable technology in cutting-edge research, such as human posture measurement using wearable sensors, and stabilization problems in robot position and posture measurement. We have also developed wearable sensors and powered suits in our previous research. We needed a technology for the real-time measurement of a 3D human body motion. It is known that quaternions can be used to algebraically handle 3D rotations; however, sensor fusion algorithms for three sensors are presently complex. This is because these algorithms deal with the post-rotation attitude (pure quaternions) rather than rotation information (the rotor) to avoid a double covering problem involving the rotor. If we are dealing with rotation, it may be possible to make the algorithm simpler and faster by dealing directly with the rotor. In this study, to solve the double covering problem involving the rotor, we propose a stateful rotor and develop a technique for uniquely determining the time-varying states of the rotor. The proposed stateful rotor guarantees the continuity of the rotor parameters with respect to angular changes, and this paper confirms its effectiveness by simulating two rotations around an arbitrary axis. In addition, we verify experimentally that a fast sensor fusion method using stateful rotor can be used for attitude calculation. Experiments also confirm that the calculated results converge to the desired rotation angle for two spatial rotations around an arbitrary axis. Since the proposed stateful rotor extends and stabilizes the definition of the rotor, it is applicable to any algorithm that deals with time-varying quaternionic rotors. In this research, an algorithm based on a multiply-add operation is designed to reduce computational complexity as a high-speed calculation for embedded systems. This method is theoretically equivalent to other methods, while contributing to power saving and the cost reduction of products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most common filters used to determine the angular position of quadrotors are the Kalman filter and the complementary filter. The problem of angular position estimation consist is a result of the absence of direct data. The most common sensors on board UAVs are micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) type sensors. The data acquired from the sensors are processed using digital filters. In the literature, the results of research conducted on the effectiveness of Kalman and complementary filters are known. A significant problem in evaluating the performance of the studied filters was the lack of an arbitrarily determined UAV position. The authors of this paper undertook the task of determining the best filter for a real object. The main objective of this research was to improve the stability of the physical quadrotor. For this purpose, we developed a research method using a laboratory station for testing quadrotor drones. Moreover, using the MATLAB environment, they determined the optimal parameters for the real filter applied using the PX4 software, which is new and has not been considered before in the available scientific literature. It should be mentioned that the authors of this work focused on the analysis of filters most commonly used for flight stabilization, without modifying the structure of these filters. By not modifying the filter structure, it is possible to optimize the existing flight controllers. The main contribution of this study lies in finding the most optimal filter, among those available in flight controllers, for angular position estimation. The special emphasis of our work was to develop a procedure for selecting the filter coefficients for a real object. The algorithm was designed so that other researchers could use it, provided they collected arbitrary data for their objects. Selected results of the research are presented in graphical form. The proposed procedure for improving the embedded filter can be used by other researchers on their subjects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In robot inertial navigation systems, to deal with the problems of drift and noise in the gyroscope and accelerometer and the high computational cost when using extended Kalman filter (EKF) and particle filter (PF), a complementary filtering algorithm is utilized. By combining the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) multi-sensor signals, the attitude data are corrected, and the high-precision attitude angles are obtained. In this paper, the quaternion algorithm is used to describe the attitude motion, and the process of attitude estimation is analyzed in detail. Moreover, the models of the sensor and system are given. Ultimately, the attitude angles are estimated by using the quaternion extended Kalman filter, linear complementary filter, and Mahony complementary filter, respectively. The experimental results show that the Mahony complementary filtering algorithm has less computational cost than the extended Kalman filtering algorithm, while the attitude estimation accuracy of these two algorithms is similar, which reveals that Mahony complementary filtering is more suitable for low-cost embedded systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) are beneficial for motion tracking as, in contrast to most optical motion capture systems, IMU systems do not require a dedicated lab. However, IMUs are affected by electromagnetic noise and may exhibit drift over time; it is therefore common practice to compare their performance to another system of high accuracy before use. The 3-Space IMUs have only been validated in two previous studies with limited testing protocols. This study utilized an IRB 2600 industrial robot to evaluate the performance of the IMUs for the three sensor fusion methods provided in the 3-Space software. Testing consisted of programmed motion sequences including 360° rotations and linear translations of 800 mm in opposite directions for each axis at three different velocities, as well as static trials. The magnetometer was disabled to assess the accuracy of the IMUs in an environment containing electromagnetic noise. The Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of the sensor orientation ranged between 0.2° and 12.5° across trials; average drift was 0.4°. The performance of the three filters was determined to be comparable. This study demonstrates that the 3-Space sensors may be utilized in an environment containing metal or electromagnetic noise with a RMSE below 10° in most cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The orientation of a magneto-inertial measurement unit can be estimated using a sensor fusion algorithm (SFA). However, orientation accuracy is greatly affected by the choice of the SFA parameter values which represents one of the most critical steps. A commonly adopted approach is to fine-tune parameter values to minimize the difference between estimated and true orientation. However, this can only be implemented within the laboratory setting by requiring the use of a concurrent gold-standard technology. To overcome this limitation, a Rigid-Constraint Method (RCM) was proposed to estimate suboptimal parameter values without relying on any orientation reference. The RCM method effectiveness was successfully tested on a single-parameter SFA, with an average error increase with respect to the optimal of 1.5 deg. In this work, the applicability of the RCM was evaluated on 10 popular SFAs with multiple parameters under different experimental scenarios. The average residual between the optimal and suboptimal errors amounted to 0.6 deg with a maximum of 3.7 deg. These encouraging results suggest the possibility to properly tune a generic SFA on different scenarios without using any reference. The synchronized dataset also including the optical data and the SFA codes are available online.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most of the reported hand gesture recognition algorithms require high computational resources, i.e., fast MCU frequency and significant memory, which are highly inapplicable to the cost-effectiveness of consumer electronics products. This paper proposes a hand gesture recognition algorithm running on an interactive wristband, with computational resource requirements as low as Flash < 5 KB, RAM < 1 KB. Firstly, we calculated the three-axis linear acceleration by fusing accelerometer and gyroscope data with a complementary filter. Then, by recording the order of acceleration vectors crossing axes in the world coordinate frame, we defined a new feature code named axis-crossing code. Finally, we set templates for eight hand gestures to recognize new samples. We compared this algorithm\'s performance with the widely used dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm and recurrent neural network (BiLSTM and GRU). The results show that the accuracies of the proposed algorithm and RNNs are higher than DTW and that the time cost of the proposed algorithm is much less than those of DTW and RNNs. The average recognition accuracy is 99.8% on the collected dataset and 97.1% in the actual user-independent case. In general, the proposed algorithm is suitable and competitive in consumer electronics. This work has been volume-produced and patent-granted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attitude estimation is the process of computing the orientation angles of an object with respect to a fixed frame of reference. Gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer are some of the fundamental sensors used in attitude estimation. The orientation angles computed from these sensors are combined using the sensor fusion methodologies to obtain accurate estimates. The complementary filter is one of the widely adopted techniques whose performance is highly dependent on the appropriate selection of its gain parameters. This paper presents a novel cascaded architecture of the complementary filter that employs a nonlinear and linear version of the complementary filter within one framework. The nonlinear version is used to correct the gyroscope bias, while the linear version estimates the attitude angle. The significant advantage of the proposed architecture is its independence of the filter parameters, thereby avoiding tuning the filter\'s gain parameters. The proposed architecture does not require any mathematical modeling of the system and is computationally inexpensive. The proposed methodology is applied to the real-world datasets, and the estimation results were found to be promising compared to the other state-of-the-art algorithms.






