
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parental care behavior has evolved as a life history strategy to improve reproductive success, particularly in organisms facing challenging environments. However, the variation in maternal care, such as egg-guarding behavior in response to the social environment and the associated ecological consequence of competition, remains largely unknown. This study addresses a gap in current knowledge by examining the plasticity of maternal care behavior in the predatory mite C. eruditus and its impact on offspring survival and intra- and interspecific competition. Our results demonstrated that the reproductive females frequently exhibit egg-guarding behaviors, with enhanced maternal care efforts when the interspecific competitor is present. Egg masses are significantly more vulnerable to predation in the absence of maternal care. Guarding females increased egg survival rates and adversely influenced the survival of both con- and heterospecific competitors, with higher mortality rates being detected. Our findings highlight the ecological significance of maternal care behaviors and suggest that releasing C. eruditus and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) together is not recommended for pest management in storage products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of organic compounds adsorption by adsorbents is essential for evaluating the environmental fates of organic compounds and removing them from the environment. Linear adsorption, as a supplement to the traditionally nonlinear adsorption, was previously proposed for the linear sorption of organic compounds on the mesoporous surface of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in multi-solute system. However, CNTs are not the ideal adsorbent to verify the linear adsorption mechanism, because of their partition-like phase components such as mobile graphene layers that could be responsible for the linear sorption through linear partition mechanism instead, and thus the linear adsorption theory was argued. In this study, therefore, mesoporous activated carbon (MAC), widely accepted as the model free of partition phase components, was selected as an adsorbent to investigate the adsorption of typical organic compounds in the bi-solute system for verifying whether the linear adsorption phenomenon existed or not. The isotherm of nitrobenzene on MAC was changed from nonlinear to linear with 4-nitrophenol up to 1400 mg/L, and the linear isotherm slope decreased more as 4-nitrophenol concentration increased until 4000 mg/L. It agreed with the characteristics of adsorption (i.e., competition) but not partition (i.e., noncompetition), confirming the existence of linear adsorption. The isotherm linearity was attributed to the reduction of adsorption interactions by displacement and multilayer adsorption. Moreover, linear adsorption of apolar compounds on MAC could occur with apolar or polar competitors, while for polar compounds, linear adsorption could occur with only polar competitors. The observed linear sorption and the competition of organic compounds in the bi-solute system on MAC free of partition phase components verified that the linear adsorption existed, which gives a new insight into the adsorption theory for organic compounds. The results could provide better fundamental theory of adsorption for improving the accuracy of environmental risk assessment of organic pollution and enhancing the efficiency of organic pollution control in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women bodybuilders build their ideal physique by manipulating their diet, supplement, and exercise regimens to extreme levels. Excess protein intake and dietary supplement use is ubiquitous in women bodybuilders preparing for a competition, i.e., in-season competitors, however the impetus for these two dietary behaviors are relatively unknown. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has been used to explain dietary behaviors. The purpose of the study was to examine how the TPB can explain protein intake and dietary supplement use in in-season competitors.
    Using a cross-sectional design, an online questionnaire was developed, validated, and administered to collect dietary supplement use, TPB variables, and other measures from 112 in-season competitors. Protein intake was assessed using multiple 24-h dietary recalls. Associations between TPB and protein intake and dietary supplement use were determined with multiple regression analysis while adjusting for confounders.
    For protein intake: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control explained 8% of the variance in intention; subjective norm independently predicted intention. Behavioral beliefs predicted attitude; subjective norm was predicted by trainer/coach, workout partners, and social media influencers. For dietary supplement use: intention explained 5% of the variance in dietary supplement use; attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control together explained 38% of the variance in intention. Attitudes towards dietary supplements use were predicted by five factors (not a waste of money, help improve physique, sustain energy levels, provide enough calories, help with recovery). Primary determinants of subjective norm were fellow competitors, social media influencers, and trainer/coach. Perceived behavioral control was predicted by three factors (ease of purchase, affordability to purchase, availability to purchase).
    TPB predicted dietary supplement use in women bodybuilders during in-season but there was little evidence for the prediction of protein intake using the TPB. Health professionals should develop effective interventions using strategies that align health education messages with in-season competitors\' outcome beliefs and collaborate with their referent others to influence safer and effective dietary supplement use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grass species (family Poaceae) are globally distributed, adapted to a wide range of climates and express a diversity of functional strategies. We explored the functional strategies of grass species using the competitor, stress tolerator, ruderal (CSR) system and asked how a species\' strategy relates to its functional traits, climatic distribution and propensity to become naturalized outside its native range. We used a global set of trait data for grass species to classify functional strategies according to the CSR system based on leaf traits. Differences in strategies in relation to lifespan (annual or perennial), photosynthetic type (C3 or C4), or naturalisation (native or introduced) were investigated. In addition, correlations with traits not included in the CSR classification were analyzed, and a model was fitted to predict a species\' average mean annual temperature and annual precipitation across its range as a function of CSR scores. Values for competitiveness were higher in C4 species than in C3 species, values for stress tolerance were higher in perennials than in annuals, and introduced species had more pronounced competitive-ruderal strategies than native species. Relationships between the CSR classification, based on leaf traits, and other functional traits were analyzed. Competitiveness was positively correlated with height, while ruderality was correlated with specific root length, indicating that both above- and belowground traits underlying leaf and root economics contribute to realized CSR strategies. Further, relationships between climate and CSR classification showed that species with competitive strategies were more common in warm climates and at high precipitation, whereas species with stress tolerance strategies were more common in cold climates and at low precipitation. The findings presented here demonstrate that CSR classification of functional strategies based on leaf traits matches expectations for the adaptations of grass species that underlie lifespan, photosynthetic type, naturalization and climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to challenges from herbivores and competitors, plants use fitness-limiting resources to produce (auto)toxic defenses. Jasmonate signaling, mediated by MYC2 transcription factors (TF), is thought to reconfigure metabolism to minimize these formal costs of defense and optimize fitness in complex environments. To study the context-dependence of this metabolic reconfiguration, we cosilenced NaMYC2a/b by RNAi in Nicotiana attenuata and phenotyped plants in the field and increasingly realistic glasshouse setups with competitors and mobile herbivores. NaMYC2a/b had normal phytohormonal responses, and higher growth and fitness in herbivore-reduced environments, but were devastated in high herbivore-load environments in the field due to diminished accumulations of specialized metabolites. In setups with competitors and mobile herbivores, irMYC2a/b plants had lower fitness than empty vector (EV) in single-genotype setups but increased fitness in mixed-genotype setups. Correlational analyses of metabolic, resistance, and growth traits revealed the expected defense/growth associations for most sectors of primary and specialized metabolism. Notable exceptions were some HGL-DTGs and phenolamides that differed between single-genotype and mixed-genotype setups, consistent with expectations of a blurred functional trichotomy of metabolites. MYC2 TFs mediate the reconfiguration of primary and specialized metabolic sectors to allow plants to optimize their fitness in complex environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Airbnb, which launched its business in 2009, has experienced explosive growth by creating value through the sharing economy business model. The Airbnb business model helps property owners exploit underutilized assets. However, along with its rapid growth, controversies have arisen among many stakeholders, especially the traditional hotel industry, communities, and policymakers. This study reviews academic articles to pinpoint the factors involved in the relationships among Airbnb and its multiple stakeholders. The aim is to identify the benefits, drawbacks, and issues surrounding Airbnb. The analysis is based on the perspectives of six Airbnb stakeholders: guests, hosts, employees, communities, competitors, and policymakers. A variety of scholarly journals indexed in the Scopus database were reviewed, with 282 included in the final analysis. The analysis will be useful for academics, practitioners, and policymakers alike, as it summarizes the Airbnb relevant actors, identifies key factors that influence stakeholder behavior, and assesses the power and level of influence of each stakeholder. Ultimately, the study points to potential directions for future research on Airbnb.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most signaling cascades ultimately lead to changes in gene expression by modulating the activity of transcription factors (TFs). The electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) is a simple but powerful in vitro method for investigation of specific protein-DNA interactions. It makes use of the fact that protein-DNA complexes have a lower electrophoretic mobility in gels than free DNA has. The application of labeled probes in combination with unlabeled competitors allows investigation of DNA-binding specificity and identification of binding motifs with single base-pair resolution. Here we describe the application of EMSAs for the study of interactions of the brassinosteroid-regulated TFs, BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT1, (BZR1), BRI1-ETHYL METHANESULFONATE-SUPPRESSOR1 (BES1)/BZR2, and CESTA with putative binding sites. The classical approach using radiolabeled probes, as well as the more recent application of fluorescent probes, is described and the advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological invasions are a key component of global change, and understanding the drivers of global invasion patterns will aid in assessing and mitigating the impact of invasive species. While invasive species are most often studied in the context of one or two trophic levels, in reality species invade communities comprised of complex food webs. The complexity and integrity of the native food web may be a more important determinant of invasion success than the strength of interactions between a small subset of species within a larger food web. Previous efforts to understand the relationship between food web properties and species invasions have been primarily theoretical and have yielded mixed results. Here, we present a synthesis of empirical information on food web connectance and species invasion success gathered from different sources (estimates of food web connectance from the primary literature and estimates of invasion success from the Global Invasive Species Database as well as the primary literature). Our results suggest that higher-connectance food webs tend to host fewer invaders and exert stronger biotic resistance compared to low-connectance webs. We argue that while these correlations cannot be used to infer a causal link between food web connectance and habitat invasibility, the promising findings beg for further empirical research that deliberately tests for relationships between food web connectance and invasion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Competitive binding assays can be used to decipher not only the binding kinetics of studied ligands but also the binding site preference. Such assays are an essential step in the characterization of radioligands. However, the currently used competition assays require high concentrations of usually expensive ligands and still provide only binding site preference. By employing the time-resolved competition assay presented in this paper, binding characteristics including binding site preference can be obtained using less ligand.
    METHODS: To demonstrate the appropriateness of the time-resolved competition assay, we developed an assay in which the ligand binding was interrupted with a competitor. Experiments were performed on human carcinoma cell lines expressing epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The targeting of the receptor was performed with radio-iodinated epidermal growth factor (EGF). The employed competitors involved either natural ligand transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-α) or anti-EGFR antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab targeting the same EGFR domain.
    RESULTS: Radio-iodinated EGF bound to EGFR was displaced with either low concentrations of cetuximab or high concentrations of panitumumab. In the case of TGF-α, we observed no competitive displacement of bound EGF at either high or low concentrations. When comparing the time-resolved competition assay with a manual competition assay, the resulting data of measured inhibition constants were in agreement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results summarised in this study confirm the appropriateness of the time-resolved competition assay for assessing ligand binding properties. The assay has the potential to complement or replace conventional competition assays for determining binding site preference in the future.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The infection behavior of Steinernema carpocapsae infective juveniles (IJ) was investigated in the presence and absence of S. glaseri. Mixed inoculation of S. carpocapsae with S. glaseri IJ significantly raised the nictation rates of S. carpocapsae IJ. Significantly more S. carpocapsae IJ migrated to the host insect in the mixed inoculation with S. glaseri IJ on agar plates. More S. carpocapsae IJ penetrated into the host insect placed 2 cm below the surface in the mixed inoculation with S. glaseri IJ. More S. glaseri than S. carpocapsae IJ penetrated into hosts placed 7 cm deep. Irrespective of host location, the male ratio of S. carpocapsae IJ established in the host body was always higher in the mixed inoculation with S. glaseri IJ.





