competitive interactions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The deliberate release of captive-bred individuals, the accidental escape of domesticated strains, or the invasion of closely related conspecifics into wild populations can all lead to introgressive hybridization, which poses a challenge for conservation and wildlife management. Rates of introgression and the magnitude of associated demographic impacts vary widely across ecological contexts. However, the reasons for this variation remain poorly understood. One rarely considered phenomenon in this context is soft selection, wherein relative trait values determine success in intraspecific competition for a limiting resource. Here we develop an eco-genetic model explicitly focussed on understanding the influence of such competitive interactions on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of wild populations experiencing an influx of foreign/domesticated individuals. The model is applicable to any taxon that experiences natural or human-mediated inputs of locally maladapted genotypes (\'intrusion\'), in addition to phenotype-dependent competition for a limiting resource (e.g. breeding sites, feeding territories). The effects of both acute and chronic intrusion depended strongly on the relative competitiveness of intruders versus locals. When intruders were competitively inferior, density-dependent regulation limited their reproductive success (ability to compete for limited spawning sites), which prevented strong introgression or population declines from occurring. In contrast, when intruders were competitively superior, this amplified introgression and led to increased maladaptation of the admixed population. This had negative consequences for population size and population viability. The results were sensitive to the intrusion level, the magnitude of reproductive excess, trait heritability and the extent to which intruders were maladapted relative to locals. Our findings draw attention to under-appreciated interactions between phenotype-dependent competitive interactions and maladaptive hybridization, which may be critical to determining the impact captive breeding programmes and domesticated escapees can have on otherwise self-sustaining wild populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For both government and private institutions, the development of collaboration networks becomes an element of great importance for the implementation of related policies such as the circular economy and sustainable practices in manufacturing. Despite the above, such initiatives have not received as much attention in literature but have been decisive as both public and private initiatives. Initiatives in Latin America do not escape this scenario, especially in the creation of conditions that allow the promotion of approaches such as industrial symbiosis. In this way, the present research is aimed at identifying the role of trophic, mutualistic, and competitive interactions in an industrial symbiosis process implementation. A network analysis model is used to achieve this purpose. This technique allows us to know the degree of importance of the different actors that are part of a network, as well as the factors that determine the implementation of initiatives such as industrial symbiosis. Among the results are that empirical findings confirm the presence of trophic interactions that enhance resource efficiency, mutualistic interactions fostering collaboration and synergy, and competitive interactions promoting efficiency and dynamism. Additionally, a green culture, business size, and innovation activities are revealed as influential factors amplifying network dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological similarity plays an important role in biotic interactions. Increased body size similarity of competing species, for example, increases the strength of their biotic interactions. Body sizes of many exothermic species are forecast to be altered under global warming, mediating shifts in existing trophic interactions among species, in particular for species with different thermal niches. Temperate rocky reefs along the southeast coast of Australia are located in a climate warming hotspot and now house a mixture of temperate native fish species and poleward range-extending tropical fishes (vagrants), creating novel species assemblages. Here, we studied the relationship between body size similarity and trophic overlap between individual temperate native and tropical vagrant fishes. Dietary niche overlap between vagrant and native fish species increased as their body sizes converged, based on both stomach content composition (short-term diet), stable isotope analyses (integrated long-term diet) and similarity in consumed prey sizes. We conclude that the warming-induced faster growth rates of tropical range-extending fish species at their cool water ranges will continue to converge their body size towards and strengthen their degree of trophic interactions and dietary overlap with co-occurring native temperate species under increasing ocean warming. The strengthening of these novel competitive interactions is likely to drive changes to temperate food web structures and reshuffle existing species community structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating how climate change alters selection regimes is a crucial step toward understanding the potential of populations to evolve in the face of changing conditions. Previous studies have mainly focused on understanding how changing climate directly influences selection, while the role of species\' interactions has received little attention. Here, we used a transplant experiment along an elevation gradient to estimate how climate warming and competitive interactions lead to shifts in directional phenotypic selection on morphology and phenology of four alpine plants. We found that warming generally imposed novel selection, with the largest shifts in regimes acting on specific leaf area and flowering time across species. Competitors instead weakened the selection acting on traits that was imposed directly by warming. Weakened or absent selection in the presence of competitors was largely associated with the suppression of absolute means and variation of fitness. Our results suggest that although climate change can impose strong selection, competitive interactions within communities might act to limit selection and thereby stymie evolutionary responses in alpine plants facing climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weed communities influence the dynamics of ecosystems, particularly in disturbed environments where anthropogenic activities often result in higher pollution. Understanding the dynamics existing between native weed communities and invasive species in disturbed environments is crucial for effective management and normal ecosystem functioning. Recognising the potential resistance of native weed communities to invasion in disturbed environments can help identify suitable native plants for restoration operations. This review aims to investigate the adaptations exhibited by native and non-native weeds that may affect invasions within disturbed environments. Factors such as ecological characteristics, altered soil conditions, and adaptations of native weed communities that potentially confer a competitive advantage relative to non-native or invasive weeds in disturbed environments are analysed. Moreover, the roles of biotic interactions such as competition, mutualistic relationships, and allelopathy in shaping the invasion resistance of native weed communities are described. Emphasis is given to the consideration of the resistance of native weeds as a key factor in invasion dynamics that provides insights for conservation and restoration efforts in disturbed environments. Additionally, this review underscores the need for further research to unravel the underlying mechanisms and to devise targeted management strategies. These strategies aim to promote the resistance of native weed communities and mitigate the negative effects of invasive weed species in disturbed environments. By delving deeper into these insights, we can gain an understanding of the ecological dynamics within disturbed ecosystems and develop valuable insights for the management of invasive species, and to restore long-term ecosystem sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Closely related species with ecological similarity often aggressively compete for a common, limited resource. This competition is usually asymmetric and results in one species being behaviorally dominant over the other. Trade-offs between traits for behavioral dominance and alternative strategies can result in different methods of resource acquisition between the dominant and subordinate species, with important consequences for resource partitioning and community structure. Body size is a key trait thought to commonly determine behavioral dominance. Priority effects (i.e., which species arrives at the resource first), however, can also determine the outcome of interactions, as can species-specific traits besides size that give an advantage in aggressive contests (e.g., weapons). Here, we test among these three alternative hypotheses of body size, priority effects, and species identity for what determines the outcome of competitive interactions among two species of burying beetles, Nicrophorus orbicollis and N. pustulatus. Both overlap in habitat and seasonality and exhibit aggressive competition over a shared breeding resource of small vertebrate carrion. In trials, we simulated what would happen upon the beetles\' discovery of a carcass in nature by placing a carcass and one beetle of each species in a container and observing interactions over 13 h trials (n = 17 trials). We recorded and categorized interactions between beetles and the duration each individual spent in contact with the carcass (the key resource) to determine which hypothesis predicted trial outcomes. Body size was our only significant predictor; the largest species won most aggressive interactions and spent more time in contact with the carcass. Our results offer insight into the ecology and patterns of resource partitioning of N. orbicollis and N. pustulatus, the latter of which is unique among local Nicrophorus for being a canopy specialist. N. pustulatus is also unique among all Nicrophorus in using snake eggs, in addition to other carrion, as a breeding resource. Our results highlight the importance of body size and related trade-offs in ecology and suggest parallels with other coexisting species and communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the competition and coexistence of flagship carnivores is key to creating strategies for their conservation in the face of global carnivore declines. Although studies exploring the dynamics and competition between tigers (Panthera tigris) and leopards (P. pardus) span decades, there is a lack of understanding regarding the factors that influence their coexistence mechanisms on a broad scale, as well as the drivers determining their exploitative and interference competition. We gathered a comprehensive list of research papers among which 36 papers explored the interspecific interactions between tigers and leopards and tested the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the coexistence mechanisms along three dimensions using multiple response variables regression models; we also tested the influence of ecological drivers determining the exploitative or interference competition between tigers and leopards. Elevation and ungulate density were the most important predictors in regulating the coexistence mechanisms. Tigers and leopards exhibited more positive relations/higher overlaps as elevation increased in the spatial niche. In addition, they showed a higher dietary overlap in the prey-rich regions. We determined that interference competition between tigers and leopards was less frequently observed in habitats with dense tree cover and homogeneous vegetation structures. Meanwhile, studies with multiple metrics would promote the detection of interference competition. Our study provides new insight into the competitive interactions and coexistence mechanisms of tigers and leopards on a broad scale. Policy-makers and managers should pay more attention to the factors of elevation, prey abundance, and habitat structures for the conservation of tigers and leopards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were extracted from bleached cotton by sulfuric acid hydrolysis. Thin films were prepared from the aqueous suspension of CNCs by casting and evaporation with 15% glycerol as a plasticizer. Our research aimed to create stable films resistant to water. The structure and the interactions of the films were modified by short (10 min) heating at different temperatures (100, 140, and 160 °C) and by adding different amounts of citric acid (0, 10, 20, and 30%). Various analytical methods were used to determine the structure, surface properties, and mechanical properties. The interaction of composite films with water and water vapor was also investigated. Heat treatment did not significantly affect the film properties. Citric acid, without heat treatment, acted as a plasticizer. It promoted the disintegration of films in water, increased water vapor sorption, and reduced tensile strength, resulting in flexible and easy-to-handle films. The combination of heat treatment and citric acid resulted in stable liquid-water-resistant films with excellent mechanical properties. A minimum heating temperature of 120 °C and a citric acid concentration of 20% were required to obtain a stable CNC film structure resistant to liquid water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive alien species are considered one of the main threats to marine biodiversity. We used a BACI design to investigate the changes in rocky reef benthic communities related to the invasion of the octocoral Latissimia ningalooensis in the Southwest Atlantic. Drastic changes in benthic community structure were restricted to the invaded site and associated with the growth of L. ningalooensis on turf algae. Conversely, the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum remained stable coverage along the 9-year study period, indicating a greater biotic resistance against the octocoral. Latissimia ningalooensis spread from large and well-established patches to new areas of the reef, increasing turf-octocoral interactions. This study warns of the great invasive potential of the octocoral, due to its high abundance, competitive and expansion ability. The decline in abundance of turf-forming algae following the emergence of L. ningalooensis threatens the structure and functioning of macroalgal-dominated rocky reefs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Composite films were fabricated by using cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) as reinforcement up to 50 wt% in thermoplastic starch (TPS). Structure and interactions were modified by using different types (glycerol and sorbitol) and different amounts (30 and 40%) of plasticizers. The structure of the composites was characterized by visible spectroscopy, Haze index measurements, and scanning electron microscopy. Tensile properties were determined by tensile testing, and the effect of CNC content on vapor permeability was investigated. Although all composite films are transparent and can hardly be distinguished by human eyes, the addition of CNCs somewhat decreases the transmittance of the films. This can be related to the increased light scattering of the films, which is caused by the aggregation of nanocrystals, leading to the formation of micron-sized particles. Nevertheless, strength is enhanced by CNCs, mostly in the composite series prepared with 30% sorbitol. Additionally, the relatively high water vapor permeability of TPS is considerably decreased by the incorporation of at least 20 wt% CNCs. Reinforcement is determined mostly by the competitive interactions among starch, nanocellulose, and plasticizer molecules. The aging of the films is caused by the additional water uptake from the atmosphere and the retrogradation of starch.





