common data elements

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Data quality in health information systems has a complex structure and consists of several dimensions. This research conducted for identify Common data quality elements for health information systems.
    METHODS: A literature review was conducted and search strategies run in Web of Knowledge, Science Direct, Emerald, PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar search engine as an additional source for tracing references. We found 760 papers, excluded 314 duplicates, 339 on abstract review and 167 on full-text review; leaving 58 papers for critical appraisal.
    RESULTS: Current review shown that 14 criteria are categorized as the main dimensions for data quality for health information system include: Accuracy, Consistency, Security, Timeliness, Completeness, Reliability, Accessibility, Objectivity, Relevancy, Understandability, Navigation, Reputation, Efficiency and Value- added. Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness, were the three most-used dimensions in literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: At present, there is a lack of uniformity and potential applicability in the dimensions employed to evaluate the data quality of health information system. Typically, different approaches (qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods) were utilized to evaluate data quality for health information system in the publications that were reviewed. Consequently, due to the inconsistency in defining dimensions and assessing methods, it became imperative to categorize the dimensions of data quality into a limited set of primary dimensions.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This paper explores key success factors for the development and implementation of a Common Data Model (CDM) for Rare Diseases (RDs) focusing on the European context. Several challenges hinder RD care and research in diagnosis, treatment, and research, including data fragmentation, lack of standardisation, and Interoperability (IOP) issues within healthcare information systems. We identify key issues and recommendations for an RD-CDM, drawing on international guidelines and existing infrastructure, to address organisational, consensus, interoperability, usage, and secondary use challenges. Based on these, we analyse the importance of balancing the scope and IOP of a CDM to cater to the unique requirements of RDs while ensuring effective data exchange and usage across systems. In conclusion, a well-designed RD-CDM can bridge gaps in RD care and research, enhance patient care and facilitate international collaborations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Clinical management of persons with disorders of consciousness (DoC) is dedicated largely to optimizing recovery. However, selecting a measure to evaluate the extent of recovery is challenging because few measures are designed to precisely assess the full range of potential outcomes, from prolonged DoC to return of preinjury functioning. Measures that are designed specifically to assess persons with DoC are often performance-based and only validated for in-person use. Moreover, there are no published recommendations addressing which outcome measures should be used to evaluate DoC recovery. The resulting inconsistency in the measures selected by individual investigators to assess outcome prevents comparison of results across DoC studies. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) common data elements (CDEs) is an amalgamation of standardized variables and tools that are recommended for use in studies of neurologic diseases and injuries. The Neurocritical Care Society Curing Coma Campaign launched an initiative to develop CDEs specifically for DoC and invited our group to recommend CDE outcomes and endpoints for persons with DoCs.
    METHODS: The Curing Coma Campaign Outcomes and Endpoints CDE Workgroup, consisting of experts in adult and pediatric neurocritical care, neurology, and neuroscience, used a previously established five-step process to identify and select candidate CDEs: (1) review of existing NINDS CDEs, (2) nomination and systematic vetting of new CDEs, (3) CDE classification, (4) iterative review and approval of panel recommendations, and (5) development of case report forms.
    RESULTS: Among hundreds of existing NINDS outcome and endpoint CDE measures, we identified 20 for adults and 18 for children that can be used to assess the full range of recovery from coma. We also proposed 14 new outcome and endpoint CDE measures for adults and 5 for children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The DoC outcome and endpoint CDEs are a starting point in the broader effort to standardize outcome evaluation of persons with DoC. The ultimate goal is to harmonize DoC studies and allow for more precise assessment of outcomes after severe brain injury or illness. An iterative approach is required to modify and adjust these outcome and endpoint CDEs as new evidence emerges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative (AUS-TBI) is to design a data dictionary to inform data collection and facilitate prediction of outcomes for moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) across Australia. The process has engaged diverse stakeholders across six areas: social, health, clinical, biological, acute interventions, and long-term outcomes. Here, we report the results of the clinical review. Standardized searches were implemented across databases to April 2022. English-language reports of studies evaluating an association between a clinical factor and any clinical outcome in at least 100 patients with moderate-severe TBI were included. Abstracts, and full-text records, were independently screened by at least two reviewers in Covidence. The findings were assessed through a consensus process to determine inclusion in the AUS-TBI data resource. The searches retrieved 22,441 records, of which 1137 were screened at full text and 313 papers were included. The clinical outcomes identified were predominantly measures of survival and disability. The clinical predictors most frequently associated with these outcomes were the Glasgow Coma Scale, pupil reactivity, and blood pressure measures. Following discussion with an expert consensus group, 15 were recommended for inclusion in the data dictionary. This review identified numerous studies evaluating associations between clinical factors and outcomes in patients with moderate-severe TBI. A small number of factors were reported consistently, however, how and when these factors were assessed varied. The findings of this review and the subsequent consensus process have informed the development of an evidence-informed data dictionary for moderate-severe TBI in Australia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the health outcomes of military exposures is of critical importance for Veterans, their health care team, and national leaders. Approximately 43% of Veterans report military exposure concerns to their VA providers. Understanding the causal influences of environmental exposures on health is a complex exposure science task and often requires interpreting multiple data sources; particularly when exposure pathways and multi-exposure interactions are ill-defined, as is the case for complex and emerging military service exposures. Thus, there is a need to standardize clinically meaningful exposure metrics from different data sources to guide clinicians and researchers with a consistent model for investigating and communicating exposure risk profiles. The Linked Exposures Across Databases (LEAD) framework provides a unifying model for characterizing exposures from different exposure databases with a focus on providing clinically relevant exposure metrics. Application of LEAD is demonstrated through comparison of different military exposure data sources: Veteran Military Occupational and Environmental Exposure Assessment Tool (VMOAT), Individual Longitudinal Exposure Record (ILER) database, and a military incident report database, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Information Management System (EODIMS). This cohesive method for evaluating military exposures leverages established information with new sources of data and has the potential to influence how military exposure data is integrated into exposure health care and investigational models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major source of health loss and disability worldwide. Accurate and timely diagnosis of TBI is critical for appropriate treatment and management of the condition. Neuroimaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and characterization of TBI. Computed tomography (CT) is the first-line diagnostic imaging modality typically utilized in patients with suspected acute mild, moderate and severe TBI. Radiology reports play a crucial role in the diagnostic process, providing critical information about the location and extent of brain injury, as well as factors that could prevent secondary injury. However, the complexity and variability of radiology reports can make it challenging for healthcare providers to extract the necessary information for diagnosis and treatment planning.
    UNASSIGNED: In this article, we report the efforts of an international group of TBI imaging experts to develop a clinical radiology report template for CT scans obtained in patients suspected of TBI and consisting of fourteen different subdivisions (CT technique, mechanism of injury or clinical history, presence of scalp injuries, fractures, potential vascular injuries, potential injuries involving the extra-axial spaces, brain parenchymal injuries, potential injuries involving the cerebrospinal fluid spaces and the ventricular system, mass effect, secondary injuries, prior or coexisting pathology).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The expanding presence of the electronic health record (EHR) underscores the necessity for improved interoperability. To test the interoperability within the field of oncology research, our team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) enabled our Epic-based EHR to be compatible with the Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE), which is a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based consensus data standard created to facilitate the transmission of EHRs for patients with cancer.
    METHODS: Our approach used an extract, transform, load tool for converting EHR data from the VUMC Epic Clarity database into mCODE-compatible profiles. We established a sandbox environment on Microsoft Azure for data migration, deployed a FHIR server to handle application programming interface (API) requests, and mapped VUMC data to align with mCODE structures. In addition, we constructed a web application to demonstrate the practical use of mCODE profiles in health care.
    RESULTS: We developed an end-to-end pipeline that converted EHR data into mCODE-compliant profiles, as well as a web application that visualizes genomic data and provides cancer risk assessments. Despite the complexities of aligning traditional EHR databases with mCODE standards and the limitations of FHIR APIs in supporting advanced statistical methodologies, this project successfully demonstrates the practical integration of mCODE standards into existing health care infrastructures.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a proof of concept for the interoperability of mCODE within a major health care institution\'s EHR system, highlighting both the potential and the current limitations of FHIR APIs in supporting complex data analysis for oncology research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Designing a framework representing radiology results in a standards-based data structure using joint Radiological Society of North America/American College of Radiology Common Data Elements (CDEs) as the semantic labels on standard structures. This allows radiologist-created report data to integrate with artificial intelligence-generated results for use throughout downstream systems.
    METHODS: We developed a framework modeling radiology findings as Health Level 7 (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) observations using CDE set/element identifiers as standardized semantic labels. This framework deploys CDE identifiers to specify radiology findings and attributes, providing consistent labels for radiology report concepts-diagnoses, recommendations, tabular/quantitative data-with built-in integration with RadLex, SNOMED CT, LOINC, and other ontologies. Observation structures fit within larger HL7 FHIR DiagnosticReport resources, providing output including both nuanced text and structured data.
    RESULTS: Labeling radiology findings as discrete data for interchange between systems requires two components: structure and semantics. CDE definitions provide semantic identifiers for findings and their component values. The FHIR observation resource specifies a structure for associating identifiers with radiology findings in the context of reports, with CDE-encoded observations referring to definitions for CDE identifiers in a central repository. The discussion includes an example of encoding pulmonary nodules on a chest CT as CDE-labeled observations, demonstrating the application of this framework to exchange findings throughout the imaging workflow, making imaging data available to downstream clinical systems.
    CONCLUSIONS: CDE-labeled observations establish a lingua franca for encoding, exchanging, and consuming radiology data at the level of individual findings, facilitating use throughout healthcare systems.
    OBJECTIVE: CDE-labeled FHIR observation objects can increase the value of radiology results by facilitating their use throughout patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is necessary to harmonize and standardize data variables used in case report forms (CRFs) of clinical studies to facilitate the merging and sharing of the collected patient data across several clinical studies. This is particularly true for clinical studies that focus on infectious diseases. Public health may be highly dependent on the findings of such studies. Hence, there is an elevated urgency to generate meaningful, reliable insights, ideally based on a high sample number and quality data. The implementation of core data elements and the incorporation of interoperability standards can facilitate the creation of harmonized clinical data sets.
    This study\'s objective was to compare, harmonize, and standardize variables focused on diagnostic tests used as part of CRFs in 6 international clinical studies of infectious diseases in order to, ultimately, then make available the panstudy common data elements (CDEs) for ongoing and future studies to foster interoperability and comparability of collected data across trials.
    We reviewed and compared the metadata that comprised the CRFs used for data collection in and across all 6 infectious disease studies under consideration in order to identify CDEs. We examined the availability of international semantic standard codes within the Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms, the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus, and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes system for the unambiguous representation of diagnostic testing information that makes up the CDEs. We then proposed 2 data models that incorporate semantic and syntactic standards for the identified CDEs.
    Of 216 variables that were considered in the scope of the analysis, we identified 11 CDEs to describe diagnostic tests (in particular, serology and sequencing) for infectious diseases: viral lineage/clade; test date, type, performer, and manufacturer; target gene; quantitative and qualitative results; and specimen identifier, type, and collection date.
    The identification of CDEs for infectious diseases is the first step in facilitating the exchange and possible merging of a subset of data across clinical studies (and with that, large research projects) for possible shared analysis to increase the power of findings. The path to harmonization and standardization of clinical study data in the interest of interoperability can be paved in 2 ways. First, a map to standard terminologies ensures that each data element\'s (variable\'s) definition is unambiguous and that it has a single, unique interpretation across studies. Second, the exchange of these data is assisted by \"wrapping\" them in a standard exchange format, such as Fast Health care Interoperability Resources or the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium\'s Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Injuries are the leading cause of medical encounters with over 2 million medical encounters for musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and over 700,000 acute injuries per year. Musculoskeletal injuries (MSKIs) are by far the leading health and readiness problem of the U.S. Military. The Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics published a list of 12 data elements deemed necessary for injury prevention in the civilian population; however, there are no standardized list of common data elements (CDEs) across the DoD specifically designed to study MSKIs in the Military Health System (MHS). This study aims to address this gap in knowledge by defining CDEs across the DoD for MSKIs, establishing a CDE dictionary, and compiling other necessary information to quantify MSKI disease burden in the MHS.
    METHODS: Between November 2022 and March 2023, we conducted an environmental scan of current MSKI data metrics across the DoD. We used snowball sampling with active engagement of groups housing datasets that contained MSKI data elements to determine CDEs as well as information on readiness databases across the DoD containing up-to-date personnel information on disease, hospitalizations, limited duty days (LDDs), and deployability status for all military personnel, as well as MSKI-specific measures from the MHS Dashboard which tracks key performance measures.
    RESULTS: We identified 8 unique databases: 5 containing demographic and diagnostic information (Defense Medical Surveillance System, Medical Assessment and Readiness Systems, Military Health System Data Repository, Person-Data Environment, and Soldier Performance, Health, and Readiness Database); and 3 containing LDD information (Aeromedical Services Information Management System, eProfile, and Limited Duty Sailor Marines Readiness Tracker). Nine CDEs were identified: DoD number, sex, race, ethnicity, branch of service, rank, diagnosis, Common Procedural Terminology coding, and cause codes, as they may be captured in any database that is a derivative of the Military Health System Data Repository. Medical Assessment and Readiness Systems contained most variables of interest, excluding injury/place of region and time in service. The Limited Duty Sailor Marines Readiness Tracker contains a variable corresponding to \"days on limited duty.\" The Aeromedical Services Information Management System uses the \"release date\" and \"profile date\" to calculate LDDs. The eProfile system determines LDDs by the difference between the \"expiration date\" and \"approved date.\" In addition, we identified 2 measures on the MHS Dashboard. One measures the percentage of service members (SMs) who are on limited duty for longer than 90 days because of an MSKI and the other tracks the percentage of SMs that are not medically ready for deployment because of a deployment-limiting medical condition.
    CONCLUSIONS: This article identifies core data elements needed to understand and prevent MSKIs and where these data elements can be found. These elements should inform researchers and result in evidence-informed policy decisions supporting SM health to optimize military force readiness.





