
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish pigmentation study can reveal understandings in dermatological research based on functional genomics. Cultured ornamental fish becomes dull coloured and antityrosinase activity through sesame seed may enhance skin colour, which has not been studied. Botia dario is an indigenous fish, having ornamental and aesthetic value and can be studied as a model for fish pigmentation genetics. In this study, fish specimens were fed with 15% marigold petal meal along with 5, 10 and 15% w/w sesame seed in diet. Pigmentation genes, that is, tyr, tyrp1a, asip1, gnaq, kitlga, mc1r, mitf, pax7a, rab38, slc7a11, sox9a, sox10, csf1r, bcdo2 and gsta2 in skin and immunogens, that is, il20, nramp, tlr9 and trail in kidney were studied. Gene expression in tissues revealed enhanced pigmentation and immunity as well as the role of tyr, tyrp1a and asip1 in pigmentation. Immunogenes and blood parameters confirmed the best pigmentation diet. Colorimetric analysis also showed the enhancement of pigmentation. Insights from sesame seed and marigold-induced antityrosinase effects will be applied in aquaculture to develop natural, dietary formulations that will enhance pigmentation in ornamental fish, leading to improved skin colour and market value.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migratory bird populations are declining globally at alarming rates. Non-breeding site conditions affect breeding populations, but generalising non-breeding habitat conditions over large spatial regions cannot address potential fine-scale differences across landscapes or local populations. Plumage characteristics can mediate the effects of environmental conditions on individual fitness. However, whether different phenotypes use distinctive non-breeding sites, and whether they respond to non-breeding site conditions differently remains largely unknown. Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, δ2H) of inert tissues are useful to infer habitat characteristics and geographic origins where those tissues were grown. We collected winter-grown feathers from pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) on their breeding grounds over several years from males whose dorsal plumage colouration ranged continuously from brown to black and assessed their stable isotope values as proxies of local habitat conditions. Based on feather δ2H profiles we found that browner males spent their non-breeding season in drier habitats than black males. Assignment to origin analysis shows potential regional non-breeding ground separation between differently coloured males. High within-individual repeatability of both δ13C and δ15N indicate the pied flycatcher males return yearly to similar areas. Blacker males were more likely to return to the breeding grounds after dry years compared with brown males. The opposite was found in wet years. Our study demonstrates that different phenotypes are exposed to different non-breeding site conditions which can differentially affect individual survivorship. This has important ramifications for population dynamics under predicted climate change scenarios where especially brown phenotype pied flycatcher males may be under a risk of decreasing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the numerous roles that colouration serves in the natural world has remained a central focus in many evolutionary and ecological studies. However, to accurately characterise and then compare colours or patterns among individuals or species has been historically challenging. In recent years, there have been a myriad of new resources developed that allow researchers to characterise biological colours and patterns, specifically from digital imagery. However, each resource has its own strengths and weaknesses, answers a specific question and requires a detailed understanding of how it functions to be used properly. These nuances can make navigating this emerging field rather difficult. Herein, we evaluate several new techniques for analysing biological colouration, with a specific focus on digital images. First, we introduce fundamental background knowledge about light and perception to be considered when designing and implementing a study of colouration. We then show how numerous modifications can be made to images to ensure consistent formatting prior to analysis. After, we describe many of the new image analysis approaches and their respective functions, highlighting the type of research questions that they can address. We demonstrate how these various techniques can be brought together to examine novel research questions and test specific hypotheses. Finally, we outline potential future directions in colour pattern studies. Our goal is to provide a starting point and pathway for researchers wanting to study biological colour patterns from digital imagery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colour is an important visual cue that can correlate with sex, behaviour, life history or ecological strategies, and has evolved divergently and convergently across animal lineages. Its genetic basis in non-model organisms is rarely known, but such information is vital for determining the drivers and mechanisms of colour evolution. Leveraging genetic admixture in a rare contact zone between oviparous and viviparous common lizards (Zootoca vivipara), we show that females (N = 558) of the two otherwise morphologically indistinguishable reproductive modes differ in their ventral colouration (from pale to vibrant yellow) and intensity of melanic patterning. We find no association between female colouration and reproductive investment, and no evidence for selection on colour. Using a combination of genetic mapping and transcriptomic evidence, we identified two candidate genes associated with ventral colour differentiation, DGAT2 and PMEL. These are genes known to be involved in carotenoid metabolism and melanin synthesis respectively. Ventral melanic spots were associated with two genomic regions, including a SNP close to protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) genes. Using genome re-sequencing data, our results show that fixed coding mutations in the candidate genes cannot account for differences in colouration. Taken together, our findings show that the evolution of ventral colouration and its associations across common lizard lineages is variable. A potential genetic mechanism explaining the flexibility of ventral colouration may be that colouration in common lizards, but also across squamates, is predominantly driven by regulatory genetic variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beetles, despite their remarkable biodiversity and a long history of research, remain lacking in reference genomes annotated with structural variations in loci of adaptive significance. We sequenced and assembled high-quality chromosome-level genomes of four Hercules beetles which exhibit divergence in male horn size and shape and body colouration. The four Hercules beetle genomes were assembled to 11 pseudo-chromosomes, where the three genomes assembled using Nanopore data (Dynastes grantii, D. hyllus and D. tityus) were mapped to the genome assembled using PacBio + Hi-C data (D. maya). We demonstrated a striking similarity in genome structure among the four species. This conservative genome structure may be attributed to our use of the D. maya assembly as the reference; however, it is worth noting that such a conservative genome structure is a recurring phenomenon among scarab beetles. We further identified homologues of nine and three candidate-gene families that may be associated with the evolution of horn structure and body colouration respectively. Structural variations in Scr and Ebony2 were detected and discussed for their putative impacts on generating morphological diversity in beetles. We also reconstructed the demographic histories of the four Hercules beetles using heterozygosity information from the diploid genomes. We found that the demographic histories of the beetles closely recapitulated historical changes in suitable forest habitats driven by climate shifts.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Urbanisation is accelerating across the globe, transforming landscapes, presenting organisms with novel challenges, shaping phenotypes and impacting fitness. Urban individuals are claimed to have duller carotenoid-based colouration, compared to their non-urban counterparts, the so-called \'urban dullness\' phenomenon. However, at the intraspecific level, this generalisation is surprisingly inconsistent and often based on comparisons of single urban/non-urban populations or studies from a limited geographical area. Here, we combine correlational, experimental and meta-analytical data on a common songbird, the great tit Parus major, to investigate carotenoid-based plumage colouration in urban and forest populations across Europe. We find that, as predicted, urban individuals are paler than forest individuals, although there are large population-specific differences in the magnitude of the urban-forest contrast in colouration. Using one focal region (Malmö, Sweden), we reveal population-specific processes behind plumage colouration differences, which are unlikely to be the result of genetic or early-life conditions, but instead a consequence of environmental factors acting after fledging. Finally, our meta-analysis indicates that the urban dullness phenomenon is well established in the literature, for great tits, with consistent changes in carotenoid-based plumage traits, particularly carotenoid chroma, in response to anthropogenic disturbances. Overall, our results provide evidence for uniformity in the \'urban dullness\' phenomenon but also highlight that the magnitude of the effect on colouration depends on local urban characteristics. Future long-term replicated studies, covering a wider range of species and feeding guilds, will be essential to further our understanding of the eco-evolutionary implications of this phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate is changing towards both higher average temperatures and more frequent and severe heat waves. Whereas numerous studies have investigated temperature effects on animal life histories, assessments of their immune function are limited. In the size- and colour-dimorphic black scavenger (or dung) fly Sepsis thoracica (Diptera: Sepsidae), we experimentally studied how developmental temperature and larval density influence phenoloxidase (PO) activity, a key enzyme in insect pigmentation, thermoregulation, and immunity. Flies from five latitudinal European populations were raised at three developmental temperatures (18, 24, 30 °C). PO activity increased with developmental temperature differently in the sexes and the two male morphs (black and orange), altering the sigmoid relationship between melanism, i.e. colouration and fly size. PO activity further positively correlated with larval rearing density, potentially because of higher risks of pathogen infection or greater developmental stress following stronger resource competition. Populations varied somewhat in PO activity, body size and colouration, however with no clear latitudinal pattern. Overall our results indicate that morph- and sex-specific PO activity, and thus likely immune function, in S. thoracica depends on temperature and larval density, modifying the underlying putative trade-off between immunity and body size. The strong dampening of the immune system of all morphs at cool temperatures suggests low-temperature stress in this warm-adapted species common in southern Europe. Our results also support the population density dependent prophylaxis hypothesis, which predicts higher investment in immunity when facing limited resource availability and increased pathogen infection probability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male lizards often display multiple pigment-based and structural colour signals which may reflect various quality traits (e.g. performance, parasitism), with testosterone (T) often mediating these relationships. Furthermore, environmental conditions can explain colour signal variation by affecting processes such as signal efficacy, thermoregulation and camouflage. The relationships between colour signals, male quality traits and environmental factors have often been analysed in isolation, but simultaneous analyses are rare. Thus, the response of multiple colour signals to variation in all these factors in an integrative analysis remains to be investigated. Here, we investigated how multiple colour signals relate to their information content, examined the role of T as a potential mediator of these relationships and how environmental factors explain colour signal variation. We performed an integrative study to examine the covariation between three colour signals (melanin-based black, carotenoid-based yellow-orange and structural UV), physiological performance, parasitism, T levels and environmental factors (microclimate, forest cover) in male common lizards Zootoca vivipara from 13 populations. We found that the three colour signals conveyed information on different aspects of male condition, supporting a multiple message hypothesis. T influenced only parasitism, suggesting that T does not directly mediate the relationships between colour signals and their information content. Moreover, colour signals became more saturated in forested habitats, suggesting an adaptation to degraded light conditions, and became generally brighter in mesic conditions, in contradiction with the thermal melanism hypothesis. We show that distinct individual quality traits and environmental factors simultaneously explain variations of multiple colour signals with different production modes. Our study therefore highlights the complexity of colour signal evolution, involving various sets of selective pressures acting at the same time, but in different ways depending on colour production mechanism.
    Les lézards mâles arborent souvent plusieurs signaux colorés de nature pigmentaire et structurale qui reflètent de multiples traits de qualité (e.g. performance, parasitisme), et la testostérone (T) joue souvent un rôle de médiateur dans ces relations. En outre, les conditions environnementales peuvent également expliquer les variations des signaux colorés en influençant des aspects tels que l\'efficacité des signaux, la thermorégulation ou le camouflage. Les relations entre signaux colorés, traits de qualité individuelle et facteurs environnementaux ont souvent été analysées séparément, mais rarement de manière simultanée. Ainsi, la réponse de ces multiples signaux colorés aux variations de tous ces facteurs reste à explorer dans le contexte d\'une étude intégrative. Ici, nous explorons la relation entre ces multiples signaux colorés et leur contenu informatif, nous examinons le rôle de T comme médiateur potentiel de ces relations et nous recherchons si les conditions environnementales expliquent la variation de ces signaux colorés. Nous avons mené une étude intégrative afin d\'examiner la covariation entre trois types de signaux colorés (noir produit par la mélanine, jaune-orange produit par les caroténoïdes et UV produit par des éléments structuraux), la performance physiologique, le parasitisme, les niveaux de T et les conditions environnementales (e.g. microclimat, couverture forestière) chez des mâles du lézard vivipare (Zootoca vivipara) provenant de 13 populations. Nos résultats indiquent que les trois signaux colorés transmettent des informations sur différents aspects de la condition des mâles, en accord avec l\'hypothèse de « messages multiples ». T influence uniquement le parasitisme, suggérant que T n\'agit pas en tant que médiateur des relations entre ces signaux colorés et leur contenu informatif. De plus, les signaux colorés sont plus saturés dans les habitats les plus forestiers, ce qui suggère une adaptation à des conditions lumineuses dégradées. Enfin, les signaux colorés sont plus intenses lorsque les conditions sont mésiques, en contradiction avec l\'hypothèse du mélanisme thermal. Nous démontrons que différents traits de qualité individuelle et facteurs environnementaux expliquent de manière simultanée les variations de multiples signaux colorés impliquant différents modes de production. Notre étude souligne ainsi la complexité de l\'évolution des signaux colorés, qui implique plusieurs types de pressions de sélection agissant en même temps mais dans des directions différentes selon le mode de production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, colouration patterns are often related to concealment, intraspecific communication, including aposematic signals, and physiological adaptations. Slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are arboreal primates native to Southeast Asia that display stark colour contrast, are highly territorial, regularly enter torpor, and are notably one of only seven mammal taxa that possess venom. All slow loris species display a contrasting stripe that runs cranial-caudally along the median sagittal plane of the dorsum. We examine whether these dorsal markings facilitate background matching, seasonal adaptations, and intraspecific signaling. We analyzed 195 images of the dorsal region of 60 Javan slow loris individuals (Nycticebus javanicus) from Java, Indonesia. We extracted greyscale RGB values from dorsal pelage using ImageJ software and calculated contrast ratios between dorsal stripe and adjacent pelage in eight regions. We assessed through generalized linear mixed models if the contrast ratio varied with sex, age, and seasonality. We also examined whether higher contrast was related to more aggressive behavior or increased terrestrial movement. We found that the dorsal stripe of N. javanicus changed seasonally, being longer and more contrasting in the wet season, during which time lorises significantly increased their ground use. Stripes were most contrasting in younger individuals of dispersal age that were also the most aggressive during capture. The dorsal stripe became less contrasting as a loris aged. A longer stripe when ground use is more frequent can be related to disruptive colouration. A darker anterior region by younger lorises with less fighting experience may allow them to appear larger and fiercer. We provide evidence that the dorsum of a cryptic species can have multimodal signals related to concealment, intraspecific communication, and physiological adaptations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) can have a wide range of negative effects on animal fitness that take place not only during, but also after exposure (carryover effects). UV-induced carryover effects and potential adaptations to avoid or mitigate them are understudied in terrestrial animals, including arthropods and their potentially most vulnerable life stages. The spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris, increases the emergence of its eggs that are exposed to UV radiation by coating them in sunscreen-like pigmentation, but consequences of these conditions of embryonic development for nymphs and adults are unknown. We measured stink bug nymph survival, adult size and sex ratio following exposure of differently pigmented eggs across a range of UV intensities. Nymph survival to adulthood decreased with higher intensity of embryonic UV exposure and this carryover effect decreased with higher level of egg pigmentation, similar to previously observed effects on embryonic survival. Nymph development time, adult size and sex ratio were not affected by embryonic exposure to UV radiation nor by photoprotective egg pigmentation. This study is the first to demonstrate the potential for lethal carryover effects of UV radiation in terrestrial insects, highlighting the need for more studies of how this pervasive environmental stressor can affect fitness across life stages.





