
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global climate warming and human activities have increased the magnitude and frequency of Microcystis surface blooms, posing significant threats to freshwater ecosystems and human health over recent decades. Heavy rainfall events have been reported to cause the disappearance of these blooms. Although some studies have employed turbulence models to analyze the movement characteristics of Microcystis colonies, the impact of rainfall is complex, comprehensive investigations on their vertical migration induced by short-term rainfall are still necessary. Utilizing monitoring data from eutrophic ponds and controlled simulation experiments, this study examines the short-term impacts of rainfall on the vertical distribution of Microcystis in the water column. Our findings indicate that rainfall contributes to the disappearance of Microcystis blooms by reducing the quantity of small to medium-sized colonies (0-100 μm) at the surface, subsequently decreasing the overall Microcystis biomass. As rainfall intensity increases, larger colonies migrate deeper into the water column. At a rainfall threshold of 666 mm, the difference in the median volume diameter (DV50) of Microcystis colonies between the surface and bottom reaches a minimal value of 3.09%. Post-rainfall, these colonies rapidly ascend, aggregate into larger formations, and re-establish surface blooms. The greater the rainfall, the smaller the resultant Microcystis biomass, albeit with larger aggregated colony sizes. When rainfall exceeds 222 mm, the recovery rate of surface Microcystis biomass remains below 100%, decreasing to 19.48% at 666 mm of rainfall, while the median volume diameter (DV50) of the colonies increases to 139.07% of its pre-rainfall level. Furthermore, compared to pre-rainfall conditions, the photosynthetic activity of the surface Microcystis colonies was enhanced and the secretion of EPS was increased under heavy rainfall conditions. Our results identify a critical response time of 30 min for Microcystis colonies to rainfall, after which the response ceases to intensify. These insights are crucial for predicting post-rain Microcystis bloom dynamics and aiding management authorities in timely interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Counting animal populations is fundamental to understand ecological processes. Counts make it possible to estimate the size of an animal population at specific points in time, which is essential information for understanding demographic change. However, in the case of large populations, counts are time-consuming, particularly if carried out manually. Here, we took advantage of convolutional neural networks (CNN) to count the total number of nest-entrances in 222 photographs covering the largest known Psittaciformes (Aves) colony in the world. We conducted our study at the largest Burrowing Parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus colony, located on a cliff facing the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of El Cóndor village, in north-eastern Patagonia, Argentina. We also aimed to investigate the distribution of nest-entrances along the cliff with the colony. For this, we used three CNN architectures, U-Net, ResUnet, and DeepLabv3. The U-Net architecture showed the best performance, counting a mean of 59,842 Burrowing Parrot nest-entrances across the colony, with a mean absolute error of 2.7 nest-entrances over the testing patches, measured as the difference between actual and predicted counts per patch. Compared to a previous study conducted at El Cóndor colony more than 20 years ago, the CNN architectures also detected noteworthy differences in the distribution of the nest-entrances along the cliff. We show that the strong changes observed in the distribution of nest-entrances are a measurable effect of a long record of human-induced disturbance to the Burrowing Parrot colony at El Cóndor. Given the paramount importance of the Burrowing Parrot colony at El Cóndor, which concentrates 71% of the world\'s population of this species, we advocate that it is imperative to reduce such a degree of disturbance before the parrots reach the limit of their capacity of adaptation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Developing energy-saving and ecofriendly strategies for treating harvested Microcystis biomass.
    RESULTS: Streptomyces amritsarensis HG-16 was first reported to effectively kill various morphotypes of natural Microcystis colonies at very high cell densities. Concurrently, HG-16 grown on lysed Microcystis maintained its antagonistic activity against plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. It could completely inhibit spore germination and destroy mycelial structure of F. graminearum. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that HG-16 attacked F. graminearum in a comprehensive way: interfering with replication, transcription, and translation processes, inhibiting primary metabolisms, hindering energy production and simultaneously destroying stress-resistant systems of F. graminearum.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study provide a sustainable and economical option for resource reclamation from Microcystis biomass: utilizing Microcystis slurry to propagate HG-16, which can subsequently be employed as a biocontrol agent for managing F. graminearum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phaeocystis globosa is among the dominant microalgae associated with harmful algal blooms. P. globosa has a polymorphic life cycle and its ecological success has been attributed to algal colony formation, however, few studies have assessed differences in microbial communities and their functional profiles between intra- and extra-colonies during P. globosa blooms. To address this, environmental and metagenomics tools were used to conduct a time-series analysis of the bacterial composition and metabolic characteristics of intra- and extra-colonies during a natural P. globosa bloom. The results show that bacterial composition, biodiversity, and network interactions differed significantly between intra- and extra-colonies. Dominant extra-colonial bacteria were Bacteroidia and Saccharimonadis, while dominant intra-colonial bacteria included Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. Despite the lower richness and diversity observed in the intra-colonial bacterial community, relative to extra-colonies, the complexity and interconnectedness of the intra-colonial networks were higher. Regarding bacterial function, more functional genes were enriched in substance metabolism (polysaccharides, iron element and dimethylsulfoniopropionate) and signal communication (quorum sensing, indoleacetic acid-IAA) pathways in intra- than in extra-colonies. Conceptual model construction showed that microbial cooperative synthesis of ammonium, vitamin B12, IAA, and siderophores were strongly related to the P. globosa bloom, particularly in the intra-colonial environment. Overall, our data highlight the differences in bacterial structure and functions within and outside the colony during P. globosa blooms. These findings represent fundamental information indicating that phenotypic heterogeneity is a selective strategy that improves microbial population competitiveness and environmental adaptation, benefiting P. globosa bloom formation and persistence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anopheles coustani has long been recognized as a secondary malaria vector in Africa. It has recently been involved in the transmission of both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in Madagascar. As most secondary malaria vectors, An. coustani mainly bites outdoors, which renders the control of this mosquito species difficult using classical malaria control measures, such as the use of bed nets or indoor residual spraying of insecticides. For a better understanding of the biology and vector competence of a vector species, it is useful to rear the species in the laboratory. The absence of a colony hinders the assessment of the bionomics of a species and the development of adapted control strategies. Here, we report the first successful establishment of an An. coustani colony from mosquitoes collected in Madagascar. We used a forced copulation procedure as this mosquito species will not mate in cages. We describe our mosquito colonization procedure with detailed biological features concerning larval to adult development and survival, recorded over the first six critical generations. The procedure should be easily applicable to An. coustani from different African countries, facilitating local investigation of An. coustani vector competence and insecticide resistance using the colony as a reference.
    UNASSIGNED: Colonisation d’Anopheles coustani, vecteur négligé du paludisme à Madagascar.
    UNASSIGNED: Anopheles coustani est reconnu depuis longtemps comme un vecteur secondaire du paludisme en Afrique. Il a récemment été impliqué dans la transmission de Plasmodium falciparum et de P. vivax à Madagascar. Comme la plupart des vecteurs secondaires du paludisme, An. coustani pique principalement à l’extérieur, ce qui rend difficile le contrôle de cette espèce de moustique par les mesures classiques de lutte contre le paludisme telles que l’utilisation de moustiquaires ou la pulvérisation intradomiciliaire d’insecticides à effet rémanent. Pour une meilleure compréhension de la biologie et de la compétence vectorielle d’une espèce vectrice, il est utile d’élever l’espèce en laboratoire. L’absence de colonie gêne l’évaluation de la bionomie d’une espèce et le développement de stratégies de contrôle adaptées. Nous rapportons ici le premier établissement réussi d’une colonie d’ An. coustani issue de moustiques collectés à Madagascar. Nous avons utilisé une procédure de copulation forcée car cette espèce de moustique ne s’accouple pas en cage. Nous décrivons notre procédure de colonisation des moustiques avec des caractéristiques biologiques détaillées concernant le développement et la survie des stades larvaires aux adultes, enregistrées au cours des six premières générations critiques. La procédure devrait être facilement applicable aux An. coustani de différents pays africains, facilitant les enquêtes locales sur la compétence vectorielle d’An. coustani et sa résistance aux insecticides, en utilisant une colonie comme référence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies on mosquito biology rely on laboratory-reared colonies, emphasizing the need for standardized protocols to investigate critical aspects such as disease biology, mosquito behavior, and vector control methods. While much knowledge is derived from anthropophilic species from genera like Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, there is a growing interest in studying mosquitoes that feed on non-human hosts. This interest stems from the desire to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of diverse host range use and host specificity. However, there is currently a limited number of comprehensive protocols for studying such species. Considering this gap, we present a protocol for rearing Uranotaenia lowii, a mosquito species specialized in feeding on anuran amphibians by eavesdropping on host-emitted sound cues. Additionally, we provide instructions for successfully shipping live specimens to promote research on this species and similar ones. This protocol helps fill the current gap in comprehensive guidelines for rearing and maintaining colonies of anuran host-biting mosquitoes. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers seeking to establish colonies of mosquito species from the Uranotaeniini tribe. Ultimately, this protocol may facilitate research on the evolutionary ecology of Culicidae, as this family has recently been proposed to have originated from a frog-feeding ancestor. Key features • Rearing and maintenance of colonies of non-human host-biting mosquitoes that feed on frogs using host-emitted acoustic cues. • Provides shipping guidelines aimed to enhance the establishment of colonies by new research groups and specimen exchanges between labs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Termites are social insects with high species diversity in tropical ecosystems. Multivariate analysis with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and data interpretation can separate social insects belonging to different colonies of the same species. The objective of this study was to propose the use of discriminant analysis by partial least squares (PLS-DA) combined with NIRS to identify the colonial origin of the Syntermes grandis (Rambur, 1842) (Blattodea: Termitidae) in 2 castes. Six ground S. grandis colonies were identified and mapped; 30 workers and 30 soldier termites in each colony were submitted to spectral measurement with NIRS. PLS-DA applied to the termites\' spectral absorbance was used to detect a spectral pattern per S. grandis colony by caste. PLS-DA regression with NIRS proved to be an approach with 99.9% accuracy for identifying the colonial origin of S. grandis workers and 98.3% for soldiers. The methodology showed the importance of qualitatively characterizing the colonial phenotypic response of this species. NIRS is a high-precision approach to identifying the colony origin of S. grandis workers and soldiers. The PLS-DA can be used to design ecological field studies to identify colony territorial competition and foraging behavior of subterranean termite species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resource partitioning is considered a key factor in alleviating competitive interactions, enabling coexistence among consumer species. However, most studies have focused on resource partitioning between species, ignoring the potentially critical role of intraspecific variation in resource use. We investigated floral resource partitioning across species, colonies, and individuals in a species-rich bumblebee community in the diversification center of bumblebees. We used a total of 10,598 bumblebees belonging to 13 species across 5 years in the Hengduan Mountains of southwest China. First, we evaluated the influence of a comprehensive set of floral traits, including both those related to attractiveness (flower color and shape) and rewards (pollen, sugar ratio, nectar volume, sugar concentration, and amino acid content) on resource partitioning at the species level in bumblebee-plant networks. Then, we explored intraspecific resource partitioning on the colony and individual levels. Our results suggest that bumblebee species differ substantially in their use of the available floral resources, and that this mainly depends on flower attractiveness (floral color and shape). Interestingly, we also detected floral resource partitioning at the colony level within all commonest bumblebee species evaluated. In general, floral resource partitioning between bumblebee individuals decreased with species- and individual-level variation in body size (intertegular span). These results suggest that bumblebee species may coexist via the flexibility in their preferences for specific floral traits, which filters up to support the co-occurrence of high numbers of species and individuals in this global hotspot of species richness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lycorma delicatula, White (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), spotted lanternfly, is a univoltine, phloem-feeding, polyphagous and invasive insect in the USA. Although a primary host for this species is Ailanthus altissima, tree of heaven, L. delicatula also feeds on a wide range of hosts important to the USA including cultivated grapevines. Due to the need for classical or augmentative biological control programs to reduce impacts of L. delicatula across invaded areas, we developed a laboratory-based rearing protocol for this invasive species. Here, we evaluated the use of A. altissima apical meristems, epicormic shoots, and fresh foliage cut from A. altissima as a food source for rearing newly hatched L. delicatula. On these sources of plant material <20% of L. delicatula developed into adults and no oviposition occurred. However, when young, potted A. altissima trees were used as a food source, >50% of L. delicatula nymphs developed to the adult stage under natural daylengths and temperatures ranging from 20-25°C. The addition of wild grapevine, Vitis riparia, did not increase survivorship or reduce development time. To elicit mating and oviposition, adults were provided with A. altissima logs as an oviposition substrate and maintained under shortened daylengths and reduced nighttime temperatures (12L:12D and 24°C:13°C). This resulted in 2.12 egg masses deposited per female, which was 4× more than when adults were maintained in standard rearing conditions (16L:8D and 25°C). Based on these experiments, we present a protocol for reliably rearing L. delicatula under laboratory and/or greenhouse conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Asian hornet Vespa velutina is a social predator that has invaded several countries of Europe and Asia, impacting pollinators, apiculture and human health. One of the few effective control methods developed so far is the early destruction of nests. However, they are often built within dense vegetation, being difficult to detect. The aim of the method described here is to detect nests with a simple procedure, utilizing readily available materials, for widespread use in infested areas. The method has two phases, the first phase involves capturing and marking hornets, lured to a protein bait, and recording the flight directions of individuals to the nest and the time needed to complete a bait-nest-bait round trip, to estimate the distance. Collecting this information from two (or more) bait stations allows to delineate the approximate location of the nest. The second phase aims to determine the precise location of the nest, using sugary baits in the vicinity of the nest and conspicuous marks attached to the released hornets, to visually follow them up to their nest. This method is an alternative to other methods that are either ineffective in areas with high nest density or require expensive equipment and specialized training.





