
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We establish an in vitro perfusion intestinal tissue bioreactor system tailored to study drug responses related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The system includes key components including multiple human intestinal cell types (colonoids, myofibroblasts, and macrophages), a three-dimensional (3D) intestinal architecture, and fluid flow. Inclusion of myofibroblasts resulted in increased secretion of cytokines such as glypican-1 (GCP-1), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and interleukin 1-α (IL-1α), whereas inclusion of macrophages resulted in increased secretion of monocyte chemoattractant proteins (MCPs) demonstrating a significant role of both stromal and immune cell types in intestinal inflammation. The system is responsive to drug treatments, as reflected in the reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokine production in tissue in some treatment scenarios. While future studies are needed to evaluate more nuanced responses in an IBD context, the present study demonstrates the ability to establish a 3D intestinal model with multiple relevant cell types and flow that is responsive to both inflammatory cues and various drug treatment options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: ERAP2 is an aminopeptidase involved in antigen processing and presentation, and harbor genetic variants linked to several inflammatory diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The lack of an ERAP2 gene homologue in mice has hampered functional studies, and most human studies have focused on cells of hematopoietic origin. Using an IBD biobank as vantage point, this study explores how genetic variation in ERAP2 affects gene expression in human-derived epithelial organoids upon proinflammatory stimulation.
    METHODS: An IBD patient cohort was genotyped with regards to two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) (rs2910686/rs2248374) associated with ERAP2 expression levels, and we examined the correlation between colon gene expression and genotype, specifically aiming to establish a relationship with ERAP2 expression proficiency. Human-derived colon organoids (colonoids) with known ERAP2 genotype were established and used to explore differences in whole genome gene expression between ERAP2-deficient (n = 4) and -proficient (n = 4) donors upon pro-inflammatory encounter.
    RESULTS: When taking rs2910686 genotype into account, ERAP2 gene expression is upregulated in the inflamed colon of IBD patients. Colonoids upregulate ERAP2 upon IFNɣ stimulation, and ERAP2 expression proficiency is dependent on rs2910686 genotype. Colonoid genotyping confirms that mechanisms independent of the frequently studied SNP rs2248374 can cause ERAP2-deficiency. A total of 586 genes involved in various molecular mechanisms are differentially expressed between ERAP2 proficient- and deficient colonoids upon proinflammatory stimulation, including genes encoding proteins with the following molecular function: catalytic activity (AOC1, CPE, ANPEP and MEP1A), regulator activity (TNFSF9, MDK, GDF15, ILR6A, LGALS3 and FLNA), transmembrane transporter activity (SLC40A1 and SLC5A1), and extracellular matrix structural constituents (FGL2, HMCN2, and MUC17).
    CONCLUSIONS: ERAP2 is upregulated in the inflamed IBD colon mucosa, and expression proficiency is highly correlated with genotype of rs2910686. While the SNP rs2248374 is commonly used to determine ERAP2 expressional proficiency, our data confirms that mechanisms independent of this SNP can lead to ERAP2 deficiency. Our data demonstrates that epithelial ERAP2 presence affects the inflammatory response in colonoids, suggesting a pleiotropic role of ERAP2 beyond MHC class I antigen processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we describe immunofluorescent (IF) staining assay of 3D cell culture colonoids isolated from mice colon as described previously. Primary cultures developed from isolated colonic stem cells are called colonoids. Immunofluorescence can be used to analyze the distribution of proteins, glycans, and small molecules-both biological and non-biological ones. Four-day-old colonoid cell cultures grown on Lab-Tek 8-well plate are fixed by paraformaldehyde. Fixed colonoids are then subjected to antigen retrieval and blocking followed by incubation with primary antibody. A corresponding secondary antibody tagged with desired fluorescence is used to visualize primary antibody-marked protein. Counter staining to stain actin filaments and nucleus to assess cell structure and DNA in nucleus is performed by choosing the other two contrasting fluorescences. IF staining of colonoids can be utilized to visualize molecular markers of cell behavior. This technique can be used for translation research by isolating colonoids from colitis patients\' colons, monitoring the biomarkers, and customizing their treatments. Key features • Analysis of molecular markers of cell behavior. • Protocol to visualize proteins in 3D cell culture. • This protocol requires colonoids isolated from mice colon grown on matrigel support. • Protocol requires at least eight days to complete.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies in human colonic cell lines and murine intestine suggest the presence of a Ca2+-activated anion channel, presumably TMEM16a. Is there a potential for fluid secretion in patients with severe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations by activating this alternative pathway? Two-dimensional nondifferentiated colonoid-myofibroblast cocultures resembling transit amplifying/progenitor (TA/PE) cells, as well as differentiated monolayer (DM) cultures resembling near-surface cells, were established from both healthy controls (HLs) and patients with severe functional defects in the CFTR gene (PwCF). F508del mutant and CFTR knockout (null) mice ileal and colonic mucosa was also studied. HL TA/PE monolayers displayed a robust short-circuit current response (ΔIeq) to UTP (100 µM), forskolin (Fsk, 10 µM) and carbachol (CCH, 100 µM), while ΔIeq was much smaller in differentiated monolayers. The selective TMEM16a inhibitor Ani9 (up to 30 µM) did not alter the response to luminal UTP, significantly decreased Fsk-induced ΔIeq, and significantly increased CCH-induced ΔIeq in HL TA/PE colonoid monolayers. The PwCF TA/PE and the PwCF differentiated monolayers displayed negligible agonist-induced ΔIeq, without a significant effect of Ani9. When TMEM16a was localized in intracellular structures, a staining in the apical membrane was not detected. TMEM16a is highly expressed in human colonoid monolayers resembling transit amplifying cells of the colonic cryptal neck zone, from both HL and PwCF. While it may play a role in modulating agonist-induced CFTR-mediated anion currents, it is not localized in the apical membrane, and it has no function as an apical anion channel in cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy human colonic epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucin-2 (MUC2) secreted by goblet cells participates in the intestinal barrier, but its mechanism in acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP) remains unclear. In acute pancreatitis (AP) patients, the functions of goblet cells (MUC2, FCGBP, CLCA1, and TFF3) decreased, and MUC2 was negatively correlated with AP severity. ANP rats treated with pilocarpine (PILO) (PILO+ANP rats) to deplete MUC2 showed more serious pancreatic and colonic injuries, goblet cell dysfunction, gut dysbiosis, and bacterial translocation than those of ANP rats. GC-MS analysis of feces showed that PILO+ANP rats had lower levels of butyric acid, isobutyric acid, isovaleric acid, and hexanoic acid than those of ANP rats. The expression of MUC2 was associated with colonic injury and gut dysbiosis. All these phenomena could be relieved, and goblet cell functions were also partially reversed by MUC2 supplementation in ANP rats. TNF-α-treated colonoids had exacerbated goblet cell dysfunction. MUC2 expression was negatively correlated with the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β and IL-6) (p < .05) and positively related to the expression of tight junction proteins (Claudin 1, Occludin, and ZO1) (p < .05). Downregulating MUC2 by siRNA increased the levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines in colonoids. MUC2 might maintain intestinal homeostasis to alleviate ANP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cholesterol-rich membrane domains, also called lipid rafts (LRs), are specialized membrane domains that provide a platform for intracellular signal transduction. Membrane proteins often cluster in LRs that further aggregate into larger platform-like structures that are enriched in ceramides and are called ceramide-rich platforms (CRPs). The role of CRPs in the regulation of intestinal epithelial functions remains unknown. Down-regulated in adenoma (DRA) is an intestinal Cl-/HCO3- antiporter that is enriched in LRs. However, little is known regarding the mechanisms involved in the regulation of DRA activity. The air-liquid interface (ALI) was created by removing apical media for a specified number of days; from 12-14 days post-confluency, Caco-2/BBe cells or a colonoid monolayer were grown as submerged cultures. Confocal imaging was used to examine the dimensions of membrane microdomains that contained DRA. DRA expression and activity were enhanced in Caco-2/BBe cells and human colonoids using an ALI culture method. ALI causes an increase in acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) activity, an enzyme responsible for enhancing ceramide content in the plasma membrane. ALI cultures expressed a larger number of DRA-containing platforms with dimensions >2 µm compared to cells grown as submerged cultures. ASMase inhibitor, desipramine, disrupted CRPs and reduced the ALI-induced increase in DRA expression in the apical membrane. Exposing normal human colonoid monolayers to ALI increased the ASMase activity and enhanced the differentiation of colonoids along with basal and forskolin-stimulated DRA activities. ALI increases DRA activity and expression by increasing ASMase activity and platform formation in Caco-2/BBe cells and by enhancing the differentiation of colonoids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are many unanswered questions regarding responses to proinflammatory signals in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). For example, chemokines secreted by IECs upon external stimuli play multifunctional roles in both homeostasis and during inflammation. Several chemokines are upregulated during active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is associated with an increased influx of immune cells into the gut mucosa. Therefore, studies on how chemokines are regulated in the intestinal epithelium may identify putative treatment targets in IBD. More recently, patient-derived ex vivo models such as intestinal organoids have facilitated molecular analysis of epithelial alterations in IBD patients own cells. Here, we describe refined experimental protocols and methods for the generation and maintenance of IBD patient-derived colonic organoids (colonoids) culture. We also give detailed description of medium, and supplements needed for colonoid establishment, growth, and differentiation, including production of Wnt-3A and Rspondin1 enriched media. Further, we present protocols for RNA and protein isolation from human colonoids, and subsequent gene expression analysis and Western blotting for e.g., signal transduction studies. We also describe how to process colonoids for chemokine protein expression analysis such as immunostaining, confocal imaging, and detection of secreted chemokines by e.g., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). As proof of principle, we give examples of how the chemoattractant CCL20 can be regulated and expressed in colonoids derived from IBD-patients and healthy controls upon ligands-driven inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier is a hallmark of mucosal inflammation. It increases exposure of the immune system to luminal microbes, triggering a perpetuating inflammatory response. For several decades, the inflammatory stimuli-induced breakdown of the human gut barrier was studied in vitro by using colon cancer derived epithelial cell lines. While providing a wealth of important data, these cell lines do not completely mimic the morphology and function of normal human intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) due to cancer-related chromosomal abnormalities and oncogenic mutations. The development of human intestinal organoids provided a physiologically-relevant experimental platform to study homeostatic regulation and disease-dependent dysfunctions of the intestinal epithelial barrier. There is need to align and integrate the emerging data obtained with intestinal organoids and classical studies that utilized colon cancer cell lines. This review discusses the utilization of human intestinal organoids to dissect the roles and mechanisms of gut barrier disruption during mucosal inflammation. We summarize available data generated with two major types of organoids derived from either intestinal crypts or induced pluripotent stem cells and compare them to the results of earlier studies with conventional cell lines. We identify research areas where the complementary use of colon cancer-derived cell lines and organoids advance our understanding of epithelial barrier dysfunctions in the inflamed gut and identify unique questions that could be addressed only by using the intestinal organoid platforms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proliferation and differentiation of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are crucial for functional restoration after injury, which can be regulated by nutritional molecules. Aspartate is implicated in maintaining intestinal barrier after injury, but underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, this study seeks to investigate if aspartate alleviates colonic epithelial damage by regulating ISC function, and to elucidate its mechanisms.
    Eight-week-old male C57BL/6 mice supplement with or without 1% L-aspartate are subjected to drinking water or 2.5% DSS to induce colitis. In this study, aspartate administration alleviates the severity of colitis, as indicated by reduced body weight loss, colon shortening, and inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in DSS-challenged mice. Additionally, aspartate promotes colonic epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation after DSS-induced damage in mice. Pretreatment with aspartate not only enhances ISC proliferation but also induces ISC differentiation toward enterocytes and goblet cells, which prevent TNF-α-induced colonoid damage. Mechanistically, aspartate ameliorates DSS/TNF-α-induced perturbation of mitochondrial metabolism and maintains mitochondrial dynamics in colonic epithelium and colonoids. Moreover, aspartate-mediated ISC proliferation and differentiation are primarily dependent on mitochondrial fusion rather than fission.
    The findings indicate that aspartate promotes ISC proliferation and differentiation to alleviate colonic epithelial damage by regulation of mitochondrial metabolism and dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal organoids are innovative in vitro tools to study the digestive epithelium. The objective of this study was to generate jejunum and colon organoids from suckling and weaned piglets in order to determine the extent to which organoids retain a location-specific and a developmental stage-specific phenotype. Organoids were studied at three time points by gene expression profiling for comparison with the transcriptomic patterns observed in crypts in vivo. In addition, the gut microbiota and the metabolome were analyzed to characterize the luminal environment of epithelial cells at the origin of organoids. The location-specific expression of 60 genes differentially expressed between jejunum and colon crypts from suckling piglets was partially retained (48%) in the derived organoids at all time point. The regional expression of these genes was independent of luminal signals since the major differences in microbiota and metabolome observed in vivo between the jejunum and the colon were not reproduced in vitro. In contrast, the regional expression of other genes was erased in organoids. Moreover, the developmental stage-specific expression of 30 genes differentially expressed between the jejunum crypts of suckling and weaned piglets was not stably retained in the derived organoids. Differentiation of organoids was necessary to observe the regional expression of certain genes while it was not sufficient to reproduce developmental stage-specific expression patterns. In conclusion, piglet intestinal organoids retained a location-specific phenotype while the characteristics of developmental stage were erased in vitro. Reproducing more closely the luminal environment might help to increase the physiological relevance of intestinal organoids.





