
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coiled-coil \'bundlemer\' peptides were selectively modified with allyloxycarbonyl (alloc)-protected lysine, a non-natural amino acid containing an alkene on its side chain. The specific display of this alkene from the coiled-coil surface with protein-like specificity enabled this residue to be used as a covalent linkage for creating peptide networks with controllable properties or as a physical linkage for the self-assembly of bundlemers into unexpected, intricate lattices driven by the hydrophobic nature of the side chain. For network formation, peptides were modified with both alloc-protected lysine and cysteine amino acids for solution assembly into solvent-swollen films and subsequent covalent cross-linking via thiol-ene photo click reactions. The degree of network cross-linking, as determined by rheometry, was finely tuned by varying the specific spatial display of reactive groups on the bundlemer building block particles, transitioning between intrabundle and interbundle cross-linking. The designed display of alloc groups from the center of the bundlemer building block also prompted particle self-assembly into an unexpected intricate lattice with a porous morphology. The lattices were studied in a variety of solution conditions using transmission electron microscopy, cryotransmission electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering. The approximate particle arrangement in the lattice was determined by using coarse-grained modeling and machine learning optimization techniques along with experimental methods. The proposed truss-like face-centered cubic packing of the alloc-functionalized bundlemers agrees well with the experimental results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ensuring good definition of scaffolds used for 3D cell culture is a prominent challenge that hampers the development of tissue engineering platforms. Since dextran repels cell adhesion, using dextran-based materials biofunctionalized through a bottom-up approach allows for precise control over material definition. Here, we report the design of dextran hydrogels displaying a fully interconnected macropore network for the culture of vascular spheroids in vitro. We biofunctionalized the hydrogels with the RGD peptide sequence to promote cell adhesion. We used an affinity peptide pair, the E/K coiled coil, to load the gels with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Dual functionalization with adhesive and proliferative cues allows vascular spheroids to colonize naturally cell-repellant dextran. In supplement-depleted medium, we report improved colonization of the macropores compared to that of unmodified dextran. Altogether, we propose a well-defined and highly versatile platform for tissue engineering and tissue vascularization applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Septins are a family of membrane-associated cytoskeletal guanine-nucleotide binding proteins that play crucial roles in various cellular processes, such as cell division, phagocytosis, and organelle fission. Despite their importance, the evolutionary origins and ancestral function of septins remain unclear. In opisthokonts, septins form five distinct groups of orthologs, with subunits from multiple groups assembling into heteropolymers, thus supporting their diverse molecular functions. Recent studies have revealed that septins are also conserved in algae and protists, indicating an ancient origin from the last eukaryotic common ancestor. However, the phylogenetic relationships among septins across eukaryotes remained unclear. Here, we expanded the list of non-opisthokont septins, including previously unrecognized septins from glaucophyte algae. Constructing a rooted phylogenetic tree of 254 total septins, we observed a bifurcation between the major non-opisthokont and opisthokont septin clades. Within the non-opisthokont septins, we identified three major subclades: Group 6 representing chlorophyte green algae (6A mostly for species with single septins, 6B for species with multiple septins), Group 7 representing algae in chlorophytes, heterokonts, haptophytes, chrysophytes, and rhodophytes, and Group 8 representing ciliates. Glaucophyte and some ciliate septins formed orphan lineages in-between all other septins and the outgroup. Combining ancestral-sequence reconstruction and AlphaFold predictions, we tracked the structural evolution of septins across eukaryotes. In the GTPase domain, we identified a conserved GAP-like arginine finger within the G-interface of at least one septin in most algal and ciliate species. This residue is required for homodimerization of the single Chlamydomonas septin, and its loss coincided with septin duplication events in various lineages. The loss of the arginine finger is often accompanied by the emergence of the α0 helix, a known NC-interface interaction motif, potentially signifying the diversification of septin-septin interaction mechanisms from homo-dimerization to hetero-oligomerization. Lastly, we found amphipathic helices in all septin groups, suggesting that membrane binding is an ancestral trait. Coiled-coil domains were also broadly distributed, while transmembrane domains were found in some septins in Group 6A and 7. In summary, this study advances our understanding of septin distribution and phylogenetic groupings, shedding light on their ancestral features, potential function, and early evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    NMDA-type ionotropic glutamate receptors are critically involved in many brain functions and are implicated in a variety of brain disorders. Seven NMDA receptor subunits exist (GluN1, GluN2A-D, and GluN3A-B) that assemble into tetrameric receptor subtypes with distinct functional properties and physiological roles. The majority NMDA receptors are composed of two GluN1 and two GluN2 subunits, which can assemble into four diheteromeric receptors subtypes composed of GluN1 and one type of GluN2 subunit (e.g., GluN1/2A), and presumably also six triheteromeric receptor subtypes composed of GluN1 and two different GluN2 subunits (e.g., GluN1/2A/2B). Furthermore, the GluN1 subunit exists as eight splice variants (e.g., GluN1-1a and GluN1-1b isoforms), and two different GluN1 isoforms can co-assemble to also form triheteromeric NMDA receptors (e.g., GluN1-1a/1b/2A). Here, we describe a method to faithfully express triheteromeric NMDA receptors in heterologous expression systems by controlling the identity of two of the four subunits. This method overcomes the problem that co-expression of three different NMDA receptor subunits generates two distinct diheteromeric receptor subtypes as well as one triheteromeric receptor subtype, thereby confounding studies that require a homogenous population of triheteromeric NMDA receptors. The method has been applied to selectively express recombinant triheteromeric GluN1/2A/2B, GluN1/2A/2C, GluN1/2B/2D, GluN1-1a/GluN1-1b/2A, GluN1-1a/GluN1-1b/2B receptors with negligible co-expression of the respective diheteromeric receptor subtypes. This method therefore enables quantitative evaluation of functional and pharmacological properties of triheteromeric NMDA receptors, some of which are abundant NMDA receptor subtypes in the adult brain.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Septins are a family of membrane-associated cytoskeletal GTPases that play crucial roles in various cellular processes, such as cell division, phagocytosis, and organelle fission. Despite their importance, the evolutionary origins and ancestral function of septins remain unclear. In opisthokonts, septins form five distinct groups of orthologs, with subunits from multiple groups assembling into heteropolymers, thus supporting their diverse molecular functions. Recent studies have revealed that septins are also conserved in algae and protists, indicating an ancient origin from the last eukaryotic common ancestor. However, the phylogenetic relationships among septins across eukaryotes remained unclear. Here, we expanded the list of non-opisthokont septins, including previously unrecognized septins from rhodophyte red algae and glaucophyte algae. Constructing a rooted phylogenetic tree of 254 total septins, we observed a bifurcation between the major non-opisthokont and opisthokont septin clades. Within the non-opisthokont septins, we identified three major subclades: Group 6 representing chlorophyte green algae (6A mostly for species with single septins, 6B for species with multiple septins), Group 7 representing algae in chlorophytes, heterokonts, haptophytes, chrysophytes, and rhodophytes, and Group 8 representing ciliates. Glaucophyte and some ciliate septins formed orphan lineages in-between all other septins and the outgroup. Combining ancestral-sequence reconstruction and AlphaFold predictions, we tracked the structural evolution of septins across eukaryotes. In the GTPase domain, we identified a conserved GAP-like arginine finger within the G-interface of at least one septin in most algal and ciliate species. This residue is required for homodimerization of the single Chlamydomonas septin, and its loss coincided with septin duplication events in various lineages. The loss of the arginine finger is often accompanied by the emergence of the α0 helix, a known NC-interface interaction motif, potentially signifying the diversification of septin-septin interaction mechanisms from homo-dimerization to hetero-oligomerization. Lastly, we found amphipathic helices in all septin groups, suggesting that curvature-sensing is an ancestral trait of septin proteins. Coiled-coil domains were also broadly distributed, while transmembrane domains were found in some septins in Group 6A and 7. In summary, this study advances our understanding of septin distribution and phylogenetic groupings, shedding light on their ancestral features, potential function, and early evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laminins are trimeric glycoproteins with important roles in cell-matrix adhesion and tissue organization. The laminin α, ß, and γ-chains have short N-terminal arms, while their C-termini are connected via a triple coiled-coil domain, giving the laminin molecule a well-characterized cross-shaped morphology as a result. The C-terminus of laminin alpha chains contains additional globular laminin G-like (LG) domains with important roles in mediating cell adhesion. Dynamic conformational changes of different laminin domains have been implicated in regulating laminin function, but so far have not been analyzed at the single-molecule level. High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) is a unique tool for visualizing such dynamic conformational changes under physiological conditions at sub-second temporal resolution. After optimizing surface immobilization and imaging conditions, we characterized the ultrastructure of laminin-111 and laminin-332 using HS-AFM timelapse imaging. While laminin-111 features a stable S-shaped coiled-coil domain displaying little conformational rearrangement, laminin-332 coiled-coil domains undergo rapid switching between straight and bent conformations around a defined central molecular hinge. Complementing the experimental AFM data with AlphaFold-based coiled-coil structure prediction enabled us to pinpoint the position of the hinge region, as well as to identify potential molecular rearrangement processes permitting hinge flexibility. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations provide further support for a spatially defined kinking mechanism in the laminin-332 coiled-coil domain. Finally, we observed the dynamic rearrangement of the C-terminal LG domains of laminin-111 and laminin-332, switching them between compact and open conformations. Thus, HS-AFM can directly visualize molecular rearrangement processes within different laminin isoforms and provide dynamic structural insight not available from other microscopy techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bacterial flagellum biogenesis, secretion of the hook-filament junction proteins FlgK and FlgL and completion of the flagellum requires the FlgN chaperone. Similarly, the related FliT chaperone is necessary for the secretion of the filament cap protein FliD and binds the flagellar export gate protein FlhA and the flagellum ATPase FliI. FlgN and FliT require FliJ for effective substrate secretion. In Helicobacter pylori, neither FlgN, FliT, nor FliJ have been annotated. We demonstrate that the genome location of HP1120 is identical to that of flgN in other flagellated bacteria and that HP1120 is the homolog of Campylobacter jejuni FlgN. A modeled HP1120 structure contains three α-helices and resembles the FliT chaperone, sharing a similar substrate-binding pocket. Using pulldowns and thermophoresis, we show that both HP1120 and a HP1120Δ126-144 deletion mutant bind to FlgK with nanomolar affinity, but not to the filament cap protein FliD, confirming that HP1120 is FlgN. Based on size-exclusion chromatography and multi-angle light scattering, H. pylori FlgN binds to FlgK with 1:1 stoichiometry. Overall structural similarities between FlgN and FliT suggest that substrate recognition on FlgN primarily involves an antiparallel coiled-coil interface between the third helix of FlgN and the C-terminal helix of the substrate. A FlgNΔ126-144 N100A, Y103A, S111I triple mutant targeting this interface significantly impairs the binding of FlgK. Finally, we demonstrate that FlgNΔ126-144 , like FliT, binds with sub-micromolar affinity to the flagellum ATPase FliI or its N-terminal domain. Hence FlgN and FliT likely couple delivery of low-abundance export substrates to the flagellum ATPase FliI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many bacteria swim driven by an extracellular filament rotated by the bacterial flagellar motor. This motor is powered by the stator complex, MotA5 MotB2 , an heptameric complex which forms an ion channel which couples energy from the ion motive force to torque generation. Recent structural work revealed that stator complex consists of a ring of five MotA subunits which rotate around a central dimer of MotB subunits. Transmembrane (TM) domains TM3 and TM4 from MotA combine with the single TM domain from MotB to form two separate ion channels within this complex. Much is known about the ion binding site and ion specificity; however, to date, no modeling has been undertaken to explore the MotB-MotB dimer stability and the role of MotB conformational dynamics during rotation. Here, we modeled the central MotB dimer using coiled-coil engineering and modeling principles and calculated free energies to identify stable states in the operating cycle of the stator. We found three stable coiled-coil states with dimer interface angles of 28°, 56°, and 64°. We tested the effect of strategic mutagenesis on the comparative energy of the states and correlated motility with a specific hierarchy of stability between the three states. In general, our results indicate agreement with existing models describing a 36° rotation step of the MotA pentameric ring during the power stroke and provide an energetic basis for the coordinated rotation of the central MotB dimer based on coiled-coil modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thermo-reversible gel of myofibrillar protein (MP) can be made by tactics of elaborate deamidation using protein-glutaminase (PG), and this work aimed to disclose the link between thermally reversible gelation of MP and the coiled-coil (CC). Enzymatic deamidation fragmented myofibril filaments and triggered structural reassembly to create small-sized aggregates. The coiling and dissociation of CC structure in the myosin tails is the fundamental structural basis of the PG deamidated MP (DMP) in the dynamic evolution of reversible gelation. After specific inhibition of CC assembly by trifluoroethanol (TFE), the thermo-reversible gel ability of DMP was impaired, which confirmed that the dynamic assembly of CC with temperature response played a key role in the thermo-reversible gelation of DMP. The findings may broaden the molecular basis of natural CC reversible gelation and foster advances for the development of new muscle protein products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropomyosin is generally known as an actin-binding protein that regulates actomyosin interaction and actin filament stability. In metazoans, multiple tropomyosin isoforms are expressed, and some of them are involved in generating subpopulations of actin cytoskeleton in an isoform-specific manner. However, functions of many tropomyosin isoforms remain unknown. Here, we report identification of a novel alternative exon in the Caenorhabditis elegans tropomyosin gene and characterization of the effects of alternative splicing on the properties of tropomyosin isoforms. Previous studies have reported six tropomyosin isoforms encoded by the C. elegans lev-11 tropomyosin gene. We identified a seventh isoform, LEV-11U, that contained a novel alternative exon, exon 7c (E7c). LEV-11U is a low-molecular-weight tropomyosin isoform that differs from LEV-11T only at the exon 7-encoded region. In silico analyses indicated that the E7c-encoded peptide sequence was unfavorable for coiled-coil formation and distinct from other tropomyosin isoforms in the pattern of electrostatic surface potentials. In vitro, LEV-11U bound poorly to actin filaments, whereas LEV-11T bound to actin filaments in a saturable manner. When these isoforms were transgenically expressed in the C. elegans striated muscle, LEV-11U was present in the diffuse cytoplasm with tendency to form aggregates, whereas LEV-11T co-localized with sarcomeric actin filaments. Worms with a mutation in E7c showed reduced motility and brood size, suggesting that this exon is important for the optimal health. These results indicate that alternative splicing of a single exon can produce biochemically diverged tropomyosin isoforms and suggest that a tropomyosin isoform with poor actin affinity has a novel biological function.





