coexistence mechanisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kefir milk, known for its high nutritional value and health benefits, is traditionally produced by fermenting milk with kefir grains. These grains are a complex symbiotic community of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, yeasts, and other microorganisms. However, the intricate coexistence mechanisms within these microbial colonies remain a mystery, posing challenges in predicting their biological and functional traits. This uncertainty often leads to variability in kefir milk\'s quality and safety. This review delves into the unique structural characteristics of kefir grains, particularly their distinctive hollow structure. We propose hypotheses on their formation, which appears to be influenced by the aggregation behaviors of the community members and their alliances. In kefir milk, a systematic colonization process is driven by metabolite release, orchestrating the spatiotemporal rearrangement of ecological niches. We place special emphasis on the dynamic spatiotemporal changes within the kefir microbial community. Spatially, we observe variations in species morphology and distribution across different locations within the grain structure. Temporally, the review highlights the succession patterns of the microbial community, shedding light on their evolving interactions.Furthermore, we explore the ecological mechanisms underpinning the formation of a stable community composition. The interplay of cooperative and competitive species within these microorganisms ensures a dynamic balance, contributing to the community\'s richness and stability. In kefir community, competitive species foster diversity and stability, whereas cooperative species bolster mutualistic symbiosis. By deepening our understanding of the behaviors of these complex microbial communities, we can pave the way for future advancements in the development and diversification of starter cultures for food fermentation processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecologists have studied the role of interspecific competition in structuring ecological communities for decades. Differential weather effects on animal competitors may be a particularly important factor contributing to the outcome of competitive interactions, though few studies have tested this hypothesis in free-ranging animals. Specifically, weather might influence competitive dynamics by altering competitor densities and/or per-capita competitive effects on demographic vital rates. We used a 9-year data set of marked individuals to test for direct and interactive effects of weather and competitor density on survival probability in two coexisting mammalian congeners: Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus) and northern Idaho ground squirrels (Urocitellus brunneus). Ambient temperature and precipitation influenced survival probability in both species, but the effects of weather differed between the two species. Moreover, density of the larger Columbian ground squirrel negatively impacted survival probability in the smaller northern Idaho ground squirrel (but not vice versa), and the strength of the negative effect was exacerbated by precipitation. That is, cooler, wetter conditions benefited the larger competitor to the detriment of the smaller species. Our results suggest weather-driven environmental variation influences the competitive equilibrium between ecologically similar mammals of differential body size. Whether future climate change leads to the competitive exclusion of either species will likely depend on the mechanism(s) explaining the coexistence of these competing species. Divergent body size and, hence, differences in thermal tolerance and giving up densities offer potential explanations for the weather-dependent competitive asymmetry we documented, especially if the larger species competitively excludes the smaller species from habitat patches of shared preference via interference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the competition and coexistence of flagship carnivores is key to creating strategies for their conservation in the face of global carnivore declines. Although studies exploring the dynamics and competition between tigers (Panthera tigris) and leopards (P. pardus) span decades, there is a lack of understanding regarding the factors that influence their coexistence mechanisms on a broad scale, as well as the drivers determining their exploitative and interference competition. We gathered a comprehensive list of research papers among which 36 papers explored the interspecific interactions between tigers and leopards and tested the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the coexistence mechanisms along three dimensions using multiple response variables regression models; we also tested the influence of ecological drivers determining the exploitative or interference competition between tigers and leopards. Elevation and ungulate density were the most important predictors in regulating the coexistence mechanisms. Tigers and leopards exhibited more positive relations/higher overlaps as elevation increased in the spatial niche. In addition, they showed a higher dietary overlap in the prey-rich regions. We determined that interference competition between tigers and leopards was less frequently observed in habitats with dense tree cover and homogeneous vegetation structures. Meanwhile, studies with multiple metrics would promote the detection of interference competition. Our study provides new insight into the competitive interactions and coexistence mechanisms of tigers and leopards on a broad scale. Policy-makers and managers should pay more attention to the factors of elevation, prey abundance, and habitat structures for the conservation of tigers and leopards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The storage effect is a general explanation for coexistence in a variable environment. Unfortunately, the storage effect is poorly understood, in part because the generality of the storage effect precludes an interpretation that is simultaneously simple, intuitive and correct. Here, we explicate the storage effect by dividing one of its key conditions-covariance between environment and competition-into two pieces, namely that there must be a strong causal relationship between environment and competition, and that the effects of the environment do not change too quickly. This finer-grained definition can explain a number of previous results, including (1) that the storage effect promotes annual plant coexistence when the germination rate fluctuates, but not when the seed yield fluctuates, (2) that the storage effect is more likely to be induced by resource competition than the apparent competition, and (3) why the storage effect arises readily in models with either stage structure or environmental autocorrelation. Additionally, our expanded definition suggests two novel mechanisms by which the temporal storage effect can arise-transgenerational plasticity and causal chains of environmental variables-thus suggesting that the storage effect is a more common phenomenon than previously thought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We model the population dynamics of two host species attacked by a common parasitoid using a discrete-time formalism that captures their population densities from year to year. It is well known starting from the seminal work of Nicholson and Bailey that a constant parasitoid attack rate leads to an unstable host-parasitoid interaction. However, a Type III functional response, where the parasitoid attack rate accelerates with increasing host density stabilizes the population dynamics. We first consider a scenario where both host species are attacked by a parasitoid with the same Type III functional response. Our results show that sufficient fast acceleration of the parasitoid attack rate stabilizes the population dynamics of all three species. For two symmetric host species, the extent of acceleration needed to stabilize the three-species equilibrium is exactly the same as that needed for a single host-parasitoid interaction. However, asymmetry can lead to scenarios where the removal of a host species from a stable interaction destabilizes the interaction between the remaining host species and the parasitoid. Next, we consider a situation where one of the host species is attacked at a constant rate (i.e., Type I functional response), and the other species is attacked via a Type III functional response. We identify parameter regimes where a Type III functional response to just one of the host species stabilizes the three species interaction. In summary, our results show that a generalist parasitoid with a Type III functional response to one or many host species can play a key role in stabilizing population dynamics of host-parasitoid communities in apparent competition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coexistence of denitrification and bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) processes is commonly observed in natural water systems. However, its formation mechanism remains unclear at a basin scale due to the difficulty of precise identification of these processes. To address this issue, we investigated the spatial-temporal variations in water chemistry and isotopic compositions (e.g., δ13CDIC, δ15NNO3, δ18ONO3, δ34SSO4, and δ18OSO4) in cascade reservoirs (artificial dam lakes) of the Jialing River, SW China in 2016. The results showed that the denitrification and BSR processes coexisted in the studied reservoirs, which was supported by the positive correlation between δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 and between δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4, and by the decreasing concentrations of NO3- and SO42-. Moreover, covariation of Δ13CDIC, Δ15NNO3, and Δ34SSO4 indicated the dominance of heterotrophic denitrification (HD) in the reservoir waters along with the occurrence of bacterial sulfide oxidation (BSO). In addition to SO42- and NO3-, the coexistence of HD and BSR processes were also controlled by the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in winter and dissolved oxygen (DO) contents in other seasons. Overall, the cumulative effect of cascade reservoirs caused δ15NNO3 and δ34SSO4 to display an upward trend from upstream to downstream in the Jialing River, while δ13CDIC showed an opposite downward trend, which implying that cascade reservoirs may be in favor of the coexistence of the HD and BSR processes. This study therefore concludes that the multi-isotope approach could be a useful technique to ascertain the coexistence mechanism of HD and BSR processes in reservoir water systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A central prediction of niche theory is that biotic communities are structured by niche differentiation arising from competition. To date, there have been numerous studies of niche differentiation in local ant communities, but little attention has been given to the macroecology of niche differentiation, including the extent to which particular biomes show distinctive patterns of niche structure across their global ranges. We investigated patterns of niche differentiation and competition in ant communities in tropical rainforests, using different baits reflecting the natural food spectrum. We examined the extent of temporal and dietary niche differentiation and spatial segregation of ant communities at five rainforest sites in the neotropics, paleotropics, and tropical Australia. Despite high niche overlap, we found significant dietary and temporal niche differentiation in every site. However, there was no spatial segregation among foraging ants at the community level, despite strong competition for preferred food resources. Although sucrose, melezitose, and dead insects attracted most ants, some species preferentially foraged on seeds, living insects, or bird feces. Moreover, most sites harbored more diurnal than nocturnal species. Overall niche differentiation was strongest in the least diverse site, possibly due to its lower number of rare species. Both temporal and dietary differentiation thus had strong effects on the ant assemblages, but their relative importance varied markedly among sites. Our analyses show that patterns of niche differentiation in ant communities are highly idiosyncratic even within a biome, such that a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of niche structure in ant communities remains elusive.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbivory and dispersal play roles in the coexistence of primary producers with shared resource limitation by imposing trade-offs either through apparent competition or dispersal limitation. These mechanisms of coexistence can further interact with meta-ecosystem effects, which results in spatial heterogeneity through the movement of herbivores and nutrients. Here, we investigate how herbivores influence autotroph coexistence through a meta-ecosystem effect, and how this effect couples mechanisms of coexistence to ecosystem structure and functioning. We articulate this framework through a parameterized one resource-k producer-one herbivore meta-ecosystem model. The results show that herbivore movement with nutrient recycling can generate spatial heterogeneity to allow coexistence where the well-mixed system predicts competitive exclusion. Furthermore, the presence of movement alters local and regional ecosystem functioning even when coexistence would occur without movement. These results highlight how meta-ecosystem theory can provide a mechanistic context for the observed complexity of biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The co-occurrence of 2 similar species depends on their ability to occupy different ecological niches. Here, we compared the consistency of different aspects of foraging behavior in 2 co-occurring harvester ant species (Messor ebeninus and Messor arenarius), under field conditions. The 2 species are active concomitantly and display a similar diet, but M. arenarius features smaller colonies, larger workers on average, and a broader range of foraging strategies than M. ebeninus. We characterized the flora in the 2 species\' natural habitat, and detected a nesting preference by M. arenarius for more open, vegetation-free microhabitats than those preferred by M. ebeninus. Next, we tested the food preference of foraging colonies by presenting 3 non-native seed types. Messor arenarius was more selective in its food choice. Colonies were then offered 1 type of seeds over 3 days in different spatial arrangements from the nest entrance (e.g., a seed plate close to the nest entrance, a seed plate blocked by an obstacle, or 3 plates placed at increasing distances from the nest entrance). While both species were consistent in their foraging behavior, expressed as seed collection, under different treatments over time, M. ebeninus was more consistent than M. arenarius. These differences between the species may be explained by their different colony size, worker size, and range of foraging strategies, among other factors. We suggest that the differences in foraging, such as in food preference and behavioral consistency while foraging, could contribute to the co-occurrence of these 2 species in a similar habitat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper analyzes the effects of diffusion on the overall population size of the different species of a metacommunity. Depending on precise thresholds, we determine whether increasing the dispersal rate of a species has a positive or negative effect on population abundance. These thresholds depend on the interaction type of the species and the quality of the patches. The motivation for researching this issue is that spatial structure is a source of new biological insights with management interest. For instance, in a metacommunity of two competitors, the movement of a competitor could lead to a decrease of the overall population size of both species. On the other hand, we discuss when some classic results of metapopulation theory are preserved in metacommunities. Our results complement some recent experimental work by Zhang and collaborators.





