
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-wildlife conflict studies of high-altitude areas are rare due to budget constraints and the challenging nature of research in these remote environments. This study investigates the prevalence and increasing trend of human-wildlife conflict (HWC) in the mountainous Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA) of Nepal, with a specific focus on leopard (Panthera pardus) and Himalayan black bear (Ursus thibetanus laniger). The study analyzes a decade of HWC reports and identifies goats as the livestock most targeted by leopards. The Dolakha district of GCA received the highest number of reports, highlighting the need for mitigation measures in the area. In GCA, livestock attacks accounted for 85% of compensation, with the remaining 15% for human injuries. We estimate that the number of reported wildlife attacks grew on average by 33% per year, with an additional increase of 57 reports per year following the implementation of a new compensation policy during BS 2076 (2019 AD). While bear attacks showed no significant change post-rule alteration, leopard attack reports surged from 1 to 60 annually, indicating improved compensation may have resulted in increased leopard-attack reporting rates. The findings emphasize the economic impact of HWC on local communities and suggest strategies such as increasing prey populations, promoting community education and awareness, enhancing alternative livelihood options, developing community-based insurance programs, and implementing secure enclosures (corrals) to minimize conflicts and foster harmonious coexistence. This research addresses a knowledge gap in HWC in high-altitude conservation areas like the GCA, providing valuable insights for conservation stakeholders and contributing to biodiversity conservation and the well-being of humans and wildlife.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pulmonary cryptococcosis (PC) is a common opportunistic fungal infection caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii. PC primarily invades the respiratory system, followed by the central nervous system. Few clinical reports have examined the coexistence of PC and lung cancer. This study reports the case of a 54-year-old immunocompetent PC patient with lung adenocarcinoma. Chest CT revealed multiple nodules in the right lung, with the largest nodule located in the dorsal segment of the right lower lobe. 18 F‑FDG positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) revealed elevated glucose metabolism in the dorsal segment of the right lower lobe, which suggested lung cancer. The metabolism level of the nodule in the basal segment of the right lower lobe and the anterior segment of the right upper lobe was not abnormally increased, but the possibility of a malignant tumour could not be excluded. The pulmonary nodules in the dorsal segment and the basal segment of the right lower lobe were simultaneously resected via video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), and the final histopathology revealed primary lung adenocarcinoma and pulmonary cryptococcal infection, respectively. After surgery, antifungal treatment was administered for 3 months. Over the 3-year follow-up, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed no recurrence of either disease. This case study highlights the possibility of dualism in the diagnosis of multiple pulmonary nodules on chest CT, such as the coexistence of lung cancer and PC. Surgical resection is recommended for micronodules that are not easy to diagnose via needle biopsy; in addition, early diagnosis and treatment are helpful for ensuring a good prognosis. This paper reports the clinical diagnosis and treatment of one patient with pulmonary cryptococcal infection of the right lung complicated with lung adenocarcinoma, including 3 years of follow-up, providing a reference for clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The degree of dietary specialization has a fundamental impact on the ecological function and interactions of suspension feeders. While niche differentiation by food particle size is common among obligate suspension feeders, its role is not evident in facultative ones. In this study, we aimed at providing new insights on the matter by focusing on sympatric mysid species. As mysids use different mechanisms for raptorial and filter-feeding, they represent a more adequate model system than for example, the more extensively studied copepods. We made morphological measurements on the 4 coexisting invasive Ponto-Caspian mysid species to determine the areas and mesh sizes of their filters. We also quantified their clearance rates on the microalga Cryptomonas sp. in a laboratory experiment to reveal how morphological differences manifest in their overall filtering capacity. We found relatively small but consistent differences in the primary filter area among the species, indicating that morphological constraints due to the enclosed position of the setae might limit the possibility for differentiation. The primary filter mesh sizes were small in all 4 species (0.69-2.73 μm) with moderate but consistent intraspecific differences, suggesting that the benefit of being able to capture small particles might outweigh the pressure for differentiation. The observed clearance rates were in accordance with the morphological characteristics of the species, highlighting that auxiliary filters (present in one of the species, Limnomysis benedeni) are needed to increase filtering capacity considerably. Our study confirmed that food particle size can contribute to the niche differentiation of facultative filter feeders, but also indicated that they can tolerate a higher overlap than obligate ones. The observed differences were related to the habitat preferences and predatory potentials of the species, suggesting that complementarity among the different niche axes might further facilitate their coexistence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite competition for both space and nutrients, bacterial species often coexist within structured, surface-attached communities termed biofilms. While these communities play important, widespread roles in ecosystems and are agents of human infection, understanding how multiple bacterial species assemble to form these communities and what physical processes underpin the composition of multispecies biofilms remains an active area of research. Using a model three-species community composed of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus faecalis, we show with cellular-scale resolution that biased dispersal of the dominant community member, P. aeruginosa, prevents competitive exclusion from occurring, leading to the coexistence of the three species. A P. aeruginosa bqsS deletion mutant no longer undergoes periodic mass dispersal, leading to the local competitive exclusion of E. coli. Introducing periodic, asymmetric dispersal behavior into minimal models, parameterized by only maximal growth rate and local density, supports the intuition that biased dispersal of an otherwise dominant competitor can permit coexistence generally. Colonization experiments show that WT P. aeruginosa is superior at colonizing new areas, in comparison to ΔbqsS P. aeruginosa, but at the cost of decreased local competitive ability against E. coli and E. faecalis. Overall, our experiments document how one species\' modulation of a competition-dispersal-colonization trade-off can go on to influence the stability of multispecies coexistence in spatially structured ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species\' traits and interactions are products of evolutionary history. Despite the long-standing hypothesis that closely related species possess similar traits, and thus experience stronger competition, measuring the effect of evolutionary history on the ecology of natural communities remains challenging. We propose a novel framework to test whether phylogeny influences patterns of coexistence and abundance of species assemblages. In our approach, phylogenetic trees are used to parameterize species\' interactions, which in turn determine the abundance of species in a given assemblage. We use likelihoods to score models parameterized with a given phylogeny, and contrast them with models built using random trees, allowing us to test whether phylogenetic information helps to predict species\' abundances. Our statistical framework reveals that interactions are indeed structured by phylogeny in a large set of experimental plant communities. Our results confirm that evolutionary history can help predict, and potentially manage or conserve, the structure and function of complex ecological communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing use of biodegradable plastics may result in more serious pollution of microplastics which often coexist with biochar in soil, this will affect how organic pollutants move and transform in the soil. This work investigated the effect of biodegradable polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate (PBAT) coexistence with biochars produced at temperatures of 400 and 700 °C (W4 and W7) on soil bacterial communities and phenanthrene degradation. The results showed that coexistence of PBAT and biochar paticles greatly boosted the relative abundance of Nocardioides while decreased the relative abundance of Sphingomonas as compared to soils with a single addition of PBAT or biochar. Changes in soil Eh values were the most influential factor in bacterial communities (more than 40% contribution). The degradation ratio of phenanthrene when PBAT coexisted with W7 (39.6 ± 3.6%) was not significantly different from the treatment with a single W7 addition (35.0 ± 2.3%, P>0.05), and was related to phenanthrene degradation in the adsorbed state of W7 in soil. In contrast, the degradation ratio of phenanthrene in PBAT coexisting with W4 (35.1 ± 3.5%) was intermediate between that of single PBAT (49.8 ± 0.9%) and W4 (13.7 ± 5.8%) treatments. This was primarily due to changes in the experiment\'s initial bioavailable phenanthrene content. Furthermore, after the introduction of earthworms, phenanthrene degradation ratio in coexistence treatments were very similar to that described above in the absence of earthworms. Except for two treatments that contain W7, phenanthrene degradation ratio in the other treatments was increased by the presence of earthworms (up to 23%), which is related to the enhanced relative abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degraders. Our findings indicated that PBAT coexistence with high-temperature or low-temperature biochar had a completely different impact on bacterial communities and phenanthrene degradation in soil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and psoriasis (Ps) are two clinically distinct diseases with different pathogenesis. However, recent studies indicate some similarities in both clinical presentation and pathogenetic mechanisms. The coexistence of both entities is very uncommon and has not been fully elucidated. Thus, it remains a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In fact, drugs used in SLE can induce psoriatic lesions, whereas phototherapy effective in Ps is an important factor provoking skin lesions in patients with SLE. The aim of this work is to discuss in detail the common pathogenetic elements and the therapeutic options effective in both diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological reproduction rests ultimately on chemical autocatalysis. Autocatalytic chemical cycles are thought to have played an important role in the chemical complexification en route to life. There are two, related issues: what chemical transformations allow such cycles to form, and at what speed they are operating. Here we investigate the latter question for solitary as well as competitive autocatalytic cycles in resource-unlimited batch and resource-limited chemostat systems. The speed of growth tends to decrease with the length of a cycle. Reversibility of the reproductive step results in parabolic growth that is conducive to competitive coexistence. Reversibility of resource uptake also slows down growth. Unilateral help by a cycle of its competitor tends to favour the competitor (in effect a parasite on the helper), rendering coexistence unlikely. We also show that deep learning is able to predict the outcome of competition just from the topology and the kinetic rate constants, provided the training set is large enough. These investigations pave the way for studying autocatalytic cycles with more complicated coupling, such as mutual catalysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bats harbor highly virulent viruses that can infect other mammals, including humans, posing questions about their immune tolerance mechanisms. Bat cells employ multiple strategies to limit virus replication and virus-induced immunopathology, but the coexistence of bats and fatal viruses remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the antiviral RNA interference pathway in bat cells and discover that they have an enhanced antiviral RNAi response, producing canonical viral small interfering RNAs upon Sindbis virus infection that are missing in human cells. Disruption of Dicer function results in increased viral load for three different RNA viruses in bat cells, indicating an interferon-independent antiviral pathway. Furthermore, our findings reveal the simultaneous engagement of Dicer and pattern-recognition receptors, such as retinoic acid-inducible gene I, with double-stranded RNA, suggesting that Dicer attenuates the interferon response initiation in bat cells. These insights advance our comprehension of the distinctive strategies bats employ to coexist with viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Airborne dispersal of microorganisms is a ubiquitous migration mechanism, allowing otherwise independent microbial habitats to interact via biomass exchange. Here, we study the ecological implications of such advective transport using a simple spatial model for bacteria-phage interactions: the population dynamics at each habitat are described by classical Lotka-Volterra equations; however, species populations are taken as integer, that is, a discrete, positive extinction threshold exists. Spatially, species can spread from habitat to habitat by stochastic airborne dispersal. In any given habitat, the spatial biomass exchange causes incessant population density oscillations, which, as a consequence, occasionally drive species to extinction. The balance between local extinction events and dispersal-induced migration allows species to persist globally, even though diversity would be depleted by competitive exclusion, locally. The disruptive effect of biomass dispersal thus acts to increase microbial diversity, allowing system-scale coexistence of multiple species that would not coexist locally.





