co-transcriptional splicing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Splicing is a highly regulated process critical for proper pre-mRNA maturation and the maintenance of a healthy cellular environment. Splicing events are impacted by ongoing transcription, neighboring splicing events, and cis and trans regulatory factors on the respective pre-mRNA transcript. Within this complex regulatory environment, splicing kinetics have the potential to influence splicing outcomes but have historically been challenging to study in vivo. In this review, we highlight recent technological advancements that have enabled measurements of global splicing kinetics and of the variability of splicing kinetics at single introns. We demonstrate how identifying features that are correlated with splicing kinetics has increased our ability to form potential models for how splicing kinetics may be regulated in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spliceosome assembly contributes an important but incompletely understood aspect of splicing regulation. Prp45 is a yeast splicing factor which runs as an extended fold through the spliceosome, and which may be important for bringing its components together. We performed a whole genome analysis of the genetic interaction network of the truncated allele of PRP45 (prp45(1-169)) using synthetic genetic array technology and found chromatin remodellers and modifiers as an enriched category. In agreement with related studies, H2A.Z-encoding HTZ1, and the components of SWR1, INO80, and SAGA complexes represented prominent interactors, with htz1 conferring the strongest growth defect. Because the truncation of Prp45 disproportionately affected low copy number transcripts of intron-containing genes, we prepared strains carrying intronless versions of SRB2, VPS75, or HRB1, the most affected cases with transcription-related function. Intron removal from SRB2, but not from the other genes, partly repaired some but not all the growth phenotypes identified in the genetic screen. The interaction of prp45(1-169) and htz1Δ was detectable even in cells with SRB2 intron deleted (srb2Δi). The less truncated variant, prp45(1-330), had a synthetic growth defect with htz1Δ at 16°C, which also persisted in the srb2Δi background. Moreover, htz1Δ enhanced prp45(1-330) dependent pre-mRNA hyper-accumulation of both high and low efficiency splicers, genes ECM33 and COF1, respectively. We conclude that while the expression defects of low expression intron-containing genes contribute to the genetic interactome of prp45(1-169), the genetic interactions between prp45 and htz1 alleles demonstrate the sensitivity of spliceosome assembly, delayed in prp45(1-169), to the chromatin environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription and splicing of pre-messenger RNA are closely coordinated, but how this functional coupling is disrupted in human diseases remains unexplored. Using isogenic cell lines, patient samples, and a mutant mouse model, we investigated how cancer-associated mutations in SF3B1 alter transcription. We found that these mutations reduce the elongation rate of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) along gene bodies and its density at promoters. The elongation defect results from disrupted pre-spliceosome assembly due to impaired protein-protein interactions of mutant SF3B1. The decreased promoter-proximal RNAPII density reduces both chromatin accessibility and H3K4me3 marks at promoters. Through an unbiased screen, we identified epigenetic factors in the Sin3/HDAC/H3K4me pathway, which, when modulated, reverse both transcription and chromatin changes. Our findings reveal how splicing factor mutant states behave functionally as epigenetic disorders through impaired transcription-related changes to the chromatin landscape. We also present a rationale for targeting the Sin3/HDAC complex as a therapeutic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tight regulation of macrophage immune gene expression is required to fight infection without risking harmful inflammation. The contribution of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) to shaping the macrophage response to pathogens remains poorly understood. Transcriptomic analysis reveals that a member of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) family of mRNA processing factors, SRSF7, is required for optimal expression of a cohort of interferon-stimulated genes in macrophages. Using genetic and biochemical assays, we discover that in addition to its canonical role in regulating alternative splicing, SRSF7 drives transcription of interferon regulatory transcription factor 7 (IRF7) to promote antiviral immunity. At the Irf7 promoter, SRSF7 maximizes STAT1 transcription factor binding and RNA polymerase II elongation via cooperation with the H4K20me1 histone methyltransferase KMT5a (SET8). These studies define a role for an SR protein in activating transcription and reveal an RBP-chromatin network that orchestrates macrophage antiviral gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in gene expression regulation in cis. Although enriched in the cell chromatin fraction, to what degree this defines their regulatory potential remains unclear. Furthermore, the factors underlying lncRNA chromatin tethering, as well as the molecular basis of efficient lncRNA chromatin dissociation and its impact on enhancer activity and target gene expression, remain to be resolved. Here, we developed chrTT-seq, which combines the pulse-chase metabolic labeling of nascent RNA with chromatin fractionation and transient transcriptome sequencing to follow nascent RNA transcripts from their transcription on chromatin to release and allows the quantification of dissociation dynamics. By incorporating genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic metrics, as well as RNA-binding protein propensities, in machine learning models, we identify features that define transcript groups of different chromatin dissociation dynamics. Notably, lncRNAs transcribed from enhancers display reduced chromatin retention, suggesting that, in addition to splicing, their chromatin dissociation may shape enhancer activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic gene expression is intricately regulated at multiple levels. The protein-coding genes are first transcribed as pre-mRNAs in the nucleus and undergo a series of RNA processing steps before being transported into the cytoplasm for translation. During RNA processing, most human genes (>95%) undergo alternative splicing to generate multiple mRNA isoforms from a single gene, which effectively diversifies the genome complexity. Since the splicing of most genes occurs co-transcriptionally, the regulation layers of gene expression often show functional interactions with each other. In this review, we provide a brief overview of alternative splicing regulation in three different layers (controlled by the splicing machinery, transcription process, and chromatin structure), emphasizing the regulatory roles of epigenetic modifications and the crosstalk between these layers. Specifically, we categorize the major effects of the epigenetic modifications on alternative splicing into three different types: by affecting transcription rate, splicing factor recruitment, or the expression/activity of splicing factor. The dysregulation of epigenetics and splicing are extremely common in cancer, we also discuss the potential mechanisms of how epigenetic changes can lead to splicing dysregulation and their functional consequences. We aim to provide insights into the complicated regulation of different gene expression layers, which will shed light on the novel approaches to modulate disease-related splicing dysregulation. This article is categorized under: RNA Processing > 3\' End Processing RNA Processing > Splicing Mechanisms RNA Processing > Splicing Regulation/Alternative Splicing RNA in Disease and Development > RNA in Disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Arabidopsis, RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) often pauses within a few hundred base pairs downstream of the polyadenylation site, reflecting efficient transcriptional termination, but how such pausing is regulated remains largely elusive.
    Here, we analyze Pol II dynamics at 3\' ends by combining comprehensive experiments with mathematical modelling. We generate high-resolution serine 2 phosphorylated (Ser2P) Pol II positioning data specifically enriched at 3\' ends and define a 3\' end pause index (3\'PI). The position but not the extent of the 3\' end pause correlates with the termination window size. The 3\'PI is not decreased but even mildly increased in the termination deficient mutant xrn3, indicating 3\' end pause is a regulatory step early during the termination and before XRN3-mediated RNA decay that releases Pol II. Unexpectedly, 3\'PI is closely associated with gene exon numbers and co-transcriptional splicing efficiency. Multiple exons genes often display stronger 3\' end pauses and more efficient on-chromatin splicing than genes with fewer exons. Chemical inhibition of splicing strongly reduces the 3\'PI and disrupts its correlation with exon numbers but does not globally impact 3\' end readthrough levels. These results are further confirmed by fitting Pol II positioning data with a mathematical model, which enables the estimation of parameters that define Pol II dynamics.
    Our work highlights that the number of exons via co-transcriptional splicing is a major determinant of Pol II pausing levels at the 3\' end of genes in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expansion of introns within mammalian genomes poses a challenge for the production of full-length messenger RNAs (mRNAs), with increasing evidence that these long AT-rich sequences present obstacles to transcription. Here, we investigate RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) elongation at high resolution in mammalian cells and demonstrate that RNAPII transcribes faster across introns. Moreover, we find that this acceleration requires the association of U1 snRNP (U1) with the elongation complex at 5\' splice sites. The role of U1 to stimulate elongation rate through introns reduces the frequency of both premature termination and transcriptional arrest, thereby dramatically increasing RNA production. We further show that changes in RNAPII elongation rate due to AT content and U1 binding explain previous reports of pausing or termination at splice junctions and the edge of CpG islands. We propose that U1-mediated acceleration of elongation has evolved to mitigate the risks that long AT-rich introns pose to transcript completion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many spliceosomal introns are excised from nascent transcripts emerging from RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II). The extent of cell-type-specific regulation and possible functions of such co-transcriptional events remain poorly understood. We examined the role of the RNA-binding protein PTBP1 in this process using an acute depletion approach followed by the analysis of chromatin- and RNA Pol II-associated transcripts. We show that PTBP1 activates the co-transcriptional excision of hundreds of introns, a surprising effect given that this protein is known to promote intron retention. Importantly, some co-transcriptionally activated introns fail to complete their splicing without PTBP1. In a striking example, retention of a PTBP1-dependent intron triggers nonsense-mediated decay of transcripts encoding DNA methyltransferase DNMT3B. We provide evidence that this regulation facilitates the natural decline in DNMT3B levels in developing neurons and protects differentiation-specific genes from ectopic methylation. Thus, PTBP1-activated co-transcriptional splicing is a widespread phenomenon mediating epigenetic control of cellular identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long introns with short exons in vertebrate genes are thought to require spliceosome assembly across exons (exon definition), rather than introns, thereby requiring transcription of an exon to splice an upstream intron. Here, we developed CoLa-seq (co-transcriptional lariat sequencing) to investigate the timing and determinants of co-transcriptional splicing genome wide. Unexpectedly, 90% of all introns, including long introns, can splice before transcription of a downstream exon, indicating that exon definition is not obligatory for most human introns. Still, splicing timing varies dramatically across introns, and various genetic elements determine this variation. Strong U2AF2 binding to the polypyrimidine tract predicts early splicing, explaining exon definition-independent splicing. Together, our findings question the essentiality of exon definition and reveal features beyond intron and exon length that are determinative for splicing timing.





