clinical research areas

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is growing awareness of the significant mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on many Americans. Less is known about the effects on individuals who were living with mental health conditions prior to the pandemic\'s onset. In addition, little research has explored how this group is coping positively with the challenges of COVID-19. Understanding the strengths these individuals bring to pandemic demands and disruptions can inform recovery for these individuals in the aftermath of this public health emergency. Using results from a cross-sectional, online survey administered during April and May 2020, we use qualitative methods to examine how individuals with symptoms of depression and anxiety were coping with COVID-19. Participants were recruited from two networks of statewide behavioral health community programs in New Jersey and New York. Data come from 48 participants who reported current symptoms of anxiety assessed by the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2 Scale and/or depression assessed by the Patient Health Questionnaire-2. These respondents demonstrated resilience in navigating disruptions brought on by COVID-19 and reported a range of healthy coping strategies. We identified three themes characterizing successful coping strategies, including utilizing social support systems, practicing self-care, and adjusting one\'s mindset to deal with challenging experiences. When designing programs, policies, and clinical approaches to support people with mental health conditions, it is essential to focus on strengths. The coping strategies shared by the individuals in this study demonstrate and build on their resilience. More research is needed to discover the strengths people exhibit to deal with the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the influence of social determinants of health (SDOH), healthcare services, and health behaviors on mental and physical health outcomes of cancer patients between the first winter and the following post-vaccine summer of the COVID-19 pandemic. A three-wave online survey of individuals diagnosed with incident cancer between January 2019 and January 2020 was conducted between November of 2020 and August of 2021 in northeast Ohio. Descriptive analysis and mixed-effect regression analyses were performed. A total of 322 newly diagnosed cancer patients, with 40 African Americans and 282 Whites (215 from metropolitan areas and 67 nonmetropolitan) responded to the survey questions. In Wave 3 ending in August 2021, the survey respondents reported significantly reduced depression (p = .019) on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and improved global health (p = .036) on PROMIS. With age, comorbidity, and other demographic and medical variables controlled in the analyses, the feeling of loneliness (p < .001) and crowded living space (p = .001, p = .015) were the two most prominent factors associated with depression, irritability, and poor global health at baseline, with the lowest p values and persistent effect. Self-efficacy of taking preventive measures was associated with reduced depression (p = .001) and improved global health (p = .029). Increasing access to medicine (p < .01) and satisfaction with telehealth appointments (p < .01) were significantly associated with better global health and reduced irritability. Respondents who had private health insurance reported better health than those that had Medicare coverage only (p < .05). This longitudinal, observational study demonstrated the impact of SDOH on health outcomes of cancer patients. Substandard living conditions resulting in loneliness and crowdedness, quality of medical care (e.g., quality telehealth and access to medicine), and personal behaviors (e.g., self-efficacy) were significantly associated with health outcomes in newly diagnosed cancer patients during the pandemic and should be given adequate consideration for the purpose of improving clinical care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lack of access to primary care contributes to health inequities. Treatment settings that utilize the full experience and training of nurses, both registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), can expand in primary care and successfully address health inequities. This small study describes the implementation of a model of primary care called intensive primary care (IPC), which has eight elements that support the full utilization of a nurse\'s experience and training. This is a mixed method qualitative study, which reports the observations of the implementation and pre- and post-intervention measures. The IPC model was implemented at a free clinic, which targeted underserved population between 2020 and 2023. Participants were selected as a convenience sample. Participants were to have two or more chronic health problems The participants received primary care using the IPC model, which included setting self-management goals, and meeting with RN or APRN on a monthly basis (face to face, via phone or zoom) to monitor progress toward goals. Twenty-two people were approached, and 19 completed the intervention. Pre- and Post-intervention measures (Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care [PACIC]-20); Functional, Communicative, Critical Thinking Health Literacy; Perceived Stress; Patient Activation; Perceived Self Efficacy for Chronic Disease; EuroQo- 5 Dimension (EQ-5D); Trust in Provider; Emotional Support-Patient Reported Outcome Measure Information System (PROMIS); and Patient Health Questionnaire-9) were obtained and analyzed with paired T test (α < .05). Nurses involved meet weekly to share observations recorded in free form notes. These observations were summarized by two of the authors (MD and KF) at the end of the study. All patients had improved physical health outcomes, but more importantly, there were significant improvements in measures known to impact health and health outcomes, specifically, patient activation, self-efficacy for chronic illness, PACIC, and trust in provider. Time spent with patients, both duration and frequency of contact, was observed to have significant impacts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health researchers have had increasing calls to include vulnerable populations in research to tailor inclusive evidence-based practice interventions. The inclusion of vulnerable populations in research is sensitive and complex. Sensitive topics such as dating and sexual violence are especially complex, with emerging adults the highest risk group for all forms of sexual violence and an especially hard-to-reach population for inclusion in research. Impacts of trauma, including physiological and psychological, complex needs of survivors, and potential for revictimization during interactions when participating in research must be considered. Researchers must be equipped with specialized, trauma-informed skills to safely and ethically conduct all aspects of research. Using the trauma-informed framework, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the complexities of conducting research with emerging adult survivors of sexual violence and to explore evidence-based approaches that can safely include this vulnerable population through the application of trauma-informed approaches. The use of evidence-based, trauma-informed research approaches tailored to engage this population in research can further help to develop effective interventions that are context-sensitive to emerging adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Around 5% to 10% of hospitalized patients develop a hospital-acquired infection (HAI). Scrubs are a potential vector of HAIs. To compare the antimicrobial characteristics of scrubs with and without an antimicrobial fabric coating, as tested in the laboratory (in vitro) and hospital (in vivo) environments. Two protocols were conducted to address the purpose. The in vitro protocol was a laboratory study that involved observing the microbe growth after inoculating coated and uncoated scrub fabric swatches with S. aureus and then processing them in moist and dry environments. The in vivo protocol was a clinical trial that measured microbe growth on coated and uncoated scrubs prior to and following nursing staff completing a 12-hr shift on an acute care unit, as measured by colony forming units (CFUs). For high-humidity environments, the in vitro study indicated that swatches treated with an antimicrobial coating exhibited minimal microbe growth, while untreated swatches exhibited significant microbe growth. For low-humidity environments, coated and uncoated swatches were all found to exhibit minimal microbe growth. In the in vivo study, the CFUs increased on scrubs worn by nurses over a 12-hr shift with no significant difference in CFUs for coated and uncoated scrubs. For bacteria in a warm and moist environment, the antimicrobial coating was found to be important for inhibiting growth. For bacteria in a warm and dry environment, both coated and uncoated fabrics performed similarly as measured at 24 hr, with minimal bacterial growth observed. In a hospital environment, microbe growth was observed, but no significant difference was detected when comparing coated and uncoated scrubs. This may have been due to the short time between exposure and culturing the scrubs for analysis immediately at the end of the shift not allowing for enough time to kill or inhibit growth. Contact time between the bacteria and scrub fabric (coated or uncoated) in the in vivo study more directly correlated with the 0-hr observations for the in vitro study, suggesting that the ineffectiveness of the treated scrubs in the clinical results may be due in part to short residence times before collection.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The Strong Black Woman (SBW) schema is described as a statue of unrelenting strength, resilience, and self-sufficiency, serving as a shield of protection and cultural adaptation to suppress and control manifestations of racial and gender oppression. Stemming from superwoman syndrome, a conceptual model exploring the multifactorial roles women hold and their impact, the SBW extends beyond gender roles to the sociopolitical context of the Black woman\'s lived experience. Endorsement of the SBW posits risk for health disparities including stress, anxiety, depression, and obesity. This review was conducted to explore the SBW schema and experiences of Black women who endorse it, to delineate how Black women describe themselves in relation to the SBW persona, and to inform further inquiry, nursing practice, and clinical approaches to improving health outcomes of this population. A systematic review of qualitative studies was conducted with a literature search from CINAHL, APA PsycINFO, MEDLINE, PubMed, and SocINDEX databases yielding seven relevant papers for this analysis. Studies using the superwoman schema and the SBW schema with participants who identified as Black women were included in the review. Consistent with the SBW phenomenon, many participants described examples and consequences of being an SBW. While most women identified with SBW, not all endorsed the persona entirely, challenging its ideal and reinforcing positive self-care. Themes include (a) Strength by nature, not choice, (b) Suppressed emotion, (c) Success over everything, and (d) Prioritizing others over self. Additional emerging themes are also included. Black women increasingly recognize the negative impacts of the SBW schema, pinpointing how their internal feelings manifest in their external world. The conceptual framework itself is an anomaly, incongruently impacting both the mental and physical health of Black women, further contributing to the long-term health and sociopolitical disparities that Black women experience. Simply acknowledging and understanding these experiences by healthcare practitioners are not enough to prevent or eliminate the risks involved with the endorsement of the SBW schema but rather intentionally addressing these as a contributing social determinant of health that predisposes them to long-term chronic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social determinants of health (SDOH) are structural factors that yield health inequities. Within the context of cancer, these inequities include screening rates and survival rates, as well as higher symptom burden during and after treatment. While pain is one of the most frequently reported symptoms, the relationship between SDOHs and cancer pain is not well understood. The purpose of this study is to describe and synthesize the published research that has evaluated the relationships between SDOH and cancer pain. A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL, and Embase was conducted to identify studies in which cancer pain and SDOH were described. In all, 20 studies met the inclusion criteria. In total, 14 studies reported a primary aim related to SDOH and cancer pain. Demographic variables including education or income were used most frequently. Six specific measurements were utilized to measure SDOH, such as the acculturation scale, the composite measure of zip codes for poverty level and blight prevalence, or the segregation index. Among the five domains of SDOH based on Healthy People 2030, social and community was the most studied, followed by economic stability, and education access and quality. The neighborhood and built environment domain was the least studied. Despite increasing attention to SDOH, the majority of published studies use single-dimension variables derived from demographic data to evaluate the relationships between SDOH and cancer pain. Future research is needed to explore the intersectionality of SDOH domains and their impact on cancer pain. Additionally, intervention studies should be conducted to address existing disparities and to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine if there were differences between the subjective and objective assessments of physical activity while controlling for sociodemographic, anthropometric, and clinical characteristics.
    A total of 810 participants across eight sites located in three countries.
    Subjective instruments were the two subscales of Self-efficacy for Exercise Behaviors Scale: Making Time for Exercise and Resisting Relapse and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System, which measured physical function. The objective measure of functional exercise capacity was the 6-minute Walk Test.
    Both univariate and multivariant analyses were used.
    Physical function was significantly associated with Making Time for Exercise (β = 1.76, p = .039) but not with Resisting Relapse (β = 1.16, p = .168). Age (β = -1.88, p = .001), being employed (β = 16.19, p < .001) and race (βs = 13.84-31.98, p < .001), hip-waist ratio (β = -2.18, p < .001), and comorbidities (β = 7.31, p < .001) were significant predictors of physical functioning. The model predicting physical function accounted for a large amount of variance (adjusted R2 = .938). The patterns of results predicting functional exercise capacity were similar. Making Time for Exercise self-efficacy scores significantly predicted functional exercise capacity (β = 0.14, p = .029), and Resisting Relapse scores again did not (β = -0.10, p = .120). Among the covariates, age (β = -0.16, p < .001), gender (β = -0.43, p < .001), education (β = 0.08, p = .026), and hip-waist ratio (β = 0.09, p = .034) were significant. This model did not account for much of the overall variance in the data (adjusted R2 = .081). We found a modest significant relationship between physical function and functional exercise capacity (r = 0.27).
    Making Time for Exercise Self-efficacy was more significant than Resisting Relapse for both physical function and functional exercise capacity. Interventions to promote achievement of physical activity need to use multiple measurement strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Screening for adolescent sexual activity is a vital aspect of comprehensive pediatric care. Adolescents engage in risky sexual behaviors. Thus, a complete and accurate sexual health history can assist in the prevention and treatment of disease, prevention of unwanted pregnancy, treatment of existing diseases, and optimal planning of future healthcare for adolescents. Current evidence shows that provider-focused strategies improve the delivery of preventive services, including sexual health screenings. In this initiative, we assessed and examined pre- and post-screening rates for sexual activity among adolescents by advanced practice providers. This multi-site initiative was implemented in four school-based health centers and a school-linked center that included 2,102 unique patients ages 9 to 24 years. Our biphasic intervention included education for advanced practice providers and electronic health record modifications. Pre- and post-data collection was conducted to determine changes in the rate of screening for sexual activity during a primary care adolescent health visit over a 3-year period. Data were collected via retrospective medical chart review and analyzed in three time periods for comparison from 2018 to 2021. Screening rates for sexual activity increased significantly after the intervention (all p < .001) with the likelihood more than double that of the year before it was implemented. The intervention was deemed to be a feasible and cost-effective strategy to improve the provider\'s willingness and ability to provide more adolescent sexual health screenings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the pattern of weight variability over 8 weeks and its associations with achieving weight gain goals and five biopsychosocial factors among pregnant women. We conducted a secondary analysis of 117 weeks of data from 16 pregnant women with a body mass index (BMI) ≥25. Weight variability was calculated from the difference of ending and beginning and maximum and minimum weights in a week and percent of each difference from baseline weight. Loess smoother, repeated measures model, and compound symmetric covariance matrix were used for analysis. The variability measure of maximum-minimum weight (overall mean: 2.1 ± 0.4 lbs.) was greater than the ending-beginning weight measure (overall mean: 0.7 ± 0.6 lbs.). Weight variability was negatively associated with achieving weight gain goals but not with biopsychosocial factors. Assessing weight variability is important during pregnancy so that preventive measures or lifestyle counseling can be instituted immediately to prevent excessive weight gain.





