cline analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental gradients in the sea may coincide with phenotypic or genetic gradients resulting from an evolutionary balance between selection and dispersal. The population differentiation of the swimming crab, Liocarcinus depurator, an important by-catch species in the Mediterranean Sea and North-East Atlantic, was assessed using both genetic and morphometric approaches. A total of 472 specimens were collected along its distribution area, and 17 morphometric landmarks, one mitochondrial gene (COI) and 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers were scored in 350, 287 and 280 individuals, respectively. Morphometric data lacked significant differences, but genetic analyses showed significant genetic differentiation between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations, with a steeper gradient in COI compared to microsatellite markers. Interestingly, nuclear differentiation was due to an outlier locus with a gradient in the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition area overlapping with the mtDNA gradient. Such overlapping clines are likely to be maintained by natural selection. Our results suggest a scenario of past isolation with local adaptation and secondary contact between the two basins. Local adaptation during the process of vicariance may reinforce genetic differentiation at loci maintained by environmental selection even after secondary contact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization between divergent lineages can result in losses of distinct evolutionary taxa. Alternatively, hybridization can lead to increased genetic variability that may fuel local adaptation and the generation of novel traits and/or taxa. Here, we examined single-nucleotide polymorphisms generated using genotyping-by-sequencing in a population of Dolly Varden char (Pisces: Salmonidae) that is highly admixed within a contact zone between two subspecies (Salvelinus malma malma, Northern Dolly Varden [NDV] and S. m. lordi, Southern Dolly Varden [SDV]) in southwestern Alaska to assess the spatial distribution of hybrids and to test hypotheses on the origin of the admixed population. Ancestry analysis revealed that this admixed population is composed of advanced generation hybrids between NDV and SDV or advanced backcrosses to SDV; no F1 hybrids were detected. Coalescent-based demographic modelling supported the origin of this population about 55,000 years ago by secondary contact between NDV and SDV with low levels of contemporary gene flow. Ancestry in NDV and SDV varies within the watershed and ancestry in NDV was positively associated with distance upstream from the sea, contingent on habitat-type sampled, and negatively associated with the number of migrations that individual fish made to the sea. Our results suggest that divergence between subspecies over hundreds of thousands of years may not be associated with significant reproductive isolation, but that elevated diversity owing to hybridization may have contributed to adaptive divergence in habitat use and life history.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying areas of high evolutionary potential is a judicious strategy for developing conservation priorities in the face of environmental change. For wide-ranging species occupying heterogeneous environments, the evolutionary forces that shape distinct populations can vary spatially. Here, we investigate patterns of genomic variation and genotype-environment associations in the hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus), a North American songbird, at broad (across the breeding range) and narrow spatial scales (at a hybrid zone). We begin by building a genoscape or map of genetic variation across the breeding range and find five distinct genetic clusters within the species, with the greatest variation occurring in the western portion of the range. Genotype-environment association analyses indicate higher allelic turnover in the west than in the east, with measures of temperature surfacing as key predictors of putative adaptive genomic variation rangewide. Since broad patterns detected across a species\' range represent the aggregate of many locally adapted populations, we investigate whether our broadscale analysis is consistent with a finer scale analysis. We find that top rangewide temperature-associated loci vary in their clinal patterns (e.g., steep clines vs. fixed allele frequencies) across a hybrid zone in British Columbia, suggesting that the environmental predictors and the associated candidate loci identified in the rangewide analysis are of variable importance in this particular region. However, two candidate loci exhibit strong concordance with the temperature gradient in British Columbia, suggesting a potential role for temperature-related barriers to gene flow and/or temperature-driven ecological selection in maintaining putative local adaptation. This study demonstrates how patterns identified at the broad (macrogeographic) scale can be validated by investigating genotype-environment correlations at the local (microgeographic) scale. Furthermore, our results highlight the importance of considering the spatial distribution of putative adaptive variation when assessing population-level sensitivity to climate change and other stressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theoretical and empirical studies suggest that the structure and position of hybrid zones can change over time. Evidence for moving hybrid zones has been directly inferred by repeated sampling over time, or indirectly through the detection of genetic footprints left by the receding species and the resulting asymmetric patterns of introgression across markers. We here investigate a hybrid zone formed by two subspecies of the Iberian golden-striped salamander, Chioglossa lusitanica, using a panel of 35 nuclear loci (31 SNPs and 4 allozymes) and one mitochondrial locus in a transect in central Portugal. We found concordant and coincident clines for most of the nuclear loci (n = 22, 63%), defining a narrow hybrid zone of ca. 6 km wide, with the centre positioned ca. 15 km south of the Mondego River. Asymmetric introgression was observed at another 14 loci. Their clines are displaced towards the north, with positions located either close to the Mondego River (n = 6) or further northwards (n = 8). We interpret these profiles as genetic traces of the southward displacement of C. lusitanica lusitanica by C. l. longipes over the wider Mondego River valley. We noted the absence of significant linkage disequilibrium, and we inferred low levels of effective selection per locus against hybrids, suggesting that introgression in the area of species replacement occurred under a neutral diffusion process. A species distribution model suggests that the C. lusitanica hybrid zone coincides with a narrow corridor of fragmented habitat. From the position of the displaced clines, we infer that patches of locally suitable habitat trapped some genetic variants that became disassociated from the southward moving hybrid zone. This study highlights the influence of habitat availability on hybrid zone movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the Himalayas, a number of secondary contact zones have been described for vicariant vertebrate taxa. However, analyses of genetic divergence and admixture are missing for most of these examples. In this study, we provide a population genetic analysis for the coal tit (Periparus ater) hybrid zone in Nepal. Intermediate phenotypes between the distinctive western \"spot-winged tit\" (P. a. melanolophus) and Eastern Himalayan coal tits (P. a. aemodius) occur across a narrow range of <100 km in western Nepal. As a peculiarity, another distinctive cinnamon-bellied form is known from a single population so far. Genetic admixture of western and eastern mitochondrial lineages was restricted to the narrow zone of phenotypically intermediate populations. The cline width was estimated 46 km only with a center close to the population of the cinnamon-bellied phenotype. In contrast, allelic introgression of microsatellite loci was asymmetrical from eastern P. a. aemodius into far western populations of phenotypic P. a. melanolophus but not vice versa. Accordingly, the microsatellite cline was about 3.7 times wider than the mitochondrial one.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the structure of hybrid zones provides valuable insights about species boundaries and speciation, such as the evolution of barriers to gene flow and the strength of selection. In river networks, studying evolutionary processes in hybrid zones can be especially challenging, given the influence of past and current river properties along with biological species-specific traits. Here, we suggest that a natural hybrid zone between two divergent lineages of the sexually dimorphic Neotropical fish Nematocharax venustus was probably established by secondary contact as a result of a river capture event between the Contas and Pardo river basins. This putative river capture is supported by hydrogeological evidence of elbows of capture, wind gaps and geological faults. The morphological (colour pattern) and genetic (mtDNA and RADseq) variation reveal a clinal transition between parental lineages along the main river, with predominance of F2 hybrids at the centre of the hybrid zone, absence of early generation backcrosses and different levels of hybridization in the tributaries. We highlight that different sources of information are crucial for understanding how the riverscape spatial history influences the connectivity between and within river systems and, consequently, the dynamics of gene flow between freshwater lineages/species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybrid zones, where distinct populations meet and interbreed, give insight into how differences between populations are maintained despite gene flow. Studying clines in genetic loci and adaptive traits across hybrid zones is a powerful method for understanding how selection drives differentiation within a single species, but can also be used to compare parallel divergence in different species responding to a common selective pressure. Here, we study parallel divergence of wing colouration in the butterflies Heliconius erato and H. melpomene, which are distantly related Müllerian mimics which show parallel geographic variation in both discrete variation in pigmentation, and quantitative variation in structural colour. Using geographic cline analysis, we show that clines in these traits are positioned in roughly the same geographic region for both species, which is consistent with direct selection for mimicry. However, the width of the clines varies markedly between species. This difference is explained in part by variation in the strength of selection acting on colour traits within each species, but may also be influenced by differences in the dispersal rate and total strength of selection against hybrids between the species. Genotyping-by-sequencing also revealed weaker population structure in H. melpomene, suggesting the hybrid zones may have evolved differently in each species, which may also contribute to the patterns of phenotypic divergence in this system. Overall, we conclude that multiple factors are needed to explain patterns of clinal variation within and between these species, although mimicry has probably played a central role.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A lack of optimal gene combinations, as well as low levels of genetic diversity, is often associated with the formation of species range margins. Conservation efforts rely on predictive modelling using abiotic variables and assessments of genetic diversity to determine target species and populations for controlled breeding, germplasm conservation and assisted migration. Biotic factors such as interspecific competition and hybridization, however, are largely ignored, despite their prevalence across diverse taxa and their role as key evolutionary forces. Hybridization between species with well-developed barriers to reproductive isolation often results in the production of offspring with lower fitness. Generation of novel allelic combinations through hybridization, however, can also generate positive fitness consequences. Despite this possibility, hybridization-mediated introgression is often considered a threat to biodiversity as it can blur species boundaries. The contribution of hybridization towards increasing genetic diversity of populations at range margins has only recently gathered attention in conservation studies. We assessed the extent to which hybridization contributes towards range dynamics by tracking spatio-temporal changes in the central location of a hybrid zone between two recently diverged species of pines: Pinus strobiformis and P. flexilis. By comparing geographic cline centre estimates for global admixture coefficient with morphological traits associated with reproductive output, we demonstrate a northward shift in the hybrid zone. Using a combination of spatially explicit, individual-based simulations and linkage disequilibrium variance partitioning, we note a significant contribution of adaptive introgression towards this northward movement, despite the potential for differences in regional population size to aid hybrid zone movement. Overall, our study demonstrates that hybridization between recently diverged species can increase genetic diversity and generate novel allelic combinations. These novel combinations may allow range margin populations to track favourable climatic conditions or facilitate adaptive evolution to ongoing and future climate change.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of natural hybrid zones can illuminate aspects of lineage divergence and speciation in morphologically cryptic taxa. We studied a hybrid zone between two highly divergent but morphologically similar lineages (south-western and south-eastern) of the Iberian endemic Bosca\'s newt (Lissotriton boscai) in SW Iberia with a multilocus dataset (microsatellites, nuclear and mitochondrial genes). STRUCTURE and NEWHYBRIDS analyses retrieved few admixed individuals, which classified as backcrosses involving parental individuals of the south-western lineage. Our results show asymmetric introgression of mtDNA beyond the contact from this lineage into the south-eastern lineage. Analysis of nongeographic introgression patterns revealed asymmetries in the direction of introgression, but except for mtDNA, we did not find evidence for nonconcordant introgression patterns across nuclear loci. Analysis of a 150-km transect across the hybrid zone showed broadly coincident cline widths (ca. 3.2-27.9 km), and concordant cline centres across all markers, except for mtDNA that is displaced ca. 60 km northward. Results from ecological niche modelling show that the hybrid zone is in a climatically homogenous area with suitable habitat for the species, suggesting that contact between the two lineages is unlikely to occur further south as their distributions are currently separated by an extensive area of unfavourable habitat. Taken together, our findings suggest the genetic structure of this hybrid zone results from the interplay of historical (biogeographic) and population-level processes. The narrowness and coincidence of genetic clines can be explained by weak selection against hybrids and reflect a degree of reproductive isolation that is consistent with cryptic speciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Much progress in speciation research stems from documenting patterns of morphological and genetic variation in hybrid zones. Contrasting patterns of marker introgression in different sections of the contact can provide valuable insights on the relative importance of various evolutionary mechanisms maintaining species differences in the face of hybridization and gene flow and on hybrid zone temporal and spatial dynamics. We studied species interactions in the common toads Bufo bufo and B. spinosus in France and northwestern Italy using morphological and molecular data from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in an extensive survey, including two independent transects west and east of the Alps. At both, we found sharp, coincident and concordant nuclear genetic transitions. However, morphological clines were wider or absent and mtDNA introgression was asymmetric. We discuss alternative, nonexclusive hypotheses about evolutionary processes generating these patterns, including drift, selection, long-distance dispersal and spatial shifts in hybrid zone location and structure. The distribution of intraspecific mtDNA lineages supports a scenario in which B. bufo held a local refugium during the last glacial maximum. Present-day genetic profiles are best explained by an advance of B. spinosus from a nearby Iberian refugium, largely superseding the local B. bufo population, followed by an advance of B. bufo from the Balkans, with prongs north and south of the Alps, driving B. spinosus southwards. A pendulum moving hybrid zone, first northwards and then southwards, explains the wide areas of introgression at either side of the current position of the contact zones.





