
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Female Reddit users frequently discussed potential causes of orgasm difficulties and its implications on mental health and relationships.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to evaluate the experiences of women discussing orgasms on the Internet site Reddit. We sought to qualitatively analyze the topics that arose in users\' discussions to better understand the potential causes of orgasm difficulties and its implications on quality of life.
    UNASSIGNED: Posts on the subreddit r/TwoXChromosomes containing the keywords \"orgasm\" and \"climax\" were included in the dataset. Posts and their associated comments were qualitatively analyzed using the grounded theory approach. Two independent researchers coded each thread to identify dominant themes and emergent concepts.
    UNASSIGNED: The most frequently coded primary topics included: (1) orgasm (32.2% [n = 337]), (2) psychological (17.8% [n = 186]), (3) relationships (15.4% [n = 161]), and (4) treatment (10.7% [n = 112]).
    UNASSIGNED: Qualitative analysis of 107 threads and approximately 6300 comments resulted in 5 major categories: psychological aspect of orgasms, difficulty orgasming with partners, partners\' responses to orgasmic dysfunction, types of orgasms, and treatments for orgasmic dysfunction. Preliminary themes included (1) the presence of an emotional component or history of trauma related to orgasmic difficulty, (2) difficulty orgasming with a partner regardless of ability to orgasm during masturbation and a variety of stimulation required to orgasm, (3) mixed partner responses to orgasmic dysfunction, (4) the definition of a normal orgasm, and (5) self-motivated treatment for orgasmic dysfunction, including clitoral stimulation devices and masturbation techniques. Notably, few posters discussed their orgasmic dysfunction with healthcare providers.
    UNASSIGNED: The study reveals insights into the possible causes, psychosocial implications, and treatment of orgasm difficulties from a patient perspective, and can guide future research on female orgasms in a more precise, patient-oriented direction.
    UNASSIGNED: The anonymous nature of the forum allowed for insight into sensitive topics related to female orgasms and sexual trauma. Limitations include the demographic distribution of Reddit users, which was primarily younger women in their 20s and 30s, which restricts generalizability.
    UNASSIGNED: Reddit provides a medium for individuals with orgasm difficulties to discuss their experiences. Posts addressed users\' inability to orgasm, their mental health and relationships, the stimulation required for orgasm, and treatments for orgasmic dysfunction. Interestingly, very few posts discussed healthcare, potentially suggesting that women do not classify their orgasmic dysfunction as a health issue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest disturbances increase the proportion of fast-growing tree species compared to slow-growing ones. To understand their relative capacity for carbon uptake and their vulnerability to climate change, and to represent those differences in Earth system models, it is necessary to characterise the physiological differences in their leaf-level control of water use efficiency and carbon assimilation. We used wood density as a proxy for the fast-slow growth spectrum and tested the assumption that trees with a low wood density (LWD) have a lower water-use efficiency than trees with a high wood density (HWD). We selected 5 LWD tree species and 5 HWD tree species growing in the same location in an Amazonian tropical forest and measured in situ steady-state gas exchange on top-of-canopy leaves with parallel sampling and measurement of leaf mass area and leaf nitrogen content. We found that LWD species invested more nitrogen in photosynthetic capacity than HWD species, had higher photosynthetic rates and higher stomatal conductance. However, contrary to expectations, we showed that the stomatal control of the balance between transpiration and carbon assimilation was similar in LWD and HWD species and that they had the same dark respiration rates.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Delayed ejaculation is a small but important subsection of ejaculatory dysfunction, with prevalence estimated at 1-4%. It is most commonly defined by DSM-IV-TR criteria, as \"a persistent delay in, or absence of, orgasm in a male following a normal sexual excitement phase during sexual activity that the clinician, taking into account the person\'s age, judges to be adequate in focus, intensity, and duration.\" The pathophysiology of delayed ejaculation is related to disruptions in ejaculatory apparatus, nervous transmission, hormonal or neurochemical ejaculatory control, or psychosocial factors.
    OBJECTIVE: To update the clinician on the evaluation and treatment of delayed ejaculation.
    METHODS: The keywords \"delayed ejaculation\" and \"retarded ejaculation\" were utilized to search Pubmed for relevant publications.
    METHODS: 319 results were generated from the search, and those publications judged relevant to the pathophysiology, epidemiology, evaluation, and treatment of delayed ejaculation were included in the review.
    RESULTS: 110 articles were ultimately selected for inclusion in this review.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation of this condition requires a focused history and physical, which includes a detailed sexual history, examination of the genitalia, and inquiry into the status of the partner. Laboratory tests are aimed at the detection of abnormalities in the blood count, glucose level, hormone levels, or kidney function. If a correctable etiology is discovered, treatment is directed towards the reversal of this condition. In some cases, the delayed ejaculation may be a lifelong problem. Also, in some cases the etiology of the delayed ejaculation may be irreversible, such as in the case of age-related sensation loss or diabetes-related neuropathy. In these instances treatment may require a combination of behavioral modification, sexual therapy, or perhaps pharmaceutical drugs. Participation of the partner in therapy may sometimes be necessary. Future investigations will continue to elucidate the complex biological and psychosocial factors which contribute to delayed ejaculation, leading to more effective treatments. Shin DH and Spitz A. The evaluation and treatment of delayed ejaculation. Sex Med Rev 2014;2:121-133.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delayed ejaculation (DE) is probably least studied, and least understood of male sexual dysfunctions, with an estimated prevalence of 1-4% of the male population. Pathophysiology of DE is multifactorial and including psychosexual-behavioral and cultural factors, disruption of ejaculatory apparatus, central and peripheral neurotransmitters, hormonal or neurochemical ejaculatory control and psychosocial factors. Although knowledge of the physiology of the DE has increased in the last two decade, our understanding of the different pathophysiological process of the causes of DE remains limited. To provide a systematic update on the pathophysiology of DE. A systematic review of Medline and PubMed for relevant publications on ejaculatory dysfunction (EjD), DE, retarded ejaculation, inhibited ejaculation, and climax was performed. The search was limited to the articles published between the January 1960 and December 2015 in English. Of 178 articles, 105 were selected for this review. Only those publications relevant to the pathophysiology, epidemiology and prevalence of DE were included. The pathophysiology of DE involves cerebral sensory areas, motor centers, and several spinal nuclei that are tightly interconnected. The biogenic, psychogenic and other factors strongly affect the pathophysiology of DE. Despite the many publications on this disorder, there still is a paucity of publications dedicated to the subject.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied the recovery of ciliate taxoceonoses in a mountain stream after a catastrophic windstorm that strongly affected mountainous regions of Slovakia in 2004. To this end, we analyzed changes in the community structure of ciliate assemblages from the Zubrovica stream in the Low Tatra Mts during the time frame between 2003 and 2008 by various statistical methods, including diversity and similarity indices, hierarchical clustering, multidimensional scaling, and PCA. The climax ciliate communities were characteristic for oligotrophic running waters, i.e., they were equitable (E(H) = 0.75-1.00) and harbored a comparatively low number of species (2-9) with typically low abundances (10-125 ind./ml). However, the community structure changed dramatically after the devastating windstorm. There was a significant increase of species number (10-30) and abundance (260-1480 ind./ml), concomitant with a decrease of the equitability (EH=0.43-0.83). These changed quantitative and qualitative community parameters wore off comparatively quickly, i.e., about six months after the catastrophic windstorm, the ciliate taxocoenoses had reached a community structure similar to that before the wind damage. The present observations and those from terrestrial habitats indicate that ciliate communities have a good capability to comparatively quickly reach a climax even after a strong disturbance.





