
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of facial clefts on the dental health quality of life of affected individuals, and to determine whether age and gender affect the oral health quality of life differently.
    METHODS: The cross-sectional survey included 50 participants (32 females and 18 males) from the northern region of Saudi Arabia, using a reliable and validated questionnaire, the Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP), which measured self-reported oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children and adults using a five-point Likert scale. Statistical analysis was performed, and results were considered significant if the p-value was less than 0.05.
    RESULTS: The highest scores in the oral health domain were related to bad breath and reluctance in speaking or reading aloud in class within the school environment domain, with mean scores of 3.44 ± 1.3 and 3.52 ± 1.2, respectively. Most patients showed apprehension regarding necessary dental treatments (mean = 1.44 ± 0.07). The study found a non-statistically significant difference in tooth discomfort between age groups (p = 0.092), with individuals aged from 20 to 29 experiencing higher levels of discomfort than other age groups surveyed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The two topics with the highest mean scores in the oral health domain and the school environment domain were bad breath and not wanting to speak or read aloud in class. Females reported more discomfort, and there was a substantial association between gender and tooth pain/sensitivity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the difficulties cleft patients face is crucial, as doing so will enable dentists to encourage and handle these issues more effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Maintaining normal left ventricular geometry and function depends on the mitral valve\'s normal integrity. Irreparable damage to the mitral valve calls for its replacement using either a valve made up of biological tissue or metal, pyrolytic carbon, and similar materials.
    UNASSIGNED: The material consists of 50 formalin-fixed adults, seemingly normal cadaveric hearts of either sex which were received from the Department of Anatomy of various institutes in the north region. These hearts were cut open to access the mitral valve in the left ventricle.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, the posterior leaflet was semi-oval in shape being 3.72 cm wide at the base. Usually said to be tri-scalloped, interestingly, it was found so only in 56% of the hearts; being bi-scalloped in 20% and single-cusped in 16% of the hearts. Even four scallops and six scallops were observed in three (6%) and one (2%) hearts, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: To conclude, notable variation has been seen in the scallops of posterolateral cusps in the present study. The number of scallops varies greatly as single, double, three, four, or tetra-scalloped and most significant six or hexa-scalloped which has never been reported in the previous studies. To understand the rationale behind each unique architectural layout, such noticeable variations are crucial for scientists around the world. Cardiothoracic surgeons could find this information valuable for mitral valve surgery repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In many regions of Africa, and especially in rural areas, basic health services are scarce, access to general surgery very difficult and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery non-existent. In these regions, patients with pathologies in the maxillofacial area, whether malformations, tumours, infections, trauma, etc., do not have the possibility of receiving any treatment, and the mortality rate from any of these pathologies is very high. Patients who survive with these maxillofacial pathologies will have to face all their lives, in addition to the limitations of their disease, the stigma of social marginalization linked to the obvious visibility of any facial deformity. Achieving universal access to surgery (including oral and craniomaxillofacial surgery) for all human beings is part of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN for 2030. Achieving these goals requires the cooperation of all: public and private sectors, academic institutions, professional associations, NGOs, international agencies, medical industry and the entire global Oral and Craniomaxillofacial surgery community.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital airway anomalies (CAA) include a variety of conditions that cause respiratory distress in neonates and infants. These malformations occur at various anatomic levels and manifest in a wide spectrum of airway symptoms, with presentation significantly influenced by the level at which obstruction occurs as well as by the severity of obstruction. The prevalence of congenital airway malformations has been estimated to range between 0.2 and 1 in 10,000 live births. The most frequent CAA are laryngomalacia, bilateral vocal cord paralysis, subglottic stenosis, laryngeal webs, subglottic hemangioma, tracheomalacia, congenital tracheal stenosis, laryngotracheal cleft, and tracheal agenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the imaging spectrum of developmental anomalies of the lateral portion of the cervical neural arch.
    METHODS: This was a five-year retrospective review of consecutive computed tomography (CT) scans of the cervical spine for structural anomalies of the cervical vertebral pedicle and facets. CT, radiographs and, when available, magnetic resonance imaging studies were independently reviewed. Anomalies were grouped into the following three categories: the absence of a pedicle, clefts in the vertebral arch or isolated dysmorphism of the facet. Clinical data on demographics and neurological outcomes were documented.
    RESULTS: Among 9134 consecutive patients undergoing a CT scan of the cervical spine, 18 (0.2%) patients were found to have developmental anomalies of the pedicle and facets. Findings included 7/18 (39%) with congenital absence of a pedicle, 8/18 (44%) with clefts in the vertebral arch and 3/18 (17%) with isolated dysmorphism of the articular facets. No acute neurological deficits or spinal cord injuries were reported. Associated chronic symptoms included neck pain 10/18 (56%), radiculopathy 7/18 (39%) and myelopathy 1/18 (6%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Developmental anomalies of the pedicle and facet may mimic traumatic spinal pathologies. Recognising a diverse spectrum of imaging findings is vital to prevent misdiagnosis and unnecessary intervention.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal bone microanatomy is a common source of consternation for radiologists. Serpentine foramina, branching cranial nerves, and bony canals containing often clinically relevant but often miniscule arterial branches may all cause confusion, even among radiologists familiar with temporal bone imaging. In some cases, the tiniest structures may be occult or poorly visualized, even on thin-slice computed tomography (CT) images. Consequently, such structures are often either ignored or mistaken for pathologic entities. Yet even the smallest temporal bone structures have significant anatomic and pathologic importance. This paper reviews the anatomy and function of the temporal bone aqueducts, canals, clefts, and nerves, as well as the relevant developmental, inflammatory, and neoplastic processes that affect each structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While much prior literature on the meaning of clefts-such as the English form \"it is X who Z-ed\"-concentrates on the nature and status of the exhaustivity inference (\"nobody/nothing other than X Z\"), we report on experiments examining the role of the doxastic status of alternatives on the naturalness of c\'est-clefts in French and it-clefts in English. Specifically, we study the hypothesis that clefts indicate a conflict with a doxastic commitment held by some discourse participant. Results from naturalness tasks suggest that clefts are improved by a property we term \"contrariness\" (along the lines of Zimmermann, 2008). This property has a gradient effect on felicity judgments: the more strongly interlocutors appear committed to an apparently false notion, the better it is to repudiate them with a cleft.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synthetic acyclic receptors, composed of two arms connected with a spacer enabling molecular recognition, have been intensively explored in host-guest chemistry in the past decades. They fall into the categories of molecular tweezers, clefts and clips, depending on the geometry allowing the recognition of various guests. The advances in synthesis and mechanistic studies have pushed them forward to pharmaceutical applications, such as neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. In this review, we provide a summary of the synthetic molecular tweezers, clefts and clips that have been reported for pharmaceutical applications. Their structures, mechanism of action as well as in vitro and in vivo results are described. Such receptors were found to selectively bind biological guests, namely, nucleic acids, sugars, amino acids and proteins enabling their use as biosensors or therapeutics. Particularly interesting are dynamic molecular tweezers which are capable of controlled motion in response to an external stimulus. They proved their utility as imaging agents or in the design of controlled release systems. Despite some issues, such as stability, cytotoxicity or biocompatibility that still need to be addressed, it is obvious that molecular tweezers, clefts and clips are promising candidates for several incurable diseases as therapeutic agents, diagnostic or delivery tools.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Orofacial clefts (OFC) are the most common congenital craniofacial anomaly. The relationship between intermarriage (consanguinity) and positive family history for OFC is not well described. Consanguinity rates in developed countries are <1% but are considerably higher in the Middle East (45%). Familial clefting rates in developed countries are under 20% but in the Middle East are reported at 30% or higher.
    To determine OFC demographics and to clarify the relationship between consanguinity and familial clefting among Palestinians.
    The Palestinian Congenial Anomalies Database is based on a 700-question survey administered to mothers of children with congenital anomalies. Orofacial clefts were diagnosed in 540 children. All demographic data were analyzed using χ2 tests with a level of significance at α < .05.
    Demographics for OFC among Palestinians were similar to other published reports. Overall consanguinity rate was 53% and familial clefting rate was 49%. Parental rates of consanguinity were significantly different for patients with cleft palate. Patients with consanguineous parents had a higher rate of positive family history of clefting (67%). Recurrence of clefts in siblings was significantly higher among those born to consanguineous parents (73%) when compared to nonconsanguineous parents.
    Consanguinity rates for Palestinians with OFC were higher than those reported in the Middle East. Familial clefting and sibling recurrence rates were also higher than expected. The risk of OFC may be mitigated with improved education about anticipated genetic consequences of consanguinity in high-risk populations such as the southern West Bank.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Craniofacial clefts surgery associates a painful postoperative pain whose management is complicated with conventional analgesia.
    METHODS: A parent controlled analgesia system was implanted with a continuous perfusion of tramadol, ondansetron and metamizole adjusted by weight. Parents are allowed to administer additional boluses if they observe irritability. We compared the variables of the cleft patients operated before and after the implantation of the system in our center.
    RESULTS: During 2016, 16 craniofacial clefts were operated (4 cheilorhinoplasties and 12 palatal clefts). No PCA (parent controlled analgesia) system was used. The average time of stay in PICU was 1.5 days. It took an average of 2.5 days to initiate tolerance. The mean of VAS (Visual Analogic Scale) was 3. 53% required major opioids (morphine, fentanyl) not being sufficient analgesia every 3 hours. During 2017, 7 palatal fissures and 4 cheilorhinoplasties were operated (11). Both of them were controlled by PCA. Patients with palatal cleft were admitted to the PICU with a total mean of 0.5 days. The beginning of tolerance was advanced to the first postoperative day. The VAS diminished to 0.5. Only one patient required opioids. 72% did not need to associate any type of analgesia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PCA system is a safe and risk-free insurance for analgesia of fissured patients with benefits such as: decrease in pain, stay in PICU, the need for analgesia and initiation of early tolerance.
    OBJECTIVE: La cirugía de las fisuras craneofaciales asocia un intenso dolor postoperatorio cuyo manejo resulta complicado con la analgesia convencional.
    METHODS: Utilizamos una bomba de analgesia controlada por los padres que contiene una perfusión continua de tramadol, ondansetrón y metamizol ajustada por peso. Se permite a los padres administrar bolos adicionales si observan irritabilidad. Comparamos variables de los pacientes fisurados intervenidos antes y después de la implantación del sistema en nuestro centro.
    RESULTS: Durante 2016 fueron intervenidos 16 fisurados (4 queilorrinoplastias y 12 fisuras palatinas). En ninguno se empleó bomba de analgesia. El tiempo medio de estancia en UCIP fue 1,5 días. Tardaron de media 2,5 días en iniciar tolerancia. La media de EVA (Escala Analógica Visual) fue de 3. El 53% precisaron opiáceos mayores (morfina, fentanilo), no siendo suficiente la analgesia c/3 horas. Durante 2017 se operaron 7 fisuras palatinas y 4 queilorrinoplastias (11). En todos empleamos bomba. Únicamente ingresaron en UCIP las fisuras palatinas (debido al manejo de la vía aérea) con una media total de 0,5 días. Se adelantó el inicio de tolerancia al primer día postoperatorio. La EVA disminuyo a 0,5. Solo un paciente precisó opiáceos. El 72% no precisó asociar ningún tipo de analgesia.
    CONCLUSIONS: La bomba de PCA (analgesia controlada por el paciente/por los padres) es un método seguro y exento de riesgo para la analgesia de los pacientes fisurados con beneficios como: disminución del dolor, de la estancia en UCIP, de la necesidad de analgesia e inicio de tolerancia precoz.





