citizen science

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic habitat destruction and climate change are reshaping the geographic distribution of plants worldwide. However, we are still unable to map species shifts at high spatial, temporal, and taxonomic resolution. Here, we develop a deep learning model trained using remote sensing images from California paired with half a million citizen science observations that can map the distribution of over 2,000 plant species. Our model-Deepbiosphere-not only outperforms many common species distribution modeling approaches (AUC 0.95 vs. 0.88) but can map species at up to a few meters resolution and finely delineate plant communities with high accuracy, including the pristine and clear-cut forests of Redwood National Park. These fine-scale predictions can further be used to map the intensity of habitat fragmentation and sharp ecosystem transitions across human-altered landscapes. In addition, from frequent collections of remote sensing data, Deepbiosphere can detect the rapid effects of severe wildfire on plant community composition across a 2-y time period. These findings demonstrate that integrating public earth observations and citizen science with deep learning can pave the way toward automated systems for monitoring biodiversity change in real-time worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citizen science can be a powerful approach to foster the successful implementation of technological innovations in health, care or well-being. Involving experience experts as co-researchers or co-designers of technological innovations facilitates mutual learning, community building, and empowerment. By utilizing the expert knowledge of the intended users, innovations have a better chance to get adopted and solve complex health-related problems. As citizen science is still a relatively new practice for health and well-being, little is known about effective methods and guidelines for successful collaboration. This scoping review aims to provide insight in (1) the levels of citizen involvement in current research on technological innovations for health, care or well-being, (2) the used participatory methodologies, and (3) lesson\'s learned by the researchers.A scoping review was conducted and reported in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The search was performed in SCOPUS in January 2021 and included peer-reviewed journal and conference papers published between 2016 and 2020. The final selection (N = 83) was limited to empirical studies that had a clear focus on technological innovations for health, care or well-being and involved citizens at the level of collaboration or higher. Our results show a growing interest in citizens science as an inclusive research approach. Citizens are predominantly involved in the design phase of innovations and less in the preparation, data-analyses or reporting phase. Eight records had citizens in the lead in one of the research phases.Researcher use different terms to describe their methodological approach including participatory design, co-design, community based participatory research, co-creation, public and patient involvement, partcipatory action research, user-centred design and citizen science. Our selection of cases shows that succesful citizen science projects develop a structural and longitudinal partnership with their collaborators, use a situated and adaptive research approach, and have researchers that are willing to abandon traditional power dynamics and engage in a mutual learning experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Higher efficiency in large-scale and long-term biodiversity monitoring can be obtained through the use of Essential Biodiversity Variables, among which species population sizes provide key data for conservation programs. Relevant estimations and assessment of actual population sizes are critical for species conservation, especially in the current context of global biodiversity erosion. However, knowledge on population size varies greatly, depending on species conservation status and ranges. While the most threatened or restricted-range species generally benefit from exhaustive counts and surveys, monitoring common and widespread species population size tends to be neglected or is simply more challenging to achieve. In such a context, citizen science (CS) is a powerful tool for the long-term monitoring of common species through the engagement of various volunteers, permitting data acquisition on the long term and over large spatial scales. Despite this substantially increased sampling effort, detectability issues imply that even common species may remain unnoticed at suitable sites. The use of structured CS schemes, including repeated visits, enables to model the detection process, permitting reliable inferences of population size estimates. Here, we relied on a large French structured CS scheme (EPOC-ODF) comprising 27,156 complete checklists over 3,873 sites collected during the 2021-2023 breeding seasons to estimate the population size of 63 common bird species using hierarchical distance sampling (HDS). These population size estimates were compared to the previous expert-based French breeding bird atlas estimations, which did not account for detectability issues. We found that population size estimates from the former French breeding bird atlas were lower than those estimated using HDS for 65% of species. Such a prevalence of lower estimations is likely due to more conservative estimates inferred from semi-quantitative expert-based assessments used for the previous atlas. We also found that species with long-range songs such as the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) or the Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula) had, in contrast, higher estimated population sizes in the previous atlas than in our HDS models. Our study highlights the need to rely on sound statistical methodology to ensure reliable ecological inferences with adequate uncertainty estimation and advocates for a higher reliance on structured CS in support of long-term biodiversity monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been renewed interest in Citizen Science (CS) in recent years as it offers an intriguing vision of enabling a scientifically literate population engage in scientific investigations and policy formation. Nonetheless, citizen scientists remain an understudied population, possibly due to the voluntary and part-time nature of their endeavours. Here, a dataset of CS practitioners\' experiences collected using an online survey is presented. The survey sample comprises 100 adults (18+) active in diverse CS projects. The survey contains 47 questions designed for quantitative analysis. Questions cluster around several broad themes - participant demographics, project profiles, experience in citizen science, data collection practices, management, dissemination, knowledge of open research principles, and training received. The dataset offers the potential for further empirical research or as a baseline for subsequent surveys, and will interest anybody planning a CS initiative. The questionnaire constitutes a ready-to-deploy instrument for additional country, region, or initiative-level surveys.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citizen science data on biodiversity has experienced significant growth, largely driven by advancements in technology that facilitate data sharing. In recent years, mobile applications have provided a substantial boost to both the collection and sharing of this data. While this accessible information is undoubtedly valuable, we must consider the numerous biases present in this data when used for high-quality research. In this study, we analyse citizen science data for the birds of the Iberian Peninsula, comprising over 23 million unique records after filtering for duplicates (i.e., instances where the same observation was uploaded more than once). Using a 10 × 10 km square grid, we present information on well-surveyed cells (completeness) as well as temporal, taxonomic, geographical, and land use coverages. We found that the completeness of information is generally high, with better coverage around densely populated areas such as major cities and coastal regions, as well as popular birding destinations, which are frequently visited. The Mediterranean ecoregion and wetlands exhibit the highest levels of surveying. Furthermore, we observed an increase in temporal coverage since the 1980s and broad taxonomic coverage across all bird orders in the Iberian region. Our results underscore the utility of citizen science for many locations, as expressed in 10 × 10 km cells. However, they also highlight the inadequate data completeness across part of the territory, particularly in forested or sparsely inhabited areas. These findings not only identify cells suitable for bird diversity or conservation studies but also indicate areas where citizen-driven bird recording efforts should be encouraged.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research assessed water quality, based on the purpose of water consumption, in households in the municipality of Barbaza, the Province of Antique, Philippines, according to the national water quality guidelines. The effects of the empirical/traditional water use actions taken by local people on the quality of the water they use were investigated through a descriptive study using water quality measurements. Most of the drinking water in the community did not meet the required standards of pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), or coliform. Tap water and well water samples generally met the pH and TDS standards. However, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and coliform were detected, and nitrogen pollution in well water was also confirmed. Local practices, such as using old clothes as filters for well pumps, increased the coliform concentration from 0-10 CFU/mL to too numerous to count (TNTC) levels of more than 100 CFU/mL. Storing well water in a bucket also affected both E. coli and coliform concentrations. Such empirical/traditional water use actions create a high risk of exposing local people to harmful microorganisms. This research integrated citizen science into the methodology for local water management, which could assist governors, practitioners, and citizens, particularly in Southeast Asia, where strong community relationships exist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disorder in the Western world. Between the years 2010 and 2019, the global prevalence of AF rose from 33.5 million to 59 million, highlighting the importance of developing equitable treatments for patients. The disease is associated with symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive dysfunction. In addition, AF increases the risk of developing a stroke and heart failure. Despite new insights into risk factors that can lead to the development of AF, the success of current treatments is suboptimal. Numerous risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, have been associated with the development and progression of AF. As these can be lifestyle-related risk factors, lifestyle modification may be a solution to reduce AF-related symptoms as well as episodes. Research results show that certain dietary changes can reduce AF and numerous risk factors for AF. Increasing attention is being given to Mediterranean and whole, plant-based eating patterns, which emphasize eating grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and nuts, while excluding most-or all-animal products. Hence, what are the beneficial aspects of a Mediterranean and plant-based diet which consists mainly of unprocessed foods? In the current review, we discuss the outcomes of diet-based treatments. Moreover, other diet-related treatments, brought up by patient initiatives, are highlighted. These patient-initiated studies include L-glutamine and electrolytes as options to manage AF. Also, we highlight the emerging importance of valuing patient needs and a quality-of-life-centered approach to medicine. As indicated by recent studies and patient experiences, citizen science can create inclusive solutions that lead to patient empowerment and a holistic approach for AF management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Achieving sustainable resource use is a priority to meet future challenges. The Gulf of Cádiz, located in the Atlantic waters of southern Europe, is home to a significant fishing fleet due to the richness and diversity of its ecosystems. Managing this area is complex due to the diversity of variables, including social, ecological, and oceanographic factors. Therefore, multidisciplinary approaches are proposed for implementing conservation strategies. One strategy for defining area-based management measures is through the use of flagship species, such as seahorses. These emblematic animals can assist in defining such measures. However, there is currently scarce information on the occurrence of seahorses in the Gulf of Cádiz. In this study, we present the first occurrence data of two species of the genus Hippocampus (H. hippocampus and H. guttulatus) in this area. The Gulf of Cádiz is not only described as the southernmost region of their distribution in continental Europe, but it is also a significant landmark for the genus Hippocampus, as one adult was captured at a depth of up to 101 m. Five management areas based on differentiated benthic habitats are proposed. We believe that our study has the potential to significantly improve conservation of seahorses and induce a positive impact on the ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many citizen scientists are highly motivated to help address the current extinction crisis. Their work is making valuable contributions to protecting species by raising awareness, identifying species occurrences, assessing population trends, and informing direct management actions, such as captive breeding. However, clear guidance is lacking about how to use existing citizen science data sets and how to design effective citizen science programs that directly inform extinction risk assessments and resulting conservation actions based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria. This may be because of a mismatch between what citizen science can deliver to address extinction risk and the reality of what is needed to inform threatened species listing based on IUCN criteria. To overcome this problem, we examined each IUCN Red List criterion (A-E) relative to the five major types of citizen science outputs relevant to IUCN assessments (occurrence data, presence-absence observations, structured surveys, physical samples, and narratives) to recommend which outputs are most suited to use when applying the IUCN extinction risk assessment process. We explored real-world examples of citizen science projects on amphibians and fungi that have delivered valuable data and knowledge for IUCN assessments. We found that although occurrence data are routinely used in the assessment process, simply adding more observations of occurrence from citizen science information may not be as valuable as inclusion of more nuanced data types, such as presence-absence data or information on threats from structured surveys. We then explored the characteristics of citizen science projects that have already delivered valuable data to support assessments. These projects were led by recognized experts who champion and validate citizen science data, thereby giving greater confidence in its accuracy. We urge increased recognition of the value of citizen science data within the assessment process.
    Integración de la ciencia ciudadana a las evaluaciones de la Lista Roja de la UICN Resumen Existe mucha motivación entre los ciudadanos científicos para ayudar a enfrentar la actual crisis de extinción. Sus contribuciones son valiosas para la protección de las especies mediante la concientización, la detección de especies, la evaluación de las tendencias poblacionales y la información sobre acciones directas de gestión, como la cría en cautiverio. Sin embargo, faltan directrices claras sobre cómo utilizar los conjuntos de datos de ciencia ciudadana existentes y cómo diseñar programas de ciencia ciudadana eficaces que informen directamente las evaluaciones del riesgo de extinción y las acciones de conservación resultantes basadas en los criterios de la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN). Esto puede deberse a un desajuste entre lo que la ciencia ciudadana puede aportar para abordar el riesgo de extinción y la realidad de lo que se necesita para fundamentar la inclusión de especies amenazadas en las listas según los criterios de la UICN. Para superar este obstáculo, analizamos cada criterio de la Lista Roja de la UICN (A‐E) en relación a los cinco tipos principales de resultados de la ciencia ciudadana relevantes para las evaluaciones de la UICN (datos de presencia, observaciones de presencia‐ausencia, encuestas estructuradas, muestras físicas y narraciones) para recomendar cuáles resultados son los más adecuados para la evaluación del riesgo de extinción de la UICN. Exploramos ejemplos reales de proyectos de ciencia ciudadana sobre anfibios y hongos que han aportado datos y conocimientos valiosos para las evaluaciones de la UICN. Descubrimos que, aunque los datos de presencia se utilizan de forma rutinaria en el proceso de evaluación, la adición de más observaciones de presencia a partir de información de ciencia ciudadana puede no ser tan valioso como la inclusión de tipos de datos más matizados, como datos de presencia‐ausencia o información sobre amenazas a partir de encuestas estructuradas. Después analizamos las características de los proyectos de ciencia ciudadana que ya han aportado datos valiosos en apoyo de las evaluaciones. Estos proyectos fueron dirigidos por expertos reconocidos que defienden y validan los datos de la ciencia ciudadana, lo que da mayor confianza en su exactitud. Instamos a un mayor reconocimiento del valor de los datos de la ciencia ciudadana en el proceso de evaluación.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Loss to follow-up in long-term epidemiological studies is well-known and often substantial. Consequently, there is a risk of bias to the results. The motivation to take part in an epidemiological study can change over time, but the ways to minimize loss to follow-up are not well studied. The Citizen Science approach offers researchers to engage in direct discussions with study participants and to integrate their opinions and requirements into cohort management.
    METHODS: Guided group discussions were conducted with study participants from the KORA cohort in the Augsburg Region in Germany, established 40 years ago, as well as a group of independently selected citizens. The aim was to look at the relevant aspects of health studies with a focus on long-term participation. A two-sided questionnaire was developed subsequently in a co-creation process and presented to 500 KORA participants and 2,400 employees of the research facility Helmholtz Munich.
    RESULTS: The discussions revealed that altruistic motivations, (i.e. supporting research and public health), personal benefits (i.e. a health check-up during a study examination), data protection, and information about research results in layman\'s terms were crucial to ensure interest and long-term study participation. The results of the questionnaire confirmed these aspects and showed that exclusively digital information channels may be an obstacle for older and less educated people. Thus, paper-based media such as newsletters are still important.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings shed light on cohort management and long-term engagement with study participants. A long-term health study needs to benefit public and individual health; the institution needs to be trustworthy; and the results and their impact need to be disseminated in widely understandable terms and by the right means of communication back to the participants.





