
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vertebrate left-right symmetry breaking is preceded by formation of left-right organizer. In Amphibian, this structure is formed by gastrocoel roof plate, which emerges from superficial suprablastoporal cells. GRP is subdivided into medial area, which generates leftward flow by rotating monocilia and lateral Nodal1 expressing areas, which are involved in sensing of the flow. After successful symmetry breaking, medial cells are incorporated into a deep layer where they contribute to the axial mesoderm, while lateral domains join somitic mesoderm.
    RESULTS: Here, we performed detailed analysis of spatial and temporal gene expression of important markers and the corresponding morphology of emerging GRP. Endodermal marker Sox17 and markers of superficial mesoderm display complementary patterns at all studied stages. At early stages, GRP forms Tekt2 positive epithelial domain clearly separated from underlying deep layers, while at later stages, this separation disappears. Marker of early somitic mesoderm MyoD1 was absent in emerging GRP and was induced together with Nodal1 during early neurulation. Decreasing morphological separation is accompanied by lateral to medial covering of GRP by endoderm.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data supports continuous link between superficial mesoderm at the start of gastrulation and mature GRP and suggests late induction of somitic fate in lateral GRP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We recently developed re-differentiated equine oviduct epithelial cell (REOEC) monolayers demonstrating various in vivo morphological characteristics, but lacking secondary ciliation. In this study, we evaluated the effects of fetal bovine serum, reproductive steroid hormones, Wnt- and Notch ligands and inhibitors, and different EOEC seeding densities, in both conventional wells and on microporous membranes, on EOEC morphology and, in particular, secondary ciliation. REOEC monolayers were assessed by confocal microscopy after combined staining of nuclei, cilia and the cytoskeleton. Only Wnt ligands, Notch inhibitors and oviduct explant cell concentration affected EOEC morphology. Undesirable epithelial-mesenchymal transition was observed in REOEC monolayers exposed to Wnt3a containing medium and Wnt ligand CHIR 99021. With respect to secondary ciliation, only the combined effect of oviduct explant cell concentration and Notch inhibition steered REOEC monolayers to in vivo-like ciliation patterns. De-differentiated EOECs, formed 10 days after oviduct explant cell seeding, were reseeded on inserts; only at initial oviduct explant cell concentrations of 1 and 5 x106 cells per well was the formation of REOEC monolayers with a high rate of diffuse ciliation supported. Within 1 month after air-liquid interface introduction, >40% and > 20% of the REOECs showed secondary cilia, respectively. At higher oviduct explant cell seeding densities secondary ciliation was not supported after re-differentiation. Additionally, Notch inhibition helped boost secondary ciliation rates to >60% in REOEC monolayers with diffuse ciliation only. These monolayers demonstrated higher clathrin expression under follicular phase conditions. Overall, the ciliated REOEC monolayers better resemble in vivo oviduct epithelial cells than previous models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cilia are essential sensory organelles that develop when an inhibitory cap consisting of CP110 and other proteins is eliminated. The degradation of CP110 by the ubiquitin-dependent proteasome pathway mediated by NEURL4 and HYLS1 removes the inhibitory cap. Here, we investigated the suitability of rapamycin-mediated dimerization for centriolar recruitment and asked whether the induced recruitment of NEURL4 or HYLS1 to the centriole promotes primary cilia development and CP110 degradation. We used rapamycin-mediated dimerization with ODF2 to induce their targeted recruitment to the centriole. We found decreased CP110 levels in the transfected cells, but independent of rapamycin-mediated dimerization. By knocking down ODF2, we showed that ODF2 controls CP110 levels. The overexpression of ODF2 is not sufficient to promote the formation of primary cilia, but the overexpression of NEURL4 or HYLS1 is. The co-expression of ODF2 and HYLS1 resulted in the formation of tube-like structures, indicating an interaction. Thus, ODF2 controls primary cilia formation by negatively regulating the concentration of CP110 levels. Our data suggest that ODF2 most likely acts as a scaffold for the binding of proteins such as NEURL4 or HYLS1 to mediate CP110 degradation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The borders between cell and developmental biology, which have always been permeable, have largely dissolved. One manifestation is the blossoming of cilia biology, with cell and developmental approaches (increasingly complemented by human genetics, structural insights, and computational analysis) fruitfully advancing understanding of this fascinating, multifunctional organelle. The last eukaryotic common ancestor probably possessed a motile cilium, providing evolution with ample opportunity to adapt cilia to many jobs. Over the last decades, we have learned how non-motile, primary cilia play important roles in intercellular communication. Reflecting their diverse motility and signaling functions, compromised cilia cause a diverse range of diseases collectively called \"ciliopathies.\" In this review, we highlight how cilia signal, focusing on how second messengers generated in cilia convey distinct information; how cilia are a potential source of signals to other cells; how evolution may have shaped ciliary function; and how cilia research may address thorny outstanding questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While essential to the normal differentiation of ciliated airway epithelial cells, upregulated Wnt signaling in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) has been proposed to result in abnormal epithelial morphology and dysfunctional mucociliary clearance. The mechanism of epithelial Wnt signaling dysregulation in CRSwNP is unknown, and importantly cellular sources of Wnt ligands in CRSwNP have not yet been investigated.
    Human sinonasal epithelial cells (hSNECs) and human sinonasal fibroblasts (hSNFs) were collected from 34 human subjects (25 control and 9 CRSwNP) and differentiated as primary air-liquid interface (ALI) and organoid co-cultures. hSNECs were isolated to the apical compartment of the transwell and hSNFs were isolated to the basolateral compartment. After 21 days of ALI culture, ciliary expression and sinonasal epithelial morphology were examined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). An organoid model was used to evaluate proliferation of basal cells in presence of hSNFs.
    Epithelial cells co-cultured with CRSwNP-hSNFs revealed significantly decreased ciliated cells, altered epithelial cell morphology, and increased colony forming efficiency compared to epithelial cells co-cultured with control-hSNFs. CRSwNP-hSNFs showed significantly higher messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of canonical WNT3A. A Wnt agonist, CHIR99021, replicated CRSwNP-hSNF co-cultures, and treatment with the Wnt inhibitor IWP2 prevented abnormal morphologies.
    These results suggest that abnormal interactions between epithelial cells and fibroblasts may contribute to CRSwNP pathogenesis and supports the concept that dysregulated Wnt signaling contributes impairment to epithelial function in CRSwNP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several independent meiofaunal lineages are suggested to have originated through progenesis, however, morphological support for this heterochronous process is still lacking. Progenesis is defined as an arrest of somatic development (synchronously in various organ systems) due to early maturation, resulting in adults resembling larvae or juveniles of the ancestors. Accordingly, we established a detailed neuromuscular developmental atlas of two closely related Dinophilidae using immunohistochemistry and CLSM. This allows us to test for progenesis, questioning whether i) the adult smaller, dimorphic Dinophilus gyrociliatus resembles a younger developmental stage of the larger, monomorphic D. taeniatus and whether ii) dwarf males of D. gyrociliatus resemble an early developmental stage of D. gyrociliatus females.
    RESULTS: Both species form longitudinal muscle bundles first, followed by circular muscles, creating a grid of body wall musculature, which is the densest in adult D. taeniatus, while the architecture in adult female D. gyrociliatus resembles that of prehatching D. taeniatus. Both species display a subepidermal ganglionated nervous system with an anterior dorsal brain and five longitudinal ventral nerve bundles with six sets of segmental commissures (associated with paired ganglia). Neural differentiation of D. taeniatus and female D. gyrociliatus commissures occurs before hatching: both species start out forming one transverse neurite bundle per segment, which are thereafter joined by additional thin bundles. Whereas D. gyrociliatus arrests its development at this stage, adult D. taeniatus condenses the thin commissures again into one thick commissural bundle per segment. Generally, D. taeniatus adults demonstrate a seemingly more organized (= segmental) pattern of serotonin-like and FMRFamide-like immunoreactive elements. The dwarf male of D. gyrociliatus displays a highly aberrant neuromuscular system, showing no close resemblance to any early developmental stage of female Dinophilus, although the onset of muscular development mirrors the early myogenesis in females.
    CONCLUSIONS: The apparent synchronous arrest of nervous and muscular development in adult female D. gyrociliatus, resembling the prehatching stage of D. taeniatus, suggests that D. gyrociliatus have originated through progenesis. The synchrony in arrest of three organ systems, which show opposing reduction and addition of elements, presents one of the morphologically best-argued cases of progenesis within Spiralia.






