ciliary pocket

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A primary cilium is a membrane-bound extension from the cell surface that contains receptors for perceiving and transmitting signals that modulate cell state and activity. Primary cilia in the brain are less accessible than cilia on cultured cells or epithelial tissues because in the brain they protrude into a deep, dense network of glial and neuronal processes. Here, we investigated cilia frequency, internal structure, shape, and position in large, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy volumes of mouse primary visual cortex. Cilia extended from the cell bodies of nearly all excitatory and inhibitory neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) but were absent from oligodendrocytes and microglia. Ultrastructural comparisons revealed that the base of the cilium and the microtubule organization differed between neurons and glia. Investigating cilia-proximal features revealed that many cilia were directly adjacent to synapses, suggesting that cilia are poised to encounter locally released signaling molecules. Our analysis indicated that synapse proximity is likely due to random encounters in the neuropil, with no evidence that cilia modulate synapse activity as would be expected in tetrapartite synapses. The observed cell class differences in proximity to synapses were largely due to differences in external cilia length. Many key structural features that differed between neuronal and glial cilia influenced both cilium placement and shape and, thus, exposure to processes and synapses outside the cilium. Together, the ultrastructure both within and around neuronal and glial cilia suggest differences in cilia formation and function across cell types in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    A primary cilium is a thin membrane-bound extension off a cell surface that contains receptors for perceiving and transmitting signals that modulate cell state and activity. While many cell types have a primary cilium, little is known about primary cilia in the brain, where they are less accessible than cilia on cultured cells or epithelial tissues and protrude from cell bodies into a deep, dense network of glial and neuronal processes. Here, we investigated cilia frequency, internal structure, shape, and position in large, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy volumes of mouse primary visual cortex. Cilia extended from the cell bodies of nearly all excitatory and inhibitory neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), but were absent from oligodendrocytes and microglia. Structural comparisons revealed that the membrane structure at the base of the cilium and the microtubule organization differed between neurons and glia. OPC cilia were distinct in that they were the shortest and contained pervasive internal vesicles only occasionally observed in neuron and astrocyte cilia. Investigating cilia-proximal features revealed that many cilia were directly adjacent to synapses, suggesting cilia are well poised to encounter locally released signaling molecules. Cilia proximity to synapses was random, not enriched, in the synapse-rich neuropil. The internal anatomy, including microtubule changes and centriole location, defined key structural features including cilium placement and shape. Together, the anatomical insights both within and around neuron and glia cilia provide new insights into cilia formation and function across cell types in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary cilium is a sensory organelle at the cell surface with integral functions in cell signaling. It contains a microtubular axoneme that is rooted in the basal body (BB) and serves as a scaffold for the movement of intraflagellar transport (IFT) particles by Kinesin-2 along the cilium. Ift88, a member of the anterograde moving IFT-B1 complex, as well as the Kinesin-2 subunit Kif3a are required for cilia formation. To facilitate signaling, the cilium restricts the access of molecules to its membrane (\"ciliary gate\"). This is thought to be mediated by cytoskeletal barriers (\"subciliary domains\") originating from the BB subdistal/distal appendages, the periciliary membrane compartment (PCMC) as well as the transition fibers and zone (TF/TZ). The PCMC is a poorly characterized membrane domain surrounding the ciliary base with exclusion of certain apical membrane proteins. Here we describe that Ift88, but not Kinesin-2, is required for the establishment of the PCMC in MDCK cells. Likewise, in C. elegans mutants of the Ift88 ortholog osm-5 fail to establish the PCMC, while Kinesin-2 deficient osm-3 mutants form PCMCs normally. Furthermore, disruption of IFT-B1 into two subcomplexes, while disrupting ciliogenesis, does not interfere with PCMC formation. Our findings suggest that cilia are not a prerequisite for the formation of the PCMC, and that separate machineries with partially overlapping functions are required for the establishment of each.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is a highly conserved mechanism for motor-driven transport of cargo within cilia, but how this cargo is selectively transported to cilia is unclear. WDR35/IFT121 is a component of the IFT-A complex best known for its role in ciliary retrograde transport. In the absence of WDR35, small mutant cilia form but fail to enrich in diverse classes of ciliary membrane proteins. In Wdr35 mouse mutants, the non-core IFT-A components are degraded and core components accumulate at the ciliary base. We reveal deep sequence homology of WDR35 and other IFT-A subunits to α and ß\' COPI coatomer subunits and demonstrate an accumulation of \'coat-less\' vesicles that fail to fuse with Wdr35 mutant cilia. We determine that recombinant non-core IFT-As can bind directly to lipids and provide the first in situ evidence of a novel coat function for WDR35, likely with other IFT-A proteins, in delivering ciliary membrane cargo necessary for cilia elongation.
    Most human cells have at least one small hair-like structure on their surface called a cilium. These structures can act as antennae and allow the cell to sense signals from the rest of the body. To do this, they contain proteins that differ from the rest of the cell. The content of cilia depends on regulated delivery of these proteins in and out of cilia by a process called the intraflagellar transport or IFT, which involves a large complex made of several proteins. This complex shuttles the cargo proteins back and forth between the base and the tip of the cilia. However, ciliary proteins are not produced in the cilia; instead, they are made in a different part of the cell and then they are transported to the ciliary base. At the point where they enter the cilia, they were thought to bind to the assembling IFT ‘trains’ and be transported across the ciliary gate to the positions where they are needed in cilia. One of the components of the IFT machinery is a protein called WDR35, also known as IFT121. If the gene that codes for this protein is faulty or missing, it results in severe disorders in both humans and mice including a range of potentially lethal skeletal dysplasias. Interestingly, without WDR35, cells cannot build functional cilia. The absence of this protein not only disrupts IFT, stopping certain ciliary proteins and their associated membranes from entering cilia; it also causes a ‘traffic jam’ with a pile-up of transport intermediates from the place in cell where they are made to the cilia. It is unclear why a mutation in one of the components of the IFT would have this effect, raising the question of whether WDR35, or IFTs a whole, has another role in bringing the cargo proteins into the cilia. To understand this phenomenon, Quidwai et al. analysed the structure of WDR35 and other IFT proteins and found that they are very similar to a protein complex called COPI, which is involved in transporting membrane proteins around the cell. When certain proteins are newly made, they are stored in small lipid bubbles – called vesicles – that then selectively move to where the proteins are needed. COPI coats these vesicles, helping them get to where they need to go in a process called vesicular transport. Quidwai et al. found that WDR35 and other IFT proteins are able to bind to specific types of lipid molecules, suggesting that they might be assisting in a form of vesicle transport too. Indeed, when mouse cells grown in the lab were genetically engineered so they could not produce WDR35, coatless vesicles accumulated around the base of the cilia. Adding back WDR35 to these mutant cells rescued these defects in vesicle transport to cilia as well as allowed functional cilia to be formed. These results provide evidence that WDR35, likely with other IFT proteins, acts as a COPI-like complex to deliver proteins to growing cilia. Further research will investigate the composition of these vesicles that transport proteins to cilia, and help pinpoint where they originate. Quidwai et al.’s findings not only shed light on how different genetic mutations found in patients with cilia dysfunction affect different steps of transporting proteins to and within cilia. They also increase our understanding of the cellular roadmap by which cells shuttle building blocks around in order to assemble these important ‘antennae’.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In many vertebrate cell types, the proximal part of the primary cilium is positioned within an invagination of the plasma membrane known as the ciliary pocket. Recent evidence points to the conclusion that the ciliary pocket comprises a unique site for exocytosis and endocytosis of ciliary proteins, which regulates the spatiotemporal trafficking of receptors into and out of the cilium to control its sensory function. In this chapter, we provide methods based on electron microscopy, 3D reconstruction of fluorescence images as well as live cell imaging suitable for investigating processes associated with endocytosis at the ciliary pocket.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nearly all cells have a primary cilia on their surface, which functions as a cellular antennae. Primary cilia assembly begins intracellularly and eventually emerges extracellularly. However, current ciliogenesis assays, which detect cilia length and number, do not monitor ciliary stages.
    METHODS: We developed a new assay that detects antibody access to a fluorescently tagged ciliary transmembrane protein, which revealed three ciliary states: classified as \'inside,\' \'outside,\' or \'partial\' cilia.
    RESULTS: Strikingly, most cilia in RPE cells only partially emerged and many others were long and intracellular, which would be indistinguishable by conventional assays. Importantly, these states switch with starvation-induced ciliogenesis and the cilia can emerge both on the dorsal and ventral surface of the cell. Our assay further allows new molecular and functional studies of the \'ciliary pocket,\' a deep plasma membrane invagination whose function is unclear. Molecularly, we show colocalization of EHD1, Septin 9 and glutamylated tubulin with the ciliary pocket.
    CONCLUSIONS: Together, the IN/OUT assay is not only a new tool for easy and quantifiable visualization of different ciliary stages, but also allows molecular characterization of intermediate ciliary states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASC) exhibit multilineage differentiation potential with lineage specification that is dictated by both the chemical and mechanical stimuli to which they are exposed. We have previously shown that 10% cyclic tensile strain increases hASC osteogenesis and cell-mediated calcium accretion. We have also recently shown that primary cilia are present on hASC and that chemically-induced lineage specification of hASC concurrently results in length and conformation changes of the primary cilia. Further, we have observed cilia length changes in hASC cultured within a collagen I gel in response to 10% cyclic tensile strain. We therefore hypothesize that primary cilia may play a key mechanotransduction role for hASC exposed to tensile strain. The goal of this study was to use finite element analysis (FEA) to determine strains occurring within the ciliary membrane in response to 10% tensile strain applied parallel, or perpendicular, to cilia orientation. To elucidate the mechanical environment experienced by the cilium, several lengths were modeled and evaluated based on cilia lengths measured on hASC grown under varied culture conditions. Principal tensile strains in both hASC and ciliary membranes were calculated using FEA, and the magnitude and location of maximum principal tensile strain determined. We found that maximum principal tensile strain was concentrated at the base of the cilium. In the linear elastic model, applying strain perpendicular to the cilium resulted in maximum strains within the ciliary membrane from 150% to 200%, while applying strain parallel to the cilium resulted in much higher strains, approximately 400%. In the hyperelastic model, applying strain perpendicular to the cilium resulted in maximum strains within the ciliary membrane around 30%, while applying strain parallel to the cilium resulted in much higher strains ranging from 50% to 70%. Interestingly, FEA results indicated that primary cilium length was not directly related to ciliary membrane strain. Rather, it appears that cilium orientation may be more important than cilium length in determining sensitivity of hASC to tensile strain. This is the first study to model the effects of tensile strain on the primary cilium and provides newfound insight into the potential role of the primary cilium as a mechanosensor, particularly in tensile strain and potentially a multitude of other mechanical stimuli beyond fluid shear.





