
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cichlid fishes in the African Great Lakes have undergone explosive speciation, acquiring markedly varying ecologies and diets. There are multiple lineages of scale-eating cichlids, and their natural history and evolutionary ecology is only partially understood. We examined the feeding habit of Docimodus evelynae, a known scale eater, in Lake Malawi. The stomach contents of young individuals mainly consisted of unknown 1 mm hard, white warts (> 30%). To clarify the origin of these warts, we conducted an X-ray fluorometer analysis, and found they were rich in sulphur but low in silicon and calcium, suggesting they were epidermal tissues. Histological and morphological analyses revealed they were multicellular and cup-shaped. These characteristics matched only those of the pearl organs of the coexisting cyprinid Labeo cylindricus. DNA was extracted from the warts found in the stomach of five D. evelynae individuals, followed by PCR using primers targeting the partial COI gene of L. cylindricus. The resulting sequences exhibited 98% similarity to those of L. cylindricus. Pearl organs, never reported as a primary food for fish, could offer a substantial nutritional source based on calorific calculations. Understanding how this peculiar diet is foraged is essential for full comprehension of the food-web structure in this lake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red Melon (RM) and Red Cover (RC) discus (Symphysodon spp.) are ornamental fish varieties that were selectively bred from the wild parental lineages of the brown discus S. aquafaciatus over many generations, resulting in distinct cutaneous patterns from juveniles to adults. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, skin samples were collected from juveniles aged 60 days and adults aged 1 year from RM and RC for investigations. Microscopic observation detected xanthophores and erythrophores in all samples, except RC juveniles with no erythrophores. Melanophores were presented only in RC. The comparative analysis revealed that genes involved in pteridine synthesis (gch1 and zgc:153031), one-carbon metabolism (aldh1l2 and zgc153031), and lipid metabolism (apoda and klf1) were differentially expressed in RM juveniles, which may be associated with the development of erythrophores and xanthophores. The temporal inhibition of melanophore differentiation and development was observed in RM juveniles, coupled with elevated expression of notum2 and sost, two antagonist genes in Wnt-signaling, suggesting their roles in melanophore development. Distinct pigment pattern between RM and RC since the juvenile stage may be driven by the differential expression of multiple axial developmental genes, including GATA, ankyrin, and mitotic spindle orientation proteins. This is the first report to describe the differential growth of cutaneous pigments and the molecular processes involved in red discus. The results provided valuable insights into pigment pattern differences in an interesting ornamental fish model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we analyzed the hematoimmunological effects of dietary supplementation with immunomodulators (β-glucans + nucleotides) and different levels of vitamins on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after exposure to physical stress. The following four diet treatments were used: diets with indicated vitamin levels (Vitind), diets with Vitind + immunomodulator (Vitind + Immune), diets with high vitamin content (Vithigh), and those with Vithigh + immunomodulator (Vithigh + Immune). The experiment included 560 fish in 28 tanks (20 fish tank-1), with seven replicates per treatment. After 60 days of supplementation, the water temperature was set at 20 °C, and complete biometrics were performed. The animals were then subjected to physical stress with temperature oscillations of 20 ºC to 30 ºC/30 ºC to 20 ºC/20 ºC to 30 ºC. Hematoimmunological data from 140 animals were collected post-stress. Antimicrobial titer and total plasma protein levels were significantly higher in fish not receiving immunomodulator-supplemented diets (2.88 ± 0.43 log2 and 26.81 ± 4.01 mg∙mL-1, respectively) than in those that did. Conversely, the agglutination titer increased in fish fed with lower vitamin levels (3.33 ± 0.66 log2) compared to those with higher vitamin levels. Increased immunoglobulin levels were observed in fish fed diets co-supplemented with vitamins and immunomodulators, revealing an interaction between immunomodulators and dietary vitamin levels. In summary, the inclusion of immunomodulators in the diet enhanced the animals\' resistance to physical stress and improved hematoimmunological parameters. Additionally, a high vitamin content in the diet did not modulate the immune responses in the animals.
    Neste estudo analisamos os efeitos hematoimunológicos da suplementação dietética com imunomoduladores (β-glucanos+nucleotídeos) e diferentes níveis de vitaminas na tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) após exposição ao estresse físico. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos: dietas com níveis indicados de vitaminas (Vitind), dietas com Vitind + imunomodulador (Vitind+Immune), dietas com alto teor de vitaminas (Vithigh) e dietas com Vithigh + imunomodulador (Vithigh+Immune). O experimento incluiu 560 peixes em 28 tanques (20 peixes tanques-1), com sete repetições por tratamento. Após 60 dias de suplementação, a temperatura da água foi fixada em 20 °C e realizada biometria completa. Os animais foram submetidos a estresse físico com oscilações de temperatura de 20 ºC a 30 ºC/30 ºC a 20 ºC/20 ºC a 30 ºC. Dados hematoimunológicos de 140 animais foram coletados pós-estresse. O título antimicrobiano e os níveis de proteína plasmática total foram significativamente maiores em peixes que não receberam dietas com imunomodulador (2,88±0,43 log2 e 26,81±4,01 mg∙mL−1) do que naqueles que receberam. Por outro lado, o título de aglutinação aumentou em peixes alimentados com níveis mais baixos de vitaminas (3,33±0,66 log2) comparado àqueles com níveis mais elevados. Níveis aumentados de imunoglobulinas foram observados em peixes alimentados com dietas co-suplementadas com vitaminas e imunomoduladores, revelando interação entre imunomoduladores e níveis de vitaminas na dieta. Em resumo, a inclusão de imunomoduladores na dieta aumentou a resistência dos animais ao estresse físico e melhorou os parâmetros hematoimunológicos. Além disso, o alto teor de vitaminas na dieta não modulou as respostas imunológicas dos animais.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cichlid fishes of the genus Oreochromis (tilapia) are among the most important fish for inland capture fisheries and global aquaculture. Deliberate introductions of non-native species for fisheries improvement and accidental escapees from farms have resulted in admixture with indigenous species. Such hybridization may be detrimental to native biodiversity, potentially leading to genomic homogenization of populations and the loss of important genetic material associated with local adaptation. By contrast, introgression may fuel diversification when combined with ecological opportunity, by supplying novel genetic combinations. To date, the role of introgression in the evolutionary history of tilapia has not been explored. Here we studied both ancient and recent hybridization in tilapia, using whole genome resequencing of 575 individuals from 23 species. We focused on Tanzania, a natural hotspot of tilapia diversity, and a country where hybridization between exotic and native species in the natural environment has been previously reported. We reconstruct the first genome-scale phylogeny of the genus and reveal prevalent ancient gene flow across the Oreochromis phylogeny. This has likely resulted in the hybrid speciation of one species, O. chungruruensis. We identify multiple cases of recent hybridization between native and introduced species in the wild, linked to the use of non-native species in both capture fisheries improvement and aquaculture. This has potential implications for both conservation of wild populations and the development of the global tilapia aquaculture industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within 15,000 years, the explosive adaptive radiation of haplochromine cichlids in Lake Victoria, East Africa, generated 500 endemic species. In the 1980s, the upsurge of Nile perch, a carnivorous fish artificially introduced to the lake, drove the extinction of more than 200 endemic cichlids. The Nile perch predation particularly harmed piscivorous cichlids, including paedophages, cichlids eat eggs and fries, which is an example of the unique trophic adaptation seen in African cichlids. Here, aiming to investigate past demographic events possibly triggered by the invasion of Nile perch and the subsequent impacts on the genetic structure of cichlids, we conducted large-scale comparative genomics. We discovered evidence of recent bottleneck events in 4 species, including 2 paedophages, which began during the 1970s to 1980s, and population size rebounded during the 1990s to 2000s. The timing of the bottleneck corresponded to the historical records of endemic haplochromines\" disappearance and later resurgence, which is likely associated with the introduction of Nile perch by commercial demand to Lake Victoria in the 1950s. Interestingly, among the 4 species that likely experienced bottleneck, Haplochromis sp. \"matumbi hunter,\" a paedophagous cichlid, showed the most severe bottleneck signatures. The components of shared ancestry inferred by ADMIXTURE suggested a high genetic differentiation between matumbi hunter and other species. In contrast, our phylogenetic analyses highly supported the monophyly of the 5 paedophages, consistent with the results of previous studies. We conclude that high genetic differentiation of matumbi hunter occurred due to the loss of shared genetic components among haplochromines in Lake Victoria caused by the recent severe bottleneck.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A key challenge in animal behavior is disentangling the social stimuli that drive conspecific behaviors. For some species, like teleost fish, putative sexual signaling cues are inextricably linked to others, making it difficult to parse the precise roles distinct signals play in driving conspecific behaviors. In the African cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni, males are either dominant or subordinate, wherein bright coloration, territoriality, and courtship behavior inextricably correlate positively with rank. Here, we leveraged androgen receptor (AR) mutant male A. burtoni that lack dominance-typical coloration but not behavior to isolate the role of male coloration in driving female mating behaviors in this species. We found in independent behavioral assays that females behave aggressively towards AR mutant but not WT males, yet still mated with both types of males. Females showed enhanced activation of esr2b + cells in the hypothalamus when housed with either mutant or WT males and this activation scaled with spawning activities. Therefore, there is not a simple relationship between male coloration and female mating behaviors in A. burtoni, suggesting independent sensory mechanisms converge on hypothalamic esr2b cells to coordinate behavioral output.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cichlids are relevant to biological research for their craniofacial variations that are analogous to human structure and associated congenital anomalies. However, only a limited number of cichlids have genetic information available. Investigating cichlids and adding to the body of knowledge about them may provide better insights into studying developmental biology and craniofacial structure. The angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, is one cichlid for which we lack genetic information including a draft transcriptome assembly. This work is the first to provide a draft transcriptome and annotation using long-read Nanopore sequencing for P. scalare. Total RNA was extracted from angelfish tissue, and a cDNA-PCR library was prepared. Sequencing was performed on a singular R.9.4.1 MinION flow cell for 84 h. Various bioinformatic tools were then employed to assemble the sequencing reads into a transcriptome. The transcriptome was then annotated against various databases. 23 million sequencing reads were collected totalling 21.9 Gb. The N50 sequencing read length was 1255 bp and the mean read length was 938. The data had an initial mean Phred score of 10.04. After assembly, the final transcriptome consists of 98,125 transcripts with a mean length of 1552 and N50 length of 2277. The transcriptome has a completeness of 80.5% as assessed by BUSCO. Functional annotation revealed pathways related to signal transduction, carbohydrate metabolism, and transcription are the most annotated in the transcriptome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to vary its phenotype in response to the environment. Plasticity of the skeletal system in response to mechanical input is widely studied, but the timing of its transcriptional regulation is not well understood. Here, we used the cichlid feeding apparatus to examine the transcriptional dynamics of skeletal plasticity over time. Using three closely related species that vary in their ability to remodel bone and a panel of 11 genes, including well-studied skeletal differentiation markers and newly characterized environmentally sensitive genes, we examined plasticity at one, two, four and eight weeks following the onset of alternate foraging challenges. We found that the plastic species exhibited environment-specific bursts in gene expression beginning at one week, followed by a sharp decline in levels, while the species with more limited plasticity exhibited consistently low levels of gene expression. This trend held across nearly all genes, suggesting that it is a hallmark of the larger plasticity regulatory network. We conclude that plasticity of the cichlid feeding apparatus is not the result of slowly accumulating gene expression difference over time, but rather is stimulated by early bursts of environment-specific gene expression followed by a return to homeostatic levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuropeptides arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT) are key regulators of social behaviour across vertebrates. However, much of our understanding of how these neuropeptide systems interact with social behaviour is centred around laboratory studies which fail to capture the social and physiological challenges of living in the wild. To evaluate relationships between these neuropeptide systems and social behaviour in the wild, we studied social groups of the cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. We first used SCUBA to observe the behaviour of focal group members and then measured transcript abundance of key components of the AVP and OXT systems across different brain regions. While AVP is often associated with male-typical behaviours, we found that dominant females had higher expression of avp and its receptor (avpr1a2) in the preoptic area of the brain compared to either dominant males or subordinates of either sex. Dominant females also generally had the highest levels of leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase (lnpep)-which inactivates AVP and OXT-throughout the brain, potentially indicating greater overall activity (i.e., production, release, and turnover) of the AVP system in dominant females. Expression of OXT and its receptors did not differ across social ranks. However, dominant males that visited the brood chamber more often had lower preoptic expression of OXT receptor a (oxtra) suggesting a negative relationship between OXT signalling and parental care in males of this species. Overall, these results advance our understanding of the relationships between complex social behaviours and neuroendocrine systems under natural settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity enables development to produce multiple phenotypes in response to environmental conditions. Plasticity driven variation has been suggested to play a key role in adaptive divergence, and plasticity itself can evolve. However, the interaction of plasticity with the multiple levels involved with adaptive divergence is less understood. For example, sexual dimorphism can contribute adaptive variation through ecological sexual dimorphism (ESD), but the contribution of plasticity to this phenomenon is unknown. Therefore, to determine the potential contribution of plasticity to ESD, we used the adaptive radiation of Malawi cichlids. Two mouthbrooding species (Labeotropheus fuelleborni and Tropheops \"Red Cheek\") with differences in foraging tactics underwent foraging experiments using benthic and limnetic treatments while accounting for sex. Plasticity in craniofacial shape and three functionally important traits were measured. Plasticity was shown, but without any sex-based differences in shape. However, for mechanical advantage traits of the mandible sex by diet interactions were found. This suggests that ESD, may be influenced by phenotypic plasticity that diverges between sexes. Given the involvement of the mandible in parental care in cichlids this may indicate that sexual divergence in plasticity may trade-off against maternal care tactics.





