chromosome level

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beetles, despite their remarkable biodiversity and a long history of research, remain lacking in reference genomes annotated with structural variations in loci of adaptive significance. We sequenced and assembled high-quality chromosome-level genomes of four Hercules beetles which exhibit divergence in male horn size and shape and body colouration. The four Hercules beetle genomes were assembled to 11 pseudo-chromosomes, where the three genomes assembled using Nanopore data (Dynastes grantii, D. hyllus and D. tityus) were mapped to the genome assembled using PacBio + Hi-C data (D. maya). We demonstrated a striking similarity in genome structure among the four species. This conservative genome structure may be attributed to our use of the D. maya assembly as the reference; however, it is worth noting that such a conservative genome structure is a recurring phenomenon among scarab beetles. We further identified homologues of nine and three candidate-gene families that may be associated with the evolution of horn structure and body colouration respectively. Structural variations in Scr and Ebony2 were detected and discussed for their putative impacts on generating morphological diversity in beetles. We also reconstructed the demographic histories of the four Hercules beetles using heterozygosity information from the diploid genomes. We found that the demographic histories of the beetles closely recapitulated historical changes in suitable forest habitats driven by climate shifts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, we provide the first whole-genome sequence of the purple butter clam (Saxidomus purpuratus), an economically important bivalve shellfish. Specifically, we sequenced and de novo assembled the genome of Sa. purpuratus based on PromethION long reads and Hi-C data. The 978-Mb genome of Sa. purpuratus comprises 19 chromosomes with 36,591 predicted protein-coding genes. The N50 length of Sa. purpuratus genome is 52 Mb, showing the highest continuous assembly among bivalve genomes. The Benchmarking by Universal Single-Copy Orthologs assessment indicated that 95.07% of complete metazoan universal single-copy orthologs (n = 954) were present in the assembly. Approximately 51% of Sa. purpuratus genome comprises repetitive sequences. Based on the high-quality Sa. purpuratus genome, we resolved half of the immune-associated genes, namely, scavenger receptor (SR) proteins, which are collinear to those in the closely related Cyclina sinensis genome. This finding suggested a high degree of conservation among immune-associated genes. Twenty-two (19%) SR proteins are tandemly duplicated in Sa. purpuratus genome, suggesting putative convergence evolution. Overall, Sa. purpuratus genome provides a new resource for the discovery of economically important traits and immune-response genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fishes of the genus Seriola are widely farmed and highly valued in global aquaculture production. To further understand their economically important traits and help improve aquaculture product quality and sustainability, we performed a chromosome-level genome construction for Seriola aureovittata. Combining two technologies, PacBio and BGISEQ-500, we assembled 649.86 Mb S. aureovittata genome sequences with a contig N50 of 22.21 Mb, and 98% of BUSCO genes were detected in total. The initial assembly was then further scaffolded into 24 pseudochromosomes using Hi-C data, indicating the high quality of the genome. Genome evolution analysis showed that many genes related to fatty acid metabolism and oxygen binding, or transport were expanded, which provided insights into the metabolic characteristics of fatty acids and efficient oxygen transport. Based on the genome data, we confirmed the evolutionary relationship of S. aureovittata, S. dorsalis and S. lalandi and identified chr12 as the putative sex chromosome of S. aureovittata. Our chromosome-level genome assembly provides a genetic foundation for the phylogenetic and taxonomic investigation of different Seriola species. Moreover, the genome will provide an important genomic resource for further biological and aquaculture studies of S. aureovittata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2002, the first crop genome was published using the rice cultivar 93-11, which is the progenitor of the first super-hybrid rice. The genome sequence has served as a reference genome for the indica cultivars, but the assembly has not been updated. In this study, we update the 93-11 genome assembly to a gap-less sequence using ultra-depth single molecule real-time (SMRT) reads, Hi-C sequencing, reference-guided, and gap-closing approach. The differences in the genome collinearity and gene content between the 93-11 and the Nipponbare reference genomes confirmed to map the indica cultivar sequencing data to the 93-11 genome, instead of the reference. Furthermore, time-course transcriptome data showed that the expression pattern was consistently correlated with the stages of seed development. Alternative splicing of starch synthesis-related genes and genomic variations of waxy make it a novel resource for targeted breeding. Collectively, the updated high quality 93-11 genome assembly can improve the understanding of the genome structures and functions of Oryza groups in molecular breeding programs.





