
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the diverse heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family play crucial roles in heterochromatin formation and maintenance. Despite the similar affinities of their chromodomains for di- and tri-methylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3), different HP1 proteins exhibit distinct chromatin-binding patterns, likely due to interactions with various specificity factors. Previously, we showed that the chromatin-binding pattern of the HP1 protein Rhino, a crucial factor of the Drosophila PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway, is largely defined by a DNA sequence-specific C2H2 zinc finger protein named Kipferl (Baumgartner et al., 2022). Here, we elucidate the molecular basis of the interaction between Rhino and its guidance factor Kipferl. Through phylogenetic analyses, structure prediction, and in vivo genetics, we identify a single amino acid change within Rhino\'s chromodomain, G31D, that does not affect H3K9me2/3 binding but disrupts the interaction between Rhino and Kipferl. Flies carrying the rhinoG31D mutation phenocopy kipferl mutant flies, with Rhino redistributing from piRNA clusters to satellite repeats, causing pronounced changes in the ovarian piRNA profile of rhinoG31D flies. Thus, Rhino\'s chromodomain functions as a dual-specificity module, facilitating interactions with both a histone mark and a DNA-binding protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chromodomain helicase DNA-binding (CHD) and chromobox (CBX) families of proteins play crucial roles in cell fate decisions, differentiation, and cell proliferation in a broad variety of tissues and cell types. CHD proteins are ATP-dependent epigenetic enzymes actively engaged in transcriptional regulation, DNA replication, and DNA damage repair, whereas CBX proteins are transcriptional repressors mainly involved in the formation of heterochromatin. The pleiotropic effects of CHD and CBX proteins are largely dependent on their versatility to interact with other key components of the epigenetic and transcriptional machinery. Although the function and regulatory modes of CHD and CBX factors are well established in many cell types, little is known about their roles during osteogenic differentiation. A single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of the mouse incisor dental pulp revealed distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns of CHD- and CBX-encoding genes within different clusters of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) representing various stages of osteogenic differentiation. Additionally, genes encoding interaction partners of CHD and CBX proteins, such as subunits of the trithorax-COMPASS and polycomb chromatin remodeling complexes, exhibited differential co-expression behaviors within MSC subpopulations. Thus, CHD- and CBX-encoding genes show partially overlapping but distinct expression patterns in MSCs, suggesting their differential roles in osteogenic cell fate decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-exome sequencing of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) probands and unaffected family members has identified many genes harboring de novo variants suspected to play a causal role in the disorder. Of these, chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 8 (CHD8) is the most recurrently mutated. Despite the prevalence of CHD8 mutations, we have little insight into how CHD8 loss affects genome organization or the functional consequences of these molecular alterations in neurons. Here, we engineered two isogenic human embryonic stem cell lines with CHD8 loss-of-function mutations and characterized differences in differentiated human cortical neurons. We identified hundreds of genes with altered expression, including many involved in neural development and excitatory synaptic transmission. Field recordings and single-cell electrophysiology revealed a 3-fold decrease in firing rates and synaptic activity in CHD8+/- neurons, as well as a similar firing-rate deficit in primary cortical neurons from Chd8+/- mice. These alterations in neuron and synapse function can be reversed by CHD8 overexpression. Moreover, CHD8+/- neurons displayed a large increase in open chromatin across the genome, where the greatest change in compaction was near autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2), which encodes a transcriptional regulator implicated in ASD. Genes with changes in chromatin accessibility and expression in CHD8+/- neurons have significant overlap with genes mutated in probands for ASD, intellectual disability, and schizophrenia but not with genes mutated in healthy controls or other disease cohorts. Overall, this study characterizes key molecular alterations in genome structure and expression in CHD8+/- neurons and links these changes to impaired neuronal and synaptic function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Polycomb Repressor Complex 1 (PRC1) is an epigenetic regulator of differentiation and development, consisting of multiple subunits including RING1, BMI1, and Chromobox. The composition of PRC1 dictates its function and aberrant expression of specific subunits contributes to several diseases including cancer. Specifically, the reader protein Chromobox2 (CBX2) recognizes the repressive modifications including histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation (H3K27me3) and H3 lysine 9 dimethylation (H3K9me2). CBX2 is overexpressed in several cancers compared to the non-transformed cell counterparts, it promotes both cancer progression and chemotherapy resistance. Thus, inhibiting the reader function of CBX2 is an attractive and unique anti-cancer approach.
    Compared with other CBX family members, CBX2 has a unique A/T-hook DNA binding domain that is juxtaposed to the chromodomain (CD). Using a computational approach, we constructed a homology model of CBX2 encompassing the CD and A/T hook domain. We used the model as a basis for peptide design and identified blocking peptides that are predicted to directly bind the CD and A/T-hook regions of CBX2. These peptides were tested in vitro and in vivo models.
    The CBX2 blocking peptide significantly inhibited both 2D and 3D growth of ovarian cancer cells, downregulated a CBX2 target gene, and blunted tumor growth in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histones, which make up nucleosomes, undergo various post-translational modifications, such as acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitylation. In particular, histone methylation serves different cellular functions depending on the location of the amino acid residue undergoing modification, and is tightly regulated by the antagonistic action of histone methyltransferases and demethylases. The SUV39H family of histone methyltransferases (HMTases) are evolutionarily conserved from fission yeast to humans and play an important role in the formation of higher-order chromatin structures called heterochromatin. The SUV39H family HMTases catalyzes the methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9), and this modification serves as a binding site for heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) to form a higher-order chromatin structure. While the regulatory mechanism of this family of enzymes has been extensively studied in various model organisms, Clr4, a fission yeast homologue, has made an important contribution. In this review, we focus on the regulatory mechanisms of the SUV39H family of proteins, in particular, the molecular mechanisms revealed by the studies of the fission yeast Clr4, and discuss their generality in comparison to other HMTases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During meiosis, chromosomes with homologous partners undergo synaptonemal complex (SC)-mediated pairing, while the remaining unpaired chromosomes are heterochromatinized through unpaired silencing. Mechanisms underlying homolog recognition during SC formation are still unclear. Here, we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans Argonaute proteins, CSR-1 and its paralog CSR-2, interacting with 22G-RNAs, are required for synaptonemal complex formation with accurate homology. CSR-1 in nuclei and meiotic cohesin, constituting the SC lateral elements, were associated with nonsimple DNA repeats, including minisatellites and transposons, and weakly associated with coding genes. CSR-1-associated CeRep55 minisatellites were expressing 22G-RNAs and long noncoding (lnc) RNAs that colocalized with synaptonemal complexes on paired chromosomes and with cohesin regions of unpaired chromosomes. CeRep55 multilocus deletions reduced the efficiencies of homologous pairing and unpaired silencing, which were supported by the csr-1 activity. Moreover, CSR-1 and CSR-2 were required for proper heterochromatinization of unpaired chromosomes. These findings suggest that CSR-1 and CSR-2 play crucial roles in homology recognition, achieving accurate SC formation between chromosome pairs and condensing unpaired chromosomes by targeting repeat-derived lncRNAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxpecker, the homolog of Rhino/HP1D, exclusively expressed in Drosophila ovaries, belongs to the Heterochromatin Protein 1 family, as does Rhino. Rhi recognizes piRNA clusters enriched with the heterochromatin marker H3K9me3 via its N-terminal chromodomain and recruits Deadlock via its C-terminal chromoshadow domain, further recruits Moonshiner, a paralog of the TATA box-binding protein-related factor 2 large subunits, to promote transcription of piRNA precursors, thereby protecting the genome. Despite Oxp possessing only the chromodomain, its loss leads to the upregulation of transposons in the female germline. In this study, we solved the crystal structure of the Oxp chromodomain in complex with the histone H3K9me3 peptide. As the Oxp chromodomain dimerizes, two H3K9me3 peptides bind to the Oxp chromodomain in an antiparallel manner. ITC experiments and site-directed mutagenesis experiments showed that E44 determines Oxp\'s five-fold stronger binding ability to H3K9me3 than that of Rhi. In addition, we found that Oxp and Rhi can form a heterodimer, which may shed light on the molecular mechanism by which Oxp regulates transposon silencing in the absence of CSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mark conserved in eukaryotes from fungi to animals and plants, where it plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression and transposon silencing. Once the methylation mark is established by de novo DNA methyltransferases, specific regulatory mechanisms are required to maintain the methylation state during chromatin replication, both during meiosis and mitosis. Plant DNA methylation is found in three contexts; CG, CHG, and CHH (H = A, T, C), which are established and maintained by a unique set of DNA methyltransferases and are regulated by plant-specific pathways. DNA methylation in plants is often associated with other epigenetic modifications, such as noncoding RNA and histone modifications. This chapter focuses on the structure, function, and regulatory mechanism of plant DNA methyltransferases and their crosstalk with other epigenetic pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MRG15/MORF4L1 is a highly conserved protein in eukaryotes that contains a chromodomain (CHD) recognizing methylation of lysine 36 on histone H3 (H3K36me3) in chromatin. Intriguingly, it has been reported in the literature to interact with several different factors involved in chromatin modifications, gene regulation, alternative mRNA splicing, and DNA repair by homologous recombination. To get a complete and reliable picture of associations in physiological conditions, we used genome editing and tandem affinity purification to analyze the stable native interactome of human MRG15, its paralog MRGX/MORF4L2 that lacks the CHD, and MRGBP (MRG-binding protein) in isogenic K562 cells. We found stable interchangeable association of MRG15 and MRGX with the NuA4/TIP60 histone acetyltransferase/chromatin remodeler, Sin3B histone deacetylase/demethylase, ASH1L histone methyltransferase, and PALB2-BRCA2 DNA repair protein complexes. These associations were further confirmed and analyzed by CRISPR tagging of endogenous proteins and comparison of expressed isoforms. Importantly, based on structural information, point mutations could be introduced that specifically disrupt MRG15 association with some complexes but not others. Most interestingly, we also identified a new abundant native complex formed by MRG15/X-MRGBP-BRD8-EP400NL (EP400 N-terminal like) that is functionally similar to the yeast TINTIN (Trimer Independent of NuA4 for Transcription Interactions with Nucleosomes) complex. Our results show that EP400NL, being homologous to the N-terminal region of NuA4/TIP60 subunit EP400, creates TINTIN by competing for BRD8 association. Functional genomics indicate that human TINTIN plays a role in transcription of specific genes. This is most likely linked to the H4ac-binding bromodomain of BRD8 along the H3K36me3-binding CHD of MRG15 on the coding region of transcribed genes. Taken together, our data provide a complete detailed picture of human MRG proteins-associated protein complexes, which are essential to understand and correlate their diverse biological functions in chromatin-based nuclear processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Directed evolution is a widely-used engineering strategy for improving the stabilities or biochemical functions of proteins by repeated rounds of mutation and selection. A protein of interest is selected as the template and expressed on a molecular display platform such as a bacteriophage for engineering. Initially, the surface-displayed protein template needs to be checked against the desired target via ELISA to examine whether the functions of the displayed template remain intact. The ELISA signal is subject to the protein-target binding affinity. A low-affinity results in a weak ELISA signal which makes it difficult to determine whether the weak signal is because of low affinity or because of poor expression of the protein. Using a methyllysine-binding chromodomain protein Cbx1 that weakly binds to the histone H3K9me3 peptide, we developed and compared three different approaches to increase the signal-to-background ratio of ELISA measurements. We observed that the specific peptide-binding signal was enhanced by increasing the Cbx1 phage concentration on the ELISA plate. The introduction of previously known gain-of-function mutations to the Cbx1 protein significantly increased the ELISA signals. Moreover, we demonstrated that the H3K9me3-specific binding signal was enhanced by fusing Cbx1 with a high-affinity phosphotyrosine-binding protein and by coating the ELISA plate with a mixture of H3K9me3 and phosphotyrosine peptides. This approach also worked with binding to a lower affinity momomethyllysine peptide H3K9me1. These approaches may help improve ELISA experiments when dealing with low-affinity ligand-protein interactions.





