chromatin insulator

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chromosomes in multicellular eukaryotes are organized into a series of topologically independent loops called TADs. In flies, TADs are formed by physical interactions between neighboring boundaries. Fly boundaries exhibit distinct partner preferences, and pairing interactions between boundaries are typically orientation-dependent. Pairing can be head-to-tail or head-to-head. The former generates a stem-loop TAD, while the latter gives a circle-loop TAD. The TAD that encompasses the Drosophila even skipped (eve) gene is formed by the head-to-tail pairing of the nhomie and homie boundaries. To explore the relationship between loop topology and the physical and regulatory landscape, we flanked the nhomie boundary region with two attP sites. The attP sites were then used to generate four boundary replacements: λ DNA, nhomie forward (WT orientation), nhomie reverse (opposite of WT orientation), and homie forward (same orientation as WT homie). The nhomie forward replacement restores the WT physical and regulatory landscape: in MicroC experiments, the eve TAD is a \'volcano\' triangle topped by a plume, and the eve gene and its regulatory elements are sequestered from interactions with neighbors. The λ DNA replacement lacks boundary function: the endpoint of the \'new\' eve TAD on the nhomie side is ill-defined, and eve stripe enhancers activate a nearby gene, eIF3j. While nhomie reverse and homie forward restore the eve TAD, the topology is a circle-loop, and this changes the local physical and regulatory landscape. In MicroC experiments, the eve TAD interacts with its neighbors, and the plume at the top of the eve triangle peak is converted to a pair of \'clouds\' of contacts with the next-door TADs. Consistent with the loss of isolation afforded by the stem-loop topology, the eve enhancers weakly activate genes in the neighboring TADs. Conversely, eve function is partially disrupted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Drosophila melanogaster dADD1 and dXNP proteins are orthologues of the ADD and SNF2 domains of the vertebrate ATRX (Alpha-Thalassemia with mental Retardation X-related) protein. ATRX plays a role in general molecular processes, such as regulating chromatin status and gene expression, while dADD1 and dXNP have similar functions in the Drosophila genome. Both ATRX and dADD1/dXNP interact with various protein partners and participate in various regulatory complexes. Disruption of ATRX expression in humans leads to the development of α-thalassemia and cancer, especially glioma. However, the mechanisms that allow ATRX to regulate various cellular processes are poorly understood. Studying the functioning of dADD1/dXNP in the Drosophila model may contribute to understanding the mechanisms underlying the multifunctional action of ATRX and its connection with various cellular processes. This review provides a brief overview of the currently available information in mammals and Drosophila regarding the roles of ATRX, dXNP, and dADD1. It discusses possible mechanisms of action of complexes involving these proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vertebrates, SMARCAD1 participates in transcriptional regulation, heterochromatin maintenance, DNA repair, and replication. The molecular basis underlying its involvement in these processes is not well understood. We identified the RNA polymerase III general transcription factor TFIIIC as an interaction partner of native SMARCAD1 in mouse and human models using endogenous co-immunoprecipitations. TFIIIC has dual functionality, acting as a general transcription factor and as a genome organizer separating chromatin domains. We found that its partnership with SMARCAD1 is conserved across different mammalian cell types, from somatic to pluripotent cells. Using purified proteins, we confirmed that their interaction is direct. A gene expression analysis suggested that SMARCAD1 is dispensable for TFIIIC function as an RNA polymerase III transcription factor in mouse ESCs. The distribution of TFIIIC and SMARCAD1 in the ESC genome is distinct, and unlike in yeast, SMARCAD1 is not enriched at active tRNA genes. Further analysis of SMARCAD1-binding partners in pluripotent and differentiated mammalian cells reveals that SMARCAD1 associates with several factors that have key regulatory roles in chromatin organization, such as cohesin, laminB, and DDX5. Together, our work suggests for the first time that the SMARCAD1 enzyme participates in genome organization in mammalian nuclei through interactions with architectural proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most of the known Drosophila architectural proteins interact with an important cofactor, CP190, that contains three domains (BTB, M, and D) that are involved in protein-protein interactions. The highly conserved N-terminal CP190 BTB domain forms a stable homodimer that interacts with unstructured regions in the three best-characterized architectural proteins: dCTCF, Su(Hw), and Pita. Here, we identified two new CP190 partners, CG4730 and CG31365, that interact with the BTB domain. The CP190 BTB resembles the previously characterized human BCL6 BTB domain, which uses its hydrophobic groove to specifically associate with unstructured regions of several transcriptional repressors. Using GST pull-down and yeast two-hybrid assays, we demonstrated that mutations in the hydrophobic groove strongly affect the affinity of CP190 BTB for the architectural proteins. In the yeast two-hybrid assay, we found that architectural proteins use various mechanisms to improve the efficiency of interaction with CP190. Pita and Su(Hw) have two unstructured regions that appear to simultaneously interact with hydrophobic grooves in the BTB dimer. In dCTCF and CG31365, two adjacent regions interact simultaneously with the hydrophobic groove of the BTB and the M domain of CP190. Finally, CG4730 interacts with the BTB, M, and D domains of CP190 simultaneously. These results suggest that architectural proteins use different mechanisms to increase the efficiency of interaction with CP190.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the unequivocal success of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell gene therapy, limitations still exist including genotoxicity and variegation/silencing of transgene expression. A class of DNA regulatory elements known as chromatin insulators (CIs) can mitigate both vector transcriptional silencing (barrier CIs) and vector-induced genotoxicity (enhancer-blocking CIs) and have been proposed as genetic modulators to minimize unwanted vector/genome interactions. Recently, a number of human, small-sized, and compact CIs bearing strong enhancer-blocking activity were identified. To ultimately uncover an ideal CI with a dual, enhancer-blocking and barrier activity, we interrogated these elements in vitro and in vivo. After initial screening of a series of these enhancer-blocking insulators for potential barrier activity, we identified three distinct categories with no, partial, or full protection against transgene silencing. Subsequently, the two CIs with full barrier activity (B4 and C1) were tested for their ability to protect against position effects in primary cells, after incorporation into lentiviral vectors (LVs) and transduction of human CD34+ cells. B4 and C1 did not adversely affect vector titers due to their small size, while they performed as strong barrier insulators in CD34+ cells, both in vitro and in vivo, shielding transgene\'s long-term expression, more robustly when placed in the forward orientation. Overall, the incorporation of these dual-functioning elements into therapeutic viral vectors will potentially provide a new generation of safer and more efficient LVs for all hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CTCF is the most likely ancestor of proteins that contain large clusters of C2H2 zinc finger domains (C2H2) and is conserved among most bilateral organisms. In mammals, CTCF functions as the main architectural protein involved in the organization of topology-associated domains (TADs). In vertebrates and Drosophila, CTCF is involved in the regulation of homeotic genes. Previously, it was found that null mutations in the dCTCF gene died as pharate adults, which failed to eclose from their pupal case, or shortly after hatching of adults. Here, we obtained several new null dCTCF mutations and found that the complete inactivation of dCTCF appears is limited mainly to phenotypic manifestations of the Abd-B gene and fertility of adult flies. Many modifiers that are not associated with an independent phenotypic manifestation can significantly enhance the expressivity of the null dCTCF mutations, indicating that other architectural proteins are able to functionally compensate for dCTCF inactivation in Drosophila. We also mapped the 715-735 aa region of dCTCF as being essential for the interaction with the BTB (Broad-Complex, Tramtrack, and Bric a brac) and microtubule-targeting (M) domains of the CP190 protein, which binds to many architectural proteins. However, the mutational analysis showed that the interaction with CP190 was not important for the functional activity of dCTCF in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human CTCF (hCTCF) is a major architectural protein in mammals. In Drosophila, the CTCF homologue (dCTCF) interacts with the BTB domain of the CP190 protein, which is involved in the establishment of open chromatin and activity of insulators. Previously, it was shown that the BTB protein Kaiso interacts with hCTCF and regulates its activity. We have carried out a detailed study of the interaction between these proteins in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Surprisingly, Kaiso did not interact with hCTCF and its Drosophila homologue. On the other hand, CP190 interacted with the C-terminus of hCTCF. The results obtained demonstrate that the interaction between CTCF and CP190 proteins is highly conserved. It is likely that humans have other BTB proteins that perform the functions described for the Drosophila CP190.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pita is required for Drosophila development and binds specifically to a long motif in active promoters and insulators. Pita belongs to the Drosophila family of zinc-finger architectural proteins, which also includes Su(Hw) and the conserved among higher eukaryotes CTCF. The architectural proteins maintain the active state of regulatory elements and the long-distance interactions between them. In particular, Pita is involved in the formation of several boundaries between regulatory domains that controlled the expression of three hox genes in the Bithorax complex (BX-C). The CP190 protein is recruited to chromatin through interaction with the architectural proteins.
    RESULTS: Using in vitro pull-down analysis, we precisely mapped two unstructured regions of Pita that interact with the BTB domain of CP190. Then we constructed transgenic lines expressing the Pita protein of the wild-type and mutant variants lacking CP190-interacting regions. We have demonstrated that CP190-interacting region of the Pita can maintain nucleosome-free open chromatin and is critical for Pita-mediated enhancer blocking activity in BX-C. At the same time, interaction with CP190 is not required for the in vivo function of the mutant Pita protein, which binds to the same regions of the genome as the wild-type protein. Unexpectedly, we found that CP190 was still associated with the most of genome regions bound by the mutant Pita protein, which suggested that other architectural proteins were continuing to recruit CP190 to these regions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results directly demonstrate role of CP190 in insulation and support a model in which the regulatory elements are composed of combinations of binding sites that interact with several architectural proteins with similar functions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In higher eukaryotes, enhancers determine the activation of developmental gene transcription in specific cell types and stages of embryogenesis. Enhancers transform the signals produced by various transcription factors within a given cell, activating the transcription of the targeted genes. Often, developmental genes can be associated with dozens of enhancers, some of which are located at large distances from the promoters that they regulate. Currently, the mechanisms underlying specific distance interactions between enhancers and promoters remain poorly understood. This review briefly describes the properties of enhancers and discusses the mechanisms of distance interactions and potential proteins involved in this process.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, the concept has arisen that a special class of architectural proteins exists, which are responsible not only for global chromosome architecture but also for the local regulation of enhancer-promoter interactions. Here, we describe a new architectural protein, with a total size of only 375 aa, which contains an N-terminal zinc finger-associated domain (ZAD) and a cluster of five zinc finger C2H2 domains at the C-terminus. This new protein, named ZAD and Architectural Function 1 protein (ZAF1 protein), is weakly and ubiquitously expressed, with the highest expression levels observed in oocytes and embryos. The cluster of C2H2 domains recognizes a specific 15-bp consensus site, located predominantly in promoters, near transcription start sites. The expression of ZAF1 by a tissue-specific promoter led to the complete blocking of the eye enhancer when clusters of ZAF1 binding sites flanked the eye enhancer in transgenic lines, suggesting that the loop formed by the ZAF1 protein leads to insulation. The ZAF1 protein also supported long-range interactions between the yeast GAL4 activator and the white promoter in transgenic Drosophila lines. A mutant protein lacking the ZAD failed to block the eye enhancer or to support distance interactions in transgenic lines. Taken together, these results suggest that ZAF1 is a minimal architectural protein that can be used to create a convenient model for studying the mechanisms of distance interactions.





