
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To clarify the possibilities and role of posterior segment imaging in patients with neurofibromatosis type I (NF1), and to show the prevalence of this disease in the pediatric population in Slovakia.
    Until recently, ophthalmologic consultations in patients with NF1 were limited mainly to the observation of Lisch nodules of the iris and the presence of optic nerve glioma. However, advances in imaging capabilities have made it possible to investigate and describe new f indings concerning the ocular manifestations of this disease. Between October 2020 and November 2021, we examined the anterior and posterior segment of 76 eyes (38 children – 12 boys and 26 girls) with genetically confirmed NF1 gene mutation at our clinic. The age of the patients ranged from 4 to 18 years. The anterior segment was checked for the presence of Lisch nodules biomicroscopically with a slit lamp. On the posterior segment, the presence of choroidal nodules was checked by various imaging methods – fundus camera, infrared confocal selective laser ophthalmoscopy, MultiColor imaging, OCT, and OCT angiography. All the patients had magnetic resonance imaging performed in order to detect potential optic nerve gliomas for the purpose of diagnosis. We observed the correlation between the patients’ age, presence of Lisch nodules and the presence of choroidal nodules. Eight patients also had other manifestations of the disease – optic nerve gliomas or microvascular changes (so-called “corkscrew” vessels).
    Out of 38 patients, Lisch iris nodules were present in 20 patients (53%) and choroidal nodules in 24 patients (63%). There was no positive correlation between the presence of these two manifestations within the same patient or eye, but there is a clear correlation between the presence of choroidal nodules and patient age.
    The results suggest that a previously unknown ocular manifestation of neurofibromatosis type I, namely choroidal nodules, has a higher prevalence than Lisch nodules also in the pediatric population and can be easily visualized using various imaging modalities. It will be important to include follow-up observation of this finding among the standard controls for ocular findings in NF1, and it will be very interesting to correlate this f inding with the exact NF1 mutation






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Choroidal folds present as parallel bright and dark lines, which may be detected with funduscopy. Optical coherence tomography, red free fundus photography, autofluorescence and fluorescein angiography may be also helpful to establish the diagnosis. The authors present the case of a 70-year-old male who was evaluated because of a 1-month history of blurred vision on his right eye. Dilated fundus examination revealed choroidal folds in both eyes, which failed to affect visual acuity. No neurological pathologies were found. There was no change in the patient condition during a follow-up period of 6 months. The authors note that choroidal folds are often not recognized because they are usually asymptomatic. There are several possible causes which should be considered. The diagnosis of idiopathic choroidal folds is based on the exclusion of other pathologies. Observation of the patient\'s visual acuity and monitoring for fundus changes are needed.
    A choroidearedők a szemfenéki vizsgálat során világos és sötét vonalakként megjelenő párhuzamos csíkokként ismerhetők fel. A diagnózis megállapítását az optikai koherencia tomográfia, a vörösmentes szemfenéki fotó, az autofluoreszcencia, valamint a fluoreszcein-angiográfia segítheti. A szerzők 70 éves férfi betegük esetét ismertetik, akit 1 hónapja fennálló jobb oldali látáspanasz miatt vizsgáltak. Pupillatágítást követő fundusvizsgálaton mindkét oldalon choroidearedőket észleltek. A choroidearedők a beteg látóélességét nem befolyásolták. Neurológiai kivizsgálás során nem találtak kóros neurológiai eltérést. A beteget 6 hónapig követték, ez idő alatt változás nem következett be. A szerzők kiemelik, hogy a choroidearedők gyakran nem kerülnek felfedezése, mert legtöbbször tünetmentesek. Etiológiájában számos ok felmerülhet, ezért az idiopathiás choroidearedő diagnózisa egyéb patológiás eltérések kizárásán alapul. A követés során a látóélesség és a szemfenéki kép ellenőrzése szükséges. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(27), 1083–1086.





