chloride conductance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excitatory α7 neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAChR) are widely expressed in the central and peripheral nervous and immune systems and are important for learning, memory, and immune response regulation. Specific α7 nAChR ligands, including positive allosteric modulators are promising to treat cognitive disorders, inflammatory processes, and pain. One of them, PNU-120596, highly increased the neuron response to α7 agonists and retarded desensitization, showing selectivity for α7 as compared to heteromeric nAChRs, but was not examined at the inhibitory ligand-gated channels. We studied PNU-120596 action on anion-conducting channels using voltage-clamp techniques: it slightly potentiated the response of human glycine receptors expressed in PC12 cells, of rat GABAA receptors in cerebellar Purkinje cells and mouse GABAA Rs heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. On the contrary, PNU-120596 exerted an inhibitory effect on the receptors mediating anion currents in Lymnaea stagnalis neurons: two nAChR subtypes, GABA and glutamate receptors. Acceleration of the current decay, contrary to slowing down desensitization in mammalian α7 nAChR, was observed in L. stagnalis neurons predominantly expressing one of the two nAChR subtypes. Thus, PNU-120596 effect on these anion-selective nAChRs was just opposite to the action on the mammalian cation-selective α7 nAChRs. A comparison of PNU-120596 molecule docked to the models of transmembrane domains of the human α7 AChR and two subunits of L. stagnalis nAChR demonstrated some differences in contacts with the amino acid residues important for PNU-120596 action on the α7 nAChR. Thus, our results show that PNU-120596 action depends on a particular subtype of these Cys-loop receptors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transport of classical neurotransmitters into synaptic vesicles generally relies on a H+ electrochemical gradient (∆μH+). Synaptic vesicle uptake of glutamate depends primarily on the electrical component ∆ψ as the driving force, rather than the chemical component ∆pH. However, the vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) belong to the solute carrier 17 (SLC17) family, which includes closely related members that function as H+ cotransporters. Recent work has also shown that the VGLUTs undergo allosteric regulation by H+ and Cl-, and exhibit an associated Cl- conductance. These properties appear to coordinate VGLUT activity with the large ionic shifts that accompany the rapid recycling of synaptic vesicles driven by neural activity. Recent structural information also suggests common mechanisms that underlie the apparently divergent function of SLC17 family members, and that confer allosteric regulation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) disrupt epithelial secretion and cause cystic fibrosis (CF). Available CFTR modulators provide only modest clinical benefits, so alternative therapeutic targets are being explored. The anion-conducting transporter solute carrier family 26 member 9 (SLC26A9) is a promising candidate, but its functional expression is drastically reduced in cells that express the most common CF-associated CFTR variant, F508del-CFTR, through mechanisms that remain incompletely understood. Here, we examined the metabolic stability and location of SLC26A9 and its relationship to CFTR. Compared with SLC26A9 levels in BHK cells expressing SLC26A9 alone or with WT-CFTR, co-expression of SLC26A9 with F508del-CFTR reduced total and plasma membrane levels of SLC26A9. Proteasome inhibitors increased SLC26A9 immunofluorescence in primary human bronchial epithelial cells (pHBEs) homozygous for F508del-CFTR but not in non-CF pHBEs, suggesting that F508del-CFTR enhances proteasomal SLC26A9 degradation. Apical SLC26A9 expression increased when F508del-CFTR trafficking was partially corrected by low temperature or with the CFTR modulator VX-809. The immature glycoforms of SLC26A9 and CFTR co-immunoprecipitated, consistent with their interaction in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Transfection with increasing amounts of WT-CFTR cDNA progressively increased SLC26A9 levels in F508del-CFTR-expressing cells, suggesting that WT-CFTR competes with F508del-CFTR for SLC26A9 binding. Immunofluorescence staining of endogenous SLC26A9 and transfection of a 3HA-tagged construct into well-differentiated cells revealed that SLC26A9 is mostly present at tight junctions. We conclude that SLC26A9 interacts with CFTR in both the ER and Golgi and that its interaction with F508del-CFTR increases proteasomal SLC26A9 degradation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transport of glutamate into synaptic vesicles exhibits an unusual form of regulation by Cl- as well as an associated Cl- conductance. To distinguish direct effects of Cl- on the transporter from indirect effects via the driving force Δψ, we used whole endosome recording and report the first currents due to glutamate flux by the vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). Chloride allosterically activates the VGLUTs from both sides of the membrane, and we find that neutralization of an arginine in transmembrane domain four suffices for the lumenal activation. The dose dependence suggests that Cl- permeates through a channel and glutamate through a transporter. Competition between the anions nonetheless indicates that they use a similar permeation pathway. By controlling both ionic gradients and Δψ, endosome recording isolates different steps in the process of synaptic vesicle filling, suggesting distinct roles for Cl- in both allosteric activation and permeation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cause of transient weakness in myotonia congenita (MC) and the mechanism of action of mexiletine in reducing weakness.
    METHODS: The changes in neuromuscular excitability produced by 1min of maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) were measured on the amplitude of compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) in two patients with either recessive or dominant MC, compared to control values obtained in 20 healthy subjects. Measurements were performed again in MC patients after mexiletine therapy.
    RESULTS: Transient reduction in maximal CMAP amplitude lasting several minutes after MVC was evident in MC patients, whereas no change was observed in controls. Mexiletine efficiently reduced this transient CMAP depression in both patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Transient CMAP depression following sustained MVC may represent the electrophysiological correlate of the weakness clinically experienced by the patients. In MC, the low chloride conductance could induce self-sustaining action potentials after MVC, determining progressive membrane depolarization and a loss of excitability of muscle fibers, thus resulting in transient paresis. Mexiletine may prevent conduction block due to excessive membrane depolarization, thus reducing the transient CMAP depression following sustained MVC.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: For decades, inhibitors of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel have been used as tools to investigate the role and function of CFTR conductance in cystic fibrosis research. In the early 2000s, two new and potent inhibitors of CFTR, CFTRinh -172 and GlyH-101, were described and are now widely used to inhibit specifically CFTR. However, despite some evidence, the effects of both drugs on other types of Cl(-) -conductance have been overlooked. In this context, we explore the specificity and the cellular toxicity of both inhibitors in CFTR-expressing and non-CFTR-expressing cells.
    METHODS: Using patch-clamp technique, we tested the effects of CFTRinh -172 and GlyH-101 inhibitors on three distinct types of Cl(-) currents: the CFTR-like conductance, the volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying Cl(-) conductance (VSORC) and finally the Ca(2+) -dependent Cl(-) conductance (CaCC). We also explored the effect of both inhibitors on cell viability using live/dead and cell proliferation assays in two different cell lines.
    RESULTS: We confirmed that these two compounds were potent inhibitors of the CFTR-mediated Cl(-) conductance. However,GlyH-101 also inhibited the VSORC conductance and the CaCC at concentrations used to inhibit CFTR. The CFTRinh -172 did not affect the CaCC but did inhibit the VSORC, at concentrations higher than 5 µM. Neither inhibitor (20 µM; 24 h exposure) affected cell viability, but both were cytotoxic at higher concentrations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both inhibitors affected Cl(-) conductances apart from CFTR. Our results provided insights into their use in mouse models.





