chemical shift perturbation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expression of polysialic acid (polySia) on the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is called NCAM-polysialylation, which is strongly related to the migration and invasion of tumor cells and aggressive clinical status. Thus, it is important to select a proper drug to block tumor cell migration during clinical treatment. In this study, we proposed that lactoferrin (LFcinB11) may be a better candidate for inhibiting NCAM polysialylation when compared with CMP and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), which were determined based on our NMR studies. Furthermore, neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) represent the most dramatic stage in the cell death process, and the release of NETs is related to the pathogenesis of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, with proposed involvement in glomerulonephritis, chronic lung disease, sepsis, and vascular disorders. In this study, the molecular mechanisms involved in the inhibition of NET release using LFcinB11 as an inhibitor were also determined. Based on these results, LFcinB11 is proposed as being a bifunctional inhibitor for inhibiting both NCAM polysialylation and the release of NETs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In solution NMR, chemical shift perturbation (CSP) experiments are widely employed to study intermolecular interactions. However, excluding the nonsignificant peak shift is difficult because little is known about errors in CSP. Here, to address this issue, we introduce a method for estimating errors in CSP based on the noise level. First, we developed a technique that involves line shape fitting to estimate errors in peak position via Monte Carlo simulations. Second, this technique was applied to estimate errors in CSP. In intermolecular interaction analysis of VAP-A with SNX2, error estimation of CSP enabled the evaluation of small but significant changes in peak position and yielded detailed insights that are unattainable with conventional CSP analysis. Third, this technique was successfully applied to estimate errors in residual dipolar couplings. In conclusion, our error estimation method improves CSP analysis by excluding the nonsignificant peak shift.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The backbone 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of Ubiquitin Specific Protease 7 catalytic domain (residues 208-554) was performed in its complex with a small molecule ligand and in its apo form as a reference. The amide 1H-15N signal intensities were boosted by an amide hydrogen exchange protocol, where expressed 2H, 13C, 15N-labeled protein was unfolded and re-folded to ensure exchange of amide deuterons to protons. The resonance assignments were used to determine chemical shift perturbations on ligand binding, which are consistent with the binding site observed by crystallography.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The overexpression of polysialic acid (polySia) on neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM) promotes hypersialylation, and thus benefits cancer cell migration and invasion. It has been proposed that the binding between the polysialyltransferase domain (PSTD) and CMP-Sia needs to be inhibited in order to block the effects of hypersialylation. In this study, CMP was confirmed to be a competitive inhibitor of polysialyltransferases (polySTs) in the presence of CMP-Sia and triSia (oligosialic acid trimer) based on the interactional features between molecules. The further NMR analysis suggested that polysialylation could be partially inhibited when CMP-Sia and polySia co-exist in solution. In addition, an unexpecting finding is that CMP-Sia plays a role in reducing the gathering extent of polySia chains on the PSTD, and may benefit for the inhibition of polysialylation. The findings in this study may provide new insight into the optimal design of the drug and inhibitor for cancer treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The assembly of biomolecular condensates is driven by liquid-liquid phase separation. To understand the structure and functions of these condensates, it is essential to characterize the underlying driving forces, e.g., protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. As both structured and low-complexity domains are involved in the phase separation process, NMR is probably the only technique that can be used to depict the binding topology and interaction modes for the structured and nonstructured domains simultaneously. Atomic-resolution analysis for the intramolecular and intermolecular interactions between any pair of components sheds light on the mechanism for phase separation and biomolecular condensate assembly and disassembly. Herein, we describe the procedures used for the most extensively employed NMR techniques to characterize key interactions for biomolecular phase separation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can be used to monitor protein-carbohydrate interactions. Two-dimensional 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC)-based techniques described in this chapter can be used quickly and effectively to screen a set of possible carbohydrate-binding partners, to quantify the dissociation constant (Kd) of any identified interactions, and to the map the carbohydrate-binding site on the structure of a protein. Here, we describe the titration of a family 32 carbohydrate-binding module from Clostridium perfringens (CpCBM32) with the monosaccharide N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc), in which we calculate the apparent dissociation of the interaction and map the GalNAc binding site onto the structure of CpCBM32. This approach can be applied to other CBM- and protein-ligand systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical shift perturbation (CSP) is a simple NMR technique for studying the DNA binding of proteins. Titration of the unlabeled DNA into the 15N-labeled protein is monitored by acquiring a two-dimensional (2D) heteronuclear single-quantum correlation (HSQC) spectrum at each step of the titration. CSP can also provide information on the DNA-binding dynamics of proteins, as well as protein-induced conformational changes in DNA. Here, we describe the titration of DNA for the 15N-labeled Z-DNA-binding protein, monitored via 2D HSQC spectra. NMR titration data can be analyzed with the active B-Z transition model to provide the protein-induced B-Z transition dynamics of DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans express around 50 chemokines that play crucial roles in human pathophysiology from combating infection to immune surveillance by directing and trafficking leukocytes to the target tissue. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) regulate chemokine function by tuning monomer/dimer levels, chemotactic/haptotactic gradients, and how they are presented to their receptors. Knowledge of the structural features of the chemokine-GAG complexes and GAG properties that define chemokine interactions is essential not only to understand chemokine function, but also for developing drugs that disrupt chemokine-GAG crosstalk and thereby impart protection against dysregulated host defense. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has proven to be quite useful for providing residue-specific interactions, binding geometry and models, specificity, and affinity. Multiple NMR methods have been used including (1) chemical shift perturbation (CSP), (2) saturation transfer difference (STD), and (3) paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) techniques. In this chapter, we describe how NMR CSP, STD, and PRE can be best used for characterizing chemokine-GAG interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distal-less 3 (Dlx3) is a homeobox-containing transcription factor and plays a crucial role in the development and differentiation process. Human Dlx3 consists of two transactivation domains and a homeobox domain (HD) that selectively binds to the consensus site (5\'-TAATT-3\') of the DNA duplex. Here, we performed chemical shift perturbation experiments on Dlx3-HD in a complex with a 10-base-paired (10-bp) DNA duplex under various salt conditions. We also acquired the imino proton spectra of the 10-bp DNA to monitor the changes in base-pair stabilities during titration with Dlx3-HD. Our study demonstrates that Dlx3-HD selectively recognizes its consensus DNA sequences through the α3 helix and L1 loop regions with a unique dynamic feature. The dynamic properties of the binding of Dlx3-HD to its consensus DNA sequence can be modulated by varying the salt concentrations. Our study suggested that this unique structural and dynamic feature of Dlx3-HD plays an important role in target DNA recognition, which might be associated with tricho-dento-osseous syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ca2+ sensor protein, calmodulin (CaM) is ubiquitously expressed in all cells where it binds to hundreds of different target proteins, including dozens of enzymes, receptors, ion channels and numerous Ca2+ transporters. The only published NMR chemical shift assignments for Ca2+-bound CaM (in the absence of a target) have been determined under acidic conditions: at pH 6.5/310 K (BMRB 6541) and pH 6.3/320 K (BMRB 547). However, some CaM/target complexes are not soluble under these conditions. Also, amide chemical shifts are very sensitive to pH and temperature, which can cause large baseline errors when using the existing chemical shift assignments of free CaM to calculate chemical shift perturbations caused by target binding at neutral pH and physiological temperature. We report complete NMR chemical shift assignments of Ca2+-saturated CaM under a set of standard conditions at neutral pH and 308 K that will enable more accurate chemical shift comparison between free CaM and CaM/target complexes (BMRB 51289).





