chemical compounds

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paper packaging made with recycled paperboard is used to pack various consumer goods that can include amongst others, electronics, toys, food, cosmetics, and stationery. Chemical profiling of the various paper recycling grades used in the manufacture of recycled paperboard was undertaken to investigate possible sources of contaminants and their propagation in the paper recycling chain. Pre-consumer, retail and post-consumer paper-based materials were collected at papermills, corrugators, grocery stores, household waste, solid waste disposal sites and recycling facilities. In the GC-MS analysis, phthalates, long-chain aliphatic compounds, and fatty acids were the most commonly detected compounds whilst phthalates and bisphenols featured most prevalently in the LC-MS analysis. The factors that were identified as likely contributors to the detection of the different chemical compounds included the presence of wood derivatives, the use of certain chemical additives during manufacturing, and exposure of paper to contaminants from consumers, other goods and the environment. Waste mingling, recovery, sorting and reprocessing into recycled paper were also shown to influence the chemical profile of paper materials. Sparse partial least squares-discriminate analysis indicated that newspaper and office paper had unique chemical constituents, whilst cartons were shown to have higher variability. By looking at key stages of paper recycling, this study showed that the possible persistence and transformation of chemical compounds in additives must be evaluated when considering the recyclability of paper-based materials. Further, it highlighted that different separation approaches may be required to reduce contaminant exposure opportunities in post-consumer paper materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For decades, coffee has held the distinction of being the most commercially prominent food product and the most universally consumed beverage worldwide. Since the inauguration of the inaugural coffee house in Mecca toward the conclusion of the 15th century, coffee consumption has experienced exponential growth across the globe. Coffee, renowned globally as a beloved beverage, contains a diverse array of compounds known to benefit health. Its prominent phytochemistry contributes to its favorable reputation. Caffeine, a primary constituent, leads this intricate blend of bioactive substances, each exerting various physiological effects. Coffee is rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B3. It encompasses lactones, diterpenes (such as cafestol and kahweol), niacin, and trigonellin, serving as a precursor to vitamin B3. This chapter aims to review and investigate the bioactive potential and chemical compounds of coffee. In the current study, different compounds are discussed. In conclusion, coffee is containing different compounds that can be impacted by different factors such as geographical condition, processing condition, etc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study presents the design and development of an ultrasonic sensor as a fundamental tool for characterizing the properties of fluids and biofluids. The analysis primarily focuses on measuring the electrical parameters of the system, which correlate with the density and viscosity of the solutions, in sample volumes of microliters and with high temporal resolution (up to 1 data point per second). The use of this sensor allows the fast and non-destructive evaluation of the viscosity and density of fluids deposited on its free surface. The measurements are based on obtaining the impedance versus frequency curve and the phase difference curve (between current and voltage) versus frequency. In this way, characteristic parameters of the transducer, such as the resonance frequency, phase, minimum impedance, and the quality factor of the resonant system, can characterize variations in density and viscosity in the fluid under study. The results obtained revealed the sensor\'s ability to identify two parameters sensitive to viscosity and two parameters sensitive to density. As a proof of concept, the unfolding of the bovine albumin protein was studied, resulting in a curve that reflects its unfolding kinetics in the presence of urea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen has among its main bioactive compounds saponins, with the phytoestroid β-ecdysone as its chemical marker. In this study, pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), a green extraction technique used to obtain bioactive compounds from plants, was employed to extract beta-ecdysone from P. glomerata leaves, stems, and roots. The 22 factorial design was used with the variables temperature (333 K and 353 K) and flow rate (1.5 and 2 mL min-1), pressure (300 Bar), time (60 min), and solvent [ethanol and distilled water (70:30 (v/v)] were kept constant for all parts of the plant. The results of experimental responses demonstrated that the factors temperature and flow rate significantly interfere with the yields of leaf (0.499%), root (0.65%) and stem (0.764%) extracts. The latter presented presents the highest yield compared to the other parts of the plant. HPLC results showed the presence of beta-ecdysone in all parts of the plant with concentrations of β-ecdysone 86.82, 76.53 and 195.86 mg L-1 to leaf, root and stem, respectively. FT Raman results exhibited typical peaks of beta-ecdysone, such as 3310 cm-1, 1654 cm-1, and 1073 cm-1 for all plant parts. Another interesting result was the presence of the peak at 1460 cm-1 in the PLE root extract can be associated with selenium. This foundational knowledge confirms that the PLE extraction process was efficient in obtaining the chemical marker of Pfaffia glomerata in all plant parts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, several studies have demonstrated the benefits of medicinal plants in managing type 2 diabetes. In this work, we evaluated the beneficial effects of the polyphenolic extract (PESB) from Salvia blancoana subsp. mesatlantica in the management of hypercaloric-feeding and small-dose alloxan-brought type 2 diabetes in rats. We analyzed the chemical constituents of the extract, including flavones and flavonols content, to understand its biological action. The antioxidant activities were evaluated by total antioxidant action, scavenging effect of the free radical DPPH, and reducing power. The obtained results showed that the value of TFC was estimated at 31.90 ± 0.34 mgEQ/g in the PESB extract. The total antioxidant capacity was estimated at 593.51 ± 4.09 mg (EAA)/g, the value of DPPH IC50 was 7.3 ± 0.00 μg/mL, and the value of EC50 of reducing power was estimated at 6.43 ± 0.01 μg/mL. In total, 14 phenolic compounds were identified and the naringin was the most dominant (63.19%) while the vanillin was the less recorded (0.10%). Serum glucose decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in rats given PESB (100 mg/kg) after four weeks. Glibenclamide (GLB) and PESB reduced HbA1c and increased plasma insulin in diabetic rats, restoring HOMA-β and HOMA-IR levels to near-normal. Additionally, diabetic rats treated with GLB or PESB showed statistically equivalent results to those of non-diabetic rats regarding hepatic enzymes, renal and lipid markers, as well as cardiovascular indices. The weight loss was significantly lower in diabetic rats receiving a dose of PESB (100 mg/kg), and GLB compared to corresponding untreated diabetic rats (p < 0.01). PESB and GLB showed a prominent protective function in the pancreas, liver, and kidney tissues. This investigation demonstrates the capacity of extracts from leaves of S. blancoana subsp. mesatlantica to manage diabetes mellitus due to their richness in a wide range of bioactive compounds. Therefore, more investigations are required to estimate the safety of the plant use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth. is a globally spread species, known for its characteristic spectacularly colorful leaves of decorative value. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the plant is used in ethnopharmacology, and it is also regarded as having high medicinal potential. The application of in vitro cultures enables the acquisition of homogeneous certified material of high quality. Additionally, excluding the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on the plants is a way to fully recognize the influence of phytohormones on the plant morphology and the biosynthetic pathways of compound production. The best way to grow C. scutellarioides \"Electric Lime\" under in vitro conditions is to use the basic MS medium (Murashige and Skoog medium), enriched with naphthyl-1-acetic acid at a concentration of 0.5 mg dm-3. The analysis of volatile compounds demonstrated that the content of volatile compounds in the plants cultivated under in vivo conditions was expressed at a level of 2848.59 µg g-1, whereas in the plants bred in vitro without supplementation with phytohormones, the level was 8191.47 µg g-1. The highest content was noted for copaene, α-pinene, 1-octene-3-ol, α-selinene, sabinen, γ- and δ-cadinene, 3-octanol, and β-pinene. Aroma profiling revealed a lack of boranyl acetate, 2-hexenal, and 2-hexen-1-ol in the plants cultivated under in vivo conditions. Differences were found in the volatile composition between plants bred in vivo and in vitro, with the most significant recorded for the contents of 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanol. The addition of plant growth regulators into the basic medium under in vitro conditions affected the percentage ratio and contents of specific compounds in plant tissues. The most intense biosynthesis of volatile compounds took place in the plants cultivated on the medium enriched with NAA at 10,579.11 µg g-1, whereas the least intense was noted for plants cultivated on the medium supplemented with BA, where it was recorded at the level of 5610.02 µg g-1. So far, there has been no research published which would pertain to the profiling of volatile compounds performed using the SPME (solid-phase microextraction) technique. Moreover, the very few studies conducted on the chemical composition of these compounds do not mention the specific variety of C. scutellarioides under analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research regarding meat analogues is mostly based on formulation and process development. Information concerning their safety, shelf life, and long-term nutritional and health effects is limited. This article reviews the existing literature and analyzes potential hazards introduced or modified throughout the processing chain of plant-based meat analogues via extrusion processing, encompassing nutritional, microbiological, chemical, and allergen aspects. It was found that the nutritional value of plant-based raw materials and proteins extracted thereof increases along the processing chain. However, the nutritional value of plant-based meat analogues is lower than that of e.g., animal-based products. Consequently, higher quantities of these products might be needed to achieve a nutritional profile similar to e.g., meat. This could lead to an increased ingestion of undigestible proteins and dietary fiber. Although dietary fibers are known to have many positive health benefits, they present a hazard since their consumption at high concentrations might lead to gastrointestinal reactions. Even though there is plenty of ongoing research on this topic, it is still not clear how the sole absorption of metabolites derived from plant-based products compared with animal-based products ultimately affects human health. Allergens were identified as a hazard since plant-based proteins can induce an allergic reaction, are known to have cross-reactivities with other allergens and cannot be eliminated during the processing of meat analogues. Microbiological hazards, especially the occurrence of spore- and non-spore-forming bacteria, do not represent a particular case if requirements and regulations are met. Lastly, it was concluded that there are still many unknown variables and open questions regarding potential hazards possibly present in meat analogues, including processing-related compounds such as n-nitrosamines, acrylamide, and heterocyclic aromatic amino acids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In myrmecophilous organisms, which live in symbiosis with ants, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) play a pivotal role in interspecific communication and defense against chemical-oriented predators. Although these interactions form complex information webs, little is known about the influence of biotic environmental factors on the CHC profiles of myrmecophiles. Here, we analyzed the effect of different host plants and tending ants on the larval CHC profile of Synargis calyce (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae), a polyphagous species with facultative myrmecophily. Groups of caterpillars were fed individually with three host plant species (without tending ants), and with two tending ant species. Through gas chromatography analysis, we compared the cuticular profiles of treatments and found a high similarity between plants and caterpillars (65-82%), but a low similarity between caterpillars and their tending ants (30 - 25%). Cluster analysis showed that caterpillars, ants, and plants form distinct groups, indicating that S. calyce caterpillars have their own chemical profile. These results are similar to those observed for Lycaenidae caterpillars indicating that there is functional convergence in the chemical strategies used by myrmecophilous caterpillar species with similar ecology. Also, the results suggest that the cuticular compounds of S. calyce are primarily influenced by their host plants rather than their tending ants. Thus, we propose that these caterpillars present a trade-off between camouflage and directly informing their presence to ants, maintaining their unique chemical profile, though slightly affected by biotic environmental factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Siraitia grosvenorii (Swingle) C. Jeffrey (S. grosvenorii), a perennial indigenous liana from the Cucurbitaceae family, has historically played a significant role in southern China\'s traditional remedies for various ailments. Its dual classification by the Chinese Ministry of Health for both medicinal and food utility underscores its has the potential of versatile applications. Recent research has shed light on the chemical composition, pharmacological effects, and toxicity of S. grosvenorii. Its active ingredients include triterpenoids, flavonoids, amino acids, volatile oils, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins, and other microconstituents. Apart from being a natural sweetener, S. grosvenorii has been found to have numerous pharmacological effects, including alleviating cough and phlegm, preventing dental caries, exerting anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, anti-aging and anti-oxidative, hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, anti-depression, anti-fatigue, anti-schizophrenic, anti-Parkinson, anti-fibrotic, and anti-tumor activities. Despite its versatile potential, there is still a lack of systematic research on S. grosvenorii to date. This paper aims to address this gap by providing an overview of the main active components, pharmacological efficacy, toxicity, current status of development and application, development dilemmas, and strategies for intensive exploitation and utilization of S. grosvenorii. This paper aims to serve as a guide for researchers and practitioners committed to exploiting the biological resources of S. grosvenorii and further exploring its interdisciplinary potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Wiswesser Line Notation (WLN) is a old line notation for encoding chemical compounds for storage and processing by computers. Whilst the notation itself has long since been surpassed by SMILES and InChI, distribution of WLN during its active years was extensive. In the context of modernising chemical data, we present a comprehensive WLN parser developed using the OpenBabel toolkit, capable of translating WLN strings into various formats supported by the library. Furthermore, we have devised a specialised Finite State Machine l, constructed from the rules of WLN, enabling the recognition and extraction of chemical strings out of large bodies of text. Available open-access WLN data with corresponding SMILES or InChI notation is rare, however ChEMBL, ChemSpider and PubChem all contain WLN records which were used for conversion scoring. Our investigation revealed a notable proportion of inaccuracies within the database entries, and we have taken steps to rectify these errors whenever feasible.
    UNASSIGNED: Tools for both the extraction and conversion of WLN from chemical documents have been successfully developed. Both the Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) and parser handle the majority of WLN rules officially endorsed in the three major WLN manuals, with the parser showing a clear jump in accuracy and chemical coverage over previous submissions. The GitHub repository can be found here: .





