chemical communication

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research shows that male body odor plays an important role in women\'s mate choice and that olfactory abilities are associated with women\'s sexual functioning. What remains unclear is what types of partner\'s odor actually shape women\'s experience during intimate activities. This study therefore explored women\'s experience associated with the partner\'s various odors and investigated how they affect women\'s intimate and sexual encounters. We performed semi-structured individual interviews with 20 single women and 20 women in a long-term relationship. Thematic analysis revealed four key natural odor types of the partner: body odor, sweat, genital odor, and semen odor. Further, we have identified three main types of fragrance odor (cologne, shower gel, and laundry agents) and investigated their perception in both intimate (hugging, kissing, cuddling, lying side by side) and sexual (intercourse, oral sex, ejaculation) contexts. Both partner\'s natural odor and fragrance affected women\'s emotional state (ranging from pleasant to unpleasant) and behavioral response (ranging from approach to avoidance of partner). Women\'s odor perception was frequently context-dependent, so that even mostly negatively perceived odors (e.g., semen, genital odor) were often accepted as part of sexual encounter. Finally, women\'s perception was negatively modified by partner\'s specific sweat (after workday, workout, or when the partner is ill) during intimate encounters. Our results highlight the complexity and interindividual variability of partner\'s odor perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social animals need to keep track of other individuals in their group to be able to adjust their behaviour accordingly and facilitate group cohesion. This recognition ability varies across species and is influenced by cognitive capacities such as learning and memory. In reptiles, particularly Squamates (lizards, snakes, and worm lizards), chemical communication is pivotal for territoriality, reproduction, and other social interactions. However, the cognitive processes underlying these social interactions remain understudied. In our study, we examined the ability of male and female Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko) to chemically differentiate familiar and unfamiliar mating partners. Our findings suggest that both sexes can make this distinction, with males responding more to the odour of a familiar mate, and females responding more to unfamiliar mates. The lizards maintained their discriminatory abilities for two to three weeks but not up to six weeks after separation. This research highlights the efficacy of using odours as social stimuli for investigating social cognition in lizards, a promising avenue to better understand social cognition in these animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrogenic biofilms, which have attracted considerable attention in simultaneous wastewater treatment and energy recovery in bioelectrochemical systems, are regulated by chemical communication and potassium channel-mediated electrical signaling. However, how these two communication pathways interact with each other has not been thoroughly investigated. This study first explored the roles of chemical communication, including intracellular bis-(3\'-5\')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) and extracellular N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL)-mediated quorum sensing, in electrogenic biofilm formation through an integrated analysis of transcriptomics and metabolomics. Electrical signaling disruption inhibited the formation and electroactivity of Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilm, which was mainly ascribed to the reduction in biofilm viability and extracellular protein/polysaccharide ratio. The upregulation of expression levels of genes encoding c-di-GMP and AHL synthesis by transcriptomic analysis, and the increased secretion of N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone by metabolomic analysis confirmed the enhancement of chemical communication under electrical signaling disruption, thus indicating a compensatory mechanism among different signaling pathways. Furthermore, protein-protein interaction network showed the convergence of different signaling pathways, with c-di-GMP-related genes acting as central bridges. This study highlights the interaction of different signaling pathways, especially the resilience of c-di-GMP signaling to adverse external stresses, thereby laying the foundation for facilitating electrogenic biofilm formation under adverse conditions in practical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory behaviors serve a wide variety of social functions in mammals. Odor may signal information about attributes of individuals important for mating and reproduction. Olfactory behaviors, such as scent-marking, may also function as part of home range or resource defense strategies. We assessed the potential social and home range defense functions of olfactory behavior in a pair-living and sexually monogamous primate, Azara\'s owl monkey (Aotus azarae), in the Argentinian Chaco. This is the most extensive investigation of owl monkey olfactory behaviors in the wild. Individuals regularly performed olfactory behaviors (group mean + SD = 1.3 + 0.5 per hour). The patterns were generally comparable to those observed in studies of captive owl monkeys, except that urine washing was the most common behavior in the wild, as opposed to scent-marking and genital inspections. Most olfactory behaviors were performed by adults, and there were striking sex differences in genital inspections: almost all consisted of an adult male inspecting the paired adult female. These findings suggest that olfactory behaviors play an important role in signaling and coordinating reproduction among owl monkeys, particularly during periods of female conception and pregnancy. Additionally, our research indicates that these behaviors may also serve as a defense strategy for maintaining the core area of their home ranges. This study offers the first assessment of the role of olfactory behaviors in reproductive contexts and home range defense in pair-living, monogamous platyrrhine primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many animals exchange chemicals during courtship and mating. In some amphibians, sexual chemical communication is mediated by pheromones produced in male breeding glands that are transferred to the female\'s nostrils during mating. This has been mostly studied in salamanders, despite frogs having similar glands and courtship behaviours suggestive of chemical communication. In Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae and Aromobatidae), males of many species develop breeding glands in their fingers, causing certain fingers to visibly swell. Many also engage in cephalic amplexus, whereby the male\'s swollen fingers are placed in close contact with the female\'s nares during courtship. Here, we investigate the possible roles of swollen fingers in pheromone production using whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNAseq). We examined differential gene expression in the swollen versus non-swollen fingers and toes of two dendrobatid species, Leucostethus brachistriatus and Epipedobates anthonyi, both of which have specialised mucous glands in finger IV, the latter of which has cephalic amplexus. The overwhelming pattern of gene expression in both species was strong upregulation of sodefrin precursor-like factors (SPFs) in swollen fingers, a well-known pheromone system in salamanders. The differentially expressed SPF transcripts in each species were very high (>40), suggesting a high abundance of putative protein pheromones in both species. Overall, the high expression of SPFs in the swollen fingers in both species, combined with cephalic amplexus, supports the hypothesis that these traits, widespread across members of the subfamilies Colostethinae and Hyloxalinae (ca. 141 species), are involved in chemical signalling during courtship.
    Muchos animales intercambian sustancias químicas durante el cortejo y el apareamiento. En algunos anfibios, la comunicación química sexual está mediada por feromonas producidas en las glándulas reproductoras de los machos que se transfieren a las hembras durante el apareamiento. Esto se ha estudiado sobre todo en salamandras, a pesar de que las ranas tienen glándulas similares y comportamientos de cortejo que sugieren una comunicación química. En las ranas venenosas neotropicales (Dendrobatidae y Aromobatidae), los machos de muchas especies desarrollan glándulas en los dedos, lo que hace que algunos dedos se vean hinchados. Asimismo, varias especies presentan amplexo cefálico, comportamiento de cortejo en el cual los dedos hinchados entran en estrecho contacto con las narinas y boca de la hembra. En este estudio investigamos las posibles funciones de los dedos hinchados en la producción de feromonas mediante la secuenciación del transcriptoma completo (RNAseq). Examinamos la expresión génica diferencial en los dedos hinchados y no hinchados de dos especies de dendrobátidos, Leucostethus brachistriatus y Epipedobates anthonyi, ambos con glándulas mucosas especializadas en el dedo IV, y esta última especie, con amplexo cefálico. El patrón abrumador de expresión génica en ambas especies fue la alta expression de Sodefrin Precursor‐Like Factor (SPF) en los dedos hinchados, un sistema de feromonas ampliamente conocido en las salamandras. El número de transcritos SPF expresados diferencialmente en cada especie fue muy elevado (>40), lo que sugiere una gran abundancia de feromonas proteicas putativas en ambas especies. En general, la elevada expresión de SPF en los dedos hinchados en ambas especies, combinada con el amplexo cefálico, apoya la hipótesis de que estos rasgos, muy extendidos entre los miembros de las subfamilias Colostethinae e Hyloxalinae (aprox 141 especies), están implicados en la señalización química durante el cortejo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some cichlid fishes release urine-containing chemical cues that lower aggression in their opponents. Bioassays to identify the aggression-modulating pheromone include assessing the effect of urine fractions on the behavior towards a mirror image or in interactions with another male. However, many of these methods can be time-consuming and require many fish. The objective of the present study was to assess the behavior of male Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) towards male urine using two methods with the intent of simplifying the bioassays: aggression towards a mirror image (mirror assay) and real opponents in which the urogenital papilla was tied using surgical silk to prevent urination. The results confirm the aggression-reducing effect of dominant male urine in both experimental approaches. Ten minutes of biting or 15 min of tail-beating behaviors in the mirror assay, or 5 min of opercular expansion or 15 min of lateral display in interactions with real opponents were necessary to detect a statistically significant reduction in aggressive behavior towards dominant male urine. We also found that males with subordinate status had lower latency to initiate aggressive behaviors towards the mirror than dominants in the same condition, even though fish had been isolated for 1 week. However, no such differences in latency were found in the real opponent assay. We conclude that 5 min of opercular expansion behavior in real opponent fights or 10 min of biting behavior in the mirror assay are the shortest times necessary to test aggressive behavior in urine fractions in bioassay-guided identification of pheromones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxic puffers accumulate tetrodotoxin (TTX), a well-known neurotoxin, by feeding on TTX-bearing organisms and using it to defend themselves from predators. Our previous studies have demonstrated that toxic puffers are attracted to 5,6,11-trideoxytetrodotoxin (TDT), a nontoxic TTX analog that is simultaneously accumulated with TTX in toxic puffers and their prey. In addition, activity labeling using immunohistochemistry targeting neuronal activity marker suggests that TDT activates crypt olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) of the green spotted puffer. However, it remains to be determined whether individual crypt OSNs can physiologically respond to TDT. By employing electroporation to express GCaMP6s in OSNs, we successfully identified a distinct group of oval OSNs that exhibited a specific calcium response when exposed to TDT in green spotted puffers. These oval OSNs showed no response to amino acids (AAs), which serve as food odor cues for teleosts. Furthermore, oval morphology and surface positioning of TDT-sensitive OSNs in the olfactory epithelium closely resemble that of crypt OSNs. These findings further substantiate that TDT is specifically detected by crypt OSNs in green spotted puffer. The TDT odor may act as a chemoattractant for finding conspecific toxic puffers and for feeding TTX-bearing organisms for effective toxification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sense of smell is an important mediator of health and sociality at all stages of life, yet it has received limited attention in our lineage. Olfaction starts in utero and participates in the establishment of social bonds in children, and of romantic and sexual relationships after puberty. Smell further plays a key role in food assessment and danger avoidance; in modern societies, it also guides our consumer behavior. Sensory abilities typically decrease with age and can be impacted by diseases, with repercussions on health and well-being. Here, we critically review our current understanding of human olfactory communication to refute outdated notions that our sense of smell is of low importance. We provide a summary of the biology of olfaction, give a prospective overview of the importance of the sense of smell throughout the life course, and conclude with an outline of the limitations and future directions in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epidermal club cells (ECCs) are present in many species of teleost fish. In an attempt to justify their presence in the epidermis of fish, they have been associated with numerous functions. One proposed function is communication with conspecifics during a predation event, as these cells may passively release substances upon rupture, which may occur during predation. We identified the presence and distribution of ECCs in the body skin of adult cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956) and analyzed the animal\'s behavioral response to conspecific skin extract in a laboratory setting. The identification and distribution of ECCs in the epidermis of the animals were confirmed by conventional histology and immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrated that: ECCs are present in the skin of the entire body; a high density is observed in the dorsal side from head to tail, in the insertion of the fins and in the epidermis covering them; and ventral distribution is less extensive and more dispersed than dorsal distribution. Treatment of P. axelrodi specimens with skin preparations of conspecifics resulted in behavioral changes in the animals: they showed erratic swimming movements, they showed avoidance of the area of stimulus application and they decreased the time spent moving. Overall, these results allow us to conclude that P. axelrodi possesses ECCs throughout the body, with a greater presence in areas of high exposure to predation events (dorsal area and fins). Animals exposed to conspecific skin extract showed a significant increase in behaviors described as anti-predatory in other species. This supports the hypothesis that ECCs may be the origin of chemical alarm cues that are passively released when skin damage occurs, alerting the rest of the group to the risk of predation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal societies use nestmate recognition to protect against social cheaters and parasites. In most social insect societies, individuals recognize and exclude any non-nestmates and the roles of cuticular hydrocarbons as recognition cues are well documented. Some ambrosia beetles live in cooperatively breeding societies with farmed fungus cultures that are challenging to establish, but of very high value once established. Hence, social cheaters that sneak into a nest without paying the costs of nest foundation may be selected. Therefore, nestmate recognition is also expected to exist in ambrosia beetles, but so far nobody has investigated this behavior and its underlying mechanisms. Here we studied the ability for nestmate recognition in the cooperatively breeding ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus saxesenii, combining behavioural observations and cuticular hydrocarbon analyses. Laboratory nests of X. saxesenii were exposed to foreign adult females from the same population, another population and another species. Survival as well as the behaviours of the foreign female were observed. The behaviours of the receiving individuals were also observed. We expected that increasing genetic distance would cause increasing distance in chemical profiles and increasing levels of behavioural exclusion and possibly mortality. Chemical profiles differed between populations and appeared as variable as in other highly social insects. However, we found only very little evidence for the behavioural exclusion of foreign individuals. Interpopulation donors left nests at a higher rate than control donors, but neither their behaviours nor the behaviours of receiver individuals within the nest showed any response to the foreign individual in either of the treatments. These results suggest that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles might be used for communication and nestmate recognition, but that behavioural exclusion of non-nestmates is either absent in X. saxesenii or that agonistic encounters are so rare or subtle that they could not be detected by our method. Additional studies are needed to investigate this further.





