character evolution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gymnosperms originated in the Middle Devonian and have experienced a long evolutionary history with pulses of speciation and extinction, which resulted in the four morphologically distinct extant groups, i.e., cycads, Ginkgo, conifers and gnetophytes. For over a century, the systematic relationships within the extant gymnosperms have been debated because different authors emphasized different characters. Recent phylogenomic studies of gymnosperms have given a consistent topology, which aligns well with extant gymnosperms classified into three classes, five subclasses, eight orders, and 13 families. Here, we review the historical opinions of systematics of gymnosperms with special reference to several problematic taxa and reconsider the evolution of some key morphological characters previously emphasized by taxonomists within a phylogenomic context. We conclude that (1) cycads contain two families, i.e., the Cycadaceae and the Zamiaceae; (2) Ginkgo is sister to cycads but not to conifers, with the similarities between Ginkgo and conifers being the result of parallel evolution including a monopodial growth pattern, pycnoxylic wood in long shoots, and the compound female cones, and the reproductive similarities between Ginkgo and cycads are either synapomorphic or plesiomorphic, e.g., the boat-shaped pollen, the branched pollen tube, and the flagellate sperms; (3) conifers are paraphyletic with gnetophytes nested within them, thus gnetophytes are derived conifers, and our newly delimited coniferophytes are equivalent to the Pinopsida and include three subclasses, i.e., Pinidae, Gnetidae, and Cupressidae; (4) fleshy cones of conifers originated multiple times, the Podocarpaceae are sister to the Araucariaceae, the Cephalotaxaceae and the Taxaceae comprise a small clade, which is sister to the Cupressaceae; (5) the Cephalotaxaceae are distinct from the Taxaceae, because the former family possesses typical female cones and the fleshy part of the seed is derived from the fleshiness of integument, while the latter family has reduced female cones and preserves no traces of the seed scale complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cypripedioideae (slipper orchids; Orchidaceae) currently consist of ∼200 herbaceous species with a strikingly disjunctive distribution in tropical and temperate regions of both hemispheres. In this study, an updated phylogeny with representatives from all five cypripedioid genera was presented based on maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference of plastome and low-copy nuclear genes. Phylogenomic analyses indicated that each genus is monophyletic, but some relationships (e.g., those among Cypripedium sects. Acaulia, Arietinum, Bifolia, Flabellinervia, Obtusipetala and Palangshanensia) conflict with those in previous studies based on Sanger data. Cypripedioideae appeared to have arisen in South America and/or the adjacent Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Hengduan Mountains ∼35 Mya. We inferred multiple dispersal events between East Asia and North America in Cypripedium, and between mainland Southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago in Paphiopedilum. In the Americas, divergences among four genera (except Cypripedium) occurred around 31-20 Mya, long before the closure of the Isthmus of Panama, indicating the importance of long-distance dispersal. Evolutionary patterns between morphological and plastome character evolution suggested several traits, genome size and NDH genes, which are likely to have contributed to the success of slipper orchids in alpine floras and low-elevation forests. Species diversification rates were notably higher in epiphytic clades of Paphiopedilum than in other, terrestrial cypripedioids, paralleling similar accelerations associated with epiphytism in other groups. This study also suggested that sea-level fluctuations and mountain-building processes promoted the diversification of the largest genera, Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cycad is a key lineage to understand the early evolution of seed plants and their response to past environmental changes. However, tracing the evolutionary trajectory of cycad species is challenging when the robust relationships at inter- or infrageneric level are not well resolved.
    METHODS: Here, using 2,901 single-copy nuclear genes, we explored the species relationships and gene flow within the second largest genus of cycads, i.e., Zamia, based on phylotranscriptomic analyses of 90% extant Zamia species. Based on a well-resolved phylogenetic framework, we performed gene flow analyses, molecular dating, and biogeographical reconstruction to examine the spatiotemporal evolution of Zamia. We also performed ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) of a total of 62 traits of the genus to comprehensively investigate its morphological evolution.
    RESULTS: Zamia is comprised of seven major clades corresponding to seven distinct distribution areas in the Americas, with at least three reticulation nodes revealed in this genus. Extant lineages of Zamia initially diversified around 18.4-32.6 (29.14) million years ago (MA) in the Mega-Mexico, and then expanded eastward into the Caribbean and southward into Central and South America. ASR revealed homoplasy in most of the morphological characters.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed congruent phylogenetic relationships from comparative methods/datasets, with some conflicts being the result of incomplete lineage sorting and ancient/recent hybridization events. The strong association between the clades and the biogeographic areas suggested that ancient dispersal events shaped the modern distribution pattern, and regional climatic factors may have resulted in the following in-situ diversification. Climate cooling starting during the mid Miocene is associated with the global expansion of Zamia to the tropical South America that have dramatically driven lineage diversification in the New World flora, as well as the extinction of cycad species in the nowadays cooler regions of both hemispheres as indicated by the fossil records.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dinoflagellates are diverse and ecologically important protists characterized by many morphological and molecular traits that set them apart from other eukaryotes. These features include, but are not limited to, massive genomes organized using bacterially-derived histone-like proteins (HLPs) and dinoflagellate viral nucleoproteins (DVNP) rather than histones, and a complex history of photobiology with many independent losses of photosynthesis, numerous cases of serial secondary and tertiary plastid gains, and the presence of horizontally acquired bacterial rhodopsins and type II RuBisCo. Elucidating how this all evolved depends on knowing the phylogenetic relationships between dinoflagellate lineages. Half of these species are heterotrophic, but existing molecular data is strongly biased toward the photosynthetic dinoflagellates due to their amenability to cultivation and prevalence in culture collections. These biases make it impossible to interpret the evolution of photosynthesis, but may also affect phylogenetic inferences that impact our understanding of character evolution. Here, we address this problem by isolating individual cells from the Salish Sea and using single cell, culture-free transcriptomics to expand molecular data for dinoflagellates to include 27 more heterotrophic taxa, resulting in a roughly balanced representation. Using these data, we performed a comprehensive search for proteins involved in chromatin packaging, plastid function, and photoactivity across all dinoflagellates. These searches reveal that 1) photosynthesis was lost at least 21 times, 2) two known types of HLP were horizontally acquired around the same time rather than sequentially as previously thought; 3) multiple rhodopsins are present across the dinoflagellates, acquired multiple times from different donors; 4) kleptoplastic species have nucleus-encoded genes for proteins targeted to their temporary plastids and they are derived from multiple lineages, and 5) warnowiids are the only heterotrophs that retain a whole photosystem, although some photosynthesis-related electron transport genes are widely retained in heterotrophs, likely as part of the iron-sulfur cluster pathway that persists in non-photosynthetic plastids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The atlas and axis are the first two vertebrae from the cervical series; these two vertebrae are responsible for neck flexion, extension, and rotation movements, while providing insertion points for muscles and tendons. Amphisbaenia is a group of fossorial squamates known for having four distinctive head shapes, which are related to different excavation methods. However, little is known about the relationship between these different digging patterns and the anatomy and evolution of the atlantoaxial complex. In this study, we used computed microtomography data to describe in detail of the atlantoaxial complex for 15 species, belonging to all six current families of Amphisbaenia. Furthermore, we evaluate evolutionary scenarios of selected characters related to the atlantoaxial complex in the most recent phylogeny for Amphisbaenia, using the criteria of parsimony and maximum likelihood. Our results indicate that the evolutionary pattern of the atlantoaxial complex presents a diversification in its morphology that is not always correlated with the shape of the head. This analysis reinforces the hypothesis of remarkable morphological convergences in the evolutionary history of Amphisbaenia. Additionally, some of the characters studied may represent independent evolution through convergence in some cases (e.g., horizontal axis of the neural column) and parallelism in others (e.g., present or absent from the transverse process).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beetles, despite their remarkable biodiversity and a long history of research, remain lacking in reference genomes annotated with structural variations in loci of adaptive significance. We sequenced and assembled high-quality chromosome-level genomes of four Hercules beetles which exhibit divergence in male horn size and shape and body colouration. The four Hercules beetle genomes were assembled to 11 pseudo-chromosomes, where the three genomes assembled using Nanopore data (Dynastes grantii, D. hyllus and D. tityus) were mapped to the genome assembled using PacBio + Hi-C data (D. maya). We demonstrated a striking similarity in genome structure among the four species. This conservative genome structure may be attributed to our use of the D. maya assembly as the reference; however, it is worth noting that such a conservative genome structure is a recurring phenomenon among scarab beetles. We further identified homologues of nine and three candidate-gene families that may be associated with the evolution of horn structure and body colouration respectively. Structural variations in Scr and Ebony2 were detected and discussed for their putative impacts on generating morphological diversity in beetles. We also reconstructed the demographic histories of the four Hercules beetles using heterozygosity information from the diploid genomes. We found that the demographic histories of the beetles closely recapitulated historical changes in suitable forest habitats driven by climate shifts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Gynoxyoid clade of the Senecioneae (Asteraceae) until now included the five genera Aequatorium, Gynoxys, Nordenstamia, Paracalia and Paragynoxys as diagnosed using selected morphological characters. In their pre-phylogenetic circumscription, the genera Aequatorium and Paragynoxys were considered to inhabit the northern Andes in contrast to Nordenstamia and Paracalia that occur in the central Andes. The most species-rich genus, Gynoxys, was believed to be distributed throughout the Andes. We use a recently established plastid phylogenomic framework that rendered Gynoxys paraphyletic to further evaluate the delimitation of genera in the Gynoxyoid clade. We examine the morphological variation of all members of the Gynoxyoid to identify characters potentially informative at genus level. This results in a matrix of eleven, mostly multistate characters, including those originally used to diagnose these genera. The ancestral character state inference displays a high level of homoplasy, but nevertheless supports the recognition of four genera. Aequatorium is characterised by white radiate capitula. Paracalia and Paragynoxys share white flowers and floral characteristics, such as flower opening and length of disc flowers lobes, as plesiomorphic states, but differ in habit (scandent shrubs vs. trees). Paracalia also retained white flowers, but its two species are characterised by the absence of outer phyllaries. The genera Gynoxys and Nordenstamia comprise species with yellow capitula which appear to be a derived feature in the Gynoxyoids. The genus Nordenstamia, with eight species, is synonymised under Gynoxys since molecular evidence shows its species nested within various parts of the Gynoxys subclade and the morphological variation of Nordenstamia falls well within that of Gynoxys. With the goal to assign all species to four genera (Aequatorium, Gynoxys, Paracalia and Paragynoxys), we assess the states for the eleven characters for all members of the Gynoxyoids and generate new ETS and ITS sequences for 171 specimens belonging to 49 species to further support their generic placement. We provide a taxonomic treatment for the four genera recognised here including amended diagnoses and morphological descriptions. Furthermore, a species-level taxonomic backbone is elaborated for all genera using electronic tools that list 158 currently accepted names and synonyms (209 names in total) with the respective protologue and type information, as well as notes on the current understanding of species limits. Eleven names are newly synonymised, two are lectotypified and eight are newly transferred to other genera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Activity pattern has played a prominent role in discussions of primate evolutionary history. Most primates are either diurnal or nocturnal, but a small number are active both diurnally and nocturnally. This pattern-cathemerality-also occurs at low frequency across mammals. Using a large sample of mammalian species, this study evaluates two macroevolutionary hypotheses proposed to explain why cathemerality is less common than diurnality and nocturnality: 1) that cathemeral lineages have higher extinction probabilities (differential diversification) and 2) that transitions out of cathemerality are more frequent, making it a less persistent state (differential state persistence). Rates of speciation, extinction, and transition between character states were estimated using hidden-rates models applied to a phylogenetic tree containing 3013 mammals classified by activity pattern. The models failed to detect consistent differences in diversification dynamics among activity patterns, but there is strong support for differential state persistence. Transition rates out of cathemerality tend to be much higher than transition rates out of nocturnality. Transition rates out of diurnality are similar to those for cathemerality in most clades, with two important exceptions: diurnality is unusually persistent in anthropoid primates and sciurid rodents. These two groups combine very low rates of transition out of diurnality with high speciation rates. This combination has no parallels among cathemeral lineages, explaining why diurnality has become more common than cathemerality in mammals. Similarly, the combination of rates found in anthropoids is sufficient to explain the low relative frequency of cathemerality in primates, making it unnecessary to appeal to high extinction probabilities in cathemeral lineages in this clade. These findings support the hypothesis that the distribution of activity patterns across mammals has been influenced primarily by differential state persistence, whereas the effect of differential diversification appears to have been more idiosyncratic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A current argument in the CAM biology literature has focused on the nature of the CAM evolutionary trajectory: whether there is a smooth continuum of phenotypes between plants with C3 and CAM photosynthesis or whether there are discrete steps of phenotypic evolutionary change such as has been modelled for the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. A further implication is that a smooth continuum would increase the evolvability of CAM, whereas discrete changes would make the evolutionary transition from C3 to CAM more difficult.
    In this essay, I attempt to reconcile these two viewpoints, because I think in many ways this is a false dichotomy that is constraining progress in understanding how both CAM and C4 evolved. In reality, the phenotypic space connecting C3 species and strong CAM/C4 species is both a continuum of variably expressed quantitative traits and yet also contains certain combinations of traits that we are able to identify as discrete, recognizable phenotypes. In this sense, the evolutionary mechanics of CAM origination are no different from those of C4 photosynthesis, nor from the evolution of any other complex trait assemblage.
    To make progress, we must embrace the concept of discrete phenotypic phases of CAM evolution, because their delineation will force us to articulate what aspects of phenotypic variation we think are significant. There are some current phenotypic gaps that are limiting our ability to build a complete CAM evolutionary model: the first is how a rudimentary CAM biochemical cycle becomes established, and the second is how the \'accessory\' CAM cycle in C3+CAM plants is recruited into a primary metabolism. The connections to the C3 phenotype we are looking for are potentially found in the behaviour of C3 plants when undergoing physiological stress - behaviour that, strangely enough, remains essentially unexplored in this context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Corydalis, with ca. 530 species, has long been considered taxonomically challenging because of its great variability. Previous molecular analyses, based on a few molecular markers and incomplete taxonomic sampling, were clearly inadequate to delimit sections and subgenera. We have performed phylogenetic analyses of Corydalis and related taxa, using 65 shared protein-coding plastid genes from 313 accessions (including 280 samples of ca. 226 species of Corydalis) and 152 universal low-copy nuclear genes from 296 accessions (including 271 samples of Corydalis) covering all 42 previously recognized sections and five independent \"series\". Phylogenetic trees were inferred using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood. Eight selected morphological characters were estimated using ancestral state reconstructions. Results include: (i) of the three subgenera of Corydalis, two are fully supported by both the plastid and nuclear data; the third, subg. Cremnocapnos, is weakly supported by plastid DNA only, whereas in the nuclear data the two included sections form successive outgroups to the rest of the genus; (ii) among all 42 sections and five \"series\", 25 sections and one \"series\" are resolved as monophyletic in both data sets; (iii) the common ancestor of Corydalis is likely to be a perennial plant with a taproot, yellow flowers with a short saccate spur, linear fruits with recurved fruiting pedicels, and seeds with elaiosomes; (iv) we provide a new classification of Corydalis with four subgenera (of which subg. Bipapillatae is here newly described), 39 sections, 16 of which are consistent with the previous classification, 16 sections have been recircumscribed, one section has been reinstated and six new sections are established. Characters associated with lifespan, underground structures, floral spur, fruit and elaiosomes are important for the recognition of subgenera and sections. These new phylogenetic analyses combined with ancestral character reconstructions uncovered previously unrecognized relationships, and greatly improved our understanding of the evolution of the genus.





