cervical pregnancy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cervical ectopic pregnancy is one of the rarest types of pregnancy, representing less than 1 % of ectopic pregnancies. We report the case of minimally invasive management of a voluminous cervical ectopic pregnancy at 9 weeks gestation using uterine artery embolization and in situ methotrexate. During follow-up, we encountered no hemorrhagic complications, while β-hCG values returned to normal by Day 104 and the uterine cavity fully recovered within 6 months. Additionally, we present a review of the literature on this topic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cervical ectopic pregnancy is a relatively rare type of ectopic pregnancy and has no standardized guidelines for management.
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic review is based on the collection of case reports, published in PubMed/MEDLINE about the resolution of ectopic cervical pregnancies over the last decade and the presentation of a case managed in our healthcare unit. Studies involving cervical pregnancy in the first trimester with the presence of a viable embryo and β-hCG in the serum below 100.000 mIU/mL were included, while heterotopic pregnancies were excluded.
    UNASSIGNED: Nineteen articles reporting twenty-three case reports are demonstrated explicitly emphasizing on the management techniques. There is no established approach for the management of this type of ectopic pregnancy.
    UNASSIGNED: It is important to consider the conservative approaches as first-line treatment in all cases of cervical pregnancy preserving fertility. Minimally invasive methods are also described and preferred as second-line treatment, as reported in our literature review.
    UNASSIGNED: Gimdos kaklelio negimdinis nėštumas yra palyginti retas negimdinio nėštumo tipas, kuriam nėra standartizuotų gydymo gairių.
    UNASSIGNED: Ši sisteminė apžvalga paremta PubMed/MEDLINE publikuotų atvejų aprašymų apie negimdinio gimdos kaklelio nėštumo sprendimą per pastarąjį dešimtmetį rinkiniu ir mūsų sveikatos priežiūros skyriuje tvarkyto atvejo pristatymu. Buvo įtraukti tyrimai, susiję su gimdos kaklelio nėštumu pirmąjį trimestrą, kai yra gyvybingas embrionas ir β-hCG serume yra mažesnis nei 100 000 mIU/ml, o heterotopinis nėštumas nebuvo įtrauktas.
    UNASSIGNED: Įvertinti devyniolika straipsnių, kuriuose pateikti dvidešimt trijų atvejų aprašymai, kuriuose aiškiai pabrėžiami gydymo metodai. Nėra nusistovėjusio šio tipo negimdinio nėštumo gydymo metodo.
    UNASSIGNED: Svarbu, kad visais vaisingumą išsaugančio gimdos kaklelio nėštumo atvejais konservatyvūs metodai būtų laikomi pirmos eilės gydymo metodais. Minimaliai invaziniai metodai taip pat aprašyti ir jiems teikiama pirmenybė kaip antros eilės gydymui, kaip nurodyta mūsų literatūros apžvalgoje.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cervical ectopic pregnancy is the rarest kind of ectopic pregnancy, and it is known as the implantation of an embryo into the cervical mucosa. It is commonly associated with complications such as hemorrhage from the cervix and can lead to severe consequences if it is not treated early. For this reason, the treatment for a cervical pregnancy often requires an abdominal hysterectomy. To avoid such radical management, several conservative methods of termination have been used. In this paper, we report a complex management of one of our ectopic cervical cases, which includes embolization of the uterine arteries, treatment with methotrexate and mifepristone, evacuation of the pregnancy followed by local hemostatic sutures and application of a balloon in the cervix. The post-operative period was uneventful. After a three-day postoperative stay, the patient was discharged. The management options employed in the presented case achieved the goal of preserving fertility for our patient. There are no specific guidelines for the treatment of cervical pregnancies in advanced gestational age.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cervical ectopic pregnancies (CEPs) are rare and life-threatening diagnoses. Risk factors have been associated with CEPs, yet their etiology and pathogenesis remain unknown. Timely intervention is vital for successful outcomes, yet it is challenged as there is no standardized approach to treatment. We present the case of a 42-year-old woman diagnosed with CEP following five weeks and one day of amenorrhea. The patient was treated with a two-dose regimen of intramuscular methotrexate (MTX) but failed to respond. Ultrasound-guided intrasac MTX injection was considered a secondary treatment. However, spontaneous expulsion was observed after administering lidocaine at different cervical points. Hydrodissection following systemic MTX could present a novel alternative for treating CEP. Expulsion of pregnancy after hydrodissection could be associated with tissue necrosis and/or destabilized implantation of pregnancy, secondary to the effects of MTX. Further research is vital for evaluating the underlying mechanisms for expulsion and the role of hydrodissection following MTX in treating CEP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ectopic pregnancies include cesarean scar (CSP), cornual and cervical pregnancies. Various treatment modalities have been- described, but no standardized procedure has been defined so far. The aim of our analysis was to evaluate the diagnostics and treatment at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, LMU University Hospital, Munich.
    METHODS: In this retrospective, single-center analysis, 24 patients treated between 2015 and 2020 were analyzed. After verification of the diagnosis by imaging and HCG-analysis, the treatment was individually determined: therapy with methotrexate (MTX) locally with or without simultaneous systemic treatment, surgical treatment via curettage, excision with uterine reconstruction even hemi hysterectomy.
    RESULTS: Ten patients presented with CSP, six with cervical and eight with cornual pregnancies. Median age was 34.6 years. CSP was treated with local MTX in six cases; five required additional treatment with systemic MTX or curettage. Primary curettage or surgery was performed in four cases. In cervical pregnancies the primary therapy with local MTX injection and systemic treatment was performed in 50%. One patient was treated with MTX and insertion of a Bakri balloon. Trachelectomy was required in one case. 50% of cornual pregnancies were treated with MTX locally and intramuscularly and 50% received surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Treatment strategies were based on the patient\'s individual risk parameters. The results of this study show, that simultaneous treatment with local and systemic MTX had good outcomes and could avoid surgeries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    With an incidence of 1% of all ectopic pregnancies, cervical ectopic pregnancy (CEP) is due to possible early misdiagnosis or bleeding and rupture can become a life-threatening condition with the need for urgent hysterectomy, which has been seen in clinical practice recently. We present a case of early diagnosed invasive CEP treated with combined minimally invasive procedure (MIP) due to acute pelvic pain and bleeding. In our case, we applied several of these methods to a primigravida with early invasive CEP with fertility preservation. By combining the self-described local medications with uterotonics and cervical anaemia treatment, intravenous tranexamic acid and MIP, we were able to preserve the uterus with minimal blood loss and the possibility of future conception.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The current standard treatment for placenta accreta is a hysterectomy, which carries a significant risk of hemorrhage. Although prophylactic uterine artery embolization (UAE) is established as an effective means of minimizing perioperative bleeding, there are few reports of its use early in pregnancy with invasive placenta. A 45-year-old woman, gravida 6, para 1, at 11 weeks of gestation presented with heavy, painless uterine bleeding and was diagnosed with a spontaneous abortion complicated by cervical pregnancy and placenta accreta. The patient underwent bilateral UAE followed by gravid hysterectomy. This case report encourages prophylactic UAE prior to abdominal hysterectomy in patients with early gestational cervical pregnancy and placenta accreta to minimize blood loss during surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the efficacy and safety of different treatment options for cervical pregnancy (CP).
    A total of 74 patients diagnosed with CP at Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital between January 2016 and September 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 31 were treated with uterine artery embolization (UAE) followed by hysteroscopic curettage, 34 were treated with hysteroscopic curettage alone, and nine were treated with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) followed by hysteroscopic curettage. Medical records and pregnancy outcomes were analyzed.
    There were no significant differences in age, gravidity, parity, abortion, or preoperative hemoglobin levels among the patients in the three groups; however, significant differences in gestational age, gestational sac diameter, preoperative β-hCG, and presence of cardiac pulsation were observed (p < 0.05). After treatment, there was no conversion to laparotomy, and the uterus was preserved in all patients. Significant differences in blood loss during curettage, hospitalization costs, hospital days, menstrual recovery interval, β-hCG decline rates, retained products of conception, and intrauterine adhesions rate among the three groups were observed (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the placement of the uterine Foley balloon, effective curettage rate, pre-and postoperative hemoglobin decline, live birth rate, or proportion of subsequent pregnancies among the three groups.
    Our results showed that hysteroscopic curettage, HIFU, and UAE followed by hysteroscopic curettage are safe and effective for treating patients with CP. Compared with the UAE, HIFU has the advantages of lower hospitalization costs, shorter hospital stays, and shorter menstrual recovery intervals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nontubal ectopic pregnancies occur as a result of embryo implantation outside the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. Sites include ovary, cervix, abdominal cavity, interstitial portion of fallopian tube, and cesarean scar. Nontubal pregnancies are uncommon. Nonspecific signs and symptoms of nontubal ectopic pregnancies make diagnosis challenging and, in many cases, significantly delayed, resulting in a high rate of morbidity. Although surgical management remains the mainstay of treatment, there is growing evidence that some of these can be managed medically or with the use of a combination of medical and surgical approaches with good outcome. This review summarizes the current diagnostic modalities, therapeutic options, and outcomes for nontubal ectopic pregnancies. Diagnostic and management options may be limited, especially in resource-restricted settings. Therefore, an understanding of the available options is critical. It needs to be emphasized that the rarity of cases and the difficulties in organizing ethically justified randomized trials result in the lack of well-established management guidelines for nontubal ectopic pregnancies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cervical pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy. The management of cervical pregnancy is challenging because of the rarity of the condition, late presentation, which is associated with increased risk of failed medical treatment, and excessive post-evacuation bleeding that may require hysterectomy. There is no good evidence in the literature regarding the pharmacological management of living cervical ectopic pregnancy of more than 9 + 0 weeks of gestation, and there is no standard protocol on methotrexate doses in these cases.
    METHODS: We present this case to describe a concomitant medical and surgical management of a living 11 + 5 weeks cervical pregnancy. The initial beta-human chorionic gonadotropins (ß-hCG) serum level was 108,730 IU/L. The patient received 60 mg of methotrexate intra-amniotically followed by another dose of 60 mg of methotrexate intramuscularly 24 h later. Fetal heartbeats stopped on day 03. On day 07, the ß-hCG was 37,397 IU/L. On day 13, the patient had evacuation of the remaining products of conception with the insertion of an intracervical Foley catheter to minimize the bleeding. On day 34, the ß-hCG was negative.
    CONCLUSIONS: The concomitant use of methotrexate to induce fetal demise along with surgical evacuation may be considered in the management of advanced cervical pregnancy to avoid excessive blood loss, and ultimately hysterectomy.





