
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second stage of labor extends from complete cervical dilatation to delivery. During this stage, descent and rotation of the presenting part occur as the fetus passively negotiates its passage through the birth canal. Generally, descent begins during the deceleration phase of dilatation as the cervix is drawn upward around the fetal presenting part. The most common means of assessing the normality of the second stage of labor is to measure its duration, but progress can be more meaningfully gauged by measuring the change in fetal station as a function of time. Accurate clinical identification and evaluation of differences in patterns of fetal descent are necessary to assess second stage of labor progress and to make reasoned judgments about the need for intervention. Three distinct graphic abnormalities of the second stage of labor can be identified: protracted descent, arrest of descent, and failure of descent. All abnormalities have a strong association with cephalopelvic disproportion but may also occur in the presence of maternal obesity, uterine infection, excessive sedation, and fetal malpositions. Interpretation of the progress of fetal descent must be made in the context of other clinically discernable events and observations. These include fetal size, position, attitude, and degree of cranial molding and related evaluations of pelvic architecture and capacity to accommodate the fetus, uterine contractility, and fetal well-being. Oxytocin infusion can often resolve an arrest or failure of descent or a protracted descent caused by an inhibitory factor, such as a dense neuraxial block. It should be used only if thorough assessment of fetopelvic relationships reveals a low probability of cephalopelvic disproportion. The value of forced Valsalva pushing, fundal pressure, and routine episiotomy has been questioned. They should be used selectively and where indicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During labor mother and fetus are evaluated at intervals to assess their well-being and determine how the labor is progressing. These assessments require skillful physical diagnosis and the ability to translate the acquired information into meaningful prognostic decision-making. We describe a coordinated approach to the assessment of labor. Graphing of serial measurements of cervical dilatation and fetal station creates \"labor curves,\" which provide diagnostic and prognostic information. Based on these curves we recognize nine discrete labor abnormalities. Many may be related to insufficient or disordered contractile mechanisms. Several factors are strongly associated with development of labor disorders, including cephalopelvic disproportion, excess analgesia, fetal malpositions, intrauterine infection, and maternal obesity. Clinical cephalopelvimetry involves assessing pelvic traits and predicting their effects on labor. These observations must be integrated with information derived from the labor curves. Exogenous oxytocin is widely used. It has a high therapeutic index, but is easily misused. Oxytocin treatment should be restricted to situations in which its potential benefits clearly outweigh its risks. This requires there be a documented labor dysfunction or a legitimate medical reason to shorten the labor. Normal labor and delivery pose little risk to a healthy fetus; but dysfunctional labors, especially if stimulated excessively by oxytocin or terminated by complex operative vaginal delivery, have the potential for considerable harm. Conscientiously implemented, the approach to the evaluation of labor outlined in this review will result in a reasonable cesarean rate and minimize risks that may accrue from the labor and delivery process.





