cell geometry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the formation of new walls during plant cell division tends to follow maximal tensile stress direction, analyses of individual cells over time reveal a much more variable behavior. The origin of such variability as well as the exact role of interphasic microtubule behavior before cell division have remained mysterious so far. To approach this question, we took advantage of the Arabidopsis stem, where the tensile stress pattern is both highly anisotropic and stable. Although cortical microtubules (CMTs) generally align with maximal tensile stress, we detected a specific time window, ca. 3 h before cell division, where cells form a radial pattern of CMTs. This microtubule array organization preceded preprophase band (PPB) formation, a transient CMT array predicting the position of the future division plane. It was observed under different growth conditions and was not related to cell geometry or polar auxin transport. Interestingly, this cortical radial pattern correlated with the well-documented increase of cytoplasmic microtubule accumulation before cell division. This radial organization was prolonged in cells of the trm678 mutant, where CMTs are unable to form a PPB. Whereas division plane orientation in trm678 is noisier, we found that cell division symmetry was in contrast less variable between daughter cells. We propose that this \"radial step\" reflects a trade-off in robustness for two essential cell division attributes: symmetry and orientation. This involves a \"reset\" stage in G2, where an increased cytoplasmic microtubule accumulation transiently disrupts CMT alignment with tissue stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant movements for survival are nontrivial. Antheridia in the moss Physcomitrium patens (P. patens) use motion to eject sperm in the presence of water. However, the biological and mechanical mechanisms that actuate the process are unknown. Here, the burst of the antheridium of P. patens, triggered by water, results from elastic instability and is determined by an asymmetric change in cell geometry. The tension generated in jacket cell walls of antheridium arises from turgor pressure, and is further promoted when the inner walls of apex burst in hydration, causing water and cellular contents of apex quickly influx into sperm chamber. The outer walls of the jacket cells are strengthened by NAC transcription factor VNS4 and serve as key morphomechanical innovations to store hydrostatic energy in a confined space in P. patens. However, the antheridium in liverwort Marchantia polymorpha (M. polymorpha) adopts a different strategy for sperm release; like jacket cell outer walls of P. patens, the cells surrounding the antheridium of M. polymorpha appear to play a similar role in the storage of energy. Collectively, the work shows that plants have evolved different ingenious devices for sperm discharge and that morphological innovations can differ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells sense mechanical signals from the surrounding environment and transmit them to the nucleus through mechanotransduction to regulate cellular behavior. Microcontact printing, which utilizes elastomer stamps, is an effective method for simulating the cellular microenvironment and manipulating cell morphology. However, the conventional fabrication process of silicon masters and elastomer stamps requires complex procedures and specialized equipment, which restricts the widespread application of micropatterning in cell biology and hinders the investigation of the role of cell geometry in regulating cell behavior. In this study, we present an innovative method for convenient resin stamp microfabrication based on digital micromirror device planar lithography. Using this method, we generated a series of patterns ranging from millimeter to micrometer scales and validated their effectiveness in controlling adhesion at both collective and individual cell levels. Additionally, we investigated mechanotransduction and cell behavior on elongated micropatterned substrates. We then examined the effects of cell elongation on cytoskeleton organization, nuclear deformation, focal adhesion formation, traction force generation, nuclear mechanics, and the growth of HeLa cells. Our findings reveal a positive correlation between cell length and mechanotransduction. Interestingly, HeLa cells with moderate length exhibit the highest cell division and proliferation rates. These results highlight the regulatory role of cell elongation in mechanotransduction and its significant impact on cancer cell growth. Furthermore, our methodology for controlling cell adhesion holds the potential for addressing fundamental questions in both cell biology and biomedical engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The geometric shape of a cell is strongly influenced by the cytoskeleton, which, in turn, is regulated by integrin-mediated cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. To investigate the mechanical role of integrin in the geometrical interplay between cells and the ECM, we proposed a single-cell micropatterning technique combined with molecular tension fluorescence microscopy (MTFM), which allows us to characterize the mechanical properties of cells with prescribed geometries. Our results show that the curvature is a key geometric cue for cells to differentiate shapes in a membrane-tension- and actomyosin-dependent manner. Specifically, curvatures affect the size of focal adhesions (FAs) and induce a curvature-dependent density and spatial distribution of strong integrins. In addition, we found that the integrin subunit β1 plays a critical role in the detection of geometric information. Overall, the integration of MTFM and single-cell micropatterning offers a robust approach for investigating the nexus between mechanical cues and cellular responses, holding potential for advancing our understanding of mechanobiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The self-organization of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into organized tissues with three distinct germ layers is critical to morphogenesis and early development. While the regulation of this self-organization by soluble signals is well established, the involvement of mechanical force gradients in this process remains unclear due to the lack of a suitable platform to study this process. In this study, we developed a 3D microenvironment to examine the influence of mechanical tension gradients on ESC-patterned differentiation during morphogenesis by controlling the geometrical signals (shape and size) of ESC colonies. We found that changes in colony geometry impacted the germ layer pattern, with Cdx2-positive cells being more abundant at edges and in areas with high curvatures. The differentiation patterns were determined by geometry-mediated cell tension gradients, with an extraembryonic mesoderm-like layer forming in high-tension regions and ectodermal-like lineages at low-tension regions in the center. Suppression of cytoskeletal tension hindered ESC self-organization. These results indicate that geometric confinement-mediated mechanical tension plays a crucial role in linking multicellular organization to cell differentiation and impacting tissue patterning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer cell migration between different body parts is the driving force behind cancer metastasis, which is the main cause of mortality of patients. Migration of cancer cells often proceeds by penetration through narrow cavities in locally stiff, yet flexible tissues. In our previous work, we developed a model for cell geometry evolution during invasion, which we extend here to investigate whether leader and follower (cancer) cells that only interact mechanically can benefit from sequential transmigration through narrow micro-channels and cavities. We consider two cases of cells sequentially migrating through a flexible channel: leader and follower cells being closely adjacent or distant. Using Wilcoxon\'s signed-rank test on the data collected from Monte Carlo simulations, we conclude that the modelled transmigration speed for the follower cell is significantly larger than for the leader cell when cells are distant, i.e. follower cells transmigrate after the leader has completed the crossing. Furthermore, it appears that there exists an optimum with respect to the width of the channel such that cell moves fastest. On the other hand, in the case of closely adjacent cells, effectively performing collective migration, the leader cell moves 12% faster since the follower cell pushes it. This work shows that mechanical interactions between cells can increase the net transmigration speed of cancer cells, resulting in increased invasiveness. In other words, interaction between cancer cells can accelerate metastatic invasion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytoplankton communities from pelagic systems were assessed to explore the potential of using commonly used traits (such as cell geometry and taxa) as ecological function indicators from the data generated during the winter monsoon in the eastern Arabian Sea (AS). Altogether, data from two oceanic, i.e., convective mixing influenced non-oligotrophic northeastern-AS (NEAS-O) and Rossby wave-influenced oligotrophic southeastern-AS (SEAS-O) and one coastal (NEAS-C) cruises were utilized to decipher the ecological inferences. Overall phytoplankton shapes showed a high level of redundancy by selecting only a few dominant shapes (5 of 22 shapes), though taxonomic diversity was rich (164 species). The taxonomic and morphological approach adopted revealed high species and shape diversity in NEAS-O than in high-abundance NEAS-C and low-abundance SEAS-O. Also, the shape diversity and dominant shapes (cylinder, elliptic-prism, and prism-on-parallelogram) remained the same in oceans than NEAS-C where combined (cylinder + 2 half-sphere) and simple (elliptic-prism) shapes dominated. Additionally, the Rossby-wave front and its reminiscence in SEAS-O and sea-surface-temperature fronts in NEAS-C favored simple and combine shaped phytoplankton, respectively. The morphological properties assessment revealed that the dominant shapes adapted the strategy to conserve the optimal surface-to-volume ratio (S:V) irrespective of changes in greatest-axial-linear-dimension (GALD) in NEAS-O and SEAS-O but not in NEAS-C. However, the dominant shapes in the NEAS-O and SEAS-O opted for high S:V with low GALD and low S:V with high GALD, respectively, while high S:V with no relation with GALD in NEAS-C suggests the prevalence of different adaptive strategies to cope with the respective hydrographic conditions, particularly nutrient availability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Recent experimental data support the view that signaling activity at the membrane depends on its geometric parameters such as surface area and curvature. However, a mathematical, biophysical concept linking shape to receptor signaling is missing. The membranes of cardiomyocytes are constantly reshaped due to cycles of contraction and relaxation. According to constant-volume behavior of cardiomyocyte contraction, the length shortening is compensated by Z-disc myofilament lattice expansion and dynamic deformation of membrane between two adjacent Z-discs. Both morphological changes are strongly dependent on the frequency of contraction. Here, we developed the hypothesis that dynamic geometry of cardiomyocytes could be important for their plasticity and signaling. This effect may depend on the frequency of the beating heart and may represent a novel concept to explain how changes in frequency affect cardiac signaling. Methods: This hypothesis is almost impossible to answer with experiments, as the in-vitro cardiomyocytes are almost two-dimensional and flattened rather than being in their real in-vivo shape. Therefore, we designed a COMSOL multiphysics program to mathematically model the dynamic geometry of a human cardiomyocyte and explore whether the beating frequency can modulate membrane signal transduction. Src kinase is an important component of cardiac mechanotransduction. We first presented that Src mainly localizes at costameres. Then, the frequency-dependent signaling effect was studied mathematically by numerical simulation of Src-mediated PDGFR signaling pathway. The reaction-convection-diffusion partial differential equation was formulated to simulate PDGFR pathway in a contracting sarcomeric disc for a range of frequencies from 1 to 4 Hz. Results: Simulations exhibits higher concentration of phospho-Src when a cardiomyocyte beats with higher rates. The calculated phospho-Src concentration at 4, 2, and 1 Hz beat rates, comparing to 0 Hz, was 21.5%, 9.4%, and 4.7% higher, respectively. Conclusion: Here we provide mathematical evidence for a novel concept in biology. Cell shape directly translates into signaling, an effect of importance particularly for the myocardium, where cells continuously reshape their membranes. The concept of locality of surface-to-volume ratios is demonstrated to lead to changes in membrane-mediated signaling and may help to explain the remarkable plasticity of the myocardium in response to biomechanical stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell growth in plants occurs due to relaxation of the cell wall in response to mechanical forces generated by turgor pressure. Growth can be anisotropic, with the principal direction of growth often correlating with the direction of lower stiffness of the cell wall. However, extensometer experiments on onion epidermal peels have shown that the tissue is stiffer in the principal direction of growth. Here, we used a combination of microextensometer experiments on epidermal onion peels and finite element method (FEM) modeling to investigate how cell geometry and cellular patterning affects mechanical measurements made at the tissue level. Simulations with isotropic cell-wall material parameters showed that the orientation of elongated cells influences tissue apparent stiffness, with the tissue appearing much softer in the transverse versus the longitudinal directions. Our simulations suggest that although extensometer experiments show that the onion tissue is stiffer when stretched in the longitudinal direction, the effect of cellular geometry means that the wall is in fact softer in this direction, matching the primary growth direction of the cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coordination of cells or structures within the plane of a tissue is known as planar polarization. It is often governed by the asymmetric distribution of planar polarity proteins within cells. A number of quantitative methods have been developed to provide a readout of planar polarized protein distributions. However, previous planar polarity quantification methods can be affected by variation in cell geometry. Hence, we developed a novel planar polarity quantification method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that is shape insensitive. Here, we compare this method with other state-of-the-art methods on simulated models and biological datasets. We found that the PCA method performs robustly in quantifying planar polarity independently of variation in cell geometry and other image conditions. We designed a user-friendly graphical user interface called QuantifyPolarity, equipped with three polarity methods for automated quantification of polarity. QuantifyPolarity also provides tools to quantify cell morphology and packing geometry, allowing the relationship of these characteristics to planar polarization to be investigated. This tool enables experimentalists with no prior computational expertise to perform high-throughput cell polarity and shape analysis automatically and efficiently.





