cell fate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intermediate filaments (IFs) comprise a large family of versatile cytoskeletal proteins, divided into six subtypes with tissue-specific expression patterns. IFs have a wide repertoire of cellular functions, including providing structural support to cells, as well as active roles in mechanical support and signaling pathways. Consequently, defects in IFs are associated with more than 100 diseases. In this Cell Science at a Glance article, we discuss the established classes of IFs and their general features, their functions beyond structural support, and recent advances in the field. We also highlight their involvement in disease and potential use as clinical markers of pathological conditions. Finally, we provide our view on current knowledge gaps and the future directions of the IF field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Land plant bodies develop from stem cells located in meristems. However, we know little about how meristems initiate from non-meristematic cells. The haploid body of bryophytes develops from unicellular spores in isolation from the parental plant, which allows all stages of development to be observed. We discovered that the Marchantia spore undergoes a series of reproducibly oriented cell divisions to generate a flat prothallus on which a meristem later develops de novo. The young sporeling comprises an early cell mass. One cell of the early cell mass elongates and undergoes a formative division that produces the prothalloblast, which initiates prothallus formation. A symmetric division of the prothalloblast followed by two transverse divisions generates a four-celled plate that expands into a flat disc through oblique divisions in three of the four plate-cell-derived quadrants. One quadrant gives rise to a flat flabellum. A notch with a meristem and apical stem cell develops at the margin of the flabellum. The transcription factor Marchantia class III homeodomain-leucine-zipper (MpC3HDZ) is a marker of the first flat prothallus structure and polarizes to the dorsal tissues of flabella and meristems. Mpc3hdz mutants are defective in setting up dorsoventrality and thallus body flatness. We report how a regular set of cell divisions forms the prothallus-the first dorsoventral structure-and how cells on the margin of the prothallus develop a dorsoventralized meristem de novo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocytes have gained increasing recognition as key elements of a broad array of nervous system functions. These include essential roles in synapse formation and elimination, synaptic modulation, maintenance of the blood-brain barrier, energetic support, and neural repair after injury or disease of the nervous system. Nevertheless, our understanding of mechanisms underlying astrocyte development and maturation remains far behind that of neurons and oligodendrocytes. Early efforts to understand astrocyte development focused primarily on their specification from embryonic progenitors and the molecular mechanisms driving the switch from neuron to glial production. Considerably, less is known about postnatal stages of astrocyte development, the period during which they are predominantly generated and mature. Notably, this period is coincident with synapse formation and the emergence of nascent neural circuits. Thus, a greater understanding of astrocyte development is likely to shed new light on the formation and maturation of synapses and circuits. Here, we highlight key foundational principles of embryonic and postnatal astrocyte development, focusing largely on what is known from rodent studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: An animal\'s ability to discriminate between differing wavelengths of light (i.e., color vision) is mediated, in part, by a subset of photoreceptor cells that express opsins with distinct absorption spectra. In Drosophila R7 photoreceptors, expression of the rhodopsin molecules, Rh3 or Rh4, is determined by a stochastic process mediated by the transcription factor spineless. The goal of this study was to identify additional factors that regulate R7 cell fate and opsin choice using a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) paired with transcriptome analysis via RNA-Seq.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined Rh3 and Rh4 expression in a subset of fully-sequenced inbred strains from the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel and performed a GWAS to identify 42 naturally-occurring polymorphisms-in proximity to 28 candidate genes-that significantly influence R7 opsin expression. Network analysis revealed multiple potential interactions between the associated candidate genes, spineless and its partners. GWAS candidates were further validated in a secondary RNAi screen which identified 12 lines that significantly reduce the proportion of Rh3 expressing R7 photoreceptors. Finally, using RNA-Seq, we demonstrated that all but four of the GWAS candidates are expressed in the pupal retina at a critical developmental time point and that five are among the 917 differentially expressed genes in sevenless mutants, which lack R7 cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Collectively, these results suggest that the relatively simple, binary cell fate decision underlying R7 opsin expression is modulated by a larger, more complex network of regulatory factors. Of particular interest are a subset of candidate genes with previously characterized neuronal functions including neurogenesis, neurodegeneration, photoreceptor development, axon growth and guidance, synaptogenesis, and synaptic function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the complexity of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) unveils a diversity of potential cell fates; however, the exact timing and mechanisms by which early cell states diverge into distinct EMT trajectories remain unclear. Studying these EMT trajectories through single-cell RNA sequencing is challenging due to the necessity of sacrificing cells for each measurement. In this study, we employed optimal-transport analysis to reconstruct the past trajectories of different cell fates during TGF-beta-induced EMT in the MCF10A cell line. Our analysis revealed three distinct trajectories leading to low EMT, partial EMT, and high EMT states. Cells along the partial EMT trajectory showed substantial variations in the EMT signature and exhibited pronounced stemness. Throughout this EMT trajectory, we observed a consistent downregulation of the EED and EZH2 genes. This finding was validated by recent inhibitor screens of EMT regulators and CRISPR screen studies. Moreover, we applied our analysis of early-phase differential gene expression to gene sets associated with stemness and proliferation, pinpointing ITGB4, LAMA3, and LAMB3 as genes differentially expressed in the initial stages of the partial versus high EMT trajectories. We also found that CENPF, CKS1B, and MKI67 showed significant upregulation in the high EMT trajectory. While the first group of genes aligns with findings from previous studies, our work uniquely pinpoints the precise timing of these upregulations. Finally, the identification of the latter group of genes sheds light on potential cell cycle targets for modulating EMT trajectories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ellipsoid body (EB) of the insect brain performs pivotal functions in controlling navigation. Input and output of the EB is provided by multiple classes of R-neurons (now referred to as ER-neurons) and columnar neurons which interact with each other in a stereotypical and spatially highly ordered manner. The developmental mechanisms that control the connectivity and topography of EB neurons are largely unknown. One indispensable prerequisite to unravel these mechanisms is to document in detail the sequence of events that shape EB neurons during their development. In this study, we analyzed the development of the Drosophila EB. In addition to globally following the ER-neuron and columnar neuron (sub)classes in the spatial context of their changing environment we performed a single cell analysis using the multi-color flip out (MCFO) system to analyze the developmental trajectory of ER-neurons at different pupal stages, young adults (4d) and aged adults (∼60d). We show that the EB develops as a merger of two distinct elements, a posterior and anterior EB primordium (prEBp and prEBa, respectively. ER-neurons belonging to different subclasses form growth cones and filopodia that associate with the prEBp and prEBa in a pattern that, from early pupal stages onward, foreshadows their mature structure. Filopodia of all ER-subclasses are initially much longer than the dendritic and terminal axonal branches they give rise to, and are pruned back during late pupal stages. Interestingly, extraneous branches, particularly significant in the dendritic domain, are a hallmark of ER-neuron structure in aged brains. Aging is also associated with a decline in synaptic connectivity from columnar neurons, as well as upregulation of presynaptic protein (Brp) in ER-neurons. Our findings advance the EB (and ER-neurons) as a favorable system to visualize and quantify the development and age-related decline of a complex neuronal circuitry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer has been widely reported and extensively addressed by pulmonologists and oncologists. However, most studies have focused on shared risk factors, DNA damage pathways, immune microenvironments, inflammation, and imbalanced proteases/antiproteases. In the present review, we explored the association between COPD and lung cancer in terms of airway pluripotent cell fate determination and discussed the various cell types and signaling pathways involved in the maintenance of lung epithelium homeostasis, and their involvement in the pathogenesis of co-occurrence of COPD and lung cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity-induced chronic inflammation exacerbates multiple types of tissue/organ deterioration and stem cell dysfunction; however, the effects on skeletal tissue and the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Here, we show that obesity triggers changes in the microRNA profile of macrophage-secreted extracellular vesicles, leading to a switch in skeletal stem/progenitor cell (SSPC) differentiation between osteoblasts and adipocytes and bone deterioration. Bone marrow macrophage (BMM)-secreted extracellular vesicles (BMM-EVs) from obese mice induced bone deterioration (decreased bone volume, bone microstructural deterioration, and increased adipocyte numbers) when administered to lean mice. Conversely, BMM-EVs from lean mice rejuvenated bone deterioration in obese recipients. We further screened the differentially expressed microRNAs in obese BMM-EVs and found that among the candidates, miR-140 (with the function of promoting adipogenesis) and miR-378a (with the function of enhancing osteogenesis) coordinately determine SSPC fate of osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation by targeting the Pparα-Abca1 axis. BMM miR-140 conditional knockout mice showed resistance to obesity-induced bone deterioration, while miR-140 overexpression in SSPCs led to low bone mass and marrow adiposity in lean mice. BMM miR-378a conditional depletion in mice led to obesity-like bone deterioration. More importantly, we used an SSPC-specific targeting aptamer to precisely deliver miR-378a-3p-overloaded BMM-EVs to SSPCs via an aptamer-engineered extracellular vesicle delivery system, and this approach rescued bone deterioration in obese mice. Thus, our study reveals the critical role of BMMs in mediating obesity-induced bone deterioration by transporting selective extracellular-vesicle microRNAs into SSPCs and controlling SSPC fate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abscission is the shedding of plant organs in response to developmental and environmental cues. Abscission involves cell separation between two neighboring cell types, residuum cells (RECs) and secession cells (SECs) in the floral abscission zone (AZ) in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the regulatory mechanisms behind the spatial determination that governs cell separation are largely unknown. The class I KNOTTED-like homeobox (KNOX) transcription factor BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP) negatively regulates AZ cell size and number in Arabidopsis. To identify new players participating in abscission, we performed a genetic screen by activation tagging a weak complementation line of bp-3. We identified the mutant ebp1 (enhancer of BP1) displaying delayed floral organ abscission. The ebp1 mutant showed a concaved surface in SECs and abnormally stacked cells on the top of RECs, in contrast to the precisely separated surface in the wild-type. Molecular and histological analyses revealed that the transcriptional programming during cell differentiation in the AZ is compromised in ebp1. The SECs of ebp1 have acquired REC-like properties, including cuticle formation and superoxide production. We show that SEPARATION AFFECTING RNA-BINDING PROTEIN1 (SARP1) is upregulated in ebp1 and plays a role in the establishment of the cell separation layer during floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    microRNAs (miRNAs) represent small RNA molecules involved in the regulation of gene expression. They are implicated in the regulation of diverse cellular processes ranging from cellular homeostasis to stress responses. Unintended irradiation of the cells and tissues, e.g., during medical uses, induces various pathological conditions, including oxidative stress. miRNAs may regulate the expression of transcription factors (e.g., nuclear factor erythroid 2 related factor 2 (Nrf2), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), tumor suppressor protein p53) and other redox-sensitive genes (e.g., mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPKs), sirtuins (SIRTs)), which trigger and modulate cellular redox signaling. During irradiation, miRNAs mainly act with reactive oxygen species (ROS) to regulate the cell fate. Depending on the pathway involved and the extent of oxidative stress, this may lead to cell survival or cell death. In the context of radiation-induced oxidative stress, miRNA-21 and miRNA-34a are among the best-studied miRNAs. miRNA-21 has been shown to directly target superoxide dismutase (SOD), or NF-κB, whereas miRNA-34a is a direct regulator of NADPH oxidase (NOX), SIRT1, or p53. Understanding the mechanisms underlying radiation-induced injury including the involvement of redox-responsive miRNAs may help to develop novel approaches for modulating the cellular response to radiation exposure.





