cell culture insert

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measurement of endothelial and epithelial barrier integrity is important for a variety of in vitro models, including Transwell assays, cocultures, and organ-on-chip platforms. Barrier resistance is typically measured by trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER), but TEER is invasive and cannot accurately measure isolated monolayer resistance in coculture or most organ-on-chip devices. These limitations are addressed by porous membrane electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (PM-ECIS), which measures barrier integrity in cell monolayers grown directly on permeable membranes patterned with electrodes. Here, we advanced the design and utility of PM-ECIS by investigating its sensitivity to working electrode size and correlation with TEER. Gold electrodes were fabricated on porous membrane inserts using hot embossing and UV lithography, with working electrode diameters of 250, 500, and 750 μm within the same insert. Sensitivity to resistance changes (4 kHz) during endothelial barrier formation was inversely proportional to electrode size, with the smallest being the most sensitive (p < 0.001). Similarly, smaller electrodes were most sensitive to changes in impedance (40 kHz) corresponding to cell spreading and proliferation (p < 0.001). Barrier disruption with both EGTA and thrombin was detectable by all electrode sizes. Resistances measured by PM-ECIS vs TEER for sodium chloride solutions were positively and significantly correlated for all electrode sizes (r > 0.9; p < 0.0001), but only with 750 μm electrodes for endothelial monolayers (r = 0.71; p = 0.058). These data inform the design and selection of PM-ECIS electrodes for specific applications and support PM-ECIS as a promising alternative to conventional TEER for direct, noninvasive, real-time assessment of cells cultured on porous membranes in conventional and organ-on-chip barrier models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primordial germ cells (PGCs) play a crucial role in preserving poultry genetic resources and conducting transgenic research. A system for the rapid isolation of PGCs from single chicken embryonic blood was established in this paper. We found that PGCs can migrate to the lower layer of chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEFs) through pores smaller than their diameter, while blood cells cannot, when co-cultured with CEFs of passages two to three. Based on the characteristics of PGCs, we developed a new PGC isolation method (cell culture insert/CEF adhesion method) that utilizes a 3 μm cell culture insert and CEFs of passages two to three. Using this method, approximately 700 PGCs can be isolated from the blood of a single chicken embryo at Hamburger and Hamilton (H&H) stage 17 of development. The separation rate achieved was 87.5%, with a separation purity of 95%. The separation rate of this method was 41.4% higher than the common Percoll density gradient centrifugation method and 33.6% higher than lysis with ACK buffer. PGCs isolated from embryonic blood could proliferate 37-fold within 2 weeks when cultured in a feeder-free culture system. They also continued to express the SSEA-1 and DAZL proteins and retained the ability to migrate in vivo. Overall, PGCs separated using cell culture inserts/CEF adhesion method retain their stem cell characteristics and migration ability. PGCs also exhibit good proliferation efficiency, making them suitable for subsequent transgenic experiments or genetic resource preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene electrotransfer is one of the main non-viral methods for intracellular delivery of plasmid DNA, wherein pulsed electric fields are used to transiently permeabilize the cell membrane, allowing enhanced transmembrane transport. By localizing the electric field over small portions of the cell membrane using nanostructured substrates, it is possible to increase considerably the gene electrotransfer efficiency while preserving cell viability. In this study, we expand the frontier of localized electroporation by designing an electrotransfer approach based on commercially available cell culture inserts with polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) porous substrate. We first use multiscale numerical modeling to determine the pulse parameters, substrate pore size, and other factors that are expected to result in successful gene electrotransfer. Based on the numerical results, we design a simple device combining an insert with substrate containing pores with 0.4 µm or 1.0 µm diameter, a multiwell plate, and a pair of wire electrodes. We test the device in three mammalian cell lines and obtain transfection efficiencies similar to those achieved with conventional bulk electroporation, but at better cell viability and with low-voltage pulses that do not require the use of expensive electroporators. Our combined theoretical and experimental analysis calls for further systematic studies that will investigate the influence of substrate pore size and porosity on gene electrotransfer efficiency and cell viability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) represents the tightest endothelial barrier within the cardiovascular system characterized by very low ionic permeability. Our aim was to describe the setups, electrodes, and instruments to measure electrical resistance across brain microvessels and culture models of the BBB, as well as critically assess the influence of often neglected physical and technical parameters such as temperature, viscosity, current density generated by different electrode types, surface size, circumference, and porosity of the culture insert membrane. We demonstrate that these physical and technical parameters greatly influence the measurement of transendothelial electrical resistance/resistivity (TEER) across BBB culture models resulting in severalfold differences in TEER values of the same biological model, especially in the low-TEER range. We show that elevated culture medium viscosity significantly increases, while higher membrane porosity decreases TEER values. TEER data measured by chopstick electrodes can be threefold higher than values measured by chamber electrodes due to different electrode size and geometry, resulting in current distribution inhomogeneity. An additional shunt resistance at the circumference of culture inserts results in lower TEER values. A detailed description of setups and technical parameters is crucial for the correct interpretation and comparison of TEER values of BBB models.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Formation of cell spheres is an important procedure in biomedical research. A large number of high-quality cell spheres of uniform size and shape are required for basic studies and therapeutic applications. Conventional approaches, including the hanging drop method and suspension culture, are used for cell sphere production. However, these methods are time consuming, cell spheres cannot be harvested easily, and it is difficult to control the size and geometry of cell spheres. To resolve these problems, a novel multiple-funnel cell culture insert was designed for size controlling, easy harvesting, and scale-up production of cell spheres.
    METHODS: The culture substrate has 680 micro-funnels with a 1-mm width top, 0.89 mm depth, and 0.5 mm square bottom. Mouse embryonic stem cells were used to test the newly developed device. The seeded embryonic stem cells settled at the downward medium surface toward the bottom opening and aggregated as embryoid bodies (EBs). For cell sphere harvest, the bottom of the culture insert was put in contact with the medium surface in another culture dish, and the medium in the device flowed down with cell spheres by hydrostatic pressure.
    RESULTS: Compact cell spheres with uniform size and shape were collected easily. The diameter of the spheres could be controlled by adjusting the seeding cell density. Spontaneous neural differentiation (nestin and Tju1) and retinoic acid-induced endodermal differentiation (Pdx-1 and insulin I) were improved in the EBs produced using the new insert compared to those in EBs produced by suspension culture.
    CONCLUSIONS: This novel cell culture insert shall improve future studies of cell spheres and benefit clinical applications of cell therapy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microscale porous membranes are used in a wide range of technical and medical applications such as water treatment, dialysis and in vitro test systems. A promising approach to control membrane properties and overcome limitations of conventional fabrication techniques is given by additive manufacturing (AM). In this study, we designed and printed a microporous membrane via digital light processing and validated its use for biomedical in vitro applications based on the example of a cell culture insert. A multi-layer technique was developed, resulting in an eight-layer membrane with an average pore diameter of 25 µm. Image analyses proved the printing accuracy to be high with small deviations for an increasing number of layers. Permeability tests with brilliant blue FCF (E133, triarylmethane dye) and growth factors comparing the printed to track-etched membranes showed similar transfer dynamics and confirmed sufficient separation properties. Overall, the results showed that printing microporous polymer membranes is possible and highlight the potential of AM for biomedical in vitro applications such as cell culture inserts, scaffolds for tissue engineering or bioreactors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Once inhaled, nanoparticles (NPs) will first interact with lung surfactant system, which may influence the colloidal aspects of NPs and consequently the toxic potential of NPs to pulmonary cells. In this study, we investigated the effects of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), the major component in lung surfactant, on stability and toxicity of ZnO NPs. The presence of DPPC increased the UV-vis spectra, hydrodynamic size, Zeta potential and dissolution rate of ZnO NPs, which indicates that DPPC might interact with NPs and affect the colloidal stability of NPs. Exposure to ZnO NPs induced cytotoxicity associated with increased intracellular Zn ions but not superoxide in A549 cells. In A549 epithelium model, exposure to ZnO NPs induced cytotoxicity and decreased the release of interleukin 6 (IL-6) without a significant effect on epithelial permeability rate. Co-exposure of A549 cells or A549 epithelium model to DPPC and ZnO NPs induced a higher release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) compared with the exposure of ZnO NPs alone. We concluded that the presence of DPPC could influence the colloidal stability of ZnO NPs and increase the damage of NPs to membrane probably due to the increased positive surface charge.





