
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conductive or mixed hearing loss with an intact tympanic membrane is a group of diseases characterized by similar clinical symptoms. Definitive diagnosis depends on the findings of exploratory tympanic surgery. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has great potential for middle ear imaging. This study evaluated the diagnostic value of CBCT for conductive or mixed hearing loss with an intact tympanic membrane.
    METHODS: CBCT and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) imaging data were collected from patients with an intact eardrum who received medical treatment in our hospital for conductive or mixed hearing loss from October 2020 to May 2023. The imaging characteristics and diagnostic values of CBCT and HRCT were analyzed.
    RESULTS: A total of 137 patients who met the inclusion criteria and underwent CBCT were enrolled, including 89 with otosclerosis, 41 with ossicular chain interruption, and 7 with tympanosclerosis. CBCT clearly displayed a middle ear focus, such as low-density lesions located in the fissula ante fenestram, ossicular chain malformation or dislocation, and tympanic calcification foci. The area under the curve values for otosclerosis, ossicular chain interruption, and tympanic sclerosis were 0.934, 0.967, and 0.850, respectively. CBCT was more effective than HRCT for visualizing the lenticular process, incudostapedial joint, and stapes footplate.
    CONCLUSIONS: CBCT of the middle ear demonstrated higher-quality imaging to improve the diagnosis of conductive or mixed hearing loss with an intact tympanic membrane. Therefore, CBCT is recommended for further investigation of noninflammatory diseases of the middle ear with no special findings on HRCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The practice of dentistry benefits greatly from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and advantages should be prioritized over hazards; even modest doses of X-rays have the potential to have cytotoxic effects, damage DNA through their clastogenic impact, and stimulate the creation of micronuclei along with further nuclear changes.
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of X-rays in exfoliated oral mucosal cells from patients who underwent CBCT scans at different fields of view (FOV), and to examine and assess the extent of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity caused by X-rays in oral exfoliated cells of people who were subjected to CBCT at different fields of view (FOV).
    METHODS: Following CBCT exposure, 66 patients were chosen from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology at the SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, Mahbubnagar. Cells from the buccal mucosa were then extracted using the exfoliative cytology method, and the samples were examined under a microscope to look for nuclear and cytological abnormalities.
    RESULTS: A paired t-test analysis revealed that mean micronuclei increased significantly in each study group from before to after exposure. It increased in Group I from 93.59 to 96.05, in Group II from 83.27 to 91.86, and in Group III from 86.05 to 97.00. Various test analyses revealed an important relation between exposure status and the presence of karyorrhexis in Group III. There was no association in other groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed a significant increase of micronuclei in subjects after exposure to radiation at various FOVs. There was an increased karyorrhexis following radiation exposure in all groups at various FOVs. The significant association between exposure and karyorrhexis in the larger size FOV group was noticed further potentiating the extent of increased damage as the size of FOV is increased.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This article reviews the applications of Finite Element Models (FEMs) in personalized dentistry, focusing on treatment planning, material selection, and CAD-CAM processes. It also discusses the challenges and future directions of using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in dental care.
    METHODS: This study synthesizes current literature and case studies on FEMs in personalized dentistry, analyzing research articles, clinical reports, and technical papers on the application of FEA in dental biomechanics.
    METHODS: Sources for this review include peer-reviewed journals, academic publications, clinical case studies, and technical papers on dental biomechanics and Finite Element Analysis. Key databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and ArXiv were used to identify relevant studies.
    METHODS: Studies were selected based on their relevance to the application of FEMs in personalized dentistry. Inclusion criteria were studies that discussed the use of FEA in treatment planning, material selection, and CAD-CAM processes in dentistry. Exclusion criteria included studies that did not focus on personalized dental treatments or did not utilize FEMs as a primary tool.
    CONCLUSIONS: FEMs are essential for personalized dentistry, offering a versatile platform for in-silico dental biomechanics modeling. They can help predict biomechanical behavior, optimize treatment outcomes, and minimize clinical complications. Despite needing further advancements, FEMs could help significantly enhance treatment precision and efficacy in personalized dental care.
    CONCLUSIONS: FEMs in personalized dentistry hold the potential to significantly improve treatment precision and efficacy, optimizing outcomes and reducing complications. Their integration underscores the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and advancements in computational techniques to enhance personalized dental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate the chronological age (CA) of a growing individual using a new machine learning approach on Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).
    METHODS: The dataset included 48 CBCT and hand-wrist radiographs of growing individuals. 12 landmarks related to trigeminal trajectories were plotted on each CBCT and principal component analysis was applied for dimensionality reduction. The estimated CA was obtained using a decision tree. Finally, a genetic algorithm was implemented to select the best set of landmarks that would optimize the estimation. The age was also assessed following Greulich and Pyle\'s (GP) method on hand-wrist radiographs. The results (GP and Machine Learning) were then compared to the true CA.
    RESULTS: Among the 12 landmarks, the genetic algorithm selected 7 optimal features, and 12 principal components out of 36. The best results for age prediction were obtained by a combination of genetic algorithm, principal component analysis, and regression tree where the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) were respectively 1.29 and 0.92. These outcomes showed improved accuracy compared to those of the hand-wrist method (MSE = 2.038 and MAE = 1.775).
    CONCLUSIONS: A numerical application on a dataset of CBCT showed that the proposed machine learning method achieved an improved accuracy compared to conventional methods and had satisfying performance in assessing age for forensic purposes. Validation of the presented method on a larger and more diverse sample would pave the way for future applications in forensic science as a tool for age prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For years, there has been a long debate about the impact of orthodontic treatment on the periodontium of patients. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of orthodontic forces on the periodontium. The objective of this study was to evaluate the height of the alveolar bone at the four surfaces of specific teeth and the root length of the central incisors before and after orthodontic treatment.
    METHODS: CBCTs from a group of fifty patients were evaluated before (T0) and after orthodontic treatment (T1). Evaluations of the alveolar bone were performed by measuring the distance from the most apical point of the marginal portion to the CEJ at the buccal (B-ABL), lingual (L-ABL), mesial (M-ABL), and distal (D-ABL) surfaces of the central incisor (CI), first premolar (1st PM), and first molar (1st M). Meanwhile, root resorptions were evaluated by measuring the distance from the center of the tooth at the CEJ to the most apical point of the central incisor.
    RESULTS: The reduction in the alveolar bone level was highest at the buccal segment (75%) and lowest at the distal (42%) segment, although the decrease was not statistically significant. Root resorption, in terms of reduction in the total length, was detected in the upper central incisor.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fixed orthodontic treatment can produce a significant reduction in root length, but not at the level of the alveolar bone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a debilitating condition associated with antiresorptive and antiangiogenic medications that are frequently used in treating osteoporosis and cancers. With the ability to produce high-resolution images with a lower radiation dose, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an emerging technology in maxillofacial imaging that offers several advantages in evaluating MRONJ. This review aims to summarise the radiological features of MRONJ as observed via CBCT and highlight its advantages over two-dimensional plain films in assessing MRONJ. CBCT has the capability to detect early MRONJ lesions, characterise the extent and nature of lesions, distinguish MRONJ from other osseous pathologies, and assist in treatment planning. By leveraging the advantages of CBCT, clinicians can enhance their understanding of MRONJ, improve decision making, and ultimately optimize patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The evaluation of midpalatal suture maturation is essential to undertake the most predictable maxillary expansion approach. Several factors, such as age, gender, and facial growth patterns, seem to be involved in midpalatal suture staging and, consequently, in its opening; however, the link between these variables and the stages of midpalatal suture development remains poorly understood. Our study aimed to analyse the midpalatal suture maturation in relation to age, sex, and skeletal growth patterns by CBCT.
    METHODS: We enrolled 263 patients (119 males and 144 females) aged from 8 to 20 years. The midpalatal suture maturation was defined according to Angelieri et al.\'s classification using a low-dose CBCT. The chi-square test and linear regression were applied to investigate the suture stages by age, sex, and vertical and sagittal growth patterns.
    RESULTS: Stage A was present in 8- and 9-year-olds with a larger prevalence in boys, while the prevalence of stage E increased progressively with age. Stage D was the most prevalent in our sample. The statistical analysis described that stage A was more likely in the youngest subjects, and stage E in the oldest participants. The males tended to have lower maturation stages. Moreover, the hypodivergent and normodivergent subjects tended to have higher maturation stages, while Class III was more likely in subjects in stages D or E.
    CONCLUSIONS: A total of 127 patients were in stages A, B, and C, showing an unfused suture. In young individuals, the opening of the midpalatal suture leads to a proper facial growth development by correcting the transverse superior hypoplasia. The midpalatal sutural maturation classification was related to age, sex, and divergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Morphological differences in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are crucial for the treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate (CLP). This study aims to evaluate and compare the TMJ parameters in patients with unilateral and bilateral CLP across growing and non-growing age groups using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).
    METHODS: CBCT records from 57 patients (23 males and 34 females) aged 6-50 years with a diagnosed unilateral or bilateral CLP were analyzed. Patients were categorized into four groups: growing unilateral (UGCLP), growing bilateral (BGCLP), non-growing unilateral (UNGCLP), and non-growing bilateral (BNGCLP). Measurements of TMJ parameters, including the mandibular fossa, articular eminence inclination, joint spaces, and roof thickness of the glenoid fossa, were conducted using CBCT images.
    RESULTS: Significant differences were observed in the anterior joint space (AJS) and the roof of the glenoid fossa (RGF) between growing and non-growing unilateral cleft patients. Additionally, significant discrepancies were found in the articular eminence angle when comparing the cleft and non-cleft sides within the unilateral growing group. No significant differences were observed in TMJ parameters between the right and left sides among bilateral cleft patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights distinct TMJ morphological differences between growing and non-growing patients with CLP, emphasizing the importance of age-specific considerations in the treatment planning and growth monitoring of these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Eustachian tube (ET) is a bottleneck when it comes to middle ear (ME) health. If its function is impaired, this can lead to serious consequences for the patient, such as hearing problems or deafness. Therefore, this study investigated a tapered nitinol stent (3-5 mm × 14 mm) for the human ET as a potential new permanent treatment for chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and thus ME ventilation disorders. The self-expanding stent was inserted unilaterally into the ET of 24 sheep with observation periods of 3, 6, and 12 months. Local tissue effects and the safety of the stent insertion were analyzed based on regular endoscopic checks, weekly tympanometry measurements, final imaging, and histological examinations. The animals showed no stent-related health restrictions. However, the individual anatomy and stenting procedure had an influence on the results. The tissue reaction in the endoscopic examinations was mild even though no concomitant antibiotics were administered. After all three monitoring periods, stented ETs had a significantly larger ET lumen than the non-stented contralateral ETs. However, tissue growth was detected in the stent. Overall, the first long-term study on an ET stent showed that the tapered ET stent could be a promising treatment option for ETD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of root canal filling using different obturation materials combined with apicoectomy in upper central incisors under loading with 1 N and 100 N. The effect of incomplete root formation was also investigated.
    METHODS: Based on a CBCT-scan, a model of an upper central incisor was created. The model was altered to simulate different clinical situations: root canal treatment, apicoectomy at two different lengths and with different obturation protocols, and immature root formation after trauma. In each model the tooth was loaded with 1 and 100 N, and peak Von Mises stress of bone and tooth, elastic strain of the periodontal ligament, as well as rotation and displacement of the tooth were measured.
    RESULTS: Periapical surgery increases stress in dentin and the surrounding bone. Different obturation materials only produce minor differences in a coronally intact tooth.
    CONCLUSIONS: Interincisal angle or loading direction strongly affects all measured values and needs to be considered when planning periapical surgery or comparing finite element analysis. Immature roots show the highest stress values in this study, reaching half the yield strength of dentine.





