cave fishes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the authors present a comprehensive checklist of cave-dwelling populations of Rhamdia from the Sierra de Zongolica (SdZ) in Veracruz, Mexico, including two new records, based on permanent and verifiable evidence in the form of voucher specimens. The authors use phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses of voucher-derived comparative cytochrome b data to shed light on the evolutionary history of these populations. The results of this study, while preliminary, suggest that hypogean forms of Rhamdia from the SdZ are cave-adapted populations of the more widespread and epigean species R. laticauda.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article comprise the data related to the research article (Møller et al., 2016) [1], and makes it possible to explore and reproduce the topologies that allowed [1] to infer the relationship between the families Bythitidae and Dinematichthyidae. The supplementary data holds nexus-input files for the Bayesian analysis and the \'.xml\'-input files - with and without nucleotide data - that are used in the fossil-calibrated phylogenetic analysis with a relaxed clock model. The resulting topologies are provided as \'.new\'-files together with a characters matrix file for traits to trace across the inferred phylogenies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The order Ophidiiformes is a large but not very well known group of fishes, unique among teleosts for showing high diversity in both deep sea and shallow reef habitats. The current classification includes more than 500 species, 115 genera and four families, based primarily on mode of reproduction: viviparous Aphyonidae and Bythitidae vs oviparous Carapidae and Ophidiidae. Since 2004 we revised the bythitid tribe Dinematichthyini, described more than 100 new species and noticed that this group has unique morphological characters, perhaps supporting a higher level of classification than the current status. Here we study the viviparous families phylogenetically with partial mitochondrial (nd4, 16s) and nuclear (Rag1) DNA sequences (2194bp). We use a fossil calibration of otolith-based taxa to calibrate the age of the clade comprising bythitid and dinematicththyid representatives, together with fossil calibrations adopted from previous phylogenetic studies. The separation of the order into two major lineages, the viviparous Bythitoidei and the oviparous Ophidioidei is confirmed. At the familial level, however, a new classification is presented for the viviparous clades, placing Aphyonidae as a derived, pedomorphic member of Bythitidae (new diagnosis provided, 33 genera and 118 species). The current subfamily Brosmophycinae is considered polyphyletic and we propose family status for Dinematichthyidae (25 genera, 114 species), supported by unique, morphological synapomorphic characters in the male copulatory apparatus. Previous use of the caudal fin separation or fusion with vertical fins is ambiguous. Age estimates based on calibrated molecular phylogeny agrees with fossil data, giving an origin within the Cretaceous (between 84 and 104mya) for a common ancestor to Ophidiiformes.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    This study describes a new blind barbine fish species, Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis sp. nov. discovered based on five specimens collected from a cave in Luolou town, Lingyun County, Guangxi, China, in June and July 2012. Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis is distinguished from other species of Sinocyclocheilus by having the following combination of characteristics: dorsal fin with 7 branched rays, last unbranched dorsal-fin ray weak with serrations on posterior edge of its lower part; pelvic-fin origin anterior to dorsal-fin origin; dorsal profile of head sharply uplift, a forward flesh tuber present on frontal; body covered with scales, and lateral line with 34-38 scales, lateral line scales are as big as their neighbor scales; caudal peduncle with developed fresh crests.
    2012年6—7月,于广西壮族自治区凌云县逻楼镇附近一洞穴采集到金线鲃属一新种,并命名为安水金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis sp. nov.)。该新种背鳍末根不分枝,鳍条基部为硬刺,后缘具锯齿,后半部柔软分节;背鳍分枝鳍条7;腹鳍起点位于背鳍起点之前;头后急剧隆起,头背交界处具一伸向上前方的肉质额骨突;侧线鳞34~38,与其相邻的上、下鳞片大小相当;尾柄上、下缘具发达肉质鳍褶。以上组合特征可与金线鲃属其他种类相区别。





