
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amphibian taxon includes three orders that present different morphological characteristics: Anura, Caudata, and Apoda. Their skin has a crucial role: it acts as an immune organ constituting a physical, chemical, immunological, and microbiological barrier to pathogen insult and conducts essential physiological processes. Amphibians have developed specialized features to protect the vulnerable skin barrier, including a glandular network beneath the skin surface that can produce antimicrobial and toxic substances, thus contributing to the defense against pathogens and predators. This study aims to characterize Langerhans cells in the skin of Lithobates catesbeianus (order: Anura; Shaw, 1802), Amphiuma means (order: Caudata; Garden, 1821), and Typhlonectes natans (order: Apoda; Fischer, 1880) with the following antibodies: Langerin/CD207 (c-type lectin), Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)II, and Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 (expressed by different types of DCs). Our results showed Langerhans cells positive for Langerin CD/207 in the epidermis of the three species; moreover, some antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the connective tissue expressed TLR2 and MHCII. The distribution of the Langerhans cells is very similar in the three amphibians examined, despite their different habitats. A greater knowledge of the amphibian immune system could be useful to better understand the phylogeny of vertebrates and to safeguard amphibians from population declines. Furthermore, the similarities between amphibians\' and human skin concerning immunological features may be useful in both biology and translational medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tonic immobility is an antipredator defence in which the prey animal remains motionless after physical contact with the predator, pretending to be dead. This behaviour has been observed among a variety of taxa but has received only little attention in amphibian larvae. During our field studies with fire salamander larvae, we observed that larvae from different habitats display tonic immobility after handling. In our study site, we find larvae in pond and stream habitats, that differ in several aspects such as their stress response and their risk-taking behaviour, likely caused by the very different habitat conditions. We measured the time that the tonic immobility behaviour was displayed but found no difference between larvae from the two habitat types. Likewise, we also found no correlation between the size of the larvae and the duration of displaying the behaviour. In conclusion, we found that fire salamander larvae show tonic immobility, but found no evidence that the different habitat conditions influence the tonic immobility behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fully aquatic Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is a member of the Cryptobranchidae, and is currently distributed in western Japan, with other members of this group restricted to China and North America. Their feeding behaviour is characterized by a form of suction feeding that includes asymmetric movements of the jaw and hyobranchial apparatus. Previous studies on the North American species, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, have suggested that this specialized jaw movement is produced by a flexible quadrate-articular joint combined with a loosely connected lower jaw symphysis including two small fibrocartilaginous pads. However, little is known about this feeding behaviour in the Asian species, nor have the three-dimensional asymmetric jaw movements been fully investigated in any member of Cryptobranchidae. In this study, we explore the asymmetric jaw movements in A. japonicus using three methods: (1) dissection of musculoskeletal structures; (2) filming of feeding behaviour to understand in which situations asymmetric feeding is used; (3) analysis of 3D movement of jaws and skull. In the third component, fresh (from frozen) specimens of A. japonicus were manipulated to replicate asymmetric and symmetric jaw movements, with the specimens CT scanned after each step to obtain the 3D morphology of the jaws at different positions. These positions were combined and their Euler angles from resting (closed) jaw position were calculated for asymmetric or symmetric jaw positions. Our filming revealed that asymmetric jaw movements are linked to the position of the prey in relation to the snout, with the jaw closest to the prey opening asymmetrically. Moreover, this action allows the salamander to simultaneously grasp prey in one side of the mouth while ejecting water on the other side, if the first suction attempt fails. The asymmetric jaw movements are performed mainly by rotation of the mandible about its long axis, with very limited lateral jaw movements. During asymmetric and symmetric jaw movements, the posterior ends of the maxilla and quadrate move slightly. The asymmetric jaw movements are permitted by a mobile quadrate-articular joint formed by wide, round cartilages, and by two small fibrocartilage pads within the jaw symphysis that act as cushions during jaw rotation. Some of these soft tissue structures leave traces on the jaws and skull, allowing feeding mode to be reconstructed in fossil taxa. Understanding cryptobranchid asymmetric jaw movement thus requires a comprehensive assessment of not only the symphysial morphology but also that of other cranial and hyobranchial elements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skin fungi are among the most dangerous drivers of global amphibian declines, and few mitigation strategies are known. For Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Chytridiomycota), available treatments rely on temperature, partially combined with antifungal drugs. We report the clearance of B. salamandrivorans in 2 urodelan species using a solely drug-based approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infectious diseases are one of the main threats to biodiversity. The fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is associated with several amphibian losses around the globe, and environmental conditions may dictate the success of pathogen spread. The Brazilian Amazon has been considered climatically unsuitable for chytrid fungus, but additional information on Bd dynamics in this ecoregion is still lacking. We sampled 462 amphibians (449 anurans, 4 caudatans and 9 caecilians), representing 57 species from the Brazilian Amazon, and quantified Bd infections using qPCR. We tested whether abiotic variables predicted the risk of Bd infections, and tested for relationships between biotic variables and Bd. Finally, we experimentally tested the effects of Bd strains CLFT 156 and CLFT 102 (from the southern and northern Atlantic Forest, respectively) on Atelopus manauensis. We detected higher Bd prevalence than those previously reported for the Brazilian Amazon, and positive individuals in all 3 orders of amphibians sampled. Both biotic and abiotic predictors were related to prevalence, and no variable explained infection load. Moreover, we detected higher Bd prevalence in forested than open areas, while the host\'s reproductive biology was not a factor. We detected higher mortality in the experimental group infected with CLFT 156, probably because this strain was isolated from a region characterized by discrepant climatic conditions (latitudinally more distant) when compared with the host\'s sampling site in Amazon. The lowland Brazilian Amazon is still underexplored and future studies targeting all amphibian orders are essential to better understand Bd infection dynamics in this region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphibians are useful bioindicators for monitoring aquatic health and the influence of xenobiotics such as endocrine disrupting chemicals. Because aquatic ecosystems experience the majority of global pollution, aquatic organisms are most exposed and vulnerable to endocrine disruptors. Furthermore, penetration of endocrine disruptors into aquatic organisms especially in amphibians is even easier because of more permeable skin, resulting in high bioavailability and bioaccumulation of chemicals. One of the most potent endocrine disruptors is thiourea, which chemically blocks the synthesis of thyroid hormones and prevents metamorphosis in amphibians. We investigated the influence of thiourea on histomorphology of the thyroid gland in Triturus newts at the metamorphic stage, when thyroid hormone concentrations should reach their maximum level. Chronic exposure to thiourea induced hypertrophy and hyperplasia of follicular cells as well as a significant reduction of interstitial tissue. The intensity of the thyroglobulin immunostaining signal significantly decreases upon chronic exposure to thiourea. Successful cross-reactivity of human primary antibody in immunochemical detection of thyroglobulin in Urodela confirms potential homology in thyroglobulin structure throughout the vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphological patterns are modeled by the interaction of functional, phylogenetic, ecological, and/or developmental constraints. In addition, the evolution of life cycle complexity can favor phenotypic diversity; however, the correlation between stages of development may constrain the evolution of some organs. Salamanders present microhabitat and life cycle diversity, providing an excellent framework for testing how these factors constrain phenotypic evolution. We reconstructed the morphological evolution of the terminal phalanx using a sample of 60 extinct and living species of salamanders. Using a geometric morphometric approach combined with comparative analyses, we further investigated the impact of phylogenetic, ecological, and/or life cycle factors on the shape of the terminal phalanx. We find that the phylogeny has some influence in determining the dorsal shape of the phalanges; whereas a relationship between microhabitat or life cycle and the dorsal and lateral shapes of the phalanx was not observed in the analyzed species. The allometric pattern found in the phalanx shape implies that small phalanges are more curved and with more truncated end than bigger phalanges. The evolutionary rate of phalanx shape was higher in the semiaquatic species, and the morphological disparity was significantly higher on biphasic groups. These results contradict the hypothesis that a complex life cycle constrains body shape. Finally, the phalanx shape of the salamander remains quite conserved from the Mesozoic. This configuration would allow them to occur in the different microhabitats occupied by the salamander lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: West Siberia is a large region in North Eurasia, which harbours multiple climatic zones, landscape types and biomes. Its amphibian fauna is characterised by a combination of European and Asian species. For many species, this region is the place where the limits of their global ranges are located (Ranatemporaria, R.amurensis, Bufotessitibundus). West Siberia also has at least two non-native amphibian species (Pelophylaxridibundus, Bufotesviridis). The exact ranges and patterns of distribution of the West Siberian amphibian species are poorly studied. The mapping of species ranges is important for the development of conservation measures and monitoring of invasive species is required to investigate their impacts on the natural ecosystems.
    UNASSIGNED: This work presents the most complete biogeographic and occurrence records database of the amphibians of West Siberia. To assemble the database, we digitised data from 190 published works, obtained data from major museum collections and from the data bank on the abundance and distribution of animals «Zoomonitor» by the Zoomonitoring laboratory of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. The database also includes original and partly unpublished data collected by the authors from 1975 to 2021, as well as quality-assessed citizen science data from the iNaturalist portal. In total, the database contains 2530 records for 11 species of amphibians, including the locality data, the observation date (when known) and the source of the observation (at least one of the following: literature reference, museum sample ID, observer\'s name, iNaturalist link).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphibians undergo a variety of post-embryonic transitions (PETr) that are partly governed by thyroid hormone (TH). Transformation into a terrestrial form follows an aquatic larval stage (biphasic) or precedes hatching (direct development). Some salamanders maintain larval characteristics and an aquatic lifestyle into adulthood (paedomorphosis), which obscures the conclusion of their larval period. Paedomorphic axolotls exhibit elevated TH during early development that is concomitant with transcriptional reprogramming and limb emergence. A recent perspective suggested this cryptic TH-based PETr is uncoupled from metamorphosis in paedomorphs and concludes the larval period. This led to their question: \"Are paedomorphs actual larvae?\". To clarify, paedomorphs are only considered larval in form, even though they possess some actual larval characteristics. However, we strongly agree that events during larval development inform amphibian life cycle evolution. We build upon their perspective by considering the evolution of limb emergence and metamorphosis. Limbless hatchling larval salamanders are generally associated with ponds, while limbed larvae are common to streams and preceded the evolution of direct development. Permian amphibians had limbed larvae, so their PETr was likely uncoupled from metamorphosis, equivalent to most extant biphasic and paedomorphic salamanders. Coupling of these events was likely derived in frogs and direct developing salamanders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The North American newt genera Taricha and Notophthalmus (order Caudata) are well known for the combination of potent toxicity, aposematic coloration, and striking defense postures that protects these animals from predation. This suite of traits is centered around the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, which causes paralysis and death in metazoans by disrupting the initiation and propagation of electrical signals in the nerves and muscles. Tetrodotoxin defends newts from predation across multiple life history stages and its role in generating arms-race coevolution between Taricha newts and garter snake (genus Thamnophis) predators is well studied. However, understanding the broader picture of chemical defenses in Taricha and Notophthalmus requires an expanded comprehension of the defensive chemical ecology of tetrodotoxin that includes possible coevolutionary interactions with insect egg predators, protection against parasites, as well as mimicry complexes associated with tetrodotoxin and aposematic coloration in both genera. Herein the authors review what is known about the structure, function, and pharmacology of tetrodotoxin to explore its evolution and chemical ecology in the North American newt. Focus is made specifically on the origin and possible biosynthesis of tetrodotoxin in these taxa as well as providing an expanded picture of the web of interactions that contribute to landscape level patterns of toxicity and defense in Taricha and Notophthalmus.





