cash transfer

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aging populations across sub-Saharan Africa are rapidly expanding, leading to an increase in the burden of Alzheimer\'s disease and related dementias (ADRD). Cash transfer interventions are one plausible mechanism to combat ADRD at a population-level in low-income settings. We exploited exogenous variation in eligibility for South Africa\'s Child Support Grant (CSG) to estimate the longitudinal association between potential CSG benefit and cognitive trajectories in rural mothers with <10 children (n = 1090).
    METHODS: South Africa\'s CSG delivers monthly cash payments to primary caregivers, predominantly mothers, to offset the costs associated with child rearing. This study implemented a quasi-experimental design using data (2014-2022) from a rural, low-income cohort in the Agincourt research area, South Africa. We fit linear mixed effects models and generalized linear models to estimate the association of potential CSG benefit per eligible child with memory decline and dementia probability, respectively. We stratified all models by the mother\'s total number of children (1-4 and 5-9) and examined effect modification by household wealth and the mother\'s education level.
    RESULTS: Having above median CSG per eligible child was associated with higher baseline memory scores (β = 0.12 SD units, 95% CI = 0.02, 0.22) but steeper memory decline (β = -0.02 SD units, 95% CI = -0.04, -0.00) compared to below median CSG. Within stratified analyses, this effect was primarily observed among mothers with 5-9 children. No associations were observed between potential CSG per eligible child and dementia probability.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the use of large-scale cash transfers as a promising intervention to promote healthy cognitive aging in mid-life women within rural, low-income settings. However, we found evidence that the CSG in its current structure may not be sufficient support for women to sustain measurable cognitive benefits over the long-term.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) people experience economic and psychosocial inequities that make them more likely to be subject to financial and mental health harms exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainable, multilevel interventions are needed to address these harms. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic galvanized many TNB-led organizations to provide emergency financial and peer support for TNB people negatively impacted by the pandemic. However, the efficacy of these interventions has not been evaluated. The Creating Access to Resources and Economic Support (CARES) study seeks to assess the efficacy of feasible, acceptable, and community-derived interventions to reduce economic and psychological harms experienced by transgender people in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    OBJECTIVE: The study aims to (1) compare the efficacy of microgrants with peer mentoring with that of microgrants without peer mentoring in reducing psychological distress, (2) examine mechanisms by which microgrants with or without peer mentoring may impact psychological distress, and (3) explore participants\' intervention experiences and perceived efficacy.
    METHODS: We will enroll 360 TNB adults into an embedded, mixed methods, 3-arm, and 12-month randomized controlled trial. Participants will be randomized 1:1:1 to arm A (enhanced usual care), which will receive a single microgrant plus monthly financial literacy education, arm B (extended microgrants), which will receive enhanced usual care plus monthly microgrants, or arm C (peer mentoring), which will receive extended microgrants combined with peer mentoring. All intervention arms last for 6 months, and participants complete semiannual, web-based surveys at 0, 6, and 12 months as well as brief process measures at 3 and 6 months. A subset of 36 participants, 12 (33%) per arm, will complete longitudinal in-depth interviews at 3 and 9 months.
    RESULTS: Full recruitment began on January 8, 2024, and, as of July 26, 2024, a total of 138 participants have enrolled. Recruitment is expected to be completed no later than March 31, 2025, and the final study visit will take place in March 2026.
    CONCLUSIONS: This national, web-based study will demonstrate whether an intervention tailored to reduce material hardship and improve peer support among TNB adults will reduce psychological distress. Its equitable, community-academic partnership will ensure the rapid dissemination of study findings.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05971160;
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/63656.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a public health problem worldwide, particularly in resource-limited countries. It is considered a social disease with a medical component that persists over time due to several social determinants, most of which are closely linked to poverty and difficult socioeconomic conditions. The objective of this exploratory study is to describe the social protection interventions available for people with TB in Africa.
    METHODS: Searches will be carried out systematically in MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase (Ovid), Web of Science, Scopus and The Cochrane Library, Africa-Wide Information (EBSCOhost), Google Scholar. Articles will be considered if they describe the social protection, successes and challenges associated with the implementation and delivery of social protection interventions offered to people with TB in African countries. Data from the grey literature will also be considered.
    UNASSIGNED: We will present a narrative description highlighting the successes and challenges of the social protection interventions identified, and a synthesis accompanied by maps (Africa), figures or tables to summarize the data.
    CONCLUSIONS: This exploratory study will map the existing literature on social protection interventions for TB patients and guide future research to inform policy and practice decisions.
    BACKGROUND: La tuberculose (TB) est un problème de santé publique dans le monde entier, en particulier dans les pays à ressources limitées. Elle est considérée comme une maladie sociale avec une composante médicale qui persiste dans le temps en raison de plusieurs déterminants sociaux, dont la plupart sont étroitement liés à la pauvreté et à des conditions socio-économiques difficiles. L\'objectif de cette étude exploratoire est de décrire les interventions de protection sociale disponibles pour les personnes atteintes de TB dans les pays d\'Afrique.
    METHODS: Des recherches seront effectuées systématiquement dans MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase (Ovid), Web Of Science, Scopus et The Cochrane Library, Africa-Wide Information (EBSCOhost), Google Scholar. Les articles seront pris en considération s\'ils décrivent la protection sociale, les succès et les défis associés à la mise en œuvre et à l\'exécution des interventions de protection sociale offertes aux personnes atteintes de TB dans les pays d\'Afrique. Les données issues de la littérature grise seront également prises en compte.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous présenterons une description narrative soulignant les succès et les défis des interventions de protection sociale identifiées, ainsi qu\'une synthèse accompagnée de cartes (Afrique), de figures ou de tableaux pour résumer les données.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cette étude exploratoire permettra de cartographier la littérature existante sur les interventions de protection sociale pour les patients atteints de tuberculose et d\'orienter les recherches futures afin d\'éclairer les décisions politiques et pratiques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Nearly 100 million people are pushed into poverty every year due to catastrophic health expenditures (CHE). We evaluated the impact of cash support programs on healthcare utilization and CHE among households participating in a cluster-randomized controlled trial focusing on adolescent childbearing in rural Zambia.
    UNASSIGNED: The trial recruited adolescent girls from 157 rural schools in 12 districts enrolled in grade 7 in 2016 and consisted of control, economic support, and economic support plus community dialogue arms. Economic support included 3 USD/month for the girls, 35 USD/year for their guardians, and up to 150 USD/year for school fees. Interviews were conducted with 3,870 guardians representing 4,110 girls, 1.5-2 years after the intervention period started. Utilization was defined as visits to formal health facilities, and CHE was health payments exceeding 10% of total household expenditures. The degree of inequality was measured using the Concentration Index. In the control arm, 26.1% of the households utilized inpatient care in the previous year compared to 26.7% in the economic arm (RR = 1.0; 95% CI: 0.9-1.2, p = 0.815) and 27.7% in the combined arm (RR = 1.1; 95% CI: 0.9-1.3, p = 0.586). Utilization of outpatient care in the previous 4 weeks was 40.7% in the control arm, 41.3% in the economic support (RR = 1.0; 95% CI: 0.8-1.3, p = 0.805), and 42.9% in the combined arm (RR = 1.1; 95% CI: 0.8-1.3, p = 0.378). About 10.4% of the households in the control arm experienced CHE compared to 11.6% in the economic (RR = 1.1; 95% CI: 0.8-1.5, p = 0.468) and 12.1% in the combined arm (RR = 1.1; 95% CI: 0.8-1.5, p = 0.468). Utilization of outpatient care and the risk of CHE was relatively higher among the least poor than the poorest households, however, the degree of inequality was relatively smaller in the intervention arms than in the control arm.
    UNASSIGNED: Economic support alone and in combination with community dialogue aiming to reduce early childbearing did not appear to have a substantial impact on healthcare utilization and CHE in rural Zambia. However, although cash transfer did not significantly improve healthcare utilization, it reduced the degree of inequality in outpatient healthcare utilization and CHE across wealth groups.
    UNASSIGNED:,, identifier (NCT02709967).






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    BACKGROUND: Children in Lao People\'s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) receive suboptimal nutrition because of low breastfeeding rates, undermining their developmental potential. While major public health campaigns have attempted to increase breastfeeding rates, they have been largely unsuccessful. One explanation for these unsuccessful interventions is the economic and financial constraints faced by mothers. A potential solution for alleviating these pressures is providing social transfers to support breastfeeding; defined as a cash or in-kind transfer. Capitalizing on key strategies used in previous social transfer programs, we will assess the effectiveness of social transfer intervention for increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to conduct a randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to assess whether social transfers can increase exclusive breastfeeding rates in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.
    METHODS: A prospective, parallel cluster-RCT was conducted among 300 mothers who recently gave birth and initiated breastfeeding. Enrolling 100 participants for each intervention arm provided us with 80% power to detect an increase in exclusive breastfeeding from the anticipated 21% in the control arm to 40% in either of the 2 intervention arms. Mother-infant dyads were enrolled at approximately 1 month post partum. Follow-up visits will occur at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years post partum; with the ambition to extend the follow-up period. Mother-infant dyads were enrolled between August 2022 and April 2023 with follow-up until 3 years post partum (2026). A local study team comprised of 2 nurses and 2 laboratory technicians is responsible for enrollment and follow-up of participants. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups during the baseline, 1-month visit: (1) control group, no social transfer; (2) intervention group 1, an unconditional social transfer at 6 months post partum; and (3) intervention group 2, a social transfer at 6 months post partum conditional upon mothers exclusively breastfeeding. All groups received educational materials supporting mothers to exclusively breastfeed. The primary end point will be exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months post partum. Secondary end points will include exclusive and complementary breastfeeding duration, childhood wasting and stunting, child growth, maternal and infant stress, predictors of early breastfeeding cessation, intestinal inflammation, anemia, maternal weight loss, maternal blood pressure, maternal anxiety, and GRIT personality score. Questionnaires and physical examinations were used to collect information.
    RESULTS: As of November 2023, the study has enrolled 300 participants. Study participation is ongoing until December 2026 at minimum. Over the study lifetime, 93% have completed all visits.
    CONCLUSIONS: We see potential for a long-term program that may be implemented in other low- or lower-middle-income countries with only minor modifications. The RCT will be used as a basis for observational studies and to investigate the impact of human milk on child fecal microbiota and growth.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05665049;
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/54768.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Many low-income adults who smoke also have unmet social needs, such as food insecurity, which can serve as a barrier to smoking cessation. We developed a novel intervention to jointly address smoking cessation and food insecurity and assessed its feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes. We enrolled participants who screened for food insecurity, reported smoking daily, and were ready to quit. All participants received 3 months of resources navigation from a community health worker through monthly telephone calls for referrals and check-ins for smoking cessation and food access resources. Participants randomized to the intervention group received an economic intervention equivalent to the cost of 1 week of groceries/month for 3 months. We randomized 55 participants who were smoking on average 13 cigarettes/day. The trial was feasible and acceptable based on 3-month retention rates (80%) and end-of-study qualitative feedback (91% would recommend the study to others). At 3 months, participants in the intervention versus control group reported a longer length of abstinence from smoking and had a higher proportion of serious quit attempts. Results from this pilot study suggest the importance of attending to social needs, particularly food insecurity, as a strategy to promote smoking cessation among low-income adults who smoke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper examines the relationship between a national unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) program, health and savings. We theoretically and empirically show that motives to save can be strong when cash transfers promote health outcomes. We first present a theoretical model that considers lifecycle-consumption savings decisions, where households derive utility from consumption and leisure time at working age, as well as old-age consumption and old-age longevity that positively depend on health spending. We then empirically examine the impact of Pakistan\'s Benazir Income Support Programme on various indicators of savings and provide suggestive evidence on how UCTs influence savings via health. We find that in the short and medium term, UCTs increase the probability that a household decides to save and have significant positive effects on the rates and amounts of household savings. The effects of UCTs are more pronounced on informal compared to formal savings. The results present exploratory and suggestive evidence that health is a mechanism through which UCTs transmit to savings. These findings are consistent with our theoretical predictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence indicates that cash transfers can decrease intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, although most research has focused on women\'s perspectives and experiences, with less attention to men. We analyzed data from four focus group discussions with male partners of women who participated in the Ghana Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) 1000 cash transfer program. We elicited men\'s perceptions of poverty, relationship dynamics, IPV and cash transfers targeted to their wives using thematic analysis. Men largely viewed the effects of the cash transfer as positive - they felt decreased provider role strain when women used the cash to cover household expenses such as food and school fees. Men also indicated that they felt respected when women used the cash to cover sudden expenses, such as funeral costs, thus preventing the need to borrow from community members and exposing their inability to fulfill provider roles. These feelings of relief and respect helped improve men\'s overall wellbeing, their marital relationships and reduced the potential for IPV. Despite these positive results, men revealed that they still expected to be informed and consulted about the transfer and its expenditure, and felt disrespected when women did not do so, thus heightening the potential for household conflict. Further research and innovation in programming is needed to integrate gender transformative strategies into cash transfer programs, explicitly aimed at changing gender norms to enhance and sustain beneficial impacts on gender relations and IPV.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    BACKGROUND: Chronic malnutrition is a condition associated with negative impacts on physical and cognitive development. It is multi-causal and can start very early in life, already in utero, thus it is especially challenging to find appropriate interventions to tackle it. The government of Angola is implementing a standard of care program with potential to prevent it, and the provision of cash transfers and the supplementation with small quantity lipid-based nutrients (SQ-LNS) are also promising interventions. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the standard of care program alone and of the standard of care plus a cash transfer intervention in the lineal growth of children less than 2 years old and compare it to the effectiveness of a nutrition supplementation plus standard of care program in Southern Angola.
    METHODS: The three-arm parallel cluster randomised controlled trial is set in four communes of Huila and Cunene provinces. Clusters are villages or neighbourhoods with a population around 1075 people. A total of twelve clusters were selected per arm and forty pregnant women are expected to be recruited in each cluster. Pregnant women receive the standard of care alone, or the standard of care plus unconditional cash transfer or plus nutritional supplementation during the first 1000 days, from pregnancy to the child reaching 24 months. The primary outcome is the prevalence of stunting measured as height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) < -2 in children below 2 years. Impact will be assessed at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of children\'s age. Secondary outcomes include mortality, morbidity, caring, hygiene and nutrition behaviours and practices, and women and children\'s dietary diversity. Quantitative data are also collected on women\'s empowerment, household food security, expenditure and relevant clinical and social events at baseline, endline and intermediate time points.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results will provide valuable information on the impact of the standard of care intervention alone as well as combined with an unconditional cash transfer intervention compared to a nutrition supplementation plus standard of care intervention, carried out during the first 1000 days, in the children´s growth up to 2 years and related outcomes in Southern Angola.
    BACKGROUND: Clinical Trials NCT05571280. Registered 7 October 2022.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cash Transfer (CT) programmes can improve maternal and child health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. However, studies assessing the effectiveness of these programmes on maternal and child health outcomes (MCH), beyond nutritional outcomes and service utilisation, remain inconclusive.
    We synthesized current empirical evidence on the effectiveness of these programmes in improving MCH outcomes and suggested a framework for reporting such outcomes. We focused on sub-Saharan Africa because of substantial operational differences between regions, and the need for MCH advancement in this region.
    This review searched PubMed Central and Google Scholar and supplemented it with a backward citation search for studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa for the period between 2000 and 2021. Only peer-reviewed studies on CT that reported health outcomes beyond nutritional outcomes and service utilisation among women of reproductive age and children below 18 years old were included.
    Twenty-one articles reporting studies conducted in six sub-Saharan African countries were identified. All studies reported health outcome measures, and programmes targeted women of reproductive age and children under 18 years of age. Of the 21 articles, 1 reported measures of mortality, 13 reported measures of functional status; 3 reported subjective measures of well-being, and 4 reported behavioural health outcomes. Across all categories of reported measures, evidence emerges that cash transfer programmes improved some health outcomes (e.g. improved infant and child survival, reduced incidence of illnesses, improved cognitive and motor development, improved general health, delayed sexual debut, lower transactional sex, etc.), while in some of the studies, outcomes such as depression did not show significant improvements.
    Cash Transfer programmes are effective and cost-effective, with a real potential to improve maternal and child health outcomes in sub-Saharan African countries. However, further research is needed to address implementation challenges, which include data collection, and programme management.





