carotid rete

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The carotid rete is a physiological network between the external and internal carotid arteries (ICA) in lower vertebrates. However, true carotid rete does not exist in humans. This review aimed to contrast the physiological function of human \"rete-like collaterals\" with that of lower vertebrate \"rete mirabile\". An explanation for the development of rete-like collaterals in human intracranial arteries was also discussed. The rete mirabile (carotid, vertebral, spinal, and thoracic) in lower vertebrates has a specific physiological role and does not form vasculature for the same purpose in humans. Therefore, the term \"rete mirabile\" should not be used for cases reported in humans. Instead, \"rete-like collaterals\" is preferred. In the literature, rete-like or arterial anastomosis was observed in the ICA cavernous portion and the intradural arteries. Based on the hypothesis of the segmental concept, it applies to the ICA and intracranial arteries. Whether in the ICA, middle cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, or posterior inferior cerebellar artery, the segmental concept is the same and should be considered to have formed secondary collaterals after segmental regress or dysgenesis of affected arteries. Summarily, the significance of this review lies in its reevaluation of vascular structures previously described as \"carotid rete\" in humans to a true and preferred term, \"rete-like collaterals\". It also provides insights into the historical context and potential genetic factors associated with the formation of arteries in humans, contributing to a better understanding of human vascular anatomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of obtaining high-resolution multiplanar computed tomography (CT) imaging of the cranial arterial circulation of the cat (Felis catus), the rete mirabile, and components of the skull, utilizing preserved cat specimens with an arterial system that was injected with a radiopaque contrast compound in the early 1970s. Review of the literature shows no high-resolution CT studies of the cat\'s cranial circulation, with only few plain radiographic studies, all with limited cranial vascular visualization. In view of the inability of the radiographic techniques available from 1970s to mid-2000s to provide high-resolution imaging of the arterial circulation within the intact skull and brain of the cat, without dissection and histologic sectioning and disruption of tissues, no further imaging was performed for many years. In 2010, a high-resolution micro CT scanner became available, large enough to scan the entire nondissected head of the arterially injected cats. All the obtained CT images were processed with a software program that provided 3D volume rendering and multiplanar reconstruction with the ability to change the plane angulation and slab thickness. These technical features permitted more precise identification of specific arterial and bony anatomy. The obtained images demonstrated, with a nondestructive method, high-resolution vascular anatomy of the cerebral, orbital, facial arterial system, the rete mirabile, and skull bone components of the cat, with details not previously described in the literature. Anat Rec, 302:1958-1967, 2019. © 2019 The Authors. The Anatomical Record published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Anatomists.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terrestrial artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates) inhabit some of the world\'s most extreme environments, including arid deserts and high elevations. As medium-to-large-bodied mammals, artiodactyls have a suite of specialized physiologies to facilitate occupation of regions unavailable to other large mammals. One such physiology is selective brain cooling, wherein reduction of brain temperature below core body temperature has been demonstrated to reduce evaporative water loss. This physiology is enabled by an arterial heat-exchanger called the carotid rete. The ubiquity of the carotid rete throughout the clade, as well as its evolutionary history, is currently uninvestigated. Here, I use osteological correlates to survey clade-wide presence and morphology of the carotid rete, prior to conducting a preliminary evolutionary analysis. Nearly all living artiodactyls possess a carotid rete and are capable of selective brain cooling; however, major arteries supplying the rete are derived from different embryonic aortic arches on a suborder-specific basis. Ancestral character estimation infers this pattern of variation to be the result of independent evolutionary processes, suggesting carotid rete homoplasy arising via parallelism. This is a surprising finding given the role this structure plays in driving a physiology that has been implicated in mitigating artiodactylan responses to extreme environmental conditions. Future studies should incorporate extinct species represented in the fossil record to better parse between parallel and convergent mechanisms, as well as to better understand the relationship between the carotid rete, selective brain cooling, and survivorship of climate perturbation. Anat Rec, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Anat Rec, 303:308-317, 2020. © 2018 American Association for Anatomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Selective brain cooling (SBC) methods could alleviate the complications associated with systemic hypothermia. The authors (MFB, LK, and T-YL) have developed a simple and an effective nasopharyngeal SBC method using a vortex tube. The primary focus of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach on rabbits and compare it with our previous published finding on piglets, which are mammals without and with a carotid rete, respectively.
    METHODS: Experiments were conducted on six rabbits. Body temperature was measured continuously using an esophageal temperature probe while brain temperature was measured with an implanted thermometer. Two successive experiments were performed on each animal. In the first experiment, brain cooling was initiated by blowing room temperature air from the hospital medical air outlet, at a flow rate of 14-15 L/min into both nostrils for 60 min. The second series of measurements and brain cooling was performed in the same manner as the first one but blowing cold air (- 7 °C) at the same flow rate.
    RESULTS: One hour post cooling with room temperature air at a flow rate of 14-15 L/min, the brain temperature was 34.2 ± 1.2 °C which resulted in mean brain cooling rates of 3.7 ± 0.9 °C/h. Brain temperature could be reduced more rapidly at mean rates of 5.2 ± 1.9 °C/h, while the body temperature as measured by the esophageal temperature probe was maintained above 36 °C during cooling and maintaining period.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that using the vortex tube allows initial rapid and SBC in rabbits. Moreover, comparing results between piglets and rabbits demonstrates clearly that the lack of a carotid rete does not prevent specific cooling of the brain by means of the nasopharyngeal method.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When comparative neuromorphological studies are extended into evolutionary contexts, traits of interest are often linked to diversification patterns. Features demonstrably associated with increases in diversification rates and the infiltration or occupation of novel niche spaces are often termed \"key innovations.\" Within the past decade, phylogenetically informed methods have been developed to test key innovation hypotheses and evaluate the influence these traits have had in shaping modern faunas. This is primarily accomplished by estimating state-dependent speciation and extinction rates. These methods have important caveats and guidelines related to both calculation and interpretation, which are necessary to understand in cases of discrete (qualitative) character analysis, as can be common when studying the evolution of neuromorphology. In such studies, inclusion of additional characters, acknowledgement of character codistribution, and addition of sister clade comparison should be explored to ensure model accuracy. Even so, phylogenies provide a survivor-only examination of character evolution, and paleontological contexts may be necessary to replicate and confirm results. Here, I review these issues in the context of selective brain cooling - a neurovascular-mediated osmoregulatory physiology that dampens hypothalamic responses to heat stress and reduces evaporative water loss in large-bodied mammals. This binary character provides an example of the interplay between sample size, evenness, and character codistribution. Moreover, it allows for an opportunity to compare phylogenetically constrained results with paleontological data, augmenting survivor-only analyses with observable extinction patterns. This trait- dependent diversification example indicates that selective brain cooling is significantly associated with the generation of modern large-mammal faunas. Importantly, paleontological data validate phylogenetic patterns and demonstrate how suites of characters worked in concert to establish the large-mammal communities of today.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artiodactyl cranial arterial patterns deviate significantly from the standard mammalian pattern, most notably in the possession of a structure called the carotid rete (CR)-a subdural arterial meshwork that is housed within the cavernous venous sinus, replacing the internal carotid artery (ICA). This relationship between the CR and the cavernous sinus facilitates a suite of unique physiologies, including selective brain cooling. The CR has been studied in a number of artiodactyls; however, to my knowledge, only a single study to date documents a subset of the cranial arteries of New World camelids (llamas, alpacas, vicugñas and guanacoes). This study is the first complete description of the cranial arteries of a New World camelid species, the alpaca (Vicugna pacos), and the first description of near-parturition cranial arterial morphology within New World camelids. This study finds that the carotid arterial system is conserved between developmental stages in the alpaca, and differs significantly from the pattern emphasized in other long-necked ruminant artiodactyls in that a patent, homologous ICA persists through the animal\'s life.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nearly all living artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates) possess a derived cranial arterial pattern that is highly distinctive from most other mammals. Foremost among a suite of atypical arterial configurations is the functional and anatomical replacement of the internal carotid artery with an extensive, subdural arterial meshwork called the carotid rete. This interdigitating network branches from the maxillary artery and is housed within the cavernous venous sinus. As the cavernous sinus receives cooled blood draining from the nasal mucosa, heat rapidly dissipates across the high surface area of the rete to be carried away from the brain by the venous system. This combination yields one of the most effective mechanisms of selective brain cooling. Although arterial development begins from the same embryonic scaffolding typical of mammals, possession of a rete is typically accompanied by obliteration of the internal carotid artery. Among taxa with available ontogenetic data, the point at which the internal carotid obliterates is variable throughout development. In small-bodied artiodactyls, the internal carotid typically obliterates prior to parturition, but in larger species, the vessel may remain patent for several years. In this study, we use digital anatomical data collection methods to describe the cranial arterial patterns for a growth series of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), from parturition to senescence. Giraffes, in particular, have unique cardiovascular demands and adaptations owing to their exceptional body form and may not adhere to previously documented stages of cranial arterial development. We find the carotid arterial system to be conserved between developmental stages and that obliteration of the giraffe internal carotid artery occurs prior to parturition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans, like all mammals and birds, maintain a near constant core body temperature of 36-37.5°C over a broad range of environmental conditions and are thus referred to as endotherms. The evolution of the brain and its supporting structures in mammals and birds coincided with this development of endothermy. Despite the recognition that a more evolved and complicated brain with all of its temperature-dependent cerebral circuitry and neuronal processes would require more sophisticated thermal control mechanisms, the current understanding of brain temperature regulation remains limited. To optimize the development and maintenance of the brain in health and to accelerate its healing and restoration in illness, focused, and committed efforts are much needed to advance the fundamental understanding of brain temperature. To effectively study and examine brain temperature and its regulation, we must first understand relevant anatomical and physiological properties of thermoregulation in the head-neck regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cranial arterial pattern of artiodactyls deviates significantly from the typical mammalian pattern. One of the most striking atypical features is the rete mirabile epidurale: a subdural arterial meshwork that functionally and anatomically replaces the arteria carotis interna. This meshwork facilitates an exceptional ability to cool the brain, and was thought to be present in all artiodactyls. Recent research, however, has found that species of mouse deer (Artiodactyla: Tragulidae) endemic to the Malay Archipelago possess a complete a. carotis interna instead of a rete mirabile epidurale. As tragulids are the sister group to pecoran ruminants, the lack of a rete mirabile epidurale in these species raises intriguing evolutionary questions about the origin and nature of artiodactyl thermoregulatory cranial vasculature. In this study, cranial arterial patterns are documented for the remaining species within the Tragulidae. Radiopaque latex vascular injection, computed tomography (CT-scanning), and digital 3-dimensional anatomical reconstruction are used to image the cranial arteries of a Sri Lankan spotted chevrotain, Moschiola meminna. Sites of hard and soft tissue interaction were identified, and these osteological correlates were then sought in nine skulls representative of the remaining tragulid species. Both hard and soft tissue surveys confirm that the presence of an a. carotis interna is the common condition for tragulids. Moreover, the use of a 3-D, radiographic anatomical imaging technique enabled identification of a carotico-maxillary anastomosis that may have implications for the evolution of the artiodactyl rete mirabile epidurale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the mammalian order Artiodactyla, the majority of arterial blood entering the intracranial cavity is supplied by a large arterial meshwork called the carotid rete. This vascular structure functionally replaces the internal carotid artery. Extensive experimentation has demonstrated that the artiodactyl carotid rete drives one of the most effective selective brain cooling mechanisms among terrestrial vertebrates. Less well understood is the impact that the unique morphology of the carotid rete may have on the hemodynamics of blood flow to the cerebrum. It has been hypothesized that, relative to the tubular internal carotid arteries of most other vertebrates, the highly convoluted morphology of the carotid rete may increase resistance to flow during extreme changes in cerebral blood pressure, essentially protecting the brain by acting as a resistor. We test this hypothesis by employing simple and complex physical models to a 3D surface rendering of the carotid rete of the domestic goat, Capra hircus. First, we modeled the potential for increased resistance across the carotid rete using an electrical circuit analog. The extensive branching of the rete equates to a parallel circuit that is bound in series by single tubular arteries, both upstream and downstream. This method calculated a near-zero increase in resistance across the rete. Because basic equations do not incorporate drag, shear-stress, and turbulence, we used computational fluid dynamics to simulate the impact of these computationally intensive factors on resistance. Ultimately, both simple and complex models demonstrated negligible changes in resistance and blood pressure across the arterial meshwork. We further tested the resistive potential of the carotid rete by simulating blood pressures known to occur in giraffes. Based on these models, we found resistance (and blood pressure mitigation as a whole) to be an unlikely function for the artiodactyl carotid rete.





